In biology
Biology is a natural science concerned with the study of life and living organisms, including their structure, function, growth, origin, evolution, distribution, and taxonomy. Biology is a vast subject containing many subdivisions, topics, and disciplines...

, Lipotriches is a genus of sweat bee
Sweat bee
Sweat bee is the common name for any bees that are attracted to the salt in human sweat. In its strict application, the name refers to members of the Halictidae, a large family of bees that are common in most of the world except Australia and Southeast Asia, where they are only a minor faunistic...

s in the family Halictidae
Halictidae is a cosmopolitan family of the order Hymenoptera consisting of small to midsize bees which are usually dark-colored and often metallic in appearance...

, distributed widely throughout the Eastern Hemisphere
Eastern Hemisphere
The Eastern Hemisphere, also Eastern hemisphere or eastern hemisphere, is a geographical term for the half of the Earth that is east of the Prime Meridian and west of 180° longitude. It is also used to refer to Europe, Asia, Africa, and Australasia, vis-à-vis the Western Hemisphere, which includes...

 though absent from Europe
Europe is, by convention, one of the world's seven continents. Comprising the westernmost peninsula of Eurasia, Europe is generally 'divided' from Asia to its east by the watershed divides of the Ural and Caucasus Mountains, the Ural River, the Caspian and Black Seas, and the waterways connecting...

. They commonly have prominent bands of hair on the margins of the metasoma
The metasoma is the posterior part of the body, or tagma, of arthropods whose body is composed of three parts, the other two being the prosoma and the mesosoma. In insects, it contains most of the digestive tract, respiratory system, and circulatory system, and the apical segments are typically...

l segments.


