LR-5182 is a stimulant
Stimulants are psychoactive drugs which induce temporary improvements in either mental or physical function or both. Examples of these kinds of effects may include enhanced alertness, wakefulness, and locomotion, among others...

 drug which acts as a norepinephrine-dopamine reuptake inhibitor
Norepinephrine-dopamine reuptake inhibitor
A norepinephrine-dopamine reuptake inhibitor is a drug which acts as a reuptake inhibitor for the neurotransmitters norepinephrine and dopamine by blocking the action of the norepinephrine transporter and the dopamine transporter , respectively...

, structurally related to the better known drug fencamfamine
Fencamfamine is a stimulant which was developed by Merck in the 1960s.-Medical uses:Fencamfamine is still used, though rarely, for treating depressive day-time fatigue, lack of concentration and lethargy, particularly in individuals who have chronic medical conditions, as its favourable safety...

. It was developed by the pharmaceutical company Eli Lilly
Eli Lilly and Company
Eli Lilly and Company is a global pharmaceutical company. Eli Lilly's global headquarters is located in Indianapolis, Indiana, in the United States...

 in the 1970s, and researched for potential use as an antidepressant
An antidepressant is a psychiatric medication used to alleviate mood disorders, such as major depression and dysthymia and anxiety disorders such as social anxiety disorder. According to Gelder, Mayou &*Geddes people with a depressive illness will experience a therapeutic effect to their mood;...

, although never marketed. LR-5182 has two stereoisomers, both of which are active, although one isomer blocks reuptake of only dopamine and noradrenaline, while the other blocks reuptake of serotonin as well.

While LR-5182 itself never proceeded beyond initial animal studies, discovery of monoamine reuptake inhibition activity and stimulant effects in drugs of this type has subsequently led to the development of many other stimulant drugs of related chemical structure, primarily developed as potential antidepressants, or as substitute drugs for the treatment of cocaine
Cocaine is a crystalline tropane alkaloid that is obtained from the leaves of the coca plant. The name comes from "coca" in addition to the alkaloid suffix -ine, forming cocaine. It is a stimulant of the central nervous system, an appetite suppressant, and a topical anesthetic...

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