Lisbon University Institute
The ISCTE – Lisbon University Institute, abbreviated ISCTE-IUL (in Portuguese
Portuguese language
Portuguese is a Romance language that arose in the medieval Kingdom of Galicia, nowadays Galicia and Northern Portugal. The southern part of the Kingdom of Galicia became independent as the County of Portugal in 1095...

 ISCTE - Instituto Universitário de Lisboa), is a Portuguese
Portugal , officially the Portuguese Republic is a country situated in southwestern Europe on the Iberian Peninsula. Portugal is the westernmost country of Europe, and is bordered by the Atlantic Ocean to the West and South and by Spain to the North and East. The Atlantic archipelagos of the...

Public university
A public university is a university that is predominantly funded by public means through a national or subnational government, as opposed to private universities. A national university may or may not be considered a public university, depending on regions...

 university institute, located in the centre of Lisbon
Lisbon is the capital city and largest city of Portugal with a population of 545,245 within its administrative limits on a land area of . The urban area of Lisbon extends beyond the administrative city limits with a population of 3 million on an area of , making it the 9th most populous urban...

 in the University City campus.

In the past, ISCTE-IUL was named Instituto Superior de Ciências do Trabalho e da Empresa abbreviated ISCTE (in English
English language
English is a West Germanic language that arose in the Anglo-Saxon kingdoms of England and spread into what was to become south-east Scotland under the influence of the Anglian medieval kingdom of Northumbria...

 Higher Institute of Business and Labour Sciences).


ISCTE-IUL is constituted by four schools
University college
The term "university college" is used in a number of countries to denote college institutions that provide tertiary education but do not have full or independent university status. A university college is often part of a larger university...

  • ISCTE-IUL Business School (IBS)
  • School of Social and Human Sciences (ECSH)
  • School of Sociology and Public Policy (ESPP)
  • ISCTE-IUL School of Technology and Architecture (ISTA)

Teaching Programmes

ISCTE-IUL comprises about 7,500 student
A student is a learner, or someone who attends an educational institution. In some nations, the English term is reserved for those who attend university, while a schoolchild under the age of eighteen is called a pupil in English...

s at both undergraduate and graduate levels and close to 400 professor
A professor is a scholarly teacher; the precise meaning of the term varies by country. Literally, professor derives from Latin as a "person who professes" being usually an expert in arts or sciences; a teacher of high rank...

s. The ISCTE - Lisbon University Institute confers all levels of academic degree
Academic degree
An academic degree is a position and title within a college or university that is usually awarded in recognition of the recipient having either satisfactorily completed a prescribed course of study or having conducted a scholarly endeavour deemed worthy of his or her admission to the degree...

s in Anthropology
Anthropology is the study of humanity. It has origins in the humanities, the natural sciences, and the social sciences. The term "anthropology" is from the Greek anthrōpos , "man", understood to mean mankind or humanity, and -logia , "discourse" or "study", and was first used in 1501 by German...

, Sociology
Sociology is the study of society. It is a social science—a term with which it is sometimes synonymous—which uses various methods of empirical investigation and critical analysis to develop a body of knowledge about human social activity...

, History
History is the discovery, collection, organization, and presentation of information about past events. History can also mean the period of time after writing was invented. Scholars who write about history are called historians...

, Social psychology
Social psychology
Social psychology is the scientific study of how people's thoughts, feelings, and behaviors are influenced by the actual, imagined, or implied presence of others. By this definition, scientific refers to the empirical method of investigation. The terms thoughts, feelings, and behaviors include all...

, Political Science
Political science
Political Science is a social science discipline concerned with the study of the state, government and politics. Aristotle defined it as the study of the state. It deals extensively with the theory and practice of politics, and the analysis of political systems and political behavior...

, Planning
Urban planning
Urban planning incorporates areas such as economics, design, ecology, sociology, geography, law, political science, and statistics to guide and ensure the orderly development of settlements and communities....

, Architecture
Architecture is both the process and product of planning, designing and construction. Architectural works, in the material form of buildings, are often perceived as cultural and political symbols and as works of art...

