List of AWP Award Winners
The List of AWP Award Winners is an annual competition for the publication of new book-length works.

The Association of Writers & Writing Programs
Association of Writers & Writing Programs
The Association of Writers & Writing Programs is a literary organization whose mission is "to foster literary talent and achievement, to advance the art of writing as essential to a good education, and to serve the makers, teachers, students, and readers of contemporary writing."-Members:AWP...

 (AWP) is a nonprofit organization of writers, teachers, colleges, and universities.
The Donald Hall
Donald Hall
Donald Hall is an American poet. He was appointed Poet Laureate Consultant in Poetry to the Library of Congress in 2006.-Personal life:...

 Prize for Poetry is an award of $5,000 and publication.
The Grace Paley
Grace Paley
Grace Paley was an American-Jewish short story writer, poet, and political activist.-Biography:Grace Paley was born in the Bronx to Isaac and Manya Ridnyik Goodside, who anglicized the family name from Gutseit on immigrating from Ukraine. Her father was a doctor. The family spoke Russian and...

 Prize for Short Fiction is an award of $5,000 and publication. Winners in the novel and creative nonfiction categories receive a $2,000 cash honorarium and publication.
AWP hires a staff of “screeners” who review manuscripts for the judges, who select ten manuscripts in each genre for each judge’s final evaluations.
Year Category Judge Winner Work
2011 Poetry Dorianne Laux
Dorianne Laux
Dorianne Laux is an American poet.-Biography:Laux worked as a sanatorium cook, a gas station manager, and a maid before receiving a B.A. in English from Mills College in 1988. Laux taught at the University of Oregon...

Laura Read Instructions for My Mother's Funeral, University of Pittsburgh Press
2011 Short Fiction Jhumpa Lahiri
Jhumpa Lahiri
Jhumpa Lahiri is a Bengali American author. Lahiri's debut short story collection, Interpreter of Maladies , won the 2000 Pulitzer Prize for Fiction, and her first novel, The Namesake , was adapted into the popular film of the same name. She was born Nilanjana Sudeshna, which she says are both...

Corinna Vallianatos My Escapee, University of Massachusetts Press
2011 Novel Don Lee  Kirstin Scott Motherlunge, New Issues Press
2011 Nonfiction Susan Orlean
Susan Orlean
Susan Orlean is an American journalist. She has been a staff writer for The New Yorker since 1992, and has contributed articles to Vogue, Rolling Stone, Esquire, and Outside....

Marcia Aldrich Companion to an Untold Story, University of Georgia Press
2010 Poetry Alberto Ríos
Alberto Ríos
Alberto Álvaro Ríos is an American author of nine books and chapbooks of poetry, three collections of short stories, and a memoir. He is a Regents' professor of English at Arizona State University in Tempe, Arizona...

Quan Barry
Quan Barry
-Life:She was raised on Boston's north shore.She graduated from the University of Michigan, with an MFA, and was a Wallace Stegner fellow at Stanford University and the Diane Middlebrook poetry fellow at the University of Wisconsin...

Water Puppets, University of Pittsburgh Press
2010 Short Fiction Peter Ho Davies
Peter Ho Davies
Peter Ho Davies is a contemporary British writer of Welsh and Chinese descent.-Biography:Born and raised in Coventry, Davies studied physics at Manchester University then English at Cambridge University....

Douglas Light
Douglas Light
Douglas Light is an award winning American novelist, screenwriter, and short story writer. His story collection, Girls in Trouble, won the 2010 AWP Grace Paley Prize for short fiction. It will be published by the University of Massachusetts Press in 2011. His second novel, Where Night Stops,...

Girls in Trouble, University of Massachusetts Press
2010 Novel Francine Prose
Francine Prose
Francine Prose is an American writer. Since March 2007 she has been the president of PEN American Center. She graduated from Radcliffe College in 1968 and received a Guggenheim fellowship in 1991....

Mandy Keifetz Flea Circus: A Brief Bestiary of Grief, New Issues Press
2010 Nonfiction Luis Alberto Urrea
Luís Alberto Urrea
Luís Alberto Urrea is a Mexican American poet, novelist, and essayist.-Life:Urrea is the son of a Mexican father and an American mother...

Danielle Cadena Deulen The Riots, University of Georgia Press
2009 Poetry Jean Valentine
Jean Valentine
Jean Valentine is an American poet, and currently the New York State Poet . Her poetry collection, Door in the Mountain: New and Collected Poems, 1965–2003, was awarded the 2004 National Book Award for Poetry....

Bradley Paul
Bradley Paul
Bradley Ormond Paul is an American poet.He graduated from the University of Tennessee at Chattanooga, and the University of Iowa Writers' Workshop....

The Animals All Are Gathering
2009 Short Fiction Allan Gurganus
Allan Gurganus
Allan Gurganus is an American novelist, short story writer, and essayist whose work is often influenced by and set in his native North Carolina. His writing has been compared to the work of William Faulkner and Eudora Welty, who also were identified with the American South.-Biography: Gurganus was...

Christine Sneed
Christine Sneed
Christine M. Sneed is an American short story writer, and visiting professor at DePaul University.Her book, Portraits of a Few of the People I’ve Made Cry, won the 2009 AWP Grace Paley Prize.-Life:...

Portraits of a Few of the People I've Made Cry
2009 Novel Jim Shepard
Jim Shepard
Jim Shepard is an American author and professor of creative writing and film at Williams College.-Biography:Shepard was born in Bridgeport, Connecticut. He received a B.A. at Trinity College in 1978, his MFA from Brown University in 1980. He currently teaches creative writing and film at Williams...

