List of Alaska railroads

Defunct railroads

  • Alaska Anthracite Railroad
  • Alaska Anthracite Coal and Railway Company
  • Alaska Home Railroad
  • Alaska Northern Railway
  • Alaska Pacific Railway and Terminal Company
  • Catalla and Carbon Mountain Railway
  • Copper River and Northwestern Railway
    Copper River and Northwestern Railway
    The Copper River and Northwestern Railway was a railroad built by the Kennecott Corporation between 1907 and 1911 to take copper ore from Kennicott, Alaska to Cordova, Alaska, a distance of . The railroad was built by thousands of workers, who laid tracks around glaciers, across canyons and...

  • Council City and Solomon River Railroad
  • Golovin Bay Railroad
  • Klondike Mines Railway
  • Nome Arctic Railway
  • Pacific and Arctic Railway and Navigation Company (White Pass and Yukon Route
    White Pass and Yukon Route
    The White Pass and Yukon Route is a Canadian and U.S. Class II narrow gauge railroad linking the port of Skagway, Alaska, with Whitehorse, the capital of Yukon. An isolated system, it has no direct connection to any other railroad. Equipment, freight and passengers are ferried by ship through the...

  • Seward Peninsula Railroad
  • Tanana Mines Railway
  • Tanana Valley Railroad
  • Valdez, Copper River and Tanana Railroad
  • Valdez–Yukon Railroad
  • Wild Goose Railroad
  • Yakutat and Southern Railway

Private carriers

  • Alaska Gastineau Mining Company
  • Alaska-Juneau Gold Mine
  • Alaska Lumber and Pulp Company (Alaska Pulp Corporation)
  • Apollo Consolidated Mining Company
  • Cliff Creek Coal Mine
  • Coal Creek Coal Company
  • Cook Inlet Coal Field Company
  • Katalla Coal Company
  • Ketchikan Pulp Company
  • Maine Northwestern Development Company
  • Rush and Brown Copper Mine
  • Treadwell Mines
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