Lachman Crags
Lachman Crags is an escarpment which extends in a north-south direction for about 5 nautical miles (9 km), its high point rising to 645 m, standing 3 nautical miles (6 km) south-southwest of Cape Lachman
Cape Lachman
Cape Lachman is a cape marking the north tip of James Ross Island, which lies south of Trinity Peninsula. It was discovered by the Swedish Antarctic Expedition, 1901–04, under Nordenskjold, who named it for J. Lachman, a patron of the expedition....

 on James Ross Island
James Ross Island
James Ross Island is a large island off the southeast side and near the northeastern extremity of Antarctic Peninsula, from which it is separated by Prince Gustav Channel. Rising to , it is irregularly shaped and extends in a north-south direction. It was charted in October 1903 by the Swedish...

. It was surveyed by the Falkland Islands Dependencies Survey (FIDS) in 1945, and named after Cape Lachman.
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