Lauretta Lamptey
Lauretta Vivian Lamptey is the Ghanaian Commissioner on Human Rights and Administrative Justice
Commission on Human Rights and Administrative Justice
The Commission on Human Rights and Administrative Justice is an independent organisation for the safeguarding of human rights in Ghana....

. She is a lawyer
A lawyer, according to Black's Law Dictionary, is "a person learned in the law; as an attorney, counsel or solicitor; a person who is practicing law." Law is the system of rules of conduct established by the sovereign government of a society to correct wrongs, maintain the stability of political...

 and an investment banker
Investment banking
An investment bank is a financial institution that assists individuals, corporations and governments in raising capital by underwriting and/or acting as the client's agent in the issuance of securities...



Lauretta Lamptey studied law at the University of Ghana
University of Ghana
The University of Ghana is the oldest and largest of the thirteen Ghanaian universities and tertiary institutions. It is one of the best universities in Africa and by far the most prestigious in West Africa...

, Legon
Legon, a suburb of the Ghanaian capital city Accra, is situated about twelve kilometres north-east of the city center. Legon is home to the main campus of the University of Ghana. The word "Legon" is derived from the indigenous Ga language of the people of Greater Accra; NI-LEY GON therefore "Hill...

 where she gained the LL. B.
Bachelor of Laws
The Bachelor of Laws is an undergraduate, or bachelor, degree in law originating in England and offered in most common law countries as the primary law degree...

. She continued to the Ghana Law School where she qualified as a Barrister
A barrister is a member of one of the two classes of lawyer found in many common law jurisdictions with split legal professions. Barristers specialise in courtroom advocacy, drafting legal pleadings and giving expert legal opinions...

. She also studied International Business Law at the London School of Economics and Political Science
London School of Economics
The London School of Economics and Political Science is a public research university specialised in the social sciences located in London, United Kingdom, and a constituent college of the federal University of London...

 of the University of London
University of London
-20th century:Shortly after 6 Burlington Gardens was vacated, the University went through a period of rapid expansion. Bedford College, Royal Holloway and the London School of Economics all joined in 1900, Regent's Park College, which had affiliated in 1841 became an official divinity school of the...

 where she acquired the LL. M. degree.


Lauretta Lamptey has worked in various capacities. She has been the head of the Capital Markets Group at Ecobank Ghana
Ecobank Ghana
Ecobank Ghana is a bank in Ghana in the Pan-African Ecobank chain which operates in twenty nine countries. They are listed on the stock index of the Ghana Stock Exchange, the GSE All-Share Index. It formed in 1990.-External links:**...

. She moved from there to become head of Corporate Finance at Cal Merchant Bank. She is also known to have provided legal, financial and investment advice to the Government of Ghana on transactions related to mining, energy and natural resources. She is on the Board of Directors of the Ghana Commercial Bank
Ghana Commercial Bank
Ghana Commercial Bank, normally abbreviated to GCB, is a commercial bank in Ghana. The bank is the largest indigenous financial institution in the country.-History:...

. She has also been on the Securities Discount Company (SDC) and Gliksten W. A. and is a founder member of the board of the Ghana Stock Exchange.

Commission on Human Rights and Administrative Justice

Lauretta was sworn in as the Commissioner on 26 July 2011 by President John Atta Mills. Her appointment proved popular with gender activists including Adjoa Bame of NETRIGHT.

External links

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