Koudelka (Barrayar)
Koudelka is a last name of several minor characters in Lois McMaster Bujold
Lois McMaster Bujold
Lois McMaster Bujold is an American author of science fiction and fantasy works. Bujold is one of the most acclaimed writers in her field, having won the prestigious Hugo Award for best novel four times, matching Robert A. Heinlein's record. Her novella The Mountains of Mourning won both the Hugo...

's science fiction
Science fiction
Science fiction is a genre of fiction dealing with imaginary but more or less plausible content such as future settings, futuristic science and technology, space travel, aliens, and paranormal abilities...

 series, the Vorkosigan Saga
Vorkosigan Saga
The Vorkosigan Saga is a series of science fiction novels and short stories set in a common fictional universe by American author Lois McMaster Bujold. Most of these were published between 1986 and 2002, with the exceptions being “Winterfair Gifts” and Cryoburn...


Clement Koudelka

Clement "Kou" Koudelka served as an Ensign aboard the General Vorkraft under Captain Aral Vorkosigan
Aral Vorkosigan
Aral Vorkosigan is a fictitious character from Lois McMaster Bujold's Vorkosigan Saga series. Known throughout this science fiction universe as “The Butcher of Komarr,” he dominates the imagination of the two main point-of-view characters in the Vorkosigan Saga, Cordelia , who becomes his wife,...

 during the novel Shards of Honor. He received a non-fatal hit by a nerve disruptor and eventually had his nerves replaced with artificial nerves. This "tin foil nervous system", as he described it, could not give him full mobility and he required various artificial aids. These included a walking cane, for which Cordelia Naismith shrewdly substituted a swordstick
A swordstick or cane-sword is a cane incorporating a concealed blade. The term is typically used to describe European weapons from around the 18th century, but similar devices have been used throughout history, notably the Japanese shikomizue and the Ancient Roman dolon.- Popularity :The swordstick...

 as a confidence booster.

Facing a life of poverty on the limited pay of an invalid ex-Ensign, he was surprised to find himself promoted to Lieutenant and made personal secretary to the Lord Regent, Aral Vorkosigan
Aral Vorkosigan
Aral Vorkosigan is a fictitious character from Lois McMaster Bujold's Vorkosigan Saga series. Known throughout this science fiction universe as “The Butcher of Komarr,” he dominates the imagination of the two main point-of-view characters in the Vorkosigan Saga, Cordelia , who becomes his wife,...

. Still severely emotionally traumatized by his injury, given Barrayar's intolerance for any disability or deformity, he met Ludmilla Droushnakovi when she was seconded to the Regent's household and immediately fell in love with her, but was too ashamed to woo her.

Despite this, sparks flew and the two enjoyed a fleeting tryst on a sofa in Vorkosigan House, highly approved of by Cordelia but a subject of embarrassment and shame to both native Barrayarans. Koudelka was especially ashamed to have, in his words, "dishonored" a woman who, as a trained bodyguard of Amazonian physique, could break him in half even if he was not disabled. Behind her own social conditioning, of course, Droushnakovi did not feel at all dishonored, but was equally incapable of communicating this.

In the heat of the War of Vordarian's Pretendership, Cordelia was able to persuade them to overcome their inhibitions and follow their instincts. "Kou" married his "Drou" at the end of the novel Barrayar.

He was eventually promoted to Commodore, and he and his wife continue as Aral and Cordelia's
Cordelia Naismith
Cordelia Naismith is the name of two fictional characters by Lois McMaster Bujold. One is the titular character from a Victorian era Sherlock Holmes short story entitled "Adventures of the Lady on the Embankment" included in her anthology Dreamweaver's Dilemma...

 closest friends. This friendship was tested when Mark Vorkosigan and Koudelka's daughter Kareen became a couple and engaged in a sexual relationship while on Beta Colony. Cordelia squashed the parental objections during a meeting at Vorkosigan House, partly by re-introducing them to the sofa on which they had enjoyed their own first moments of passion.

