Agent Orange is a fictional character
owned by DC Comics
. He is the primary wielder of the Orange light of avarice (others can wield the light but Larfleeze does not allow it voluntarily). He debuted in DC Universe #0 (April 2008), and was created by Geoff Johns
and originally drawn by Ethan Van Sciver
restaurant chain was his inspiration behind writing about greed. At one point commenting upon how Larfleeze is one of his favorite characters, Johns states that he enjoys writing about Larfleeze because of how "out of touch" the character is. He goes on to say that, other than greed, emotions have no value to the character (as they, literally, do not provide him with anything material). After his brief first appearance in DC Universe #0 (April 2008), the character went on to be shown in smaller teaser appearances within the Green Lantern series until his first extended appearance in Green Lantern #39 (April 2009). The issue leads into Agent Orange (named after the codename Larfleeze is given by the Guardians of the Universe
), the storyline detailing the character's origin that also serves as a prelude to the Blackest Night event. Larfleeze's story is ongoing in Blackest Night, including an appearance in Blackest Night: Tales of the Corps #2 (July 2009). In the story Tales of the Orange Lanterns: Blume, Godhead, he is shown "recruiting" one of his most recognizable Orange Lanterns.
in Green Lantern vol. 4, issue #41 (June 2009). Billions of years ago, Larfleeze belonged to a small guild of thieves which stole a number of artifacts from the planet Maltus, including a mysterious box supposedly worth an entire star system to the right buyer. In retaliation, the Guardians of the Universe sent their Manhunters to pursue them. Those that escaped discovered a map belonging to the Guardian Krona
that told of treasure. The guild followed the map into the Vega System to the planet Okaara. There they discovered a temple, inside of which was a Power Battery containing the orange light of avarice. Feeling its power "speak" to them, the criminals fought amongst themselves for it. Eventually the Guardians and their Manhunters found them and conflict ensued. Fearing the power of the orange light, the Guardians offered the two surviving guild members (Larfleeze and Blooch) a deal: in exchange for the mysterious box, the Guardians would trade the orange light with two additional conditions. Firstly, as long as the orange light remained within the Vega system, the Guardians would agree not to interfere with it. Then secondly, for the safety of others, only one of the two thieves would be allowed to keep the orange light for themselves. Larfleeze explained that the Guardians were desperate to get the box back because it contained the fear entity Parallax
. Agreeing to these terms, the remaining guild members fought to the death for the right to own the orange light, and Larfleeze emerged victorious.
In Green Lantern vol. 4, issue #28 (April 2009), the Controllers are shown discussing their previous failures in forming a force matching the Green Lantern Corps
. It is then that they become interested in pursuing a comparable power source to the green light that they've discovered: the orange light. The Controllers follow the orange light to a planet called Okaara. There, they descend into an underground palace and eventually come across the orange lantern power battery deep inside. As soon as they try to take it, the Controllers are overcome by Larfleeze's Orange Lanterns and are slaughtered.
pursues a member of the Sinestro Corps
, but is given pause when he crosses into the Vega system for sanctuary. Not willing to be stopped (despite the fact that Green Lanterns are barred from entering the system), Stel continues after his target. Upon entering the system, the Sinestro Corps member is devoured by Agent Orange's construct of Blume. Blume captures and seriously damages Stel, branding him with the symbol of the Orange Lantern Corps. When the Green Lanterns recover Stel and return him to Oa
, a construct of Larfleeze bursts forth from the brand and confronts the Guardians about the attempt to steal the orange battery. Although the Guardians point out that the Controllers are the source of his anger, Larfleeze refuses to listen. He declares the treaty is null and void, and that the Guardians will submit to his demands or face his wrath. In response, the Guardian Scar
destroys the projection and states that the Guardians do not negotiate with terrorists.
This conflict marks the beginning of Green Lanterns next phase in its prelude to the Blackest Night crossover
, aptly titled: Agent Orange. The story goes on to show the Guardians adding a fourth law to the Book of Oa: the Vega system is no longer outside of Green Lantern jurisdiction. This allows the Guardians and the Green Lantern Corps to begin an assault on Vega. Hal Jordan, a new recipient of a blue power ring created by Ganthet
and Sayd
, is included in the assault team. Upon arriving on Okaara, the Green Lanterns are met with opposition from Larfleeze's Orange Lantern constructs. They are alarmed to find that their green light powers have little effect on the Orange Lanterns and are absorbed into them. During the fight, Jordan is separated from the group and comes face to face with Agent Orange. Larfleeze, upon seeing Jordan's blue ring, immediately wants it for himself. Larfleeze touches the ring in his desire for it and is forced back by the power of the blue light (the ring itself claiming that "hope is selfless"). This enrages Larfleeze, who bargains with Jordan over it. Though Jordan agrees to give the ring to Larfleeze, he finds he is unable to remove it. Not finding this to be an acceptable answer, Larfleeze creates an axe from orange light and seemingly removes Jordan's hand by force. No longer attached to Jordan, the blue power ring welcomes Larfleeze to the Blue Lantern Corps
. For a moment the constant hunger he feels as Agent Orange is pacified, but the relief is temporary as the reader is shown at the beginning of the following issue that Jordan's blue ring has created an illusion to deceive him. Sensing Larfleeze's hope for relief, it makes him believe he has gained the blue ring he desires when in actuality he hasn't cut off Jordan's hand at all. Jordan returns to battle Larfleeze with the Green Lantern Corps. During the battle, Jordan is possessed by the overwhelming orange power of avarice after briefly seizing Larfleeze's power battery (assuming that by stealing it, Larfleeze would no longer be able to power his army of constructs). Unfortunately, it's explained that Larfleeze has been in contact with the orange battery for so long that it's as much a part of him as the main power battery in Oa is a part of the Guardians.
