Kota Setar
Kota Setar is a district in Kedah
Kedah is a state of Malaysia, located in the northwestern part of Peninsular Malaysia. The state covers a total area of over 9,000 km², and it consists of the mainland and Langkawi. The mainland has a relatively flat terrain, which is used to grow rice...

, Malaysia where the state capital Alor Star
Alor Star
Alor Setar, known as Alor Star between 2004 and 2008, is the state capital of Kedah, Malaysia, and Kota Setar District's Administrative Centre. It is also a distribution center for manufacturing and agricultural products such as paddy, and the royal seat of the Kedah state since the establishment...

 is situated.

Origin of name

The name Kota Setar came from the setar or ‘Stak’ tree (Bouea macrophylla
Bouea macrophylla
Bouea macrophylla is a tropical fruit tree native to Southeast Asia. The tree belongs to the family Anacardiaceae, and is related to the mango.-Description:The evergreen tree grows to height of 25 meters...

), an indigenous plant that bore an edible orange coloured fruit.
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