Ludmilla Droushnakovi

Ludmilla "Drou" Droushnakovi was the personal bodyguard to Princess Kareen and later to Regent Consort Cordelia Vorkosigan
Cordelia Naismith
Cordelia Naismith is the name of two fictional characters by Lois McMaster Bujold. One is the titular character from a Victorian era Sherlock Holmes short story entitled "Adventures of the Lady on the Embankment" included in her anthology Dreamweaver's Dilemma...

 and then eventually reassigned to child Emperor Gregor
Gregor Vorbarra
Gregor Vorbarra is the Emperor of the Barrayaran Imperium in the sci-fi series the Vorkosigan Saga by Lois McMaster Bujold.As of CryoBurn, Gregor Vorbarra is the current Emperor of Barrayar...

, who knew her as "Droushie". She married Clement Koudelka and eventually had four daughters with him.

"Drou", who like her husband despises her given name, is not only a fully trained bodyguard, expert in martial arts and weapons, but is tall and strong besides. During submission wrestling
Submission wrestling
Submission wrestling or Combat wrestling in Japan, is a formula of competition and a general term describing the aspect of martial arts and combat sports that focus on clinch and ground fighting with the aim of obtaining a submission using submission holds...

 contests at Vorkosigan House she knocked out a male Barrayaran soldier in under 10 seconds, although her social conditioning got in the way until Cordelia told her to stop holding back.

As an Imperial bodyguard she was also required to learn every possible escape route from the Palace in case of emergency, and was made aware of the locations of secret caches of money, false documents and weapons set aside to aid an escape. This knowledge was equally useful in breaking into the Palace when it was occupied by Count Vordarian
Vordarian's Pretendership
Vordarian's Pretendership is a major event in Lois McMaster Bujold's sci-fi series, the Vorkosigan Saga.-Background:The War of Vordarian's Pretendership occurred in the novel Barrayar. Emperor Ezar had just died; his son Crown Prince Serg had died earlier in the Escobar War, leaving only Ezar's...


Naturally Drou trained her daughters in the same martial arts she learned, as a defense against the male dominated society they lived in. This training enabled Olivia to take down three hoodlums attempting to harm her intended, Lord Dono Vorrutyer, compared to one by Ivan Vorpatril who was also on the scene.

As a young woman, Drou was a tall, strapping muscular blonde, with what Cordelia referred to as 'valkyrie
In Norse mythology, a valkyrie is one of a host of female figures who decides who dies in battle. Selecting among half of those who die in battle , the valkyries bring their chosen to the afterlife hall of the slain, Valhalla, ruled over by the god Odin...

 good looks.' Now a respected matron, she is still tautly muscled, but her long hair has acquired a silvery-sheen.

Her wedding dress was designed by Lady Alys Vorpatril, described as 'a graceful fall of white silk,' as her height would make her look ungainly and weighty in the lace gown she originally chose.

The Koudelka Girls

Koudelka and Droushanakovi had four girls. This was unusual for their generation, as recently-imported Galactic technology allowed the parents to choose their children's sex; the patriarchal Barrayarans more often picked boys, resulting in a serious gender imbalance. In addition, the two later children were some of the first Barrayarans to be born in uterine replicators.

Kou and Drou had hoped their children would do well for themselves, ideally marrying promising young officers. This met with a limited amount of success, but as of A Civil Campaign, all four are either married or firmly attached—thought not always to whom their parents expected.

All four daughters are lovely and blonde, and all except Kareen are uncommonly tall. They are often half-jokingly referred to as Koudelka's All-Blonde Commando Team or just Team Koudelka.


Delia is the oldest and most socially adept of the Koudelka girls; she seems to be "in training to be Lady Alys." Fittingly, she follows Barrayaran social convention and becomes engaged to a rising officer, Duv Galeni. Duv was initially unaware of this, but his social and career prospects, not to mention his good looks, made him a prime target. He was also less than desirable to Vor women because of his Komarran roots. Delia simply determined that "he's the one" and set about making it happen. As her sister told Miles, "Some fellows you have to hit with a brick to get their attention. Some you have to hit with a big brick."