Jordan is able to subdue Larfleeze by finally gaining control over his blue power ring. The Guardians realize that if they take the battery from Larfleeze, someone else will inevitably find it, becoming a new Agent Orange. Preferring to know where Agent Orange is, they decide to negotiate with Larfleeze once more. The details of the negotiation aren't fully revealed to the reader; however it is shown that Larfleeze asks the Guardians where he can find a blue power ring. The issue ends with Larfleeze launching an assault on the Blue Lantern Corps by sending a group of his Orange Lantern constructs to Odym. Though Larfleeze remains on Okaara (observing the progress of the conflict through his central power battery), he sends a construct of himself to accompany his Orange Lanterns.
event, a new Corps powered by death (rather than a light of the emotional spectrum) is introduced to the DC Universe
: the Black Lantern Corps
. As the other seven Corps battle one another, Black Hand
releases black power rings that reanimated the deceased in order to recruit members to their ranks. In Green Lantern vol. 4 #45, Larfleeze is shown delighting over his Orange Lanterns attempting to steal the Blue Central Power Battery from Odym. His celebration is premature, however, as black power rings invade his chamber and reanimated the bodies of those whose identities he's stolen in order to create his constructs. Larfleeze responds to this with a simple and timid "Yuh-oh!" He is next seen fleeing his reanimated Orange Lanterns; distracting him to such a degree that his energy constructs on Odym dissipate. Larfleeze is saved by the timely intervention of Atrocitus
, who demands that Larfleeze hand over his power battery. The two characters quarrel over the Orange Central Power Battery before being overwhelmed again by the reanimated corpses of Larfleeze's constructs. They're saved by Saint Walker, Hal Jordan, Carol Ferris
, Indigo-1
, and Sinestro
, who have arrived to recruit them both to assist in destroying the Black Central Power Battery. Both antagonists prove difficult to persuade, with Larfleeze more preoccupied by the other Corps having their own Guardians. In order to secure his compliance, Sayd
agrees to be his personal Guardian at the end of the conflict if he cooperates. Larfleeze agrees and ultimately accompanies the group to Earth, which becomes the setting for the end of the Blackest Night event.
During the events that transpire on Earth, Ganthet duplicates Larfleeze's ring to bolster the ranks of the light-wielders against Nekron
's forces. The duplicate orange power ring is able to choose someone to become a deputy Orange Lantern for a 24-hour period. Though Larfleeze protests anyone else wielding the orange light, the duplicate ring chooses Lex Luthor
as its wearer. Despite the immense conflict going on around them, the two characters repeatedly clash due to their insatiable greed. In the final issue of Blackest Night, Luthor is stripped of his power. Larfleeze hands him over to the heroes of Earth in disgust, prompting Sinestro to point out that this is the first time Larfleeze has given anyone anything. As promised, Sayd agrees to become Larfleeze's personal Guardian when he demands payment for participating in their plan.
. Larfleeze intends to make lists of all the things he wants and send them to Santa Claus. When Hal tries to explain to Larfleeze that Santa Claus isn't real, Larfleeze comments that the mountain of stuff, that he has stolen, is evidence to the contrary. Frustrated, Hal reveals that he has come to Larfleeze to find out how he was able to trap the orange entity in his lantern, so that they can trap the other entities to keep them out of the hands of the one trying to collect them. Before Larfleeze can tell him Hector Hammond
arrives. After struggling with Larfleeze and Hal for the battery, Hammond ends up swallowing it. This frees Ophidian and the entity of avarice takes Hammond as its host. Larfleeze shows a great deal of concern at Ophidian's freedom, particularly because it seems that Ophidian doesn't like him very much. The battle with Ophidian doesn't go very well for Hal or Larfleeze. While fleeing Ophidian, Larfleeze admits that he wasn't entirely honest about his ownership of the orange lantern and that he and Ophidian have a rather antagonistic relationship; however, he is quick to blame Ophidian for starting whatever it was that came between them. Ophidian states that Larfleeze was the only being in the universe capable of resisting his temptations, thereby allowing Larfleeze to subdue him and become Agent Orange--and that now it's Larfleeze's turn to be subdued and used by Ophidian. Ophidian then attempts to devour Larfleeze, but this is prevented by Hal. After that the desires of Hector Hammond begin to override those of Ophidian and he leaves to search for his ultimate desire, Carol Ferris. Hal has to get to Las Vegas to save Carol, and Larfleeze (who is in a state of near hysteria, telling Hal that he can't live without his lantern) demands to come. Once there Larfleeze seems to forget entirely about Ophidian and his lost lantern (which appears to have had no effect on his ability to spawn orange lanterns) and instead revels in the rich culture of Las Vegas. He is stopped by the Predator, who forces him to experience the sadness of his empty heart, briefly causing him to think of his family. He is later taken to Zamaron by the Star Sapphires along with Hal, Carol, The Predator, and Abraham Pointe (the man possessed by the Predator). Larfleeze is present when Carol is named the new Queen of the Star Sapphires, and states that he wants to be queen. While watching over Pointe, Larfleeze is shaken to discover that Pointe knows of his past through the Predator--that he was taken from his family, and that "Larfleeze" isn't his real name. Larfleeze almost kills Pointe to keep him from speaking his name, before returning to Earth with the others to meet a young woman who has been possessed by the hope entity, Adara. Adara reveals to a shocked Larfleeze that his parents are still alive, and that they miss him.
's attack traps the other six New Guardians in the Book of the Black, Hal is able to escape with their rings. Although he initially discouraged John Stewart from using the ring due to its psychological effects, Hal later uses Larfleeze's orange ring in conjunction with Sinestro's ring to hold off the attacking brainwashed Green Lanterns long enough for Guy Gardner to break Parallax out of the Central Power Battery and restore their comrades to normal. While trapped inside the Book of the Black, Larfleeze is forced to relive a childhood memory of slavery. Larfleeze is later freed from the book by Kyle Rayner
. When his orange ring returns to him, Larfleeze is initially fearful, saying "Keep it away from me!" Once the ring is on his finger, however, he returns to his usual mindset, declaring it "Mine!"
s from the Sinestro Corps, Red Lantern Corps, Earth's Star Sapphires and Indigo Tribe. Kyle with the help of Saint Walker from the Blue Lantern Corps tried to reach Oa for some answers, but on their way an orange ring approaches Kyle with Saint Walker claiming if there's only one orange ring then its former bearer must be dead. However, Saint Walker hadn't seen it that there are multiple orange rings, just all inactive, as revealed in the prelude to Blackest Night. It is subsequently revealed that Kyle's orange ring was actually the Glommulus construct posing as a ring, apparently leading the other rings to Kyle as part of a larger plan that led to Larfleeze attacking the Guardians.
himself. When Larfleeze refuses to release the entity from the power battery, Hammond simply swallows the whole battery and is transformed into the host for Ophidian. It is implied that Ophidian doesn't like Larfleeze very much (possibly because he kept it trapped in his battery), and Larfleeze seems quite concerned about Ophidian's freedom. Ophidian also implies that it is going to "get even" with Larfleeze.
