List of Cow and Chicken episodes
This is a list of episodes of the animated television series Cow and Chicken
Cow and Chicken
Cow and Chicken is an American animated series, created by David Feiss. The series shows the surreal adventures of a cow, named Cow, and her chicken brother, named Chicken. They are often antagonized by "The Red Guy", who poses as various characters to scam or hurt them...

, created by David Feiss
David Feiss
David Feiss is an American animator.Feiss was born in Sacramento, California. He joined Hanna-Barbera around 1978 while still a teenager....

, which ran from July 15, 1997 to July 24, 1999 on Cartoon Network
Cartoon Network
Cartoon Network is a name of television channels worldwide created by Turner Broadcasting which used to primarily show animated programming. The channel began broadcasting on October 1, 1992 in the United States....


Pilot: 1995

# Title Plot Original airdate
0 No Smoking No Smoking: Cow and Chicken are sister and brother. Chicken is taken to Hell by The Red Guy and it's up to his sister Cow to save him as SuperCow. November 12, 1995

Season 1: 1997

# Title Plot Original airdate
1 Field Trip to Folsom Prison / The Girls' Bathroom Field Trip to Folsom Prison: While on a field trip to a local prison (where the Red Guy is the Warden), Chicken ends up switching places with one of the convicts.
The Girls' Bathroom: Chicken reluctantly accepts a dare set by Flem and Earl to see what the girls' bathroom at school is like.
July 15, 1997
2 Supermodel Cow / Part Time Job Supermodel Cow: Cow has her big break when the Red Guy hires her as a supermodel. However, she soon learns that fame doesn't last long.
Part Time Job: Cow gets a part time job at a milk farm in order for her to get a Crabs the Warthog doll. However, when Chicken tries to apply for a part time job, he soon ends up in danger.
July 22, 1997
3 Alive! / Who Is Supercow? Alive! A game of "Catch" results in Cow and her cousin, Boneless Chicken getting stuck on the roof of their house.
Who Is Supercow? The Red Guy tries to find out Supercow's real identity.
July 29, 1997
4 Confused / The Molting Fairy Confused: After making a small mess, Cow and Chicken are sent to a military school, then to sensitivity training (both run by the Red Guy).
The Molting Fairy: Chicken wakes up one morning to find that he is molting. He soon uses this to his advantage when he learns that he can get paid for all the feathers he loses.
August 5, 1997
5 The Ugliest Weenie Part 1: Cow writes a play entitled "The Ugliest Weenie", to which Chicken finds it stupid, but the drama teacher, Mr. Fleur, finds it compelling and turns it into a play. However, Chicken's role in the play leads to love with a French student, and a feud with best friend, Flem.
Part 2: "The Ugliest Weenie" is acted out in full, this time with the leading roles filled in by Cow and Chicken, respectfully. By the end of the act, the stage catches on fire from a freak accident.
August 12, 1997
6 Crash Dive / Happy Meat Crash Dive: Chicken floats down stream in his new home-made submarine. However, knowing of a nearby waterfall, Cow attempts to save him.
Happy Meat: Sick and tired of the ketchup-based meals being served at school by Mrs. Barederriere (The Red Guy), Cow and Chicken follow in their grandparents' footsteps and make a food stall that serves meat. Parody of Happy Meal
Happy Meal
A "Happy Meal" is a meal specifically marketed at children, sold at the fast-food chain McDonald's since June 1979. A toy is typically included with the food, both of which are usually contained in a small box or paper bag with the McDonald's logo....

August 19, 1997
7 School Bully / Time Machine School Bully: Chicken and Flem help their regular bully, Butch, after he is outshined by a meaner, stronger bully.
Time Machine: Cow and Chicken find a time machine, and decide to travel in time. However, things go wrong when The Red Guy shows up in an attempt to change the course of history for the worse.
August 26, 1997
8 Orthodontic Police / The Cow with Four Eyes Orthodontic Police: Cow and Chicken are given inhumane braces by an Orthodontic Police Officer (The Red Guy). However, they soon learn that they're not the only ones. This episode replaced an episode called "Buffalo Gals" which was banned because it was offensive.
The Cow with Four Eyes: Cow has become the most popular student in school thanks to her new glasses. Jealous of this, Chicken decides to get some as well, leading up to an attempt to destroy a new school dungeon (which was actually a new swimming pool).
September 2, 1997
9 Cow Instincts, Don't It? / Ballerina Cow Cow Instincts, Don't It? Cow believes that she has some form of herding instinct, which leads her to following a postman, ducks, fish and even soldiers!
Ballerina Cow: Cow has started taking up ballet
Ballet is a type of performance dance, that originated in the Italian Renaissance courts of the 15th century, and which was further developed in France and Russia as a concert dance form. The early portions preceded the invention of the proscenium stage and were presented in large chambers with...