Kevin Fenton Merit Badges
2009 Nonfiction Lee Gutkind
Lee Gutkind
Lee Gutkind is an American writer.Gurkind is the founder of the literary magazine Creative Nonfiction and the author or editor of over a dozen books. He started the first ever MFA program in creative nonfiction at the University of Pittsburgh in Pittsburgh...

David Vann
David Vann (writer)
David Vann is an assistant professor of English at University of San Francisco. He teaches creative nonfiction and fiction. He was a Wallace Stegner Fellow and Jones Lecturer at Stanford University and is the author of the memoir A Mile Down: The True Story of a Disastrous Career at Sea...

Last Day on Earth
2008 Poetry Lynn Emanuel
Lynn Emanuel
Lynn Collins Emanuel is an American poet. Some of her poetry collections include Then, Suddenly— and Noose and Hook ....

Beth Bachmann
Beth Bachmann
Beth Bachmann is an American poet.Bachmann is Assistant Professor of creative writing at Vanderbilt University. Her poems have appeared in American Poetry Review, Kenyon Review, Antioch Review, AGNI, Prairie Schooner, Blackbird, Tin House, and Ploughshares.They are included in the textbook The...

2008 Short Fiction Jewell Parker Rhodes
Jewell Parker Rhodes
Jewell Parker Rhodes is an American novelist.Rhodes is professor of Creative Writing and American Literature and former Director of the Master of Fine Arts Program in Creative Writing at Arizona State University. Rhodes is the Artistic Director for Global Engagement and the Piper Endowed Chair of...

Ramola D Temporary Lives & Other Stories
2008 Novel Joanna Scott
Joanna Scott
Joanna Scott is an American author and Roswell Smith Burrows Professor of English at the University of Rochester.Scott has received critical acclaim for her novels...

Goldie Goldbloom Toad's Museum of Freaks and Wonders
2008 Nonfiction Kathleen Norris
Kathleen Norris
Kathleen Thompson Norris was an American novelist and wife of fellow writer Charles Norris, whom she wed in 1909...

Sonja Livingston Ghostbread
2007 Poetry Bob Hicok
Bob Hicok
-Life:Hicok is an associate professor of creative writing at Virginia Tech. He is from Michigan and before teaching owned and ran a successful automotive die design business...

Sharon Dolin Burn and Dodge
2007 Short Fiction Noy Holland
Noy Holland
Noy Holland is an American writer and National Book Award nominee. She is married to the writer Sam Michel.-Literature-related:...

David Vann
David Vann
David Johnson Vann was mayor of Birmingham, Alabama.Vann was born in Randolph County, Alabama. He graduated from the University of Alabama in 1950, and from the University's law school in 1951. He served as clerk to United States Supreme Court Justice Hugo Black, and was present in the courtroom...

Legend of a Suicide
2007 Novel Robert Eversz  Scott Blackwood We Agreed to Meet Just Here
2007 Nonfiction Michael Martone
Michael A. Martone
Michael A. Martone is a professor at the creative writing program at the University of Alabama, and is the author of several books. His 2005 book Michael Martone, originally written as a series of contributor's notes for various publications, is an investigation of form and autobiography...

Sharon White Vanished Gardens
2006 Poetry Terrance Hayes
Terrance Hayes
Terrance Hayes is a prize-winning American poet. His recent poetry collection Lighthead won the National Book Award for Poetry...

Angela Ball Night Clerk at the Hotel of Both Worlds
2006 Short Fiction Nancy Reisman
Nancy Reisman
Nancy Reisman is an American author. She teaches creative writing at Vanderbilt University.-Education:Reisman received her M.F.A. from the MFA Program for Poets & Writers at the University of Massachusetts, Amherst.-Awards:...

Karen Brown Pins and Needles
2006 Novel Nicholas Delbanco
Nicholas Delbanco
-Life:He was educated at Harvard University, B.A. 1963; Columbia University, M.A. 1966. He taught at Bennington College, Bennington, Vermont, 1966–84, and at Skidmore College, Saratoga Springs, New York, 1984-85...

Geoff Rips The Truth
2006 Nonfiction Kyoko Mori Mort Zachter Dough: A Memoir
2005 Poetry Ha Jin
Ha Jin
Jīn Xuěfēi is a contemporary Chinese-American writer and novelist using the pen name Ha Jin . Ha comes from his favorite city, Harbin.-Early life:...

John Hodgen Grace
2005 Short Fiction Ana Menendez
Ana Menéndez
-Early life:Menéndez was born to Cuban exile parents who fled to Los Angeles, California in 1964. Menéndez's parents expected to return to Cuba at any time and prepared their children for this eventuality. As a result, Menéndez spoke only Spanish until she enrolled in kindergarten. The family...

Nona Caspers Heavier Than Air
2005 Novel Rikki Ducornet
Rikki Ducornet
Rikki Ducornet is an American postmodernist, writer, poet, and artist.-Biography:...

John Robinson Dreaming America
2005 Nonfiction Robin Hemley
Robin Hemley
Robin Hemley, born May 28, 1958 in New York City, is a Jewish American nonfiction and fiction writer, author of eight books, most recently, DO-OVER! In which a forty-eight-year-old father of three returns to kindergarten, summer camp, the prom, and other embarrassments...