Ophidian would later join Krona, and with its disruptive powers, help the renegade Guardian of the Universe discover the location of the Butcher. Ophidian was last seen returning with Krona to Ryut where he will begin purging the universe of all emotionally unbalanced beings. Afterwards Ophidian its seen without its host, launching along with the other entities and Krona an attack on Oa, where it possessed a Guardian of the Universe. Ophidian was eventually free from Krona's control, after Hal Jordan defeated and killed the rogue Guardian. Ophidian roams at large in the Universe once again.
, he also stated that the Orange Lantern oath was his favorite.
Given that Larfleeze is the only ring wielder not to recite his oath in Blackest Night #5 (Hal Jordan instead constructed a giant hand to shove his face directly into his lantern, resulting in a 100,000% power ring charge) a fan asked Johns about his plans for the character at WonderCon
2010. Remaining vague, Johns responded that Larfleeze's oath would be revealed "soon." Lex Luthor has recently stated that he "swore an oath to serve the Orange Lantern Corps ("and what an interesting oath it was").
Larfleeze's power is amplified by being in constant contact with his power battery. As a result of this, he can maintain an entire corps of constructs, even when separated from it. However, Larfleeze is burdened with insatiable hunger that is never quelled as a side-effect of wielding the orange light (which can be nullified while in the presence of a Blue Lantern).
Based on Larfleeze's reaction to it after it was removed, The Orange ring is classified as one of the two parasitic type rings (the other is the Indigo Ring), which alters its wielder to match its own alignment rather than choosing users who embody its emotion. Unlike the Indigo ring, it appears to need someone who is already somewhat greedy; it then amplifies this to a huge degree. Those who are insufficiently greedy for the ring to establish a hold suffer debilitating side effects that prevent them from using the ring for more than a few minutes.
Character (arts)
A character is the representation of a person in a narrative work of art . Derived from the ancient Greek word kharaktêr , the earliest use in English, in this sense, dates from the Restoration, although it became widely used after its appearance in Tom Jones in 1749. From this, the sense of...
owned by DC Comics
DC Comics
DC Comics, Inc. is one of the largest and most successful companies operating in the market for American comic books and related media. It is the publishing unit of DC Entertainment a company of Warner Bros. Entertainment, which itself is owned by Time Warner...
. He is the primary wielder of the Orange light of avarice (others can wield the light but Larfleeze does not allow it voluntarily). He debuted in DC Universe #0 (April 2008), and was created by Geoff Johns
Geoff Johns
Geoff Johns is an American comic book writer, best known for his work for DC Comics, where he has been Chief Creative Officer since February 2010, in particular for characters such as Green Lantern, The Flash and Superman...
and originally drawn by Ethan Van Sciver
Ethan Van Sciver
Ethan Daniel Van Sciver is an American comic book artist, best known for illustrating a number of titles including Green Lantern, Superman/Batman, New X-Men, and The Flash: Rebirth...
Publication history
Developed by Geoff Johns as a key participant in the Blackest Night plot line, he explains at Comic Con International 2009 that he came up with the name "Larfleeze" by combining the words "lard" and "sleaze." Johns also reveals that the Claim JumperClaim Jumper
Claim Jumper is a restaurant chain headquartered in Irvine, California with 45 locations in Arizona, California, Illinois, Colorado, Nevada, Washington, Wisconsin and Oregon. Founder Craig Nickoloff opened the first Claim Jumper Restaurant in Los Alamitos, California in 1977...
restaurant chain was his inspiration behind writing about greed. At one point commenting upon how Larfleeze is one of his favorite characters, Johns states that he enjoys writing about Larfleeze because of how "out of touch" the character is. He goes on to say that, other than greed, emotions have no value to the character (as they, literally, do not provide him with anything material). After his brief first appearance in DC Universe #0 (April 2008), the character went on to be shown in smaller teaser appearances within the Green Lantern series until his first extended appearance in Green Lantern #39 (April 2009). The issue leads into Agent Orange (named after the codename Larfleeze is given by the Guardians of the Universe
Guardians of the Universe
The Guardians of the Universe, alternatively known as the Guardians or Oans are a fictional extraterrestrial race in the DC Comics universe. They first appeared in Green Lantern Vol. 2 #1 , and were created by John Broome and Gil Kane. Here they do not reveal their existence to Hal, bringing his...
), the storyline detailing the character's origin that also serves as a prelude to the Blackest Night event. Larfleeze's story is ongoing in Blackest Night, including an appearance in Blackest Night: Tales of the Corps #2 (July 2009). In the story Tales of the Orange Lanterns: Blume, Godhead, he is shown "recruiting" one of his most recognizable Orange Lanterns.