, but due to her weight, she brings the house down (literally)! Fortunately, she finds someone to help her find fame, in the form of homewrecker Mr. Slacksoff (The Red Guy).
September 9, 1997
10 Chicken's First Kiss / Squirt the Daisies Chicken's First Kiss: After the girls beat the boys in a game of "Girls Chase Boys", Chicken is tormented by the claim that he is in love with a girl named Winey. This leads to Chicken having an anxiety attack over suffering from her "cooties".
Squirt the Daisies: While getting money to play on the arcade machines, Chicken is brought in by The Red Guy to play on a Virtual Reality machine. Games include "Kick the Can," "Duck, Duck, Goose" and Cow's favourite game, "Squirt the Daisies." However, just because these look like pre-school games, doesn't mean that they don't have an extreme twist.

(Note: Before he went into the Virtual Reality machine, Chicken was playing an arcade game called Immoral Wombat, which has a resemblance to Mortal Kombat).
September 16, 1997
11 Lawnmower Chicken / Cow Loves Piles Lawnmower Chicken: Chicken tries to earn extra money by mowing the lawn of Mr. Devlin (The Red Guy).
Cow Loves Piles: Cow is with her family at the fair, where she takes her new doll, Piles the Beaver with her. But when she loses Piles, Cow must chase after and recover him.
September 23, 1997
12 Space Cow / The Legend of Sailcat Space Cow: As part of a school assignment, Cow and Chicken write essays on what jobs they want when they're older. Since Cow's essay won, she gets to live her dream as an astronaut
An astronaut or cosmonaut is a person trained by a human spaceflight program to command, pilot, or serve as a crew member of a spacecraft....

, whereas the runner-up, Chicken, works at a supermarket.
The Legend of Sailcat: Chicken, Flem and Earl are camping with Flem's father. After Cow shows up, Flem's Dad sings a story about a legend named Sailcat.
September 30, 1997
13 Headhunting in Oregon / The King & Queen of Cheese Headhunting in Oregon: The family head over to Oregon
Oregon is a state in the Pacific Northwest region of the United States. It is located on the Pacific coast, with Washington to the north, California to the south, Nevada on the southeast and Idaho to the east. The Columbia and Snake rivers delineate much of Oregon's northern and eastern...

 to find a tribe of head-hunters. Eventually, Chicken soon becomes the "hunted", especially when The Red Guy is their leader.
The King & Queen of Cheese: Cow heads over to Cornflake, Arkansas
Arkansas is a state located in the southern region of the United States. Its name is an Algonquian name of the Quapaw Indians. Arkansas shares borders with six states , and its eastern border is largely defined by the Mississippi River...

, where she tries to help Larry Lackapants (The Red Guy) become The King and Queen of Cheese.
October 7, 1997

Season 2: 1998

# Title Plot Original Airdate
1 Fluffy the Anaconda / The Laughing Puddle Fluffy the Anaconda: Cow adopts an anaconda
An anaconda is a large, non-venomous snake found in tropical South America. Although the name actually applies to a group of snakes, it is often used to refer only to one species in particular, the common or green anaconda, Eunectes murinus, which is one of the largest snakes in the world.Anaconda...

, whom proceeds to swallow the entire family.
The Laughing Puddle: Chicken discovers a mysterious puddle that brings people in through laughter.
January 13, 1998
2 Pirate Lessons / Halloween with Dead Ghost, Coast to Coast Pirate Lessons: Capt'n Buttz Pirate (The Red Guy) takes Cow and Chicken aboard to become pirates.
Halloween with Dead Ghost, Coast to Coast: Following advice from Dead Ghost (The Red Guy), Cow and Chicken go trick-or-treating dressed as adults.
(Note: The Red Guy's "Dead Ghost" person is a parody of Space Ghost
Space Ghost
Space Ghost is a fictional superhero created by Hanna-Barbera Productions and designed by Alex Toth for CBS in the 1960s. In his original incarnation, he was a superhero who, with his sidekick teen helpers Jan, Jace, and Blip the monkey, fought supervillains in outer space...