  • Lipotriches ablusa (Cockerell, 1931)
  • Lipotriches abuensis (Cameron, 1908)
  • Lipotriches acaciae (Cockerell, 1935)
  • Lipotriches adelaidella (Cockerell, 1910)
  • Lipotriches aenea (Smith, 1875)
  • Lipotriches aenescens (Friese, 1912)
  • Lipotriches aerata (Smith, 1875)
  • Lipotriches alberti (Cockerell, 1942)
  • Lipotriches albitarsis (Friese, 1930)
  • Lipotriches alboscopacea (Friese, 1917)
  • Lipotriches alternata (Cockerell, 1942)
  • Lipotriches amatha (Cockerell, 1935)
  • Lipotriches analis (Friese, 1924)
  • Lipotriches analis (Benoist, 1964)
  • Lipotriches andrei (Vachal, 1897)
  • Lipotriches andrenina (Cockerell, 1911)
  • Lipotriches antennata (Smith, 1875)
  • Lipotriches apicata (Cockerell, 1936)
  • Lipotriches argentifrons (Smith, 1862)
  • Lipotriches armatipes (Friese, 1930)
  • Lipotriches armatula (Dalla Torre, 1896)
  • Lipotriches arnoldi (Friese, 1930)
  • Lipotriches aurata (Bingham, 1897)
  • Lipotriches aureobalteata (Cameron, 1902)
  • Lipotriches aureohirta (Cameron, 1898)
  • Lipotriches aureotecta (Cockerell, 1931)
  • Lipotriches aurifrons (Smith, 1853)
  • Lipotriches austella (Hirashima, 1978)
  • Lipotriches australica (Smith, 1875)
  • Lipotriches azarensis (Cockerell, 1932)
  • Lipotriches babindensis (Cockerell, 1930)
  • Lipotriches bantarica (Cockerell, 1919)
  • Lipotriches basipicta (Wickwar, 1908)
  • Lipotriches bechuanella (Cockerell, 1939)
  • Lipotriches bequaertiella (Cockerell, 1942)
  • Lipotriches betsilei (Saussure, 1890)
  • Lipotriches bicarinata (Cameron, 1903)
  • Lipotriches bigibba (Saussure, 1890)
  • Lipotriches blandula (Vachal, 1903)
  • Lipotriches bombayensis (Cameron, 1908)
  • Lipotriches brachysoma (Schletterer, 1891)
  • Lipotriches brevipennis (Friese, 1915)
  • Lipotriches brisbanensis (Cockerell, 1913)
  • Lipotriches brooksi (Pauly, 1991)
  • Lipotriches burmica (Cockerell, 1920)
  • Lipotriches butteli (Friese, 1913)
  • Lipotriches ceratina (Smith, 1857)
  • Lipotriches ceylonica (Friese, 1913)
  • Lipotriches cheesmanae (Michener, 1965)
  • Lipotriches chilwensis (Cockerell, 1939)
  • Lipotriches cinerascens (Smith, 1875)
  • Lipotriches circumnitens (Cockerell, 1946)
  • Lipotriches cirrita (Vachal, 1903)
  • Lipotriches clavata (Smith, 1853)
  • Lipotriches clavicornis (Warncke, 1980)
  • Lipotriches clavisetis (Vachal, 1910)
  • Lipotriches clypeata (Smith, 1875)
  • Lipotriches collaris (Vachal, 1903)
  • Lipotriches comberi (Cockerell, 1911)
  • Lipotriches comperta (Cockerell, 1912)
  • Lipotriches crassula (Vachal, 1903)
  • Lipotriches cribrosa (Spinola, 1843)
  • Lipotriches crocodilensis (Pauly, 1990)
  • Lipotriches cubitalis (Vachal, 1897)
  • Lipotriches cyanella (Cockerell, 1913)
  • Lipotriches dentipes (Friese, 1930)
  • Lipotriches dentiventris (Smith, 1875)
  • Lipotriches derema (Strand, 1914)
  • Lipotriches desolata (Cockerell, 1941)
  • Lipotriches digitata (Friese, 1909)
  • Lipotriches dimissa (Cockerell, 1921)
  • Lipotriches doddii (Cockerell, 1905)
  • Lipotriches dominarum (Cockerell, 1932)
  • Lipotriches echinata (Friese, 1930)
  • Lipotriches edirisinghei Pauly, 2006
  • Lipotriches elongata (Friese, 1914)
  • Lipotriches elongatula (Cockerell, 1915)
  • Lipotriches erimae (Friese, 1909)
  • Lipotriches esakii (Hirashima, 1961)
  • Lipotriches ethioparca (Cockerell, 1935)
  • Lipotriches exagens (Walker, 1860)
  • Lipotriches excellens (Cockerell, 1929)
  • Lipotriches femorata (Friese, 1936)
  • Lipotriches ferricauda (Cockerell, 1913)
  • Lipotriches fervida (Smith, 1875)
  • Lipotriches fimbriata (Vachal, 1897)
  • Lipotriches flavitarsis (Friese, 1909)
  • Lipotriches flavoviridis (Cockerell, 1905)
  • Lipotriches floralis (Smith, 1875)
  • Lipotriches fortior (Cockerell, 1929)
  • Lipotriches frenchi (Cockerell, 1912)
  • Lipotriches friesei (Magretti, 1899)
  • Lipotriches fruhstorferi (Pérez, 1905)
