Leonard Clark
Leonard Clark was an English
England is a country that is part of the United Kingdom. It shares land borders with Scotland to the north and Wales to the west; the Irish Sea is to the north west, the Celtic Sea to the south west, with the North Sea to the east and the English Channel to the south separating it from continental...

 poet and anthologist. He was born and brought up in the Forest of Dean
Forest of Dean
The Forest of Dean is a geographical, historical and cultural region in the western part of the county of Gloucestershire, England. The forest is a roughly triangular plateau bounded by the River Wye to the west and north, the River Severn to the south, and the City of Gloucester to the east.The...

 in Gloucestershire
Gloucestershire is a county in South West England. The county comprises part of the Cotswold Hills, part of the flat fertile valley of the River Severn, and the entire Forest of Dean....

, and the early experience of growing up in an essentially rural setting influenced both his prose and his poetry. He worked as a teacher and school inspector

His best-known anthology is All Things New, a collection of poems for children; it includes a short essay before each poem, explaining it. Other books of poetry include 'The Hearing Heart','Singing in the Streets: poems for Christmas'. Prose works include 'A Fool in the Forest' and 'Green Wood: Tales of a Gloucestershire Childhood', both of which comprise series of descriptions of characters and events from Leonard Clark's childhood.

'Following The Sun', 1967, was a compilation of schoolchildren's poems selected by Clark from entries to a competition in the Sun newspaper.
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