; the TV show is also a parody of Space Ghost Coast to Coast
Space Ghost Coast to Coast
Space Ghost Coast to Coast is an American animated parody talk show hosted by the 60s Hanna-Barbera cartoon character Space Ghost. The show premiered on April 15, 1994 on Cartoon Network...

January 20, 1998
3 Tongue Sandwich / Dream Date Chicken Tongue Sandwich: A talkative Cow ends up with her tongue escaping after a sneeze. The tongue causes all sorts of mayhem which ends up with the law on his tail.
Dream Date Chicken: After being grounded for throwing a tantrum and back-talking his father, Chicken runs away from home to live the "bachelor lifestyle" of his cousin, Boneless Chicken.
January 27, 1998
4 Sumo Cow / Comet! Sumo Cow: Cow represents the school for sumo wrestling, and Chicken finds some advantage to this.
Comet! Chicken plays a comet prank during a field trip to an observatory. However, he soon realizes that the entire city thinks it's a real comet.

NOTE: Reruns of "Comet!" on the U.S. Cartoon Network mute out Dad yelling, "Oh, divot!" after he lofts his golf ball towards the observatory (due to viewers confusing the line for "Oh, dammit!").
February 3, 1998
5 Dirty Laundry / Grizzly Beaver Safari Dirty Laundry: The school revamps their newspaper into a television news show with the help of Geraldo Rearviewa (The Red Guy), who uses Chicken to generate scandalous stories.
Grizzly Beaver Safari: Cow and Chicken are in Africa
Africa is the world's second largest and second most populous continent, after Asia. At about 30.2 million km² including adjacent islands, it covers 6% of the Earth's total surface area and 20.4% of the total land area...

 where they encounter wild animals such as the Grizzly Beaver (surely a difficult challenge, even for Supercow).
February 10, 1998
6 Boneless Kite / Which Came First? Boneless Kite: Cow, Chicken and their cousin (Boneless Chicken), Boneless Chicken travel to the Lava Park, where they learn how to fly a kite. Unfortunately, when Baron Von Non-Leiderhosen (The Red Guy) loses his kite, he uses Boneless as one for a Tug O' War contest.
Which Came First? Chicken wakes up one morning and finds an egg underneath him (placed there by The Red Guy). This leads to him dressing up as a girl, as well as going out on a date with Flem and Earl.
7 Buffalo Gals / Cow and Chicken Reclining Buffalo Gals: Cow and Chicken's house is invaded by a gang of female bikers who like to literally chew on carpet and invite Cow into a game of softball. (Note: This episode was banned and replaced with the Orthodontic Police episode)
Cow and Chicken Reclining: While trying out Dad's lethal chair, both Cow and Chicken end up trapped inside.
February 20, 1998
8 Free Inside! / Journey to the Center of Cow Free Inside! Chicken receives a credit card (which only has 25 cents worth of credit) inside his cereal, however, he and Cow are both stalked by The Red Guy over the fee they have to pay after purchasing some gum.
Journey to the Center of Cow: While trying out the Pork Butt catapult, Chicken ends up being consumed by his little sister Cow. Can Dr. Bottoms (The Red Guy) save him? (Note: Journey to the Center of Cow is a parody of Fantastic Voyage
Fantastic Voyage
Fantastic Voyage is a 1966 science fiction film written by Harry Kleiner, based on a story by Otto Klement and Jerome Bixby.Bantam Books obtained the rights for a paperback novelization based on the screenplay and approached Isaac Asimov to write it....