J.D. Scrimgeour Themes for English B
2004 Poetry Alicia Ostriker
Alicia Ostriker
Alicia Suskin Ostriker is an American poet and scholar who writes Jewish feminist poetry.Alicia is married to the noted astronomer Jeremiah Ostriker who taught at Princeton University...

Christopher Bursk
Christopher Bursk
Christopher Bursk is an American poet, professor, and activist. He is author of nine poetry collections, most recently, The First Inhabitants of Arcadia published by the , and praised by The New York Times: Bursk writes with verve and insight about child rearing, aging parents, sexuality, his...

The Improbable Swervings of Atoms
2004 Short Fiction Douglas Bauer No Winner
2004 Novel Elizabeth McCracken
Elizabeth McCracken
Elizabeth McCracken is an American author.McCracken, a graduate of the Iowa Writers' Workshop, was born in Boston, Massachusetts, graduated from Newton North High School in Newton, Massachusetts, earned a B.A. and M.A. in English from Boston University, an M.F.A. from the University of Iowa, and...

M. Evelina Galang One Tribe
2004 Nonfiction Suzannah Lessard
Suzannah Lessard
Suzannah Lessard is an American writer of literary non-fiction. She has written memoir, reportorial pieces, essays and opinion.-Life:She has taught at Columbia School of the Arts, Wesleyan University, The New School, George Mason University, George Washington University, and Goucher College MFA...

David Carkeet Campus Sexpot
2003 Poetry Stephen Dunn
Stephen Dunn
Stephen Dunn is an American poet. Dunn has written fifteen collections of poetry. He won the Pulitzer Prize for Poetry for his 2001 collection, Different Hours and has received an Academy Award in Literature from the American Academy of Arts and Letters. Dunn completed his B.A. in English at...

Barbara Hamby
Barbara Hamby
-Life:She was born in New Orleans and raised in Hawaii. Her poems have been printed in numerous publications and her first book of poetry, Delirium , received literary recognition...

2003 Short Fiction Joan Silber
Joan Silber
Joan Silber is an American novelist and short story writer. She is the author of Household Words , which won a PEN/Hemingway Award, and Ideas of Heaven: A Ring of Stories , which was a finalist for both the 2004 National Book Award and the Story Prize...

Doreen Baingana
Doreen Baingana
Doreen Baingana is a Ugandan short story writer. Her book, Tropical Fish won the 2006 Commonwealth Writers' Prize, best first book, Africa, and an AWP Short Fiction Award....

Tropical Fish
2003 Novel No Winner
2003 Nonfiction Beverly Lowry Karen Salyer McElmurray Mother of the Disappeared: An Appalachian Birth Mother's Journey
2002 Poetry Cornelius Eady
Cornelius Eady
Cornelius Eady is an American poet focusing largely on matters of race and society, particularly the trials of the African-American race in the United States. His poetry often centers around jazz and blues, family life, violence, and societal problems stemming from questions of race and class...

Sandra Kohler The Ceremonies of Longing
2002 Short Fiction Frederick Busch
Frederick Busch
Frederick Busch was an American writer. Busch was a master of the short story and one of America’s most prolific writers of fiction long and short....

Joan Connor History Lessons
2002 Novel No Winner
2002 Nonfiction Sue William Silverman Mark Anderson Jesus Sound Explosion
2001 Poetry Marilyn Chin
Marilyn Chin
Marilyn Chin is an American poet who grew up in Portland, Oregon, after her family immigrated from Hong Kong. She received an M.F.A. from the University of Iowa. Her awards include two National Endowment for the Arts grants, the Stegner Fellowship, the PEN Oakland/Josephine Miles Literary Award,...

Gray Jacobik Brave Disguises
2001 Short Fiction Frederick Barthelme
Frederick Barthelme
Fredrick Barthelme is an American novelist and short story author, well known as one of the seminal writers of minimalist fiction...

Christie Hodgen A Jeweler’s Eye for Flaw
2001 Novel No Winner
2001 Nonfiction Barry Sanders
Barry Sanders
Barry Sanders is a former American football running back who spent all of his professional career with the Detroit Lions in the NFL. Sanders left the game just short of the all-time rushing record...

Jill Christman Darkroom: An Autobiography
2000 Poetry Li-Young Lee
Li-Young Lee
Li-Young Lee is an American poet. He was born in Jakarta, Indonesia, to Chinese parents. His maternal grandfather was Yuan Shikai, China's first Republican President, who attempted to make himself emperor...

Joanie V. Mackowski The Zoo
2000 Short Fiction Jill McCorkle
Jill McCorkle
Jill Collins McCorkle is an American short story writer, and novelist.She graduated from University of North Carolina, in 1980, where she studied with Max Steele, Lee Smith, and Louis D...

Michelle Richmond
Michelle Richmond
Michelle Richmond is an American novelist and essayist.Richmond's first book, the story collection The Girl in the Fall-Away Dress, won the Associated Writing Programs Award for Short Fiction in 2000 and was published by University of Massachusetts Press in 2001. Her first novel, Dream of the Blue...

The Girl in the Fall-Away Dress
2000 Novel Alexander Parsons Leaving Disneyland
2000 Nonfiction Sven Birkerts
Sven Birkerts
Sven Birkerts is an American essayist and literary critic of Latvian ancestry. He is best known for his book The Gutenberg Elegies, which posits a decline in reading due to the overwhelming advances of the Internet and other technologies of the "electronic culture."Birkerts was born in Pontiac,...

