Ksiega Urodzaju
Księga Urodzaju – third album in Marcin Rozynek
Marcin Rozynek
Marcin Rozynek – Polish rock vocalist, songs' author, music producer. He released six albums, two of them were recorded with friend band Atmosphere...

's music career and artist's solo debut. It was released May 12, 2003
2003 in music
-January:* January – following an investigation by The International Federation of the Phonographic Industry and London detectives, police raids in England and the Netherlands recover nearly 500 original Beatles studio tapes, recorded during the Let It Be sessions. Five people are arrested...


Track listing

  1. "Do fabryk wrócić czas" - 4:02
  2. "Siłacz" - 3:59
  3. "Spojrzałeś mi prosto w twarz" - 3:29
  4. "Ślepy los" - 3:25
  5. "Pół-ludzie, pół-bogowie" - 3:55
  6. "Wstrząsająca historia do której scenariusz napisało życie" - 5:53
  7. "Najlepsze" - 4:25
  8. "Księga urodzaju" - 4:18
  9. "Poławiacze ogni" - 3:43
  10. "Tobą żywię się" - 4:00
  11. "Nieżywiec (bonus)" - 4:29


  • Najlepsze (2003
    2003 in music
    -January:* January – following an investigation by The International Federation of the Phonographic Industry and London detectives, police raids in England and the Netherlands recover nearly 500 original Beatles studio tapes, recorded during the Let It Be sessions. Five people are arrested...

  • Siłacz (2003
    2003 in music
    -January:* January – following an investigation by The International Federation of the Phonographic Industry and London detectives, police raids in England and the Netherlands recover nearly 500 original Beatles studio tapes, recorded during the Let It Be sessions. Five people are arrested...

  • Ślepy los (2003
    2003 in music
    -January:* January – following an investigation by The International Federation of the Phonographic Industry and London detectives, police raids in England and the Netherlands recover nearly 500 original Beatles studio tapes, recorded during the Let It Be sessions. Five people are arrested...


External links

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