Lex non scripta
Lex non scripta is a Latin
Latin is an Italic language originally spoken in Latium and Ancient Rome. It, along with most European languages, is a descendant of the ancient Proto-Indo-European language. Although it is considered a dead language, a number of scholars and members of the Christian clergy speak it fluently, and...

 expression that means "'law not written'" or "'unwritten law'". It is a term that embraces all the laws which do not come under the definition of written law or "lex scripta
Lex scripta
Lex scripta pl. leges scriptae is a Latin expression that means "written or statutory law." It is in contrast to lex non scripta, customary or common law. The term originates from the Roman legal tradition...

" and it is composed, principally, of the law of nature
Law of nature
Law of Nature may refer to:* Physical law, a scientific generalization based upon empirical observation* Natural law, any of a number of doctrines in moral, political and legal theory...

, the law of nations, the common law
Common law
Common law is law developed by judges through decisions of courts and similar tribunals rather than through legislative statutes or executive branch action...

, and customs
Customs is an authority or agency in a country responsible for collecting and safeguarding customs duties and for controlling the flow of goods including animals, transports, personal effects and hazardous items in and out of a country...

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