List of Osamu Tezuka manga
This is a list of Osamu Tezuka
Osamu Tezuka
was a Japanese cartoonist, manga artist, animator, producer, activist and medical doctor, although he never practiced medicine. Born in Osaka Prefecture, he is best known as the creator of Astro Boy, Kimba the White Lion and Black Jack...

's manga
Manga is the Japanese word for "comics" and consists of comics and print cartoons . In the West, the term "manga" has been appropriated to refer specifically to comics created in Japan, or by Japanese authors, in the Japanese language and conforming to the style developed in Japan in the late 19th...

 work in alphabetical order. The English translations of the names used are from the original names found on the official Osamu Tezuka
Osamu Tezuka
was a Japanese cartoonist, manga artist, animator, producer, activist and medical doctor, although he never practiced medicine. Born in Osaka Prefecture, he is best known as the creator of Astro Boy, Kimba the White Lion and Black Jack...


This is not a complete list of Osamu Tezuka
Osamu Tezuka
was a Japanese cartoonist, manga artist, animator, producer, activist and medical doctor, although he never practiced medicine. Born in Osaka Prefecture, he is best known as the creator of Astro Boy, Kimba the White Lion and Black Jack...

's manga creations. While Osamu Tezuka
Osamu Tezuka
was a Japanese cartoonist, manga artist, animator, producer, activist and medical doctor, although he never practiced medicine. Born in Osaka Prefecture, he is best known as the creator of Astro Boy, Kimba the White Lion and Black Jack...

 created more than 700 manga series during his life, this list focuses on what his official website deems his more notable works by having individual pages devoted. Also counted among them are manga from the Osamu Tezuka Manga Complete Works collection published by Kodansha
, the largest Japanese publisher, produces the manga magazines Nakayoshi, Afternoon, Evening, and Weekly Shonen Magazine, as well as more literary magazines such as Gunzō, Shūkan Gendai, and the Japanese dictionary Nihongo Daijiten. The company has its headquarters in Bunkyō, Tokyo...



Title Year
Activist Student 1968
Adolf (manga)
Adolf, known in Japan as is a manga series made by Dr. Osamu Tezuka.Adolf was published in English by Cadence Books and VIZ Media. The English manga is flipped to read left to right to conform to Western practice....

Adventure Broadcasting Station
Adventure of Rock, The
The Adventure of Rock
is a manga by Osamu Tezuka that began serialization in 1952.-Plot:In the year 19XX, a new celestial body has been discovered in the same orbit as Earth. Dubbed "Planet Deimon" after its discoverer, Doctor Deimon, the planet's orbit soon slows, coming into close proximity with Earth...

Adventure of Rubi
Age of Adventure
Age of Adventure
is a manga by Osamu Tezuka that began serialization in 1951.-Plot:In the year 1876, a young boy named Takonosuke Arashi joins a Japanese envoy on their way to negotiate trades with the USA. However, en route to Washington D.C., the envoy is attacked by pirates in the Caribbean Sea. Takonosuke and...

Age of Great Floods, The
Akebono-san 1959
Alabaster (manga)
is a manga series written and illustrated by Osamu Tezuka, published in Akita Shoten's Weekly Shōnen Champion from December 1970 to June 1971.- Plot :...

Amazing Three, The 1965
Ambassador Magma
Ambassador Magma
is the title and protagonist of a manga and tokusatsu TV series created by Osamu Tezuka. The TV series, produced by P Productions, aired on Fuji TV from July 4, 1966 to September 25, 1967, with a total of 52 episodes. It is the first color tokusatsu TV series in Japan, beating Ultraman to the...

Angel Gunfighter
Angel Gunfighter
is a Japanese single volume manga written and illustrated by Osamu Tezuka and published on April 20, 1949 by Tokodo.- Plot :The rogue cop Ham Egg is plotting to take over a small town on the border region between New Mexico and Arizona. Only one thing stands in his way: a Native American...

Angel's Hill
Angel's Hill
is a manga by Osamu Tezuka that began serialization in 1960.-Plot:The story revolves around a mysterious place called "Angel's Island" that resides somewhere on the ocean seas. Living on Angel's Island are a species of merpeople that can live both in the sea and on land. They have the form of a...

Ant and the Giant
Apollo's Song
Apollo's Song
' is a manga by Osamu Tezuka. It was originally serialized in Shukan Shōnen Kingu in Japan in 1970 and was published in English translation in 2007....

Apple with Watch Mechanism
Astro Boy 1952
Ayako 1972


Title Year
Bagi, Boss of the Earth
Big X
Big X
is a science fiction manga series and an anime series by Osamu Tezuka, based on actual experiments conducted by the Nazis to create secret weapons toward the end of World War II.-Storyline:...

is a three volume manga picture book series created in 1957 by Osamu Tezuka for second year elementary school students. The series won the 3rd Shogakukan Manga Award in 1958.-External links:*...

Birdman Anthology
Birdman Anthology
is a manga by Osamu Tezuka that began serialization in 1971.-Plot:In the future, birds have taken over Earth and replaced human kind as the dominant species. With the assistance of bird-like aliens, the birds of Earth gained increased intelligence and began to attack humans...

Black Jack
Black Jack (manga)
is a manga written and illustrated by Osamu Tezuka in the 1970s, dealing with the medical adventures of the title character, doctor Black Jack....

is a manga by Osamu Tezuka that began serialization in 1970.-Plot:Tetsu Otani is a junior high school student with a weak heart. Despite the hardships of being so meek at school, he has an intense crush on one of his teachers: Reiko Mizushima. However, one of his least favorite teachers, Kito,...

