Langdon Beck
Langdon Beck is a village in County Durham
County Durham
County Durham is a ceremonial county and unitary district in north east England. The county town is Durham. The largest settlement in the ceremonial county is the town of Darlington...

, in England
England is a country that is part of the United Kingdom. It shares land borders with Scotland to the north and Wales to the west; the Irish Sea is to the north west, the Celtic Sea to the south west, with the North Sea to the east and the English Channel to the south separating it from continental...

. It is situated in upper Teesdale
Teesdale is a dale, or valley, of the east side of the Pennines in England. Large parts of Teesdale fall within the North Pennines Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty - the second largest AONB in England and Wales. The River Tees rises below Cross Fell, the highest hill in the Pennines, and its...

, between Forest-in-Teesdale
Forest-in-Teesdale is a village in County Durham, in England. It is situated in upper Teesdale, on the north side of the Tees between Newbiggin and Langdon Beck....

 and Harwood
Harwood, County Durham
Harwood is a small village in County Durham, in England. It is situated beyond Langdon Beck at the top of Teesdale.-External links:...

It is a stronghold for the black grouse
Black Grouse
The Black Grouse or Blackgame is a large bird in the grouse family. It is a sedentary species, breeding across northern Eurasia in moorland and bog areas near to woodland, mostly boreal...

, one of the only sites for them in the North of England.
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