  • Lipotriches fulvinerva (Cameron, 1907)
  • Lipotriches fulvohirta (Smith, 1875)
  • Lipotriches fumipennis (Pauly, 2001)
  • Lipotriches generosa (Smith, 1875)
  • Lipotriches geophila (Cockerell, 1930)
  • Lipotriches gilberti (Cockerell, 1905)
  • Lipotriches goniognatha (Cockerell, 1919)
  • Lipotriches gracilipes (Smith, 1875)
  • Lipotriches gratiosa (Friese, 1914)
  • Lipotriches grisella (Cockerell, 1913)
  • Lipotriches guineensis (Strand, 1912)
  • Lipotriches guluensis (Cockerell, 1943)
  • Lipotriches hainanensis (Wu, 1985)
  • Lipotriches halictella (Cockerell, 1905)
  • Lipotriches hippophila (Cockerell, 1910)
  • Lipotriches hirsutissima (Cockerell, 1935)
  • Lipotriches hirsutula (Cockerell, 1947)
  • Lipotriches hylaeoides (Gerstäcker, 1857)
  • Lipotriches hypodonta (Cockerell, 1905)
  • Lipotriches inaequalis (Cockerell, 1931)
  • Lipotriches inamoena (Benoist, 1950)
  • Lipotriches jacobsoni (Friese, 1914)
  • Lipotriches johannis (Cockerell, 1946)
  • Lipotriches kabindana (Strand, 1920)
  • Lipotriches kamerunensis (Friese, 1916)
  • Lipotriches kampalana (Cockerell, 1935)
  • Lipotriches kangrae (Nurse, 1904)
  • Lipotriches kankauana (Strand, 1913)
  • Lipotriches kasoutina (Cockerell, 1943)
  • Lipotriches katonana (Strand, 1913)
  • Lipotriches kondeana (Strand, 1913)
  • Lipotriches krombeini (Hirashima, 1978)
  • Lipotriches kurandina (Cockerell, 1910)
  • Lipotriches lactinea (Vachal, 1903)
  • Lipotriches lamellicornis (Friese, 1911)
  • Lipotriches langi (Cockerell, 1932)
  • Lipotriches latetibialis (Friese, 1924)
  • Lipotriches latifacies (Strand, 1911)
  • Lipotriches lautula (Cockerell, 1919)
  • Lipotriches leucomelanura (Cockerell, 1935)
  • Lipotriches levicauda (Cockerell, 1919)
  • Lipotriches ligata (Vachal, 1903)
  • Lipotriches lubumbashica (Cockerell, 1943)
  • Lipotriches lucidula (Vachal, 1910)
  • Lipotriches luridipes (Benoist, 1964)
  • Lipotriches maai (Michener, 1965)
  • Lipotriches macropus (Friese, 1930)
  • Lipotriches magniventris (Friese, 1914)
  • Lipotriches makomensis (Strand, 1912)
  • Lipotriches meadewaldoi (Brauns, 1912)
  • Lipotriches medani (Cockerell, 1942)
  • Lipotriches media (Benoist, 1964)
  • Lipotriches mediorufa (Cockerell, 1912)
  • Lipotriches melanodonta (Cockerell, 1926)
  • Lipotriches melanoptera (Cockerell, 1910)
  • Lipotriches melanosoma (Benoist, 1964)
  • Lipotriches melvilliana (Cockerell, 1929)
  • Lipotriches minutula (Friese, 1909)
  • Lipotriches miranda (Rayment, 1954)
  • Lipotriches modesta (Smith, 1862)
  • Lipotriches moerens (Smith, 1875)
  • Lipotriches mollis (Smith, 1879)
  • Lipotriches montana (Friese, 1930)
  • Lipotriches montana (Ebmer, 1978)
  • Lipotriches morata (Cockerell, 1920)
  • Lipotriches mozambensis (Pauly, 2003)
  • Lipotriches muscosa (Cockerell, 1910)
  • Lipotriches musgravei (Cockerell, 1929)
  • Lipotriches nana (Smith, 1875)
  • Lipotriches nanensis (Cockerell, 1929)
  • Lipotriches natalensis (Cockerell, 1916)
  • Lipotriches negligenda (Dalla Torre, 1896)
  • Lipotriches nigra (Wu, 1985)
  • Lipotriches nitidibasis (Cockerell, 1920)
  • Lipotriches notabilis (Schletterer, 1891)
  • Lipotriches notiomorpha (Hirashima, 1978)
  • Lipotriches nubecula (Smith, 1875)
  • Lipotriches nubilosa (Cockerell, 1942)
  • Lipotriches nuda (Rayment, 1939)
  • Lipotriches oberthuerella (Saussure, 1890)
  • Lipotriches obscura (Benoist, 1964)
  • Lipotriches odontostoma (Cockerell, 1941)
  • Lipotriches opacibasis (Cockerell, 1935)
  • Lipotriches orientalis (Friese, 1909)
  • Lipotriches pachypoda (Cockerell, 1920)
  • Lipotriches palavanica (Cockerell, 1915)
  • Lipotriches pallidibasis (Cockerell, 1936)
  • Lipotriches pallidicincta (Cockerell, 1932)
  • Lipotriches pallidiventer (Cockerell, 1943)
  • Lipotriches panganina (Strand, 1911)
  • Lipotriches parca (Kohl, 1906)
  • Lipotriches patellifera (Westwood, 1875)
