Left Behind (Lost)
"Left Behind" is the 15th episode of the 3rd season of Lost
Lost (TV series)
Lost is an American television series that originally aired on ABC from September 22, 2004 to May 23, 2010, consisting of six seasons. Lost is a drama series that follows the survivors of the crash of a commercial passenger jet flying between Sydney and Los Angeles, on a mysterious tropical island...

. It was aired on April 4, 2007, making it the 64th episode of the series. The episode was written by Damon Lindelof
Damon Lindelof
Damon Laurence Lindelof is an American television writer and executive, most recently noted as the co-creator and executive producer for the television series Lost. He has written for and produced Crossing Jordan, and wrote for Nash Bridges, Wasteland, and the MTV anthology series Undressed...

 and Elizabeth Sarnoff
Elizabeth Sarnoff
Elizabeth "Liz" Sarnoff is an American television writer and producer. She has written episodes of NYPD Blue, Crossing Jordan, Deadwood and Lost.-Career:...

 and directed by Karen Gaviola
Karen Gaviola
Karen Gaviola is an American television director. Gaviola is the winner of the 2007 NAACP Image Award for directing "The Whole Truth" episode of the ABC hit series Lost. In addition to directing multiple episodes of Lost, Karen Gaviola has directed over 60 shows including CSI: Miami, Brothers and...

 who won the NAACP Image Award for Best Director in a Drama Series. The character of Kate
Kate Austen
Katherine Anne "Kate" Austen is a fictional character on the ABC television series Lost, played by Canadian actress Evangeline Lilly. She is the de facto female lead...

 was featured in the episode's flashbacks.


In a flashback to Iowa
Iowa is a state located in the Midwestern United States, an area often referred to as the "American Heartland". It derives its name from the Ioway people, one of the many American Indian tribes that occupied the state at the time of European exploration. Iowa was a part of the French colony of New...

, Kate's car breaks down and is towed into a service station. She overhears a man and a woman arguing. The woman is Cassidy, whom Sawyer trained to be a grifter and all of whose money he stole. She is working the jewelry con on the man. He does not believe Cassidy and wants to call the police. Kate tells him that her father was a jeweler, and the jewelry is not fake. They have drinks together and Cassidy asks why Kate did not want the police there. Kate says her stepfather was a bad man, so she killed him, escaped from the US marshal
United States Marshals Service
The United States Marshals Service is a United States federal law enforcement agency within the United States Department of Justice . The office of U.S. Marshal is the oldest federal law enforcement office in the United States; it was created by the Judiciary Act of 1789...

 who arrested her and now she is back to talk to her mother. Cassidy offers to help. She says she was conned and embarrassed by a "bad guy", too, and that one of them deserves something good.

Back in Iowa, Kate knocks on her mother's door. Diane opens the door, but before she can say anything, cops surround Kate and cuff her. Marshal Mars walks out only to realize that it is not Kate; it is Cassidy dressed as Kate, who claims to be just selling Bibles. Watching through binoculars from down the street is the real Kate, and she realizes just what she is up against. Later at the motel, Kate admits that her mother gave her up to the police, choosing her abusive husband over her daughter, betraying her, and Kate needs to know why.

Cassidy goes to the restaurant where Kate's mom works and 'accidentally' dumps a bowl of chili on her. Diane goes to the bathroom to clean up; Kate is waiting there for her. Diane tells Kate that she killed the man she loved. Kate replies that Wayne abused her, but Diane simply snaps back that she didn't kill Wayne for anyone but herself. Diane promises not to say anything now, but the next time she sees Kate she'll yell for help.

In a flashback to Iowa, Cassidy drops Kate off at the service station. Cassidy tells her she is pregnant. She wants the guy dead, yet she still loves him. Kate says to call the cops and have him locked up. Cassidy asks if Kate would forgive her mom for calling the cops. Kate says no, but that this guy has it coming.

At the Barracks and in the jungle

Kate is held captive by The Others and still handcuffed. When Juliet
Juliet Burke
Dr. Juliet Burke is a fictional character on the ABC television series Lost played by Elizabeth Mitchell. Her character was introduced in the third season premiere.- Prior to arrival on the island :...

 comes to bring her food, Kate attempts to attack her, but Juliet quickly overpowers her. Soon after, Locke
John Locke (Lost)
John Locke is a fictional character played by Terry O'Quinn on the ABC television series Lost. He is named after English philosopher John Locke...

 comes in to say that he is abandoning her and leaving with the Others. Locke tells her he does not want to go home; he explains that he made a strong case for her but then they told him who she was and what she had done, he knew that they would likely not forgive her.

Back at the barracks, Kate hears a loud bang, and looks outside in time to see the Others packing to leave. They all put on gas masks, then the door to the recreation center flies open, someone tosses in a canister and slams the door shut. The canister pops open and gas starts fuming out, knocking her out cold. She wakes up in the jungle, handcuffed to Juliet. Kate takes Juliet's knife and tries unsuccessfully to unlock the handcuffs. Kate says they are going back for her friends.

As Kate follows a trail leading to the barracks, they end up getting into a fight about Jack and Kate dislocates Juliet's shoulder. Juliet's yell of pain attracts the smoke monster, and they quickly run into the roots of a banyan tree for cover. The Monster roils up in front of them, and Juliet's face is lit up by a series of bright flashes of light. The monster then retreats, leaving Juliet terrified.