Brian Lennon City: An Essay
1999 Poetry Dorianne Laux
Dorianne Laux
Dorianne Laux is an American poet.-Biography:Laux worked as a sanatorium cook, a gas station manager, and a maid before receiving a B.A. in English from Mills College in 1988. Laux taught at the University of Oregon...

Connie Voisine Cathedral of the North
1999 Short Fiction Larry Woiwode
Larry Woiwode
Larry Alfred Woiwode is an American writer who lives in North Dakota, where he has been the state's Poet Laureate since 1995. His work has appeared in The New Yorker, Esquire, The Atlantic Monthly, Harpers, Gentleman's Quarterly, The Partisan Review and The Paris Review...

C.J. Hribal The Clouds in Memphis
1999 Novel Thomas Dunn
Thomas Dunn
Thomas Dunn was Lieutenant-Governor of Lower Canada from 1805 to 1807.He was born in Durham, England and came to the town of Quebec shortly after its surrender in 1760. With his partner John Gray, he obtained the trading lease to the king's posts, which gave them a monopoly in the fur trade and...

Aaron Roy Even Bloodroot
1999 Nonfiction Judith Kitchen Lia Purpura
Lia Purpura
Lia Purpura is an American poet, writer and educator. She is the author of three collections of poems , two collections of essays and one collection of translations...

1998 Poetry Marvin Bell
Marvin Bell
Marvin Bell is an American poet and teacher who was the first Poet Laureate of the State of Iowa.Bell was born in New York City and raised in Center Moriches, Long Island...

Edward Kleinschmidt Mayes
Edward Kleinschmidt Mayes
Edward Mayes is a poet.His books of poetry include First Language, To Remain, Magnetism, Works and Days, Speed of Life, and Bodysong. His poems have appeared in American Poetry Review, Gettysburg Review, Iowa Review, Massachusetts Review, New England Review, The New Yorker, Poetry, TriQuarterly,...

Works & Days
1998 Short Fiction Diane Glancy
Diane Glancy
Diane Glancy was born in 1941 in Kansas City, Missouri. She is a Cherokee poet, author and playwright. Glancy was awarded a Bachelor of Arts from the University of Missouri in 1964, then later continued her education at the University of Central Oklahoma, earning her a Masters degree in English...

Bonnie Jo Campbell
Bonnie Jo Campbell
Bonnie Jo Campbell is an American novelist, and short story writer.-Biography:Campbell attended Comstock High School , and received an B.A. in philosophy from the University of Chicago in 1984. From Western Michigan University, she received an MA in mathematics in 1995 and an MFA in creative...

Women & Other Animals
1998 Novel St. Martin's Press
St. Martin's Press
St. Martin's Press is a book publisher headquartered in the Flatiron Building in New York City. Currently, St. Martin's Press is one of the United States' largest publishers, bringing to the public some 700 titles a year under eight imprints, which include St. Martin's Press , St...

No winner
1998 Nonfiction Kathleen Norris
Kathleen Norris
Kathleen Thompson Norris was an American novelist and wife of fellow writer Charles Norris, whom she wed in 1909...

Michael Martone
Michael A. Martone
Michael A. Martone is a professor at the creative writing program at the University of Alabama, and is the author of several books. His 2005 book Michael Martone, originally written as a series of contributor's notes for various publications, is an investigation of form and autobiography...

The Flatness & Other Landscapes
1997 Poetry Arthur Vogelsang Josie Rawson Quarry
1997 Short Fiction Robert Boswell
Robert Boswell
-Life:Robert Boswell is the author of eleven books. His stories have appeared in the New Yorker, Best American Short Stories, O. Henry Prize Stories, Pushcart Prize Stories, Best Stories from the South, Esquire, Ploughshares, Harvard Review, Colorado Review.He has been faculty at the Bread Loaf...

Toni Graham The Daiquiri Girls
1997 Novel St. Martin's Press
St. Martin's Press
St. Martin's Press is a book publisher headquartered in the Flatiron Building in New York City. Currently, St. Martin's Press is one of the United States' largest publishers, bringing to the public some 700 titles a year under eight imprints, which include St. Martin's Press , St...

No winner
1997 Nonfiction James Galvin
James Galvin (poet)
James Galvin is an American poet. He has published six collections of poetry, most recently As Is , "X: Poems," and Resurrection Update, Collected Poems, 1975-1997 which was a finalist for the Los Angeles Times Book Award, the Lenore Marshall Poetry Prize, and the Poet’s Prize...

Peter Chilson Riding the Demon Road
1996 Poetry Jorie Graham
Jorie Graham
Jorie Graham is an American poet. The U.S. Poetry Foundation suggests "She is perhaps the most celebrated poet of the American post-war generation". She replaced poet Seamus Heaney as Boylston Professor at Harvard, becoming the first woman to be appointed to this position...

Michele Glazer It Is Hard to Look At What We Came to Think
1996 Short Fiction George Cuomo Charlotte Bacon A Private State
1996 Nonfiction Lucy Grealy
Lucy Grealy
Lucinda Margaret Grealy was an American poet and memoirist who wrote Autobiography of a Face in 1994. This critically acclaimed book describes her childhood and early adolescence experience with cancer of the jaw, which left her with some facial disfigurement...

Marilyn Moriarty Moses Unchained
1995 Poetry Olga Broumas
Olga Broumas
Olga Broumas , is a Greek poet, resident in the United States.-Biography:Born and raised in Greece, Broumas secured a fellowship through the Fulbright program to study in the United States at the University of Pennsylvania; she earned her Bachelor's degree in architecture...