Larfleeze (also known as Agent Orange to those who wield power from the emotional spectrum) is the first and for a long time the only individual to wield the power of the orange light. His origin is first described in a conversation between him and Hal JordanHal Jordan
Harold "Hal" Jordan is a DC Comics superhero known as Green Lantern, the first human shown to join the Green Lantern Corps and a founding member of the Justice League of America. Jordan is the second DC Comics character to adopt the Green Lantern moniker...
in Green Lantern vol. 4, issue #41 (June 2009). Billions of years ago, Larfleeze belonged to a small guild of thieves which stole a number of artifacts from the planet Maltus, including a mysterious box supposedly worth an entire star system to the right buyer. In retaliation, the Guardians of the Universe sent their Manhunters to pursue them. Those that escaped discovered a map belonging to the Guardian Krona
Krona (comics)
Krona is a fictional character that appears in comic books published by DC Comics. The character first appeared in Green Lantern #40 , and was created by writer John Broome and artist Gil Kane.-Fictional character biography:...
that told of treasure. The guild followed the map into the Vega System to the planet Okaara. There they discovered a temple, inside of which was a Power Battery containing the orange light of avarice. Feeling its power "speak" to them, the criminals fought amongst themselves for it. Eventually the Guardians and their Manhunters found them and conflict ensued. Fearing the power of the orange light, the Guardians offered the two surviving guild members (Larfleeze and Blooch) a deal: in exchange for the mysterious box, the Guardians would trade the orange light with two additional conditions. Firstly, as long as the orange light remained within the Vega system, the Guardians would agree not to interfere with it. Then secondly, for the safety of others, only one of the two thieves would be allowed to keep the orange light for themselves. Larfleeze explained that the Guardians were desperate to get the box back because it contained the fear entity Parallax
Parallax (comics)
Parallax is a fictional comic book supervillain in the DC Comics universe. Created by writer Ron Marz and artist Darryl Banks for Green Lantern vol...
. Agreeing to these terms, the remaining guild members fought to the death for the right to own the orange light, and Larfleeze emerged victorious.
In Green Lantern vol. 4, issue #28 (April 2009), the Controllers are shown discussing their previous failures in forming a force matching the Green Lantern Corps
Green Lantern Corps
The Green Lantern Corps is the name of a fictional intergalactic military/police force appearing in comics published by DC Comics. They patrol the farthest reaches of the DC Universe at the behest of the Guardians, a race of immortals residing on the planet Oa...
. It is then that they become interested in pursuing a comparable power source to the green light that they've discovered: the orange light. The Controllers follow the orange light to a planet called Okaara. There, they descend into an underground palace and eventually come across the orange lantern power battery deep inside. As soon as they try to take it, the Controllers are overcome by Larfleeze's Orange Lanterns and are slaughtered.
Agent Orange
Larfleeze is enraged at this perceived violation of the agreement he has with the Guardians, as he is unable to see a distinction between them and the Controllers. At the time, Green Lantern StelStel
Stel is a fictional American comic book superhero, an extraterrestrial robot from the planet Grenda and a member of the intergalactic police force known as the Green Lantern Corps for space sector 3009. He first appeared in DC Comics' Green Lantern Stel is a fictional American comic book...
pursues a member of the Sinestro Corps
Sinestro Corps
The Sinestro Corps is a group of fictional characters, a villainous analogue to the Green Lantern Corps in the DC Universe. It is led by the supervillain Thaal Sinestro.-Before the Corps:...
, but is given pause when he crosses into the Vega system for sanctuary. Not willing to be stopped (despite the fact that Green Lanterns are barred from entering the system), Stel continues after his target. Upon entering the system, the Sinestro Corps member is devoured by Agent Orange's construct of Blume. Blume captures and seriously damages Stel, branding him with the symbol of the Orange Lantern Corps. When the Green Lanterns recover Stel and return him to Oa
Oa is a fictional planet that lies at the center of the DC Comics universe. Since its inception, Oa has been the planetary citadel of the Guardians of the Universe and the headquarters of the Green Lantern Corps...
, a construct of Larfleeze bursts forth from the brand and confronts the Guardians about the attempt to steal the orange battery. Although the Guardians point out that the Controllers are the source of his anger, Larfleeze refuses to listen. He declares the treaty is null and void, and that the Guardians will submit to his demands or face his wrath. In response, the Guardian Scar
Scar (comics)
Scar is a supervillain in the . She first appeared as an unnamed Guardian of the Universe in Green Lantern #25, and was first named in the February 2009 Origins and Omens backup stories.-Background:...
destroys the projection and states that the Guardians do not negotiate with terrorists.
This conflict marks the beginning of Green Lanterns next phase in its prelude to the Blackest Night crossover
Fictional crossover
A fictional crossover is the placement of two or more otherwise discrete fictional characters, settings, or universes into the context of a single story. They can arise from legal agreements between the relevant copyright holders, or because of unauthorized efforts by fans, or even amid common...
, aptly titled: Agent Orange. The story goes on to show the Guardians adding a fourth law to the Book of Oa: the Vega system is no longer outside of Green Lantern jurisdiction. This allows the Guardians and the Green Lantern Corps to begin an assault on Vega. Hal Jordan, a new recipient of a blue power ring created by Ganthet
Ganthet is a fictional character in the DC Comics universe. He first appeared in the 1992 graphic novel Green Lantern: Ganthet's Tale , by Larry Niven and John Byrne.- Background :Ganthet is one of the Guardians of the Universe...
and Sayd
Sayd is a fictional character in the DC Comics universe. She is now an exiled member of the Guardians of the Universe. Where most of the Guardians are void of emotion and rigid in their compliance to standard policy, Sayd's sensibilities are more in line with those of Ganthet, a Guardian known for...
, is included in the assault team. Upon arriving on Okaara, the Green Lanterns are met with opposition from Larfleeze's Orange Lantern constructs. They are alarmed to find that their green light powers have little effect on the Orange Lanterns and are absorbed into them. During the fight, Jordan is separated from the group and comes face to face with Agent Orange. Larfleeze, upon seeing Jordan's blue ring, immediately wants it for himself. Larfleeze touches the ring in his desire for it and is forced back by the power of the blue light (the ring itself claiming that "hope is selfless"). This enrages Larfleeze, who bargains with Jordan over it. Though Jordan agrees to give the ring to Larfleeze, he finds he is unable to remove it. Not finding this to be an acceptable answer, Larfleeze creates an axe from orange light and seemingly removes Jordan's hand by force. No longer attached to Jordan, the blue power ring welcomes Larfleeze to the Blue Lantern Corps
Blue Lantern Corps
The Blue Lantern Corps is an organization appearing in comics published by DC Comics. They debuted in Green Lantern vol. 4 #25 and were created by Geoff Johns and Ethan Van Sciver.-Fictional group history:...