  • Lipotriches pennata (Friese, 1924)
  • Lipotriches perlucida (Cockerell, 1911)
  • Lipotriches petterssoni (Pauly, 1991)
  • Lipotriches phanerura (Cockerell, 1913)
  • Lipotriches phenacura (Cockerell, 1911)
  • Lipotriches philippinensis (Cockerell, 1915)
  • Lipotriches picardi (Gribodo, 1894)
  • Lipotriches pilipes (Smith, 1875)
  • Lipotriches platycephala (Cockerell, 1917)
  • Lipotriches pristis (Vachal, 1903)
  • Lipotriches pseudohalictiella (Strand, 1913)
  • Lipotriches pulchricornis (Cockerell, 1943)
  • Lipotriches pulchriventris (Cameron, 1897)
  • Lipotriches purnongensis (Cockerell, 1913)
  • Lipotriches quartinae (Gribodo, 1884)
  • Lipotriches raialii (Pauly, 2001)
  • Lipotriches rainandriamampandryi (Pauly, 2001)
  • Lipotriches ranomafanae (Pauly, 2001)
  • Lipotriches reginae (Cockerell, 1905)
  • Lipotriches regis (Cockerell, 1910)
  • Lipotriches reichardia (Strand, 1911)
  • Lipotriches rubella (Smith, 1875)
  • Lipotriches rufipes (Smith, 1875)
  • Lipotriches rufocognita (Cockerell, 1905)
  • Lipotriches rugicollis (Friese, 1930)
  • Lipotriches rustica (Westwood, 1875)
  • Lipotriches ruwenzorica (Cockerell, 1935)
  • Lipotriches sanguinolenta (Friese, 1930)
  • Lipotriches sansibarica (Strand, 1912)
  • Lipotriches satelles (Cockerell, 1912)
  • Lipotriches saussurei (Friese, 1902)
  • Lipotriches schroederi (Strand, 1914)
  • Lipotriches scutellata (Smith, 1875)
  • Lipotriches semiaurea (Cockerell, 1905)
  • Lipotriches semihirta (Cockerell, 1932)
  • Lipotriches semipallida (Cockerell, 1905)
  • Lipotriches senegalicola (Strand, 1912)
  • Lipotriches setulosa (Benoist, 1962)
  • Lipotriches shanganiensis (Cockerell, 1935)
  • Lipotriches sicheli (Vachal, 1897)
  • Lipotriches sikorai (Pauly, 1991)
  • Lipotriches sjoestedti (Friese, 1909)
  • Lipotriches smaragdula (Pauly, 1984)
  • Lipotriches speciosana (Strand, 1913)
  • Lipotriches speculina (Cockerell, 1942)
  • Lipotriches sphecodoides (Pauly, 1991)
  • Lipotriches spinulifera (Cockerell, 1933)
  • Lipotriches stalkeri (Cockerell, 1910)
  • Lipotriches stordyi (Cockerell, 1943)
  • Lipotriches subarmata (Cockerell, 1943)
  • Lipotriches subaustralica (Cockerell, 1910)
  • Lipotriches sublucens (Cockerell, 1939)
  • Lipotriches submoerens (Cockerell, 1914)
  • Lipotriches subnitida (Benoist, 1964)
  • Lipotriches swalei (Cockerell, 1939)
  • Lipotriches tampoloensis (Pauly, 1991)
  • Lipotriches tanganyicensis (Strand, 1913)
  • Lipotriches tenuihirta (Cockerell, 1905)
  • Lipotriches testacea (Strand, 1913)
  • Lipotriches testaceipes (Friese, 1924)
  • Lipotriches tetraloniformis (Strand, 1912)
  • Lipotriches thor (Cockerell, 1930)
  • Lipotriches triangularis (Cockerell, 1905)
  • Lipotriches tridentata (Smith, 1875)
  • Lipotriches triodonta (Kohl, 1906)
  • Lipotriches tristemmae (Pauly, 2001)
  • Lipotriches trochanterica (Friese, 1908)
  • Lipotriches tuckeri (Friese, 1930)
  • Lipotriches tulearensis (Benoist, 1962)
  • Lipotriches turneri (Friese, 1924)
  • Lipotriches ulongensis (Cockerell, 1929)
  • Lipotriches umbiloensis (Cockerell, 1916)
  • Lipotriches ustula (Cockerell, 1911)
  • Lipotriches vicina (Stadelmann, 1897)
  • Lipotriches viciniformis (Cockerell, 1939)
  • Lipotriches victoriae (Cockerell, 1910)
  • Lipotriches voeltzkowi (Friese, 1907)
  • Lipotriches vulpina (Gerstäcker, 1857)
  • Lipotriches welwitschi (Cockerell, 1908)
  • Lipotriches whitfieldi (Cockerell, 1942)
  • Lipotriches willeyi (Cameron, 1905)
  • Lipotriches williamsi (Cockerell, 1930)
  • Lipotriches xanthogastra (Alfken, 1926)
  • Lipotriches yapiensis (Cockerell, 1943)
  • Lipotriches yasumatsui (Hirashima, 1961)
  • Lipotriches yunnanensis (He & Wu, 1985)
  • Lipotriches zeae (Wu, 1985)
  • Lipotriches zuala (Strand, 1911)
  • Lipotriches cincticauda (Cockerell, 1943)
  • Lipotriches minuta (Benoist, 1964)
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