, Economics
Economics is the social science that analyzes the production, distribution, and consumption of goods and services. The term economics comes from the Ancient Greek from + , hence "rules of the house"...

, Finance
"Finance" is often defined simply as the management of money or “funds” management Modern finance, however, is a family of business activity that includes the origination, marketing, and management of cash and money surrogates through a variety of capital accounts, instruments, and markets created...

, Business administration and Management
Management in all business and organizational activities is the act of getting people together to accomplish desired goals and objectives using available resources efficiently and effectively...

, Human Resources
Human resources
Human resources is a term used to describe the individuals who make up the workforce of an organization, although it is also applied in labor economics to, for example, business sectors or even whole nations...

, Marketing
Marketing is the process used to determine what products or services may be of interest to customers, and the strategy to use in sales, communications and business development. It generates the strategy that underlies sales techniques, business communication, and business developments...

, Computer Science
Computer science
Computer science or computing science is the study of the theoretical foundations of information and computation and of practical techniques for their implementation and application in computer systems...

, Telecommunications Engineering, Industrial Engineering
Industrial engineering
Industrial engineering is a branch of engineering dealing with the optimization of complex processes or systems. It is concerned with the development, improvement, implementation and evaluation of integrated systems of people, money, knowledge, information, equipment, energy, materials, analysis...

, amongst many other post-graduate programs.


ISCTE-IUL was established in Lisbon in 1972 as ISCTE using the faculty and facilities of the Instituto de Estudos Sociais (Institute of Social Studies, founded in 1963) as a first step towards a new and innovative public university in Lisbon. Its present designation dates from 2009.

From its creation ISCTE-IUL was authorized to grant the bachelor's degree
Bachelor's degree
A bachelor's degree is usually an academic degree awarded for an undergraduate course or major that generally lasts for three or four years, but can range anywhere from two to six years depending on the region of the world...

 and the licenciatura degree, which was granted after completion of a four to five years long program that often required writing a final dissertation and thus was roughly equivalent to the current master's degree
Master's degree
A master's is an academic degree granted to individuals who have undergone study demonstrating a mastery or high-order overview of a specific field of study or area of professional practice...

, instituted as part of the Bologna process
Bologna process
The purpose of the Bologna Process is the creation of the European Higher Education Area by making academic degree standards and quality assurance standards more comparable and compatible throughout Europe, in particular under the Lisbon Recognition Convention...

. From 1983 onwards, ISCTE-IUL was also authorized to grant the master's degree, which was higher than the current Bologna process
Bologna process
The purpose of the Bologna Process is the creation of the European Higher Education Area by making academic degree standards and quality assurance standards more comparable and compatible throughout Europe, in particular under the Lisbon Recognition Convention...

 master's degree but still lower than a doctorate degree).

What was to be the first college of a never completed larger projected university (due to the carnation revolution
Carnation Revolution
The Carnation Revolution , also referred to as the 25 de Abril , was a military coup started on 25 April 1974, in Lisbon, Portugal, coupled with an unanticipated and extensive campaign of civil resistance...

 of 1974) always remained as a non-integrated University Institute - situation that was institutionalized in 1988. From that date onwards, ISCTE-IUL grants all academic degrees, comprising Bachelor
A bachelor is a man above the age of majority who has never been married . Unlike his female counterpart, the spinster, a bachelor may have had children...

s, Master
Master's degree
A master's is an academic degree granted to individuals who have undergone study demonstrating a mastery or high-order overview of a specific field of study or area of professional practice...

s, PhD
PHD may refer to:*Ph.D., a doctorate of philosophy*Ph.D. , a 1980s British group*PHD finger, a protein sequence*PHD Mountain Software, an outdoor clothing and equipment company*PhD Docbook renderer, an XML renderer...

s, Honorary doctorates and Habilitation
Habilitation is the highest academic qualification a scholar can achieve by his or her own pursuit in several European and Asian countries. Earned after obtaining a research doctorate, such as a PhD, habilitation requires the candidate to write a professorial thesis based on independent...

s (called Agregação in Portuguese
Portuguese language
Portuguese is a Romance language that arose in the medieval Kingdom of Galicia, nowadays Galicia and Northern Portugal. The southern part of the Kingdom of Galicia became independent as the County of Portugal in 1095...


