Lac de Charpal
Lac de Charpal is a lake
A lake is a body of relatively still fresh or salt water of considerable size, localized in a basin, that is surrounded by land. Lakes are inland and not part of the ocean and therefore are distinct from lagoons, and are larger and deeper than ponds. Lakes can be contrasted with rivers or streams,...

 in Lozère
Lozère , is a department in southeast France near the Massif Central, named after Mont Lozère.- History :Lozère is one of the original 83 departments created during the French Revolution on March 4, 1790...

, France
The French Republic , The French Republic , The French Republic , (commonly known as France , is a unitary semi-presidential republic in Western Europe with several overseas territories and islands located on other continents and in the Indian, Pacific, and Atlantic oceans. Metropolitan France...

. At an elevation of 1326 m, its surface area is 1.9 km².

Three communes
Communes of France
The commune is the lowest level of administrative division in the French Republic. French communes are roughly equivalent to incorporated municipalities or villages in the United States or Gemeinden in Germany...

 border the lake: Arzenc-de-Randon
Arzenc-de-Randon is a village and commune in the Lozère department in southern France.-Geography:The Chapeauroux flows eastward through the middle of the commune....

, Le Born
Le Born, Lozère
Le Born is a commune in the Lozère department in southern France.-References:*...

 and Rieutort-de-Randon
Rieutort-de-Randon is a commune in the Lozère department in southern France.-Geography:The lac de Charpal forms part of the commune's eastern border; from the lake, the Colagne flows northwestward through the northern part of the commune.-See also:...


The Colagne
The Colagne is a long river in the Lozère département, southeastern France. Its source is in Arzenc-de-Randon. It flows generally southwest...

 and numerous brooks feed the lake, which provides Mende
Mende, Lozère
Mende is a commune of France in the Lozère department of which it is the capital.It is the seat of the Roman Catholic Diocese of Mende.-Sights:* Mende Cathedral -External links:* * ,...

and other communes with water.
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