Rick Noguchi The Ocean Inside Kenji Takezo
1995 Short Fiction Lorrie Moore
Lorrie Moore
Lorrie Moore is an American fiction writer known mainly for her humorous and poignant short stories.-Biography:...

David Jauss Black Maps
1995 Novel Ron Carlson
Ron Carlson
-Life:Carlson was born in Logan, Utah, and grew up in Salt Lake City. He received a masters degree in English from the University of Utah. He then taught at The Hotchkiss School in Connecticut, where he began his first novel....

Steven Bloom No New Jokes
1995 Nonfiction Adam Hochschild
Adam Hochschild
Adam Hochschild is an American author and journalist.-Biography:Hochschild was born in New York City. As a college student, he spent a summer working on an anti-government newspaper in South Africa and subsequently worked briefly as a civil rights worker in Mississippi in 1964...

Sue William Silverman Because I Remember Terror, Father, I Remember You
1994 Poetry William Matthews
William Matthews (poet)
William Matthews was an American poet and essayist.-Life:Raised in Cincinnati, Ohio, Matthews earned a bachelor's degree from Yale University, and a master's from the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill.In addition to serving as a Writer-in-Residence at Boston's Emerson College, Matthews...

Ruth Schwartz Accordion Breathing and Dancing
1994 Short Fiction Elizabeth Tallent
Elizabeth Tallent
Elizabeth Tallent is an American fiction writer.-Life:Tallent's short stories have been published in literary magazines and journals such as The New Yorker, Esquire, Harper's Magazine, The Threepenny Review, and North American Review, and her stories have been reprinted in the O...

A. Manette Ansay
A. Manette Ansay
A. Manette Ansay is an American author, born in Lapeer, Michigan.-Fiction:*Vinegar Hill *Read This and Tell Me What It Says *Sister *River Angel *Midnight Champagne *Blue Water...

Read This and Tell Me What It Says
1994 Novel Elizabeth Cox Tracy Daugherty
Tracy Daugherty
Tracy Daugherty is an American author. His is currently Distinguished Professor of English and Creative Writing at Oregon State University. He has previously held fellowships from the Guggenheim Foundation and the National Endowment for the Arts....

What Falls Away
1994 Nonfiction Patricia Hampl
Patricia Hampl
Patricia Hampl is an American memoirist, writer, lecturer, and educator. She is a recipient of the prestigious Guggenheim Foundation Fellowship, teaches in the MFA program at the University of Minnesota at Minneapolis and is one of the founding members of the Loft Literary Center.-Life:Hampl was...

William Van Wert Memory Links
1993 Poetry Carolyn Forché
Carolyn Forché
Carolyn Forché is an American poet, editor, translator, and human rights advocate.-Life:Forché was born in Detroit, Michigan, on April 28, 1950, to Michael Joseph and Louise Nada Blackford Sidlosky. Forché earned a B.A...

Reginald Shepherd
Reginald Shepherd
Reginald Shepherd was an American poet, born in New York City and raised in the Bronx. He died of cancer in Penascola, Florida, in 2008.-Biography:...

Some Are Drowning
1993 Short Fiction Grace Paley
Grace Paley
Grace Paley was an American-Jewish short story writer, poet, and political activist.-Biography:Grace Paley was born in the Bronx to Isaac and Manya Ridnyik Goodside, who anglicized the family name from Gutseit on immigrating from Ukraine. Her father was a doctor. The family spoke Russian and...

E. Bumas Significance
1993 Novel Josephine Humphreys
Josephine Humphreys
Josephine Humphreys is an American novelist.A native of Charleston, South Carolina, which is also the setting of her novels Dreams of Sleep, Rich in Love and The Fireman's Fair, Humphreys was educated at Ashley Hall , studied creative writing with Reynolds Price at Duke University , and went on to...

Mary Gardner Boat People
1993 Nonfiction Phillip Lopate
Phillip Lopate
Doctor Phillip Lopate is an American film critic, essayist, fiction writer, poet, and teacher. He is the younger brother of radio host Leonard Lopate.-Early life and education:...

Michael Stephens
Michael Stephens
Michael James Stephens in Auckland. He was a New Zealand cricketer who played for the Auckland Aces and the Northern Districts Knights in the 1990s and he also played for Counties-Manukau in the Hawke Cup. Nowdadys he works for St Joseph's School in Pukekohe.-References:...

Green Dreams: Under the Influence of the Irish
1992 Poetry Lucille Clifton
Lucille Clifton
Lucille Clifton was an American writer and educator from Buffalo, New York. From 1979–1985 she was Poet Laureate of Maryland...

Suzanne Gardinier
Suzanne Gardinier
-Life:Suzanne Gardinier grew up in Scituate, Massachusetts. She completed her B.A. at the University of Massachusetts Amherst in 1981, and her MFA at Columbia University, in 1986. She is the author of a long poem called The New World...

The New World
1992 Short Fiction Bret Lott
Bret Lott
Bret Lott is an American author of novels and short stories. Lott was born in Los Angeles, California, and went to school in the Northeastern United States. He taught creative writing at the College of Charleston for eighteen years, where he was also writer-in-residence.He was editor of the...

Daniel Lyons
Daniel Lyons
Daniel Lyons is an American writer. He was a senior editor at Forbes magazine and is now a writer at Newsweek.-Career:He has written a book of short stories, The Last Good Man , a novel, Dog Days , and a fictional biography, Options: The Secret Life of Steve Jobs, a Parody...

