Kingsleya is a genus of crab
True crabs are decapod crustaceans of the infraorder Brachyura, which typically have a very short projecting "tail" , or where the reduced abdomen is entirely hidden under the thorax...

s in the family Pseudothelphusidae
Pseudothelphusidae is a family of freshwater crabs found chiefly in mountain streams in the Neotropics. They are believed to have originated in the Greater Antilles and then crossed to Central America via a Pliocene land bridge.-Parasitology:...

, containing the following species:
  • Kingsleya besti Magãlhaes, 1990
  • Kingsleya gustavoi Magãlhaes, 2004
  • Kingsleya junki Magãlhaes, 2003
  • Kingsleya latifrons (Rathbun, 1840)
  • Kingsleya siolii (Bott, 1967)
  • Kingsleya ytupora Magãlhaes, 1986
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