. For a moment the constant hunger he feels as Agent Orange is pacified, but the relief is temporary as the reader is shown at the beginning of the following issue that Jordan's blue ring has created an illusion to deceive him. Sensing Larfleeze's hope for relief, it makes him believe he has gained the blue ring he desires when in actuality he hasn't cut off Jordan's hand at all. Jordan returns to battle Larfleeze with the Green Lantern Corps. During the battle, Jordan is possessed by the overwhelming orange power of avarice after briefly seizing Larfleeze's power battery (assuming that by stealing it, Larfleeze would no longer be able to power his army of constructs). Unfortunately, it's explained that Larfleeze has been in contact with the orange battery for so long that it's as much a part of him as the main power battery in Oa is a part of the Guardians.
Jordan is able to subdue Larfleeze by finally gaining control over his blue power ring. The Guardians realize that if they take the battery from Larfleeze, someone else will inevitably find it, becoming a new Agent Orange. Preferring to know where Agent Orange is, they decide to negotiate with Larfleeze once more. The details of the negotiation aren't fully revealed to the reader; however it is shown that Larfleeze asks the Guardians where he can find a blue power ring. The issue ends with Larfleeze launching an assault on the Blue Lantern Corps by sending a group of his Orange Lantern constructs to Odym. Though Larfleeze remains on Okaara (observing the progress of the conflict through his central power battery), he sends a construct of himself to accompany his Orange Lanterns.
Blackest Night
At the onset of the Blackest Night crossoverFictional crossover
A fictional crossover is the placement of two or more otherwise discrete fictional characters, settings, or universes into the context of a single story. They can arise from legal agreements between the relevant copyright holders, or because of unauthorized efforts by fans, or even amid common...
event, a new Corps powered by death (rather than a light of the emotional spectrum) is introduced to the DC Universe
DC Universe
The DC Universe is the shared universe where most of the comic stories published by DC Comics take place. The fictional characters Superman, Batman and Wonder Woman are well-known superheroes from this universe. Note that in context, "DC Universe" is usually used to refer to the main DC continuity...
: the Black Lantern Corps
Black Lantern Corps
The Black Lantern Corps is a fictional organization of revenants appearing in comic books published by DC Comics. The group is composed of deceased fictional characters that seek to eliminate all life from the DC Universe.-Publication history:...
. As the other seven Corps battle one another, Black Hand
Black Hand (comics)
Black Hand is a DC Comics supervillain and a recurring foe to Green Lantern. He first appeared in Green Lantern #29 and was created by John Broome and Gil Kane...
releases black power rings that reanimated the deceased in order to recruit members to their ranks. In Green Lantern vol. 4 #45, Larfleeze is shown delighting over his Orange Lanterns attempting to steal the Blue Central Power Battery from Odym. His celebration is premature, however, as black power rings invade his chamber and reanimated the bodies of those whose identities he's stolen in order to create his constructs. Larfleeze responds to this with a simple and timid "Yuh-oh!" He is next seen fleeing his reanimated Orange Lanterns; distracting him to such a degree that his energy constructs on Odym dissipate. Larfleeze is saved by the timely intervention of Atrocitus
Atrocitus is a fictional character, an alien supervillain in the DC Comics Universe. Created by Geoff Johns and Ethan Van Sciver, Atrocitus is an enemy of the Guardians of the Universe and Sinestro, their former Green Lantern. He first appears in Green Lantern vol...
, who demands that Larfleeze hand over his power battery. The two characters quarrel over the Orange Central Power Battery before being overwhelmed again by the reanimated corpses of Larfleeze's constructs. They're saved by Saint Walker, Hal Jordan, Carol Ferris
Carol Ferris
Caroline "Carol" Ferris is a character in the . She is one of many characters who has used the name Star Sapphire, and is a long-time love interest of Hal Jordan, the Silver Age Green Lantern. Her original design was based on Elizabeth Taylor...
, Indigo-1
Indigo Tribe
The Indigo Tribe is a fictional organization appearing in comics published by DC Comics. They debuted in Green Lantern vol. 4 #25 and were created by Geoff Johns and Ethan Van Sciver.-Fictional group history:...
, and Sinestro
Thaal Sinestro is a fictional character, an alien supervillain in the DC Comics Universe. Created by John Broome and Gil Kane, Sinestro is the former mentor of Hal Jordan and the arch-nemesis of the entire Green Lantern Corps. Sinestro first appears in Green Lantern #7 . In 2009, Sinestro was...
, who have arrived to recruit them both to assist in destroying the Black Central Power Battery. Both antagonists prove difficult to persuade, with Larfleeze more preoccupied by the other Corps having their own Guardians. In order to secure his compliance, Sayd
Sayd is a fictional character in the DC Comics universe. She is now an exiled member of the Guardians of the Universe. Where most of the Guardians are void of emotion and rigid in their compliance to standard policy, Sayd's sensibilities are more in line with those of Ganthet, a Guardian known for...
agrees to be his personal Guardian at the end of the conflict if he cooperates. Larfleeze agrees and ultimately accompanies the group to Earth, which becomes the setting for the end of the Blackest Night event.
During the events that transpire on Earth, Ganthet duplicates Larfleeze's ring to bolster the ranks of the light-wielders against Nekron
Nekron is a comic book supervillain appearing in books published by DC Comics, specifically those related to Green Lantern. Created by Mike W. Barr, Len Wein and Joe Staton, the character, who exists as an embodiment of Death, first appeared in Tales of the Green Lantern Corps #2...
's forces. The duplicate orange power ring is able to choose someone to become a deputy Orange Lantern for a 24-hour period. Though Larfleeze protests anyone else wielding the orange light, the duplicate ring chooses Lex Luthor
Lex Luthor
Lex Luthor is a fictional character, a supervillain who appears in comic books published by DC Comics, and the archenemy of Superman, although given his high status as a supervillain, he has also come into conflict with Batman and other superheroes in the DC Universe. Created by Jerry Siegel and...
as its wearer. Despite the immense conflict going on around them, the two characters repeatedly clash due to their insatiable greed. In the final issue of Blackest Night, Luthor is stripped of his power. Larfleeze hands him over to the heroes of Earth in disgust, prompting Sinestro to point out that this is the first time Larfleeze has given anyone anything. As promised, Sayd agrees to become Larfleeze's personal Guardian when he demands payment for participating in their plan.
