Learning Curve (Voyager episode)
"Learning Curve" is the 16th episode of Star Trek: Voyager
Star Trek: Voyager
Star Trek: Voyager is a science fiction television series set in the Star Trek universe. Set in the 24th century from the year 2371 through 2378, the series follows the adventures of the Starfleet vessel USS Voyager, which becomes stranded in the Delta Quadrant 70,000 light-years from Earth while...



After Crewman Dalby shows clear insubordination towards Tuvok
Tuvok is one of the main characters on the television series Star Trek: Voyager. Tuvok is a Vulcan who serves as the ship's chief of security and its chief tactical officer. Tim Russ portrayed Tuvok throughout the show's run, from 1995 to 2001....

, a class is organized to teach several previously Maquis
Maquis (Star Trek)
In the American Star Trek science-fiction franchise, the Maquis are a 24th Century paramilitary organization or terrorist group first introduced in the 1994 episode "The Maquis" of the television series Star Trek: Deep Space Nine, who subsequently also appeared in Star Trek: The Next Generation and...

 crew members proper Starfleet
In the fictional universe of Star Trek, Starfleet or the Federation Starfleet is the deep-space exploratory, peacekeeping and military service maintained by the United Federation of Planets . It is the principal means by which the Federation conducts its exploration, defense, diplomacy and research...

 protocol so that they can integrate more fully with the rest of the crew. At first this proves distinctly unsuccessful, with them walking out of their first lesson against Tuvok's direct orders. Later in the mess hall, Crewman Dalby makes it clear to Chakotay
Chakotay , played by Robert Beltran, is a character in Star Trek: Voyager. He is the First Officer of the USS Voyager.-Character biography:...

 that he wants to do things the Maquis way. Chakotay then promptly punches Dalby, saying that violence is also the Maquis way. With his point made, the students go to every future session with Tuvok.

When Tuvok shares with Neelix that he is frustrated with the Maquis' unwillingness to adapt to Starfleet protocol, Neelix indicates that perhaps it is Tuvok who is being inflexible in his strict adherence to procedure, and that perhaps if he were to "bend the rules" a little bit, the trainees would respect him more.

Meanwhile, it is discovered that the bioneural circuitry that runs many of the crucial systems on the ship has become infected with disease. Tuvok and The Doctor trace the infectious agent back to a batch of homemade cheese that Neelix
Mr. Neelix is a fictional character in the television series Star Trek: Voyager. He is played by actor Ethan Phillips.-Fictional Biography:Mr. Neelix is a Talaxian originally from Rinax, a moon of the planet Talax, in the Delta quadrant, although his great-grandfather was Mylean. His entire family...

 had prepared. The Doctor discovers that the only way to kill the microbe is to heat up the bioneural gel packs, essentially giving them a fever
Fever is a common medical sign characterized by an elevation of temperature above the normal range of due to an increase in the body temperature regulatory set-point. This increase in set-point triggers increased muscle tone and shivering.As a person's temperature increases, there is, in...

to fight the infection. The crew runs the warp core at 80% without going to warp, which produces enough heat to kill the virus; however, it also initiates a pulse surge, causing many power conduits to be blown out.

At that moment, another class is in progress in a cargo bay, but still with little progress in reforming the students. However, when a power conduit blows in the cargo bay, they must work together to get out before the room fills with noxious gas. They succeed, however one of the trainees is injured in the explosion. Regardless, Tuvok orders them all to leave him behind in the cargo bay in order to ensure their own safety.

After getting the other trainees out, Tuvok contradicts his own order by going back into the poisonous gas to save the injured crewman; however, in the process he succumbs to the gas and passes out. However, Dalby and the other trainees work together to rescue Tuvok. After the incident is over, Dalby indicates to Tuvok that if he is willing to bend Starfleet protocol to save one of them, perhaps they can bend to accept the Starfleet rules after all.

External links

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