Krazy was a British comic published every Monday by IPC Magazines Ltd
IPC Media
IPC Media , a wholly owned subsidiary of Time Inc., is a consumer magazine and digital publisher in the United Kingdom, with a large portfolio selling over 350 million copies each year.- Origins :...

. It ran from (issues dates) 16 October 1976 to 15 April 1978, when it merged with stable-mate Whizzer and Chips
Whizzer and Chips
Whizzer and Chips was a British comic magazine that ran from 18 October 1969 to 27 October 1990, when it merged with the comic Buster. As with most comics of the time, Whizzer and Chips was dated one week ahead....

. In 1977, one of the characters in the comic, Cheeky, proved popular enough to get his own comic, Cheeky, which was later merged into Whoopee!
Whoopee! (comic)
Whoopee! was a British comic that ran from 9 March 1974 to 30 March 1985, when it merged with Whizzer and Chips. It was published by IPC Magazines Ltd....

. The comic included a "disguise" back-cover, such as the cover of a diary or brochure, which allowed readers to hide the comic from parents or teachers (although one issue on April Fool's day had the front cover upside down).


Krazys stories included:
  • 'ello, It's Cheeky
  • Big Game Hunter
  • Birdman and Chicken
    Birdman and Chicken
    Birdman and Chicken was a comic strip in the British comic Krazy, drawn by Trevor Metcalfe. It concerned the adventures of "Birdman" and his not-so-bright helper "Chicken", who was nicknamed "The Boy Blunder". The title was a reference to Batman....

  • Detective Fumbly's (Nut) Case Book, a text story usually with one illustration, rather than a conventional strip
  • Fit Fred and Sick Sid
  • Handy Andy
  • Hit Kid
  • Kid Comic
  • The Krazy Gang
  • Micky Mimic
  • Paws
    Paws Incorporated. was founded in 1981 by Jim Davis, it is an American comic book studio and production company. It was founded to support the Garfield comic strip and its licensing. It is located in Muncie, Indiana and has a staff of nearly 50 artists and licensing administrators...

  • Pongalongapongo, featuring Pongo Snodgrass, originally a supporting character in The Krazy Gang
  • Ray Presto
  • Scaredy Cat
  • The 12½p Buytonic Boy
    The 12½p Buytonic Boy
    The 12½p Buytonic Boy was a fictional character who had his own strip in the UK comic Krazy.For much of its life the strip was drawn by Robert Nixon, although Brian Walker frequently deputised when Bob was on leave....

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