ISCTE-IUL is today part of both the Fundação das Universidades Portuguesas (Foundation of Portuguese Universities) and the Conselho de Reitores das Universidades Portuguesas (Council of Rector
The word rector has a number of different meanings; it is widely used to refer to an academic, religious or political administrator...

s of the Portuguese Universities). It is also one of the few public universities in Portugal with a foundational nature
Private foundation
A private foundation is a legal entity set up by an individual, a family or a group of individuals, for a purpose such as philanthropy. The Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation is the largest private foundation in the U.S. with over $38 billion in assets...

, together with the University of Porto
University of Porto
The University of Porto is a Portuguese public university located in Porto, and founded 22 March 1911. It is the largest Portuguese university by number of enrolled students and has one of the most noted research outputs in Portugal...

 and the University of Aveiro.

Research units

This ISCTE-IUL comprises quality research centers in all its domains. The major ISCTE-IUL research centers are:
    ADETTI is a non-profit research institution in Portugal....

     - Associação para o Desenvolvimento das Telecomunicações e Técnicas de Informática (Adetti), related to Caixa Mágica
    Caixa Mágica
    Caixa Mágica is a Portuguese Linux distribution based on Debian and maintained by Caixa Mágica Software. It uses the .deb format...

     Linux distribution.
  • AUDAX - Empreendedorismo e Empresas Familiares (Audax) - RTP2.
  • CEA - Centro de Estudos Africanos (CEA)
  • CEAS - Centro de Estudos de Antropologia Social (CEAS)
  • CEHCP - Centro de Estudos de História Contemporânea Portuguesa (CEHP)
  • CEMAF - Centro de Investigação de Mercados e Activos Financeiros (CEMAF)
  • CET - Centro de Estudos Territoriais (CET)
  • CEUA - Centro de Estudos de Urbanismo e Arquitectura (CEUA)
  • CIES - Centro de Investigação e Estudos de Sociologia (CIES)
  • CIS - Centro de Intervenção Social (CIS)
  • Dinâmia - Centro de Estudos sobre a Mudança Socioeconómica (Dinâmia)
  • GIEM - Centro de Investigação e Formação em Marketing (GIEM)
  • GIESTA - Grupo de Investigação Estatística e Análise de Dados (GIESTA)
  • In Out - Instituto de Estudos de Logística e Gestão Global
  • INESLA - Instituto de Estudos Superiores do Litoral Alentejano
  • IT - Instituto de Telecomunicações (IT)
  • LINCS - Laboratório Interdisciplinar de Ciências Sociais
  • MRC - Management Research Center (MRC)
  • UNICS - Unidade de Investigação em Ciências Sociais (UNICS)
  • UNIDE - Unidade de Investigação em Desenvolvimento Empresarial (UNIDE)

Notable alumni and professors

  • Gustavo Cardoso
    Gustavo Cardoso
    Gustavo Cardoso is a Professor of Media, Technology and Society at ISCTE - Lisbon University Institute.- Later Career :Cardoso is a researcher at CIES-IUL. He also develops international work with the University of Milan, the Lisbon School of Media , the IN3 , the WIP at USC Annenberg, and others...

     - Sociologist and World Economic Forum
    World Economic Forum
    The World Economic Forum is a Swiss non-profit foundation, based in Cologny, Geneva, best known for its annual meeting in Davos, a mountain resort in Graubünden, in the eastern Alps region of Switzerland....

    's Young Global Leader in 2008 (Professor)
  • João de Pina-Cabral
    João de Pina-Cabral
    João de Pina-Cabral is a Portuguese anthropologist and a senior researcher at the Instituto de Ciências Sociais of the University of Lisbon, where he was President of the Scientific Council .-Academic life:...

