Kyawswa II of Pinya
Kyawswa II of Pinya or Kyawswange was the fourth king of Pinya Kingdom
Pinya Kingdom
The Pinya Kingdom was a kingdom that ruled part of central Burma from 1313 to 1364. It was the successor state to the Myinsaing Kingdom, one of many petty kingdoms that emerged after the fall of the Pagan Empire in 1287...

 from 1350 to 1359. He died in 1359, right at the beginning of major fresh Shan raids into Upper Burma
Upper Burma
Upper Burma refers to a geographic region of Burma , traditionally encompassing Mandalay and its periphery , or more broadly speaking, Kachin and Shan States....

 (1359–1368) that would topple both Pinya Kingdom
Pinya Kingdom
The Pinya Kingdom was a kingdom that ruled part of central Burma from 1313 to 1364. It was the successor state to the Myinsaing Kingdom, one of many petty kingdoms that emerged after the fall of the Pagan Empire in 1287...

 and Sagaing Kingdom
Sagaing Kingdom
The Sagaing Kingdom was a kingdom that ruled a part of central Burma from 1315 to 1364. The kingdom was the western half of the old Myinsaing Kingdom, which itself was one of many petty kingdoms that emerged after the fall of the Pagan Empire in 1287...

by 1364.

Lord of Four White Elephants

Kyawswa claimed the title Laysishin (meaning Lord of Four White Elephants) because he possessed four white elephants during his reign. White elephants were believed to represent the royal authority. His grandfather, Thihathu, was also known as Tasishin (Lord of White Elephant), and his father Kyawswa I was known as Ngarsishin (Lord of Five White Elephants).
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