March 3, 1998
9 The Karate Chick / Yard Sale The Karate Chick: Chicken takes up karate
is a martial art developed in the Ryukyu Islands in what is now Okinawa, Japan. It was developed from indigenous fighting methods called and Chinese kenpō. Karate is a striking art using punching, kicking, knee and elbow strikes, and open-handed techniques such as knife-hands. Grappling, locks,...

 lessons in order to get back at a school bully. (Note: This episode was based from the movie The Karate Kid)
Yard Sale: A simple yard sale leads to Cow and Chicken attempting to win back their lawn, which The Red Guy purchased.
March 10, 1998
10 Meet Lance Sackless / Who's Afraid of the Dark? Meet Lance Sackless: Cow and Chicken attempt to get their home video sent to a big TV show in Canada, hosted by Lance Sackless (The Red Guy). (Note: In "Meet Lance Sackless", Canada's Funniest Home Vidiots! is a Parody of America's Funniest Home Videos
America's Funniest Home Videos
America's Funniest Home Videos is an American reality television program on ABC in which viewers are able to send in humorous homemade videotapes. The most common videos usually feature slapstick physical comedy arising from incidents, accidents and mishaps...

Who's Afraid of the Dark? Mom and Dad are worried about their children when they say they're not scared of the dark. So, they hire a scared Dr. Laxslax (The Red Guy) to solve the problem.
March 17, 1998
11 The Bad News Plastic Surgeons / The Exchange Stüdent The Bad News Plastic Surgeons: Cow and Chicken represent the school for Plastic Surgery, with Dr. Hiney (The Red Guy) under their wing. Can they win the championship for the school, especially with the weakness of making a photo-realistic beaver?
The Exchange Stüdent: A student from a nearby town, Slappy McCracken, visits the school, and develops a friendship with Cow. Can they help stop his homeland from fighting each other with cheese?
(Note: Slappy McCracken is named after Craig McCracken
Craig McCracken
Craig McCracken is an American animator and creator of The Powerpuff Girls and Foster's Home for Imaginary Friends.-Biography:...

, the famed creator of The Powerpuff Girls
The Powerpuff Girls
The Powerpuff Girls is an American animated television series created by animator Craig McCracken and produced by Hanna-Barbera for Cartoon Network...

 which coincidentally premiered at the same time as Cow and Chicken.)
March 24, 1998
12 Child Star / Perpetual Energy Child Star: Cow takes the starring role in Ivan Panced's (The Red Guy's) new movie, "Pretty Little Girl". (Note: Chicken does not appear in this episode).
Perpetual Energy: Cow and Chicken unwittingly create perpetual energy through spilling a junior chemistry set. This leads Rear Admiral Floyd (The Red Guy) to a get-rich scheme.
March 31, 1998
13 Bad Chicken / Stay Awake Bad Chicken: After Cow and Chicken tamper with the school photocopier, The Copy Fairy (the Red Guy) makes an evil version of Chicken through one of his copies. Evil Chicken soon runs rampant and it becomes up to Cow and Chicken to stop him and clear Chicken's name.
Stay Awake: Chicken ends up being hyperactive and having insomnia
Insomnia is most often defined by an individual's report of sleeping difficulties. While the term is sometimes used in sleep literature to describe a disorder demonstrated by polysomnographic evidence of disturbed sleep, insomnia is often defined as a positive response to either of two questions:...

 after consuming some caffeinated cereal. Can Cow find a cure that can get him to sleep?
April 7, 1998

