List of James Bond allies in From Russia with Love
This is a list of James Bond allies in the novel, film
From Russia with Love (film)
From Russia with Love is the second in the James Bond spy film series, and the second to star Sean Connery as the fictional MI6 agent James Bond. Released in 1963, the film was produced by Albert R. Broccoli and Harry Saltzman, and directed by Terence Young. It is based on the 1957 novel of the...

, and video game From Russia with Love.

Recurring Allies

  • M
    M (James Bond)
    M is a fictional character in Ian Fleming's James Bond series, as well as the films in the Bond franchise. The head of MI6 and Bond's superior, M has been portrayed by three actors in the official Bond film series: Bernard Lee, Robert Brown and since 1995 by Judi Dench. Background =Ian Fleming...

     - Bernard Lee
    Bernard Lee
    John Bernard Lee was an English actor, best known for his role as M in the first eleven James Bond films.-Life and career:...

  • Major Boothroyd (Q)
    Q (James Bond)
    Q is a fictional character in the James Bond novels and films. Q , like M, is a job title rather than a name. He is the head of Q Branch , the fictional research and development division of the British Secret Service...

     - Desmond Llewelyn
    Desmond Llewelyn
    Desmond Wilkinson Llewelyn was a Welsh actor, famous for playing Q in 17 of the James Bond films between 1963 and 1999.-Early life:...

  • Miss Moneypenny
    Miss Moneypenny
    Jane Moneypenny, better known as Miss Moneypenny, is a fictional character in the James Bond novels and films. She is secretary to M, who is Bond's boss and head of the British Secret Service...

     - Lois Maxwell
    Lois Maxwell
    Lois Maxwell was a Canadian actress.Maxwell began her film career in the late 1940s, and won a Golden Globe Award for the New Actress of the Year for her performance in That Hagen Girl...

Ali Kerim Bey

Kerim Bey
Bey is a title for chieftain, traditionally applied to the leaders of small tribal groups. Accoding to some sources, the word "Bey" is of Turkish language In historical accounts, many Turkish, other Turkic and Persian leaders are titled Bey, Beg, Bek, Bay, Baig or Beigh. They are all the same word...

 is a Bond ally from the novel and film. In the film he was played by Pedro Armendáriz
Pedro Armendáriz
Pedro Armendáriz was a Mexican actor of the cinema of Mexico and Hollywood.-Early life:Born Pedro Gregorio Armendáriz Hastings in Mexico City, Distrito Federal, Mexico to Pedro Armendáriz García-Conde and Adela Hastings . He was also the cousin of actress Gloria Marín...

, and fashioned after Nâzım Kalkavan, a friend of Fleming from Oxford University.

Novel bio

Ali Kerim Bey was born in Trezibond (now Trabzon
Trabzon is a city on the Black Sea coast of north-eastern Turkey and the capital of Trabzon Province. Trabzon, located on the historical Silk Road, became a melting pot of religions, languages and culture for centuries and a trade gateway to Iran in the southeast and the Caucasus to the northeast...

) to a Turkish father, a fisherman, and an English mother, a governess. At the age of twenty he too was a fisherman, and was recruited into MI6
Secret Intelligence Service
The Secret Intelligence Service is responsible for supplying the British Government with foreign intelligence. Alongside the internal Security Service , the Government Communications Headquarters and the Defence Intelligence , it operates under the formal direction of the Joint Intelligence...

 by a Major Dansey who wanted information about the Russian oil installations and naval base at Batoum
Batumi is a seaside city on the Black Sea coast and capital of Adjara, an autonomous republic in southwest Georgia. Sometimes considered Georgia's second capital, with a population of 121,806 , Batumi serves as an important port and a commercial center. It is situated in a subtropical zone, rich in...

, only 50 miles away. He later infiltrated Soviet Georgia as a strongman and wrestler in a travelling circus.
He became Head of Station T in Istanbul
Istanbul , historically known as Byzantium and Constantinople , is the largest city of Turkey. Istanbul metropolitan province had 13.26 million people living in it as of December, 2010, which is 18% of Turkey's population and the 3rd largest metropolitan area in Europe after London and...

 in the late 1930s. He uses his many sons and uncles as agents, running a business trading spices as cover. In his office Bond notices certificates showing that he has two Mentions in Dispatches and the military OBE
Order of the British Empire
The Most Excellent Order of the British Empire is an order of chivalry established on 4 June 1917 by George V of the United Kingdom. The Order comprises five classes in civil and military divisions...

. He is described as 6 feet 2 inches (1.88m) tall, powerfully built, dark, with a broken nose. He smokes Turkish cigarettes (naturally), and has an insatiable appetite for food, coffee, alcohol, and women.

He meets Bond and arranges for false papers in order for Bond and Tatiana
Tatiana Romanova
Tatiana Romanova is a fictional character in the James Bond novel, film, and video game From Russia with Love. She is played by Daniela Bianchi in the movie. According to William F...

 to leave the country. Later he takes Bond by boat through an ancient underground rat-infested cistern
A cistern is a waterproof receptacle for holding liquids, usually water. Cisterns are often built to catch and store rainwater. Cisterns are distinguished from wells by their waterproof linings...

 to a periscope he had installed below the Russian Embassy. This gives Bond his first look at Tatiana. He then takes Bond to the Gipsy Camp (also used by Kerim as agents) where they witness the girl-fight, before being attacked by "The Faceless Ones", Bulgarian thugs employed by the Russians.

Afterwards Kerim (with Bond's help) kills Krilencu, leader of the Bulgars, with a sniper rifle concealed in a walking stick, as the Bulgarian attempts to leave his apartment using an escape hatch hidden behind a film poster. He then accompanies Bond and Tatiana on the train out of Turkey. He arranges for two of the three MGB
Ministry for State Security (USSR)
The Ministry of State Security was the name of Soviet secret police from 1946 to 1953.-Origins of the MGB:The MGB was just one of many incarnations of the Soviet State Security apparatus. Since the revolution, the Bolsheviks relied on a strong political police or security force to support and...

 men following Bond to be arrested, but is stabbed to death by the third, killing his assassin in the process.

Film bio

Kerim Bey works in Istanbul. He meets up with Bond in Istanbul and guides him around and helps him getting the Lektor device. When Kerim is almost killed by a bomb planted on the outside wall of his office, he and Bond try to discover who tried to kill him. They find out it was Krilencu.

When going to a Gypsy Camp, Bond and Kerim are interrupted by Krilencu's men who attempted to kill Kerim. Kerim survives and says that he must kill him even after getting shot in the arm. Kerim kills Krilencu, using Bond's sniper rifle. He then helps Bond get on the train with the Lektor device, but is killed by Red Grant on the train.


Vavra, the Gypsy leader, is a Bond ally from the novel and film. In the film, he was played by Francis de Wolff
Francis de Wolff
Francis de Wolff was an English character actor. Large, bearded, and beetle-browed, he was often cast as villains in both film and television....


In the film, Vavra tells Bond and Kerim Bey about what's occurring in the Gypsy camp, and while they watch a girl-fight between two women wanting the same men. After Bond saves Vavra's life, a thankful Vavra calls him a son. Bond only requests for Vavra to stop the two girls from fighting, and Vavra decides to settle by ordering Bond to choose which girl deserves to win.
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