The First Snow
1992 Novel Alison Lurie
Alison Lurie
Alison Lurie is an American novelist and academic. She won the Pulitzer Prize for her 1984 novel Foreign Affairs. Although better known as a novelist, she has also written numerous non-fiction books and articles, particularly on children's literature and the semiotics of dress.-Personal...

William Cobb
William Cobb
This article is about the engineer. For other persons by this name, see William Cobb William L. "Bill" Cobb , was an American designer and engineer of roller coasters, as the founder and head of William Cobb & Associates...

The Fire Eaters
1992 Nonfiction Stanley Lindberg Fred Setterberg Unpaved Nations: Travels Through America's Literary Landscapes
1991 Poetry Ron Wallace Betsy Sholl
Betsy Sholl
Elizabeth "Betsy" Sholl is an American poet and a former poet laureate of Maine. She was appointed by Governor John Baldacci to the position in 2006 and held it until 2011. She is the author of seven collections of poetry, most recently, Rough Cradle...

The Red Line
1991 Short Fiction Antonya Nelson
Antonya Nelson
Antonya Nelson is an American author and teacher of creative writing who writes primarily short stories.-Life and education:Antonya Nelson was born January 6, 1961 in Wichita, Kansas....

Jack Driscoll
Jack Driscoll
Jack Driscoll is a fictional character in the King Kong franchise. In the original 1933 film he was the first mate of the ship The Venture, while in its 2005 remake he was a playwright . He was played by Bruce Cabot in the original and by Adrien Brody in the remake...

Wanting Only to be Heard
1991 Novel Richard Bausch
Richard Bausch
Richard Bausch is an American novelist and short story writer, and Moss Chair of Excellence in English at the University of Memphis. He has written eleven novels, eight short story collections, and one volume of poetry and prose....

No winner
1991 Nonfiction Scott Russell Sanders Phyllis Barber How I Got Cultured
1990 Poetry Ellen Bryant Voigt
Ellen Bryant Voigt
Ellen Bryant Voigt is an American poet. She has published six collections of poetry and a collection of craft essays. Her poetry collection Shadow of Heaven was a finalist for the National Book Award and Kyrie was a finalist for the National Book Critics Circle Award. Her poetry has been...

Kathleen Peirce
Kathleen Peirce
Kathleen Peirce is an American poet. -Life:She graduated from the Iowa Writer's Workshop in 1988. She currently teaches at Texas State University in San Marcos, Texas, for the Texas State University MFA...

A Living Room
1990 Short Fiction Ron Hansen
Ron Hansen (novelist)
Ron Hansen is an American novelist, essayist, and professor.-Biography:Hansen was born in Omaha, Nebraska, attended a Jesuit high school, Creighton Preparatory School and earned a Bachelor's degree in English from Creighton University in Omaha in 1970. Following military service, he earned an M.F.A...

Karen Brennan Wild Desire
1990 Novel Bob Shacochis
Bob Shacochis
Bob Shacochis is an American novelist, short story writer, and literary journalist. He teaches creative writing at Florida State University.-Writing career:...

Lamar Herrin The Lies Boys Tell
1990 Nonfiction Bob Atwan Philip Garrison Augury
1989 Poetry Alice Fulton
Alice Fulton
Alice Fulton is an American author of poetry, fiction, and nonfiction.- Biography :Fulton was born and raised in Troy, New York, the youngest of three daughters. Her father was the proprietor of the historic Phoenix Hotel, and her mother was a visiting nurse. She began writing poetry in high school...

Belle Waring Refuge
1989 Short Fiction Charles Baxter Susan Hubbard
Susan Hubbard
Susan Hubbard is an American fiction writer and professor at the University of Central Florida. She has written seven books of fiction, and is a winner of the Associated Writing Program Prize for Short Fiction and the Janet Heidinger Kafka Prize for best prose book of the year by an American...

Walking on Ice
1988 Poetry Gerald Stern
Gerald Stern
Gerald Stern is an American poet. His work became widely recognized after the 1977 publication of Lucky Life, which was that year's Lamont Poetry Selection, and of a series of essays on writing poetry in American Poetry Review. He has subsequently been given many prestigious awards for his...

Christopher Davis
Christopher Davis
Christopher Davis , the Bahamian goalkeeper plays for London City in the Canadian Soccer League.-International career:...

The Tyrant of the Past
1988 Short Fiction David Huddle
David Huddle
David Ross Huddle is an American writer and professor. His most recent book is Glory River: Poems...

Roland Sodowsky Things We Lose
1988 Novel Toby Olson
Toby Olson
-Life:Through high school and his four years in the Navy as a surgical technician, he lived in California, Arizona, and Texas.He graduated from Occidental College and Long Island University....

Duff Brenna Mamie Beaver
1988 Nonfiction Gloria Emerson
Gloria Emerson
Gloria Emerson was an American author, journalist and New York Times war correspondent, who won a National Book Award for her book about the Vietnam War, Winners and Losers....

Richard Terrill Saturday Night in Baoding
1987 Poetry Linda Pastan
Linda Pastan
Linda Pastan is an American poet of Jewish background. From 1991–1995 she was Poet Laureate of Maryland. She is known for writing short poems that address topics like family life, domesticity, motherhood, the female experience, aging, death, loss and the fear of loss, as well as the...

Robin Behn
Robin Behn
Robin Behn is an American poet, and professor at University of Alabama, and Vermont College of Fine Arts.She grew up in Harrington, Illinois.She graduated from Oberlin College, the University of Missouri, and University of Iowa....