Season 3: 1998-1999

# Title Plot Original Airdate
1 Can Cow Come Out and Play? / Horn Envy Can Cow Come Out and Play? The Red Guy notices Cow has Crabs the Warthog, whereas he has the matching dollhouse. He tries to ask Mom if he can play with Cow, but she says she wouldn't allow it "unless he was the last man on Earth." And so he attempts to lure the entire world's population (excluding Cow) into a free trailer.
Horn Envy: Cow is in love with a male student at school. However, she tries opening his heart to her by making bigger and better horns than the tiny ones she has got.
August 15, 1998
2 Goin' My Way? / The Babysitter Goin' My Way? Mom and Dad pick up, and then adopt a hitch-hiker in the form of The Red Guy, much to the disappointment of Cow and Chicken.
The Babysitter: Mom and Dad have got to go out, leaving Cow to babysit Chicken, much to his disappointment.
August 22, 1998
3 Cow Fly / Where Am I? Cow Fly: Cow avoids boredom by making friends with a fly, much to the annoyance of Chicken.
Where Am I? While on her way back inside for lunch, Cow ends up getting lost in the garden, and starts to rely on survival instincts.
August 29, 1998
4 Sergeant Weenie Arms / Sow and Chicken Sergeant Weenie Arms: Chicken, Flem and Earl are trained by action figure, Sergeant Weenie Arms, to become weenie marines like him.
Sow and Chicken: Cow and Chicken's anarchic cousin, Sow, comes over for a visit. However, when she comes over to school, Cow ends up taking the blame for Sow's misguided actions. However,Cow shows that Sow did it.. Showing her in the bathroom.
September 5, 1998
5 Me an' My Dog / Cow's Dream Catcher Me an' My Dog: Cow adopts an invisible dog as a pet.
Cow's Dream Catcher: A night in the treehouse turns into a nightmare for Chicken, Flem and Earl when they break Cow's dream catcher.
September 12, 1998
6 Grandma at the Mall / Chicken in the Bathroom Grandma at the Mall: Grandmama takes Cow and Chicken over to a mall, where they attempt to find a Grampa. But while this old timer is blind as a bat, Chicken uses this to his advantage in order to spend time with best buddies, Flem and Earl.
Chicken in the Bathroom: Chicken hates taking a bath, so he decides to waste his time. However, Cow, Mom and Dad are all desperate to go to the toilet, and attempt to persuade Chicken to take his bath.
September 19, 1998
7 Chickens Don't Fly / P.E. Chickens Don't Fly: While waiting to board a plane for his and Cow's holidays to Brunei, Chicken suddenly has a fear of flying.
P.E. Chicken, Flem and Earl are on their first day of Junior High School, where in P.E, they play dodgeball
Dodgeball is any of a variety of games in which players try to hit other players on the opposing team with balls while avoiding being hit themselves. This article is about a well-known form of team sport with modified rules that is often played in physical education classes and has been featured...

. However, whilst they're in the showers, their clothes are stolen. Can the boys evade public embarrassment while being nude?
September 26, 1998
8 Playing Hookie / Chicken Lips Playing Hooky: Realizing that he has failed to study for a math test, Chicken pretends he is sick, and tries anything to prove it to Mom and Dad. When he is found out, he is sent back to school, only to realise that the math teacher has fallen ill and the test was subsequently replaced by a Chocolate test, which the class thoroughly enjoyed.
Chicken Lips: Unlike Cow, Chicken can't whistle, and he tries to get lessons from Professor Hineybottom (The Red Guy).
October 3, 1998
9 The Day I Was Born / Factory Follies The Day I Was Born: Cow attempts to learn about the day she was born, despite mixed views and opinions.
Factory Follies: The Red Guy works as a slave-driving boss of a factory. However, when he tries to celebrate his birthday, his employees don't come, so he decides to liven things up for himself. (Note: Cow and Chicken make a cameo at the end, being tied up to a chair by the Red Guy.)
October 10, 1998
10 101 Uses for Cow and Chicken / Intelligent Life? 101 Uses for Cow and Chicken: After playing with a price tagging gun at a supermarket, Cow and Chicken are purchased by The Red Guy. But the question is, what can he do with them?
Intelligent Life? Using a home-made rocket, Cow travels to a distant planet, where she meets up with the Red Guy, who claims to be an alien. And so, she takes him back to Earth, where he claims that the solution to the World's problems lie in puppets.

(Note: This is the first time we see The Red Guy wear pants for once.)
October 17, 1998
11 Be Careful What You Wish for / Lost at Sea Be Careful What You Wish for: Chicken's wish for Cow to shut up comes true. But when he is run over by a truck, he regrets it after being sentenced to fifty years in prison for jay-walking (although the truck driver was at fault) when Cow refuses to clear his name.
Lost at Sea: Flem and Earl wake up naked and stranded in a hot ocean. They remember the great moments and dreams they've had together, even with help from The Red Guy.
October 24, 1998
12 Night of the Ed! / Cow's Pie Night of the Ed! The family have a new pet in the form of a jackal
Although the word jackal has been historically used to refer to many small- to medium-sized species of the wolf genus of mammals, Canis, today it most properly and commonly refers to three species: the black-backed jackal and the side-striped jackal of sub-Saharan Africa, and the golden jackal of...

