Legacy of Blood (module)
Legacy of Blood is a 1987 adventure module for the Dungeons & Dragons
Dungeons & Dragons
Dungeons & Dragons is a fantasy role-playing game originally designed by Gary Gygax and Dave Arneson, and first published in 1974 by Tactical Studies Rules, Inc. . The game has been published by Wizards of the Coast since 1997...

roleplaying game. Its module code is CM9 and its TSR product code is TSR 9210.

Plot summary

In Legacy of Blood, one of the player characters has inherited the reins of power in the realm of Fenholm, and must learn to cope with the problems of this new rulership.

The player character
Player character
A player character or playable character is a character in a video game or role playing game who is controlled or controllable by a player, and is typically a protagonist of the story told in the course of the game. A player character is a persona of the player who controls it. Player characters...

's cousin Rolph is dead, and as his heir, the player character was willed his dominion: Fenhold. The Deep Swamp is threatening to engulf all of this new holding. People are seeing ghosts, disappearing without reason, and crops are suddenly blighted. The farmers don't like the swampdwellers, the swampdwellers don't like the farmers, and no one likes the halflings. It is the player character's task to make all this shipshape once again.

Publication history

CM9 Legacy of Blood was written by Steve Perrin
Steve Perrin
Stephen Herbert Perrin, born January 22 1946 and simply known as Steve Perrin, is a game designer and technical writer/editor.Perrin is probably best known for creating the role-playing game RuneQuest for Chaosium...

 and Katharine Kerr
Katharine Kerr
Katharine Kerr is a science fiction and fantasy novelist, best known for her series of Celtic-influenced high fantasy novels set in the fictional land of Deverry.- Biography :...

, with a cover by Clyde Caldwell
Clyde Caldwell
Clyde Caldwell is an American artist. Self described as a fantasy illustrator, he is best known for his portrayals of strong, sexy female characters.-Early life:...

, and was published by TSR in 1987 as a 32-page booklet with an outer folder.


  • Steve Perrin
    Steve Perrin
    Stephen Herbert Perrin, born January 22 1946 and simply known as Steve Perrin, is a game designer and technical writer/editor.Perrin is probably best known for creating the role-playing game RuneQuest for Chaosium...

    : Design
  • Katharine Kerr
    Katharine Kerr
    Katharine Kerr is a science fiction and fantasy novelist, best known for her series of Celtic-influenced high fantasy novels set in the fictional land of Deverry.- Biography :...

    : Design
  • Heike Kubasch: Editing
  • Clyde Caldwell
    Clyde Caldwell
    Clyde Caldwell is an American artist. Self described as a fantasy illustrator, he is best known for his portrayals of strong, sexy female characters.-Early life:...

    : Cover art
  • Eric A. Gehlin: Interior art
  • Betty Elmore: Typesetting
  • Stephanie Tabat: Cartography
  • Susan R. Myers: Cartography
  • Gloria Habriga: Cartography
  • David C. Sutherland III
    David C. Sutherland III
    David C. Sutherland III was an early Dungeons & Dragons artist. Sutherland was a prolific artist and his work heavily influenced the early development of Dungeons & Dragons.-Early life and inspiration:...

    : Cartography
  • Jon Jacobsen: Original cartography

External links

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