Paper Bird
1987 Short Fiction François Camoin
François Camoin
François André Camoin is an American short story writer.-Life:He came to the United States in 1952.He graduated from University of Massachusetts with a Ph.D. in 1967.He teaches at University of Utah...

Anne Finger Basic Skills
1987 Novel John Williams
John Williams
John Towner Williams is an American composer, conductor, and pianist. In a career spanning almost six decades, he has composed some of the most recognizable film scores in the history of motion pictures, including the Star Wars saga, Jaws, Superman, the Indiana Jones films, E.T...

No winner
1987 Nonfiction David McKain Diane Ackerman
Diane Ackerman
Diane Ackerman is an American author, poet, and naturalist known best for her work A Natural History of the Senses. Her writing style, referring to her best-selling natural history books, can best be described as a blend of poetry, colloquial history, and easy-reading science...

Spellbound: Growing Up in God's Country
1986 Poetry James Whitehead
James Whitehead (poet)
James Tillotson Whitehead was an American poet and novelist. He published four books of poetry and one critically acclaimed novel, Joiner.-Biography:...

 & Dara Wier
Dara Wier
Dara Wier is an American poet and the author of eleven books of poetry, including most recently SELECTED POEMS from Wave Books. Awards include the Jerome J. Shestack Poetry Prize from the American Poetry Review, Pushcart Prize, San Francisco Poetry Center Prize. Her work is in Best American Poetry...

Judith Hemschemeyer The Ride Home
1986 Short Fiction Robley Wilson, Jr., Irene Skolnick Jesse Lee Kercheval
Jesse Lee Kercheval
Jesse Lee Kercheval is an American academic and writer. She is a writing teacher at the University of Wisconsin–Madison. She has authored several books of various genres, notably Building Fiction, The Museum of Happiness, and The Dogeater....

The Dogeater: Stories
1986 Novel George Cuomo Kenn Robbins Buttermilk Bottoms
1986 Nonfiction Irene Skolnick, Robley Wilson, Jr. No winner
1985 Poetry John Frederick Nims
John Frederick Nims
John Frederick Nims was an American poet and academic.-Life:He graduated from DePaul University, University of Notre Dame with an M.A., and from the University of Chicago with a Ph.D. in 1945.He published reviews of the works by Robert Lowell and W. S. Merwin...

No winner
1985 Short Fiction Ann Beattie
Ann Beattie
Ann Beattie is an American short story writer and novelist. She has received an award for excellence from the American Academy and Institute of Arts and Letters and a PEN/Bernard Malamud Award for excellence in the short story form. Her work has been compared to that of Alice Adams, J.D. Salinger,...

No winner
1985 Novel Margaret Atwood
Margaret Atwood
Margaret Eleanor Atwood, is a Canadian poet, novelist, literary critic, essayist, and environmental activist. She is among the most-honoured authors of fiction in recent history; she is a winner of the Arthur C...

Mack Faith The Warrior's Gift
1985 Nonfiction Susan Fromberg Schaeffer
Susan Fromberg Schaeffer
Susan Fromberg Schaeffer was a noted novelist and poet who was a Professor of English at Brooklyn College for over thirty years...

Scott R. Sanders The Paradise of Bombs
1984 Poetry James Tate
James Tate (writer)
James Tate is an American poet whose work has earned him the Pulitzer Prize and the National Book Award. He is a professor of English at the University of Massachusetts Amherst and a member of the American Academy of Arts and Letters...

Sandra Alcosser
Sandra Alcosser
Sandra Alcosser is an American poet. She was appointed the first state poet laureate of Montana from 2005-2007 and was superseded by Greg Pape.-Life:...

A Fish to Feed All Hunger
1984 Short Fiction Paul Bowles
Paul Bowles
Paul Frederic Bowles was an American expatriate composer, author, and translator.Following a cultured middle-class upbringing in New York City, during which he displayed a talent for music and writing, Bowles pursued his education at the University of Virginia before making various trips to Paris...

Rod Kessier Off in Zimbabwe
1984 Novel George Garrett
George Garrett (poet)
George Palmer Garrett. was an American poet and novelist. He was the Poet Laureate of Virginia from 2002 to 2006. His novels include The Finished Man, Double Vision, and the Elizabethan Trilogy, composed of Death of the Fox, The Succession, and Entered from the Sun...

William Holinger The Fence-Walker
1984 Nonfiction Annie Dillard
Annie Dillard
Annie Dillard is an American author, best known for her narrative prose in both fiction and non-fiction. She has published works of poetry, essays, prose, and literary criticism, as well as two novels and one memoir. Her 1974 work Pilgrim at Tinker Creek won the 1974 Pulitzer Prize for General...

Will Baker Mountain Blood
1983 Poetry Josephine Jacobsen Lisa Ress Flight Patterns
1983 Short Fiction Donald Barthelme
Donald Barthelme
Donald Barthelme was an American author known for his playful, postmodernist style of short fiction. Barthelme also worked as a newspaper reporter for the Houston Post, managing editor of Location magazine, director of the Contemporary Arts Museum in Houston , co-founder of Fiction Donald...

Charles Baxter Harmony of the World
1983 Novel Theodore Solotaroff Doug Finn Heart of a Family
1982 Poetry W.D. Snodgrass Alice Fulton
Alice Fulton
Alice Fulton is an American author of poetry, fiction, and nonfiction.- Biography :Fulton was born and raised in Troy, New York, the youngest of three daughters. Her father was the proprietor of the historic Phoenix Hotel, and her mother was a visiting nurse. She began writing poetry in high school...