 named Ed. However, knowing how wild this animal is, can Cow and Chicken tame it?
Cow's Pies: Cow tries to persuade Chicken to eat her newly-baked pie.
November 1, 1998
13 Professor Longhorn Steer/ A Couple of Skating Fools Professor Longhorn Steer: In order to prove to Cow and Chicken that the Earth is flat, Dad brings in his brother, Professor Longhorn Steer, to teach them proper education.
A Couple of Skating Fools: Chicken and Earl compete against Flem and The Red Guy in a Figure Skating contest. Unfortunately, when Earl is left injured, Chicken tries to find another way to win.
Note: The events that take place in the episode reference the famous Tonya Harding
Tonya Harding
Tonya Maxine Harding is an American figure skating champion. In 1991 she won the U.S. Figure Skating Championships and placed second in the World Championships. She was the second woman, and the first American woman, to complete a triple axel jump in competition...

 attack on Nancy Kerrigan
Nancy Kerrigan
Nancy Ann Kerrigan is a two-time American Olympic figure skating medalist and 1993 U.S. champion.-Early life and skating career:...

 during the 1994 Winter Olympics
1994 Winter Olympics
The 1994 Winter Olympics, officially known as the XVII Olympic Winter Games, was a winter multi-sport event celebrated from 12 to 27 February 1994 in and around Lillehammer, Norway. Lillehammer failed to win the bid for the 1992 event. Lillehammer was awarded the games in 1988, after having beat...

. In addition, The Red Guy's costume in the episode bears a strong resemblance Harding's appearance.
May 3, 1999

Season 4: 1999

# Title Plot Original Airdate
1 Chachi, the Chewing Gum Seal / Black Sheep of the Family Chachi, the Chewing Gum Seal: In order to prove to Chicken that she is artistic, Cow creates a seal out of chewing gum. Eventually, she wishes that her work of art, affectionally named Chachi, could live, which soon becomes a reality (and then a nightmare when the seal badmouths Cow).
Black Sheep of the Family: Cow and Chicken's cousin, Black Sheep (who lives up to both sides of his name) has come over for a visit. However, this is a problem for Mom and Dad, who both run away for the duration of his visit. (This is the second time we see The Red Guy wear pants.)
April 26, 1999
2 The Full Mounty / Mall Cop The Full Mounty: It's "Bring Your Kid to Work" Day, and Cow and Chicken are with Dad at his office. However, A Canadian Mounty (The Red Guy), constantly stalks the siblings around the entire building.
(Note: The episode's title is a reference to The Full Monty
The Full Monty
The Full Monty is a 1997 British comedy film directed by Peter Cattaneo, starring Robert Carlyle, Mark Addy, William Snape, Steve Huison, Tom Wilkinson, Paul Barber, and Hugo Speer. The screenplay was written by Simon Beaufoy...


Mall Cop: Shopping at the mall becomes a problem for Cow when she and Chicken are pursued by a Mall Cop (The Red Guy) for supposed shoplifting.
May 3, 1999
3 Cow's Toys / I Scream, Man Cow's Toys: Cow's favorite toys, Crabs the Warthog, Piles the Beaver and Manure the Bear, make their escape out of the house on their own quest: to find "Maiden Hong Kong
Hong Kong
Hong Kong is one of two Special Administrative Regions of the People's Republic of China , the other being Macau. A city-state situated on China's south coast and enclosed by the Pearl River Delta and South China Sea, it is renowned for its expansive skyline and deep natural harbour...

I Scream, Man: It's coming up to Arbor Day
Arbor Day
Arbor Day is a holiday in which individuals and groups are encouraged to plant and care for trees. It originated in Nebraska City, Nebraska, United States during 1872 by J. Sterling Morton. The first Arbor Day was held on April 10, 1872, and an estimated 1 million trees were planted that day.Many...

