Kokoro Kikuchi
is a Japanese voice actor. She is part of Toei Academy.
Kokoro is best known for voicing Akito Wanijima in Air Gear.
Kokoro is best known for voicing Akito Wanijima in Air Gear.
- Air GearAir Gearis a shōnen manga written and illustrated by Ito "Oh Great" Ōgure. Air Gear revolves around the life of Itsuki Minami "Ikki", also known as "Baby Face", "Lil Crow", and his friends. The story follows their use of Air Treks, an in-universe invention derived from inline skates...
(Akito/Agito Wanijima) - Aria the Origination (Boy B)
- AyakashiAyakashiis a Japanese animated horror anthology television series produced by Toei Animation.The series is made up of three stories: "Yotsuya Ghost Story", an adaptation of the classic Japanese ghost story; "Goddess of the Dark Tower", based on the play by Kyōka Izumi; and Goblin Cat, an original story by...
(Jiroukichi) - Bakugan Battle BrawlersBakugan Battle Brawlersis a Japanese action adventure anime television series produced by TMS Entertainment and Japan Vistec under the direction of Mitsuo Hashimoto. The story centers on the lives of creatures called Bakugan and the battle brawlers who possess them...
(Makoto) - Bobobo-bo Bo-boboBobobo-bo Bo-bobois a Japanese manga series written and illustrated by Yoshio Sawai, published by Shueisha, and serialized in the Weekly Shōnen Jump magazine...
(girlfriend) - Coyote Ragtime ShowCoyote Ragtime Showis an anime series directed by Takuya Nonaka and produced by ufotable, which first aired in Japan on July 3, 2006. The storyline consists of the adventures of a group of space-faring fugitives in search of a treasure....
(August) - Digimon Savers (Chika Daimon)
- Digimon Xros WarsDigimon Xros Warscontains the sixth and seventh anime television series in the Digimon franchise by Akiyoshi Hongō, produced by Toei Animation. It follows a boy named Taiki Kudō who utilizes the power of joining together Digimon in order to save the Digital World...
(Sparrowmon/Pickmon) - Digital Monster X-EvolutionDigital Monster X-Evolutionis the eighth Digimon film, and the first to air originally on Japanese television. It aired on January 3, 2005, at 7:15 a.m. UTC+9/JST on the Fuji TV network....
(Kokuwamon X) - Eyeshield 21Eyeshield 21is a manga about American football written by Riichiro Inagaki and illustrated by Yusuke Murata. It has been adapted into an anime movie in 2004 , an anime television series in 2005, several video games and a trading card game from Konami. The manga is serialized in Shueisha's Weekly Shōnen Jump...
(young Sena KobayakawaSena Kobayakawais the main protagonist in the manga and anime series Eyeshield 21. He is a dynamic character who, at the start of the series, willingly becomes a gopher for other people to avoid being bullied more...
, Haruko) - Futari wa Pretty CureFutari wa Pretty CurePretty Cure, known in Japan as , is a Japanese magical girl anime series, part of the Pretty Cure metaseries produced by Toei Animation and broadcast across Japan by Animax, TV Asahi and Asahi Broadcasting Corporation. The series is watched mostly by elementary and secondary students in Japan; it...
- Futari wa Pretty Cure Max HeartFutari wa Pretty CurePretty Cure, known in Japan as , is a Japanese magical girl anime series, part of the Pretty Cure metaseries produced by Toei Animation and broadcast across Japan by Animax, TV Asahi and Asahi Broadcasting Corporation. The series is watched mostly by elementary and secondary students in Japan; it...
(Pation) - Futari wa Pretty Cure Splash StarFutari wa Pretty Cure Splash Star, often shortened simply to Pretty Cure Splash★Star or PreCure Splash★Star, is a magical girl anime series produced by Toei Animation and Asahi Broadcasting Corporation, which aired in Japan Animax, TV Asahi and Asahi Broadcasting Corporation between February 5, 2006 and January 28, 2007...
(boy) - Ghost HuntGhost Hunt, originally titled , is a light novel series written by Fuyumi Ono. It follows the adventures of the Shibuya Psychic Research Center as they investigate mysterious occurrences all over Japan with a team of other spiritualists and clever assistants. Although the last novel was published in 1994,...
(Kenji) - HeartCatch PreCure!HeartCatch PreCure!, also called HeartCatch Pretty Cure! is a Japanese anime series and the seventh Pretty Cure installment by Izumi Todo. Produced by Toei Animation, the series premiered on February 7, 2010 on TV Asahi, following Fresh Pretty Cure!, and ended on January 30, 2011, where it was followed by Suite...
(Potpourri) - Konjiki no Gash Bell!!Zatch Bell!Zatch Bell!, known in Japan as is a shōnen manga series written and illustrated by Makoto Raiku. It was published in Shogakukan's Weekly Shōnen Sunday...
- Lovely ComplexLovely Complex, also known as Lovely Complex, is a romantic comedy shōjo manga by Aya Nakahara. It was published by Shueisha in Bessatsu Margaret from 2001 to 2006 and collected in 17 tankōbon volumes. The series is about the romance between a tall girl and a short boy who are treated as a comedy duo by their...
(Umibōzu's child) - MushishiMushishiis a manga series written and illustrated by Yuki Urushibara, published in Kodansha's Afternoon magazine from 1999 to August 2008.The manga was adapted into an anime television series in 2005. The Artland production was directed by Hiroshi Nagahama...
(Fusa) - Shinryaku! Ika MusumeShinryaku! Ika MusumeSquid Girl, known in Japan as , a comedy manga series written by Masahiro Anbe, which began serialization in Weekly Shōnen Champion from 2007. It is published in Taiwan by Chingwin Publishing Group...
(Kiyomi Sakura) - Shura no Toki - Age of Chaos (young Miyamoto Iori)
- Sugar Sugar RuneSugar Sugar Runeor Sugar² Rune is a manga by Moyoco Anno and an anime TV series based upon it. The anime series' time slot was replaced by Demashita! Powerpuff Girls Z in mid-2006.- Story :...
(Akira Mikado) - Yu-Gi-Oh! 5D'sYu-Gi-Oh! 5D'sis a Yu-Gi-Oh! series which aired in Japan between April 2, 2008 and March 30, 2011, following the previous series, Yu-Gi-Oh! GX, and was succeeded by Yu-Gi-Oh! Zexal, on April 11, 2011...
(Tenpei Hayano)