It is highly likely that Delia was named after Lady Cor(Delia) Vorkosigan
Cordelia Naismith
Cordelia Naismith is the name of two fictional characters by Lois McMaster Bujold. One is the titular character from a Victorian era Sherlock Holmes short story entitled "Adventures of the Lady on the Embankment" included in her anthology Dreamweaver's Dilemma...

, her parents' liege-lady and good friend.


Olivia is her mother's daughter; bright, friendly, and dangerous. She spent much of her time in A Civil Campaign helping Lord Dono Vorrutyer lobby the Council of Counts, and was able to rescue him from a group of hoodlums who intended to reverse the sex-change operation that turned Lady Donna into Lord Dono. At the end of the novel, she and Dono announced their engagement. It is probable that Olivia was named after Countess Olivia Vorbarra Vorkosigan, Aral Vorkosigan
Aral Vorkosigan
Aral Vorkosigan is a fictitious character from Lois McMaster Bujold's Vorkosigan Saga series. Known throughout this science fiction universe as “The Butcher of Komarr,” he dominates the imagination of the two main point-of-view characters in the Vorkosigan Saga, Cordelia , who becomes his wife,...

's mother.


Martya is cynical, mostly about the patriarchal society of Barrayar and the Vor, but levelheaded and practical. She is also the most no-nonsense of the Koudelka girls and even a bit prickly. (Kareen observes that 'any man whose idea of a good time was to feed, pet and care for a creature that mainly responded to his worship with hostile noises, was going to get along great with Martya.') During the events of A Civil Campaign Kareen was forbidden to have any contact with the Vorkosigan household due to her forbidden affair with Mark Vorkosigan, and Martya was assigned as her warden. However, as she was not forbidden to contact the Vorkosigans, she was able to act as a conduit for information for Kareen—though not without tweaking her sister at the same time. Martya eventually became fond of Dr. Enrique Borgos, the quirky Escobaran biogeneticist principally responsible for Butter Bugs.


Kareen, the youngest Koudelka, is principally important in the Saga as the companion, business partner, and lover of Mark Vorkosigan
Mark Vorkosigan
Mark Pierre Vorkosigan is a character in Lois McMaster Bujold's sci-fi Series, the Vorkosigan Saga.Taken from its original location as a sidebar to Miles Vorkosigan...

, Miles Vorkosigan
Miles Vorkosigan
Miles Naismith Vorkosigan is the hero of a series of science fiction novels and short stories by Lois McMaster Bujold known as the Vorkosigan Saga. In an article in The Vorkosigan Companion, Bujold acknowledged several real-life inspirations for the character: T. E...

's clone brother. She first met Mark when he was introduced to Vor society at a ball while Miles was missing and presumed dead and Mark found himself thrust into the role of heir apparent. They fell hard and fast in love, in Mark's case almost to the point of dependency, and during their time on Beta—she there on an academic scholarship, he there for economics school and psychotherapy—became lovers. When they returned to Barrayar, Kareen felt trapped in a box, dependent on her family and pushed into traditional Barrayaran roles, which included chastity. This almost destroyed her and Mark, until Cordelia straightened them (and Kareen's parents) out. At that point, Kareen and Mark decided they had a "mutual option" on each other—not a formal promise to marry, but an accepted relationship which would be re-evaluated later, once Kareen had more of an idea of who she was and what she wanted.

Many years later, the Koudelka family finally accepts that Kareen will never be married or have children, even though all her sisters are married with children. Kareen is the unmarried life partner of Mark Vorkosigan and works/travels with him around the galaxy. Mark and Kareen adhere to the social norm of Beta Colony in choosing an unmarried life-partnership, which contrasts with Barrayaran marital norms. Mark's phobia about his upbringing makes him fearful of the thought of having children.

Kareen was named after Princess Kareen Vorbarra, whom Drou served as personal bodyguard.
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