, and Cow and Chicken are wanting some Ice Cream. Expect a paranoid Ice Cream man (The Red Guy) and an Arbor Day pig who suffers psychological torture from his countdown.
April 28, 1999
4 Cloud Nine / Send in the Clowns Cloud Nine: Chicken wants to ride on a kiddie's jet stationed outside a hardware store, but when he gets the money from Cow, it gets taken away. Can he get a chance to ride this jet?
Send in the Clowns: Dad can't get along with his new neighbors, who happen to be clowns. However, Cow falls in love with the clown son, especially when they go to the same school.
April 29, 1999
5 The Big Move / Cow's Magic Blanket The Big Move: Cow and Chicken are moving home, and remember the great moments they've had at their old house.
Cow's Magic Blanket: Cow still has a security blanket (which happens to be Supercow's cape). But Chicken objects to her still carrying around such an item at her age, which leads to it being thrown out on the way to school. However, while Cow's depressed, the principal (The Red Guy) decides to torment Flem and Earl. Can Chicken retrieve the blanket that was thrown out?
April 27, 1999
6 Snail Boy / The Penalty Wheel Snail Boy: Cow and Chicken's cousin, Snail Boy is coming to their school. However, he has proven to humiliate them in some ways, such as becoming a model for figure drawing.
The Penalty Wheel: Cow, Chicken, Flem and Earl are all competing in a game show called You Ben Panced? hosted by Benjamin Panced (The Red Guy). However, the challenges are virtually impossible to complete in such a short period of time, resulting in the losers spinning the penalty wheel. How will Cow's alter-ego, Supercow play into this?
May 5, 1999
7 Invisible Cow / Monster in the Closet Invisible Cow: After being sold an invisibility potion by The Red Guy, Cow really believes she is invisible, despite not drinking it. She goes on to cause trouble, in which she, somehow, gets away with.
Monster in the Closet: Cow befriends a scary looking monster that lives in her bedroom closet.
February 8, 1999
8 Chicken's Fairy Tale / Magic Chicken Chicken's Fairy Tale: Chicken, Flem and Earl find a beanstalk in the back garden, and it soon follows a story in the style of Jack and the Beanstalk
Jack and the Beanstalk
Jack and the Beanstalk is a folktale said by English historian Francis Palgrave to be an oral legend that arrived in England with the Vikings. The tale is closely associated with the tale of Jack the Giant-killer. It is known under a number of versions...

Magic Chicken: Chicken hosts a magic show in front of his friends and family. However, it soon becomes no laughing matter when he makes Cow's Udder disappear, which ends up on The Red Guy.
May 6, 1999
9 Major Wedgie / The Loneliest Cow Major Wedgie: Mom and Dad tell Cow and Chicken how they first met. This involves boot camp and a grumpy superior named Major Wedgie (The Red Guy). (This is the third time the Red Guy wears trousers on the television show.)
The Loneliest Cow: In an effort to escape loneliness, Cow befriends an orange tree stationed in the back garden, much to Chicken's disgust.
April 30, 1999
10 Cow's Horse / Red Butler Cow's Horse: Cow adopts a horse named Blackie, much to the disapproval of Chicken, Mom and Dad.
Red Butler: A butler named Hiney (The Red Guy) comes over to serve Cow and Chicken, even in school time.
June 18, 1999
11 Cow's A Beauty / Piano Lessons Cow's A Beauty: The Red Guy attempts to enter Cow into a beauty pageant.

Piano Lessons: The Red Guy teaches Cow and Chicken piano lessons, in the hopes that they perform well to a sell-out audience.
June 18, 1999
12 Duck, Duck, Chicken / The Great Pantzini Duck, Duck, Chicken: Dr. Hiney (The Red Guy) gives Chicken surgery, transforming him into a duck. Can Mom and Dad win the lawsuit?

The Great Pantzini: Cow and Chicken are sent to join the Great Pantzini (the Red Guy)'s circus. He originally has Cow as a trapeze artist, and Chicken as a fire eater, but then settles to have them in as clowns.
June 30, 1999
13 The Cow and Chicken Blues / The Ballad of Cow and Chicken The Cow and Chicken Blues: Cow and Chicken are feeling down, and visit their next door neighbor, who happens to be a famous Blues Musician. And through song, he tells them a wild tale. Episode guest stars B.B. King as the voice of Blind Mudpuddle Johnson. (This is the fifth time we see The Red Guy wear pants.)
The Ballad of Cow and Chicken: Series finale. Teacher, Flem and Earl sing a ballad, which involves Cow and Chicken being pursued by the Red Guy.
July 24, 1999
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