Brightest Day
Larfleeze later seeks out Luthor, demanding to know what is important to the people of Earth. Luthor responds with "power" (which Larfleeze already possesses) and "land", which Larfleeze decides he wants. Larfleeze is shown to have taken up residence in a small, upper midwestern town. He sends his Orange Lanterns into town to steal things for him. When Hal Jordan confronts him and tells him to leave the town alone, Larfleeze tells him that he won't need to ransack the town anymore because he has learned of the legend of Santa ClausSanta Claus
Santa Claus is a folklore figure in various cultures who distributes gifts to children, normally on Christmas Eve. Each name is a variation of Saint Nicholas, but refers to Santa Claus...
. Larfleeze intends to make lists of all the things he wants and send them to Santa Claus. When Hal tries to explain to Larfleeze that Santa Claus isn't real, Larfleeze comments that the mountain of stuff, that he has stolen, is evidence to the contrary. Frustrated, Hal reveals that he has come to Larfleeze to find out how he was able to trap the orange entity in his lantern, so that they can trap the other entities to keep them out of the hands of the one trying to collect them. Before Larfleeze can tell him Hector Hammond
Hector Hammond
Hector Hammond is a DC Universe supervillain who is primarily an enemy of Green Lantern. The character was created by John Broome and Gil Kane, and originally appeared in Green Lantern # 5...
arrives. After struggling with Larfleeze and Hal for the battery, Hammond ends up swallowing it. This frees Ophidian and the entity of avarice takes Hammond as its host. Larfleeze shows a great deal of concern at Ophidian's freedom, particularly because it seems that Ophidian doesn't like him very much. The battle with Ophidian doesn't go very well for Hal or Larfleeze. While fleeing Ophidian, Larfleeze admits that he wasn't entirely honest about his ownership of the orange lantern and that he and Ophidian have a rather antagonistic relationship; however, he is quick to blame Ophidian for starting whatever it was that came between them. Ophidian states that Larfleeze was the only being in the universe capable of resisting his temptations, thereby allowing Larfleeze to subdue him and become Agent Orange--and that now it's Larfleeze's turn to be subdued and used by Ophidian. Ophidian then attempts to devour Larfleeze, but this is prevented by Hal. After that the desires of Hector Hammond begin to override those of Ophidian and he leaves to search for his ultimate desire, Carol Ferris. Hal has to get to Las Vegas to save Carol, and Larfleeze (who is in a state of near hysteria, telling Hal that he can't live without his lantern) demands to come. Once there Larfleeze seems to forget entirely about Ophidian and his lost lantern (which appears to have had no effect on his ability to spawn orange lanterns) and instead revels in the rich culture of Las Vegas. He is stopped by the Predator, who forces him to experience the sadness of his empty heart, briefly causing him to think of his family. He is later taken to Zamaron by the Star Sapphires along with Hal, Carol, The Predator, and Abraham Pointe (the man possessed by the Predator). Larfleeze is present when Carol is named the new Queen of the Star Sapphires, and states that he wants to be queen. While watching over Pointe, Larfleeze is shaken to discover that Pointe knows of his past through the Predator--that he was taken from his family, and that "Larfleeze" isn't his real name. Larfleeze almost kills Pointe to keep him from speaking his name, before returning to Earth with the others to meet a young woman who has been possessed by the hope entity, Adara. Adara reveals to a shocked Larfleeze that his parents are still alive, and that they miss him.
Larfleeze Christmas Special
On Christmas Day, Larfleeze is outraged to discover that Santa Claus hasn't brought him anything that he asked for. He attacks every costumed Santa in the nearby town, and tries to melt the North Pole, only to be stopped by Hal Jordan. Jordan tells Larfleeze of Christmas spirit, and how it comes from giving. On Hal's suggestion, Larfleeze gives away every item in his mountain of possessions, but afterwards declares that he doesn't like Christmas spirit. Jordan then suggests that he look over his Christmas list and see if he actually needed anything there. That night, Larfleeze stares at a part of his list, on which he had written "my family".War of the Green Lanterns
When KronaKrona (comics)
Krona is a fictional character that appears in comic books published by DC Comics. The character first appeared in Green Lantern #40 , and was created by writer John Broome and artist Gil Kane.-Fictional character biography:...
's attack traps the other six New Guardians in the Book of the Black, Hal is able to escape with their rings. Although he initially discouraged John Stewart from using the ring due to its psychological effects, Hal later uses Larfleeze's orange ring in conjunction with Sinestro's ring to hold off the attacking brainwashed Green Lanterns long enough for Guy Gardner to break Parallax out of the Central Power Battery and restore their comrades to normal. While trapped inside the Book of the Black, Larfleeze is forced to relive a childhood memory of slavery. Larfleeze is later freed from the book by Kyle Rayner
Kyle Rayner
Kyle Rayner is a fictional comic book superhero appearing in books published by DC Comics, usually in those starring the Green Lantern Corps, an extraterrestrial police force of which Rayner is a member. Created by writer Ron Marz and artist Darryl Banks, Rayner first appeared in Green Lantern vol...
. When his orange ring returns to him, Larfleeze is initially fearful, saying "Keep it away from me!" Once the ring is on his finger, however, he returns to his usual mindset, declaring it "Mine!"
The New 52
Kyle Rayner, the Green Lantern from sector 2814 had apparently become a magnet to the other Lantern Corps rings, which forced Kyle to face off with the second-in-commandSecond-in-command
The Second-in-Command is the deputy commander of any British Army or Royal Marines unit, from battalion or regiment downwards. He or she is thus the equivalent of an Executive Officer in the United States Army...
s from the Sinestro Corps, Red Lantern Corps, Earth's Star Sapphires and Indigo Tribe. Kyle with the help of Saint Walker from the Blue Lantern Corps tried to reach Oa for some answers, but on their way an orange ring approaches Kyle with Saint Walker claiming if there's only one orange ring then its former bearer must be dead. However, Saint Walker hadn't seen it that there are multiple orange rings, just all inactive, as revealed in the prelude to Blackest Night. It is subsequently revealed that Kyle's orange ring was actually the Glommulus construct posing as a ring, apparently leading the other rings to Kyle as part of a larger plan that led to Larfleeze attacking the Guardians.