Dance Script With Electric Ballerina
1982 Short Fiction Raymond Carver
Raymond Carver
Raymond Clevie Carver, Jr. was an American short story writer and poet. Carver is considered a major American writer of the late 20th century and also a major force in the revitalization of the short story in the 1980s....

Alvin Greenberg Delta q
1982 Novel Gail Godwin
Gail Godwin
Gail Kathleen Godwin is an American novelist and short story writer. She has published one non-fiction work, two collections of short stories, and eleven novels, three of which have been nominated for the National Book Award and five of which have made the New York Times Bestseller List.Godwin was...

John Solensten Good Thunder
1981 Poetry William Meredith
William Morris Meredith, Jr.
William Morris Meredith, Jr. was an American poet and educator. He was Poet Laureate Consultant in Poetry to the Library of Congress from 1978 to 1980.-Early years:...

Paul Nelson
Paul Nelson
Paul Nelson may refer to:*Paul Nelson , rock critic who worked for Rolling Stone*Paul R. Nelson, 2006 Republican nominee for Wisconsin's 3rd congressional district*Paul Nelson...

Days Off
1981 Short Fiction Stanley Elkin
Stanley Elkin
Stanley Lawrence Elkin was a Jewish American novelist, short story writer, and essayist. His extravagant, satirical fiction revolves around American consumerism, popular culture, and male-female relationships.-Biography:...

François Camoin
François Camoin
François André Camoin is an American short story writer.-Life:He came to the United States in 1952.He graduated from University of Massachusetts with a Ph.D. in 1967.He teaches at University of Utah...

The End of the World is Los Angeles
1981 Novel John Irving
John Irving
John Winslow Irving is an American novelist and Academy Award-winning screenwriter.Irving achieved critical and popular acclaim after the international success of The World According to Garp in 1978...

No winner
1980 Poetry Maxine Kumin
Maxine Kumin
Maxine Kumin is an American poet and author. She was appointed Poet Laureate Consultant in Poetry to the Library of Congress in 1981-1982.-Early years:...

William Carpenter
William Carpenter
William Carpenter may refer to:*William Carpenter , water colours of India*William Carpenter , Australian politician*William Carpenter, writer, American author...

The Hours of Morning
1980 Short Fiction Joyce Carol Oates
Joyce Carol Oates
Joyce Carol Oates is an American author. Oates published her first book in 1963 and has since published over fifty novels, as well as many volumes of short stories, poetry, and nonfiction...

Eugene Garber Metaphysical Tales
1980 Novel Hortense Calesher Mary Elsie Robertson After Freud
1979 Poetry Donald Justice
Donald Justice
Donald Justice was an American poet and teacher of writing. In summing up Justice's career, David Orr has written, "In most ways, Justice was no different from any number of solid, quiet older writers devoted to traditional short poems. But he was different in one important sense: sometimes his...

James Applewhite
James Applewhite
James Applewhite is an American poet, and Professor Emeritus in creative writing at Duke University.He graduated from Duke University with a B.A., M.A...

Following Gravity
1979 Short Fiction Richard Yates
Richard Yates (novelist)
Richard Yates was an American novelist and short story writer, known for his exploration of mid-20th century life.-Life:...

Ian MacMillan Light and Power
1978 Poetry Robert Penn Warren
Robert Penn Warren
Robert Penn Warren was an American poet, novelist, and literary critic and was one of the founders of New Criticism. He was also a charter member of the Fellowship of Southern Writers. He founded the influential literary journal The Southern Review with Cleanth Brooks in 1935...

Jeanne Larsen
Jeanne Larsen
Jeanne Larsen is a poet, novelist, translator, and essayist. Much of her work shows the growing influence of Buddhist perspectives on U.S. literature. This includes not only the poetry and creative nonfiction, but also the novels in her Avalokiteśvara trilogy.-Biography:Larsen grew up on U.S. Army...

James Cook in Search of Terra Incognita
1978 Short Fiction Wallace Stegner
Wallace Stegner
Wallace Earle Stegner was an American historian, novelist, short story writer, and environmentalist, often called "The Dean of Western Writers"...

Rebecca Kavaler
Rebecca Kavaler
Rebecca Kavaler, short story writer and novelist, was Southern by birth. She resided in New York City for more than two decades. During that time, her short fiction won various awards, including two National Endowment of the Arts fellowships...

The Further Adventure of Brunhild
1977 Poetry Elizabeth Bishop
Elizabeth Bishop
Elizabeth Bishop was an American poet and short-story writer. She was the Poet Laureate of the United States from 1949 to 1950, a Pulitzer Prize winner in 1956 and a National Book Award Winner for Poetry in 1970. Elizabeth Bishop House is an artists' retreat in Great Village, Nova Scotia...

Phyllis Janowitz Rites of Strangers
1976 Poetry James Wright
James Wright (poet)
James Arlington Wright was an American poet.Wright first emerged on the literary scene in 1956 with The Green Wall, a collection of formalist verse that was awarded the prestigious Yale Younger Poets Prize. But by the early 1960s, Wright, increasingly influenced by the Spanish language...

Robert Huff The Ventriloquist
1975 Poetry Richard Eberhart
Richard Eberhart
Richard Ghormley Eberhart was an American poet who published more than a dozen books of poetry and approximately twenty works in total...

David Walker
David Walker
-Musicians:* Dave Walker , British musician, member of the band Fleetwood Mac* David Walker , American opera singer* David Walker , American singer of Southern Gospel music...

Moving Out
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