Koorosh Modaressi
Koorosh Modaressi is the founder, general secretary of the central committee and leader (as of 2008) of the Worker-Communist Party of Iran - Hekmatist
Worker-Communist Party of Iran - Hekmatist
The Worker-communist Party of Iran – Hekmatist is an opposition Iranian political party in exile. Its founder and current leader is Koorosh Modaressi, its current vice-leader is Rahman Hosseinzadeh and its current Chair of the Politbureau is Fateh Sheikh....

. He was a founder of the Worker-Communist Party of Iran
Worker-Communist Party of Iran
The Worker-communist Party of Iran founded 1991, is a political party that seeks the revolutionary overthrow of the Islamic Republic of Iran and the establishment of a 'Socialist Republic' in its place...

 in 1991, from which his current party split.
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