Orange Lantern constructs
The orange light has the ability to create orange light replicas, referred to as "constructs", based on the identities of those it kills. As Larfleeze is too greedy to share his rings, save for one given to Lex Luthor at Ganthet's insistence, he uses his ring's ability to create constructs in order to field an entire army of Orange Lanterns to face his foes for him. His connection to his power battery allows him to maintain the constructs indefinitely, so long as he devotes attention to doing so. Notable Orange Lantern constructs include:- Blume (of Sector 2751): A giant extraterrestrial head that proclaims himself a god of hunger so that he can intimidate the inhabitants of planets into feeding him their valuables. After failing to do the same to Larfleeze, he is made into an Orange Lantern construct and now patrols the Vega system. He consumes the Sinestro CorpsSinestro CorpsThe Sinestro Corps is a group of fictional characters, a villainous analogue to the Green Lantern Corps in the DC Universe. It is led by the supervillain Thaal Sinestro.-Before the Corps:...
member of sector 2825 and brands Green Lantern StelStelStel is a fictional American comic book superhero, an extraterrestrial robot from the planet Grenda and a member of the intergalactic police force known as the Green Lantern Corps for space sector 3009. He first appeared in DC Comics' Green Lantern Stel is a fictional American comic book...
with the symbol of the Orange Lantern Corps. During the Blackest Night event, his body is shown being reanimated as a Black Lantern. - Clypta (of Sector 2829): An Orange Lantern from the Thieves' System that is reanimated as a member of the Black Lantern Corps during the Blackest Night event.
- The Controllers: Arrive on Okaara searching for the orange light in order to create their own Corps. Upon finding the orange power battery, they are confronted by Larfleeze and killed by his Orange Lanterns. Later they are also shown to have been assimilated into his army of constructs.
- Glomulus (of Sector 2826): A former tavern cleaner on Okaara. While there, he is only allowed out of his cage to eat whatever food falls on the floor. After accidentally getting a taste for blood, Glomulus eats everyone in the tavern. Free, he makes his way into the woods and finds himself at Larfleeze's palace where he is consumed by Blume. His identity is stolen, turning him into an Orange Lantern. During the Blackest Night event, his body is shown being reanimated as a Black Lantern. In promotional art for the new series Green Lantern: New GuardiansGreen Lantern: New GuardiansGreen Lantern: New Guardians is an American comic book series written by Tony Bedard with art by Tyler Kirkham and Batt and published by DC Comics....
, Glomulus is shown to be the representative of the Orange Lantern Corps; subsequent information reveals that he was initially a construct posing as an Orange Lantern ring to latch on to Kyle Rayner for an unknown purpose. - Gretti (former Green Lantern of Sector 2828): Literally torn limb from limb by Larfleeze's constructs during the Green Lantern attack on Okaara. After his defeat, his identity is stolen, turning him into an Orange Lantern. During the Blackest Night event, his body is shown being reanimated as a Black Lantern.
- Guardian of the UniverseGuardians of the UniverseThe Guardians of the Universe, alternatively known as the Guardians or Oans are a fictional extraterrestrial race in the DC Comics universe. They first appeared in Green Lantern Vol. 2 #1 , and were created by John Broome and Gil Kane. Here they do not reveal their existence to Hal, bringing his...
: While Larfleeze's thieves guild and the Guardians fought for the orange power battery, the power of the orange light is unleashed, killing one of the Guardians in the process. He is shown as being turned into an Orange Lantern construct. In Green Lantern vol. 4 #45, a male Guardian is shown being reanimated as a Black Lantern on Okaara. - Larfleeze: After reclaiming his power battery from Hal Jordan, Larfleeze withdraws the Orange Lantern Corps into his battery and uses the combined power to create a gigantic avatar of himself in order to attack the Green Lantern CorpsGreen Lantern CorpsThe Green Lantern Corps is the name of a fictional intergalactic military/police force appearing in comics published by DC Comics. They patrol the farthest reaches of the DC Universe at the behest of the Guardians, a race of immortals residing on the planet Oa...
. Larfleeze later sends a life-sized avatar of himself to lead the attack against the Blue Lanterns on Odym. - Nat-Nat: An Orange Lantern from Limey Rock that is reanimated as a member of the Black Lantern Corps during the Blackest Night event.
- Sound Dancer (of Sector 911): An Orange Lantern from the Obsidian Deeps that is reanimated as a member of the Black Lantern Corps during the Blackest Night event. The Obsidian Deeps make up the lightless sector that Green Lantern (F Sharp Bell) Rot Lop Fan is from.
- Tammal-Tayn (of Sector 2813): An Orange Lantern from the planet Fylip that is reanimated as a member of the Black Lantern Corps during the Blackest Night event.
- Turpa: A member of the guild of thieves Larfleeze formerly belonged to. Together the guild steals the Guardians' map to the Orange Power Battery, and upon finding it are so overcome with greed that they fight one another for it. Turpa is killed by the power of the orange light before Larfleeze and Blooch fight to the death for the orange power battery. He is shown as having been turned into an orange light construct.
- Warp Wrap (of Sector 2): An Orange Lantern from the planet Cairo that is reanimated as a member of the Black Lantern Corps during the Blackest Night event.
Other Orange Lanterns
- Hal JordanHal JordanHarold "Hal" Jordan is a DC Comics superhero known as Green Lantern, the first human shown to join the Green Lantern Corps and a founding member of the Justice League of America. Jordan is the second DC Comics character to adopt the Green Lantern moniker...