Juliet reveals that Jack told Kate not to come back for him, not because he does not want Kate to be harmed, but because she broke his heart. Then, as Kate calms Juliet down, Juliet asks Kate to put her shoulder back in place, after doing so, they fall asleep.

Kate and Juliet continue to the barracks; however, the monster returns. They take off running, and come upon the pylons. Kate jerks Juliet to a stop and says they cannot go through them. Juliet reaches into her back pocket, takes out a key, and unlocks the cuffs. She then runs to a pylon, enters an access code on a key pad, and they run across the barrier. Juliet jams the setting into the red zone. The monster zooms in and bounces off the barrier. It roils and rises, making awful noises, and is unable to pass through the fence. Then it quickly shoots away. Juliet admits that they do not know what it is, but they do know it does not like their fence. Kate asks about the key. Juliet says she was left behind, too, and by people she knew and trusted. She hoped that if Kate thought they were in it together, Kate would not leave her behind in the jungle like they did. Kate unlocks her cuff, and they continue on.

Kate and Juliet reach the barracks. Everyone appears to be gone. Juliet goes to look for Sayid
Sayid Jarrah
Sayid Hassan Jarrah is a character from the ABC show Lost portrayed by Naveen Andrews.-Season 1:Sayid fixes the transceiver recovered from the cockpit, and leads a group into the jungle in order to send out a distress signal. Instead, he picks up a looping message . He tries to locate the...

, and Kate goes to get Jack
Jack Shephard
Dr. Jack Shephard is a fictional character and protagonist of the ABC television series Lost played by Matthew Fox. Lost follows the journey of the survivors of Oceanic Airlines flight 815 on a mysterious island and their attempts to survive and escape, slowly uncovering more of the much broader...

, finding him unconscious on the floor of his house. Kate wakes him up and tells him the Others left because of her. She apologizes and cries for messing up his plans to go home, he ignores her and asks where Juliet is. Kate pulls back emotionally, telling him that they left her, too. They join Juliet and Sayid. Jack suggests taking what they can find and starting back before dark. Sayid objects to Juliet coming with them, but Jack is insistent. Kate and Sayid trade looks, both worried about this new development, and head out.

At the beach

Back at the beach, Hurley tells Sawyer that after the Nikki and Paulo
Nikki and Paulo
Nikki Fernandez and Paulo are fictional characters on the ABC drama television series Lost, which chronicles the lives of over forty people after their plane crashes on a remote island somewhere in the south Pacific...

 situation with the diamonds, the camp is going to vote on whether or not to "banish" him. Hurley says there are benefits to living as part of a society and suggests he make amends to fix things.

Sawyer tells Hurley he is ready to make amends. He apologizes to Hurley for calling him all those names, is nice to Claire
Claire Littleton
Claire Littleton is a fictional character played by Emilie de Ravin on the ABC drama television series Lost, which chronicles the lives of the survivors of a plane crash in the South Pacific. Claire is introduced in the pilot episode as a pregnant crash survivor. She is a series regular until her...

 and gives her a blanket for the baby and tells her that Aaron looks less wrinkled since the last time Sawyer saw him, and partners with Desmond
Desmond Hume
Desmond David Hume is a fictional character on the ABC television series Lost portrayed by Henry Ian Cusick. Desmond's name is a tribute to David Hume, the famous empiricist author and philosopher. Desmond was not a passenger of Flight 815. He had been stranded on the island three years prior to...

 to hunt for boar and provide food for the camp. Later, Sawyer roasts the boar and everyone eats. Charlie
Charlie Pace
Charlie Hieronymus Pace is a fictional character on ABC's Lost, a television series chronicling the lives of plane crash survivors on a mysterious tropical island...

 tells Sawyer he had not heard about any vote, and Sawyer realizes he was conned by Hurley into being nice. Hurley explains that with Jack, Locke, Kate and Sayid gone, Sawyer is all they have, and is the de facto leader. Sawyer dislikes this idea, but Hurley insists that while Jack didn't like it either, it didn't change the fact that all eyes were on him. Sawyer sees how happy he made people and attempts to keep the good vibes going, even offering to hold Aaron for Claire.

Cast Notes

Kiele Sanchez
Kiele Sanchez
Kiele Michelle Sanchez is an American actress who stars in the A&E Network drama The Glades. Previously she starred as the second-eldest Sorelli sister, Anne, a therapist in her mid-twenties, in The WB's comedic ensemble drama, Related. She was cast as a co-star in the third season of the ABC...

Nikki and Paulo
Nikki Fernandez and Paulo are fictional characters on the ABC drama television series Lost, which chronicles the lives of over forty people after their plane crashes on a remote island somewhere in the south Pacific...

) and Rodrigo Santoro
Rodrigo Santoro
Rodrigo Junqueira dos Reis Santoro is a Brazilian actor.-Life and career:Santoro was born in Petrópolis, Rio de Janeiro. He is of half Brazilian and half Italian descent. In 1993, as Santoro was studying Journalism at PUC-Rio, he entered the Actor's Workshop of Rede Globo...

Nikki and Paulo
Nikki Fernandez and Paulo are fictional characters on the ABC drama television series Lost, which chronicles the lives of over forty people after their plane crashes on a remote island somewhere in the south Pacific...

) are no longer credited with the starring cast.

External links

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