     - Anthropologist (former Professor)
  • João Ferreira Dias - Judge of the Court of Audits
    Portuguese Court of Audits
    The Portuguese Court of Audits is the high-court in Portugal responsible for reviewing the legal issues on public expenditure and delivering judgement on those accounts relating to:* General Accounts of the State...

      (former student and Professor).
  • João Mário Grilo
    João Mário Grilo
    João Mário Lourenço Bagão Grilo is a Portuguese film director, author and professor, born in Figueira da Foz. He attended economics at the University of Coimbra but dropped out. In 1983, he graduated in sociology at Lisbon's ISCTE and in 1994 earned a Ph.D...

     - Film director
    Film director
    A film director is a person who directs the actors and film crew in filmmaking. They control a film's artistic and dramatic nathan roach, while guiding the technical crew and actors.-Responsibilities:...

     (former Sociology student)
  • José Sócrates
    José Sócrates
    José Sócrates Carvalho Pinto de Sousa, GCIH , commonly known by José Sócrates , is a Portuguese politician who was the Prime Minister of Portugal from 12 March 2005 to 21 June 2011....

     - Prime Minister
    Prime Minister of Portugal
    Prime Minister is the current title of the chief of the Portuguese Government. As chief executive, the Prime Minister coordinates the action of ministers, representing the Government from the other organs of state, accountable to Parliament and keeps the President informed...

    Master of Business Administration
    The Master of Business Administration is a :master's degree in business administration, which attracts people from a wide range of academic disciplines. The MBA designation originated in the United States, emerging from the late 19th century as the country industrialized and companies sought out...

  • José Vieira da Silva - Minister for Labour and Social Solidarity (Professor)
  • Manuel Braga da Cruz - Rector of the Catholic University of Portugal (former graduate student in Sociology and Professor)
  • Manuel Carvalho da Silva
    Manuel Carvalho da Silva
    Manuel Carvalho da Silva is the Secretary-General of the biggest Portuguese Labour union federation, the General Confederation of the Portuguese Workers....

     - Leader of the General Confederation of the Portuguese Workers
    General Confederation of the Portuguese Workers
    The General Confederation of the Portuguese Workers is the largest trade union federation in Portugal...

     (former graduate student in Sociology)
  • Maria de Lurdes Rodrigues
    Maria de Lurdes Rodrigues
    Maria de Lurdes Rodrigues is a Portuguese university professor of Sociology and politician.MLR is associate professor at ISCTE - Lisbon University Institute, where she has taught since 1986 and received her PhD in Sociology in 1996...

     - Former Minister for Education (Professor and former student)
  • Miguel Vale de Almeida
    Miguel Vale de Almeida
    Miguel Vale de Almeida is a Portuguese anthropologist, LGBT activist, and professor at the Instituto Superior de Ciências do Trabalho e da Empresa in Lisbon. He is currently editor-in-chief of the journal Etnográfica and member of CEAS-ISCTE and APA...

     - Anthropologist, LGBT
    LGBT is an initialism that collectively refers to "lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender" people. In use since the 1990s, the term "LGBT" is an adaptation of the initialism "LGB", which itself started replacing the phrase "gay community" beginning in the mid-to-late 1980s, which many within the...

     activist and former deputy to the Assembly of the Republic
    Assembly of the Republic
    The Assembly of the Republic is the Portuguese parliament. It is located in a historical building in Lisbon, referred to as Palácio de São Bento, the site of an old Benedictine monastery...

  • Paulo Pedroso
    Paulo Pedroso
    Paulo Pedroso is a former Secretary of State and Minister for Labor and Training of Portugal from 1999 to 2001, professor, politician and member of the Portuguese Parliament....

     - Former Minister for Labor and Training and deputy to the Assembly of the Republic (Professor and former student)
  • Paulo Trezentos - creator of Caixa Mágica
    Caixa Mágica
    Caixa Mágica is a Portuguese Linux distribution based on Debian and maintained by Caixa Mágica Software. It uses the .deb format...

    (Professor, former graduate and undergraduate student)

External links

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