(of Sector 2814): During Hal's first encounter with Larfleeze, Hal managed to take the orange power battery from him and temporarily is transformed into a member of the Orange Lantern Corps. However, Larfleeze is able to recover the power battery soon after when Hal is overwhelmed by the hunger the Orange Lantern causes him to feel, noting that he feels starved after holding it for a few seconds. Hal later used Larfleeze's ring in conjunction with Sinestro's ring when the rest of the Green Lantern Corps were brought under Krona's control when he used Parallax to infect the Central Power Battery. - Kyle RaynerKyle RaynerKyle Rayner is a fictional comic book superhero appearing in books published by DC Comics, usually in those starring the Green Lantern Corps, an extraterrestrial police force of which Rayner is a member. Created by writer Ron Marz and artist Darryl Banks, Rayner first appeared in Green Lantern vol...
(of Sector 2814): During recent events, Kyle has apparently become a 'magnet' for other Corps rings, including an Orange Lantern ring, although he has so far shown none of the side-effects usually caused by possession of this ring and has yet to try and tap its powers. Notably, the Orange Ring doesn't "say" anything to Kyle like the other rings had when they inducted him into their respective Corps; the ring was later revealed to be Glomulus. - Lex LuthorLex LuthorLex Luthor is a fictional character, a supervillain who appears in comic books published by DC Comics, and the archenemy of Superman, although given his high status as a supervillain, he has also come into conflict with Batman and other superheroes in the DC Universe. Created by Jerry Siegel and...
(of Sector 2814): During the Blackest Night event, Lex Luthor is granted membership to the Orange Lantern Corps for a period of 24 hours, becoming the only other living member of the Corps besides Larfleeze himself. In the final issue of Blackest Night, Luthor's power ring and Orange Lantern abilities faded away. - Hector HammondHector HammondHector Hammond is a DC Universe supervillain who is primarily an enemy of Green Lantern. The character was created by John Broome and Gil Kane, and originally appeared in Green Lantern # 5...
(of Sector 2814): After swallowing the orange lantern power battery and freeing Ophidian, Hector becomes possessed by The Tempter. Though not in possession of an orange power ring, as the host of the Avarice Entity, he has no need for one.
The avarice entity is called Ophidian (Larfleeze refers to it as Ophidian the Tempter), and takes the form of a snake. It was born as the first being to eat more than it needed; it had been contained within Larfleeze's power battery and it spoke to Hal Jordan when he briefly gained control of the battery. Ophidian, along with the other emotional entities, are currently being hunted by Krona. The White Entity intones for Hal, Carol, and Sinestro to find the entities before it is too late. According to Atrocitus' divining ritual, Ophidian can be found in the upper midwestern United States. It is sought by Hector Hammond who in turn is receiving orders from KronaKrona (comics)
Krona is a fictional character that appears in comic books published by DC Comics. The character first appeared in Green Lantern #40 , and was created by writer John Broome and artist Gil Kane.-Fictional character biography:...
himself. When Larfleeze refuses to release the entity from the power battery, Hammond simply swallows the whole battery and is transformed into the host for Ophidian. It is implied that Ophidian doesn't like Larfleeze very much (possibly because he kept it trapped in his battery), and Larfleeze seems quite concerned about Ophidian's freedom. Ophidian also implies that it is going to "get even" with Larfleeze.
Ophidian would later join Krona, and with its disruptive powers, help the renegade Guardian of the Universe discover the location of the Butcher. Ophidian was last seen returning with Krona to Ryut where he will begin purging the universe of all emotionally unbalanced beings. Afterwards Ophidian its seen without its host, launching along with the other entities and Krona an attack on Oa, where it possessed a Guardian of the Universe. Ophidian was eventually free from Krona's control, after Hal Jordan defeated and killed the rogue Guardian. Ophidian roams at large in the Universe once again.
Johns confirmed, at San Diego Comic Con 2009, that the oath required to recharge Larfleeze's ring has not been heard despite rumors of it being the word "mine" (a demand regularly made by both Agent Orange and his Orange Lanterns). Regardless, in an interview with NewsaramaNewsarama
Newsarama is an American website that publishes news, interviews and essays about the American comic book industry.-History:Newsarama began in Summer 1995 as a series of Internet forum postings on the Prodigy comic-book message boards by fan Mike Doran. In these short messages. Doran shared...
, he also stated that the Orange Lantern oath was his favorite.
Given that Larfleeze is the only ring wielder not to recite his oath in Blackest Night #5 (Hal Jordan instead constructed a giant hand to shove his face directly into his lantern, resulting in a 100,000% power ring charge) a fan asked Johns about his plans for the character at WonderCon
WonderCon is an annual comic book, science fiction, and motion picture convention, held in the San Francisco Bay Area since 1987.The convention was conceived by retailer John Barrett and originally held in the Oakland Convention Center, where it remained until 2003, when it moved to San...
2010. Remaining vague, Johns responded that Larfleeze's oath would be revealed "soon." Lex Luthor has recently stated that he "swore an oath to serve the Orange Lantern Corps ("and what an interesting oath it was").
Powers and abilities
Agent Orange exclusively wields the orange light of avarice using his orange power ring and power battery. Some of his basic abilities are shared with other Corps: flight, aura projection, and the ability to create constructs made from light. However, the most notable and unique aspect of Larfleeze's abilities is his power to steal the identities of those he kills. After these individuals have died, an orange light construct resembling them rises from their body, adding a new member to his Orange Lanterns. The Orange Lanterns are able to steal the identities of others for Larfleeze in the same way. The orange light also has the power to absorb green light constructs and mystical energies (such as the magicks created by Green Lantern Torquemada). Conversely, it is depicted as being unable to absorb blue or violet light constructs.Larfleeze's power is amplified by being in constant contact with his power battery. As a result of this, he can maintain an entire corps of constructs, even when separated from it. However, Larfleeze is burdened with insatiable hunger that is never quelled as a side-effect of wielding the orange light (which can be nullified while in the presence of a Blue Lantern).
Based on Larfleeze's reaction to it after it was removed, The Orange ring is classified as one of the two parasitic type rings (the other is the Indigo Ring), which alters its wielder to match its own alignment rather than choosing users who embody its emotion. Unlike the Indigo ring, it appears to need someone who is already somewhat greedy; it then amplifies this to a huge degree. Those who are insufficiently greedy for the ring to establish a hold suffer debilitating side effects that prevent them from using the ring for more than a few minutes.