Kiwix is a free program used to view Wikipedia offline (no Internet connection). This is done by reading the content of the project stored in a file of the ZIM format, which contains the compressed contents of Wikipedia. It is now possible to read any Wikimedia project, not just Wikipedia for which it was originally designed.
The software is designed for computers without Internet access, and in particular, those schools in the Third World, where this service is scant. Kiwix has designed a version specifically for the organization SOS Children's thinking about that goal.
Today Kiwix has a version that can act as HTTP server called kiwix-serve (only available for Linux). This version was made with the idea to place a single server where multiple clients can read the information, all this without having access to the Internet. kiwix-serve is based on the HTTP server libmicrohttpd which was built with part of that software.
The software is designed for computers without Internet access, and in particular, those schools in the Third World, where this service is scant. Kiwix has designed a version specifically for the organization SOS Children's thinking about that goal.
Today Kiwix has a version that can act as HTTP server called kiwix-serve (only available for Linux). This version was made with the idea to place a single server where multiple clients can read the information, all this without having access to the Internet. kiwix-serve is based on the HTTP server libmicrohttpd which was built with part of that software.