Boy Detective Zumbera 1975
Brave Dan
Brave Dan
is a manga by Osamu Tezuka that began serialization in 1962.-Plot:In the wilderness of Hokkaido, the Ainu people of Japan live in harmony with nature. Kotan Nakamura is a young Ainu boy living peacefully until he meets a tiger one day. This tiger, Dan, has escaped from a train that was carrying...

Buddha (manga)
is a manga drawn by Osamu Tezuka and is Tezuka's unique interpretation of the life of Gautama Buddha, the founder of Buddhism. The critically acclaimed series is often referred to as a gritty, even sexual, portrayal of the Buddha's life. Buddha received the 2004, 2005 Eisner Award...

Burunga I


Title Year
Captain Atom 1952
Captain Ken
Captain Ken
is a manga series by Osamu Tezuka that was serialized in Shogakukan's Weekly Shōnen Sunday December 18, 1960 to August 20, 1961. The published chapters were collected in two volumes.- Plot :...

Captain Ozma 1961
Chief Detective Kenichi
Chief Detective Kenichi
is a manga series by Osamu Tezuka published in Kodansha's Shōnen Club from June 1954 to December 1956.- Plot :The manga follows Kenichi, the chief detective of the national Boy Detectives' Street Society. He is joined by Donguri, a talking bird...

Cave-in 1969
Crime and Punishment
Crime and Punishment (manga)
is a manga by Osamu Tezuka, based on Fyodor Dostoevsky's book Crime and Punishment that was published in 1953. In 1990 The Japan Times published a bilingual edition featuring an English translation by Frederik Schodt...

 (Manga version of classic Russian literature)
Curtain is Still Blue Tonight, The 1958


Title Year
The Detective Rock Home 1949
Devil Garon, The 1959
Devil of the Earth, The
The Devil of the Earth
is a manga by Osamu Tezuka that was published in 1954.-Characters:*Eiji: One of two brothers caught in a range of conspiracies revolving around the underground city's construction....

Diary of Ma-chan
Diary of Ma-chan
is a manga by Osamu Tezuka that began serialization in 1946.-Plot:Diary of Ma-chan is a collection of 4-panel comic strips about the everyday adventures of a small pre-school boy named Ma-chan...

Don Dracula
Don Dracula
is a manga by Osamu Tezuka that began serialization in 1979.-Plot:After living in Transylvania for several years, "Earl Dracula" has moved to Japan...

is a Japanese manga series from the critically acclaimed manga creator Osamu Tezuka in the late 1960s. The anime television series based on the manga consists of 26 half-hour episodes. It was made into a live-action film in 2007....

Dotsuitare 1993
Dove, Fly Up to Heaven
Dr. Mars 1947
Dr. Thrill 1959
Duke Goblin 1985
Dust Eight 1972


Title Year
Elephant's Kindness
Elephant's Sneeze
Essay on Idleness of Animals 1973
Euphrates Tree, The


Title Year
Fairy of Storms, The
Faust (manga)
is a manga by Osamu Tezuka that was published as a book in 1950.-Plot:Based on Johann Wolfgang von Goethe's closet play Faust, Osamu Tezuka came up with his own version of the classic German story....

Film Lives On, The
The Film Lives On
is a manga by Osamu Tezuka that began serialization in 1958.-Plot:The setting is 1950s Japan and young Musashi Miyamoto has come to Tokyo with visions of becoming a manga filmmaker. When he visits a manga filmmaking studio, he meets veteran manga filmmaker Matsuma Dan...

Fine Romance
Fire of Tutelary God
Fire Valley
Flower & Barbarian
Flying Ben
Ford 32 years Type
Fossil Island, The
The Fossil Island
is a Japanese manga by Osamu Tezuka that was published as a book in 1951.-Plot:At the mysterious Fossil Island, three visitors have come for a visit. Newspaper Reporter Rock, Songwriter Kodama, and manga artist Osamu Tezuka. On the island are many rocks shaped like human people...

Fossil Man, The
Fossil Man Strikes Back, The
Fountain of Crane
Four Card
Four Fencers of the Forest
Fuku-chan in 21st Century
Futureman Kaos


Title Year
Gachaboi's Record of One Generation 1970
Garbage War
Gary bar pollution record
General Onimaru
Ghost in jet base
Ghost Jungle
Ghost story at 1p.m.
Gikko-chan and Makko-chan
Go Out!
God Father's son
Gold City
Gold Scale
Golden Bat
Golden Trunk, The
Good bye, Mali
Good bye, Mr. Eiichi Fukui
Goodbye Night
Good Morning Cusco
Goro of Hatchoike
Goto Matabei
Grand Dolls
Grand Dolls
is a manga by Osamu Tezuka that began serialization in 1968.-Plot:Tetsuo "Tecchin" Utsuki is a normal, everyday junior high school student. Without much willpower, he is often shy and unable to assert himself...

Green outskirts
Gringo (manga)
is a manga by Osamu Tezuka that began serialization in 1987 in the Shogakukan manga magazine Big Comic.-Plot:In 1982, the Edo Shoji Corporation is a large Japanese trading company that has created a new branch in the fictional country of Cannibalia...

Gu-chan & Paiko
Gum Gum Punch
Gum Gum Punch
is a manga by Osamu Tezuka that began serialization in 1967.-Plot:In this children's manga, Punch and his sister Pinko are approached by a strange man calling himself the God of Gum. Looking like a kind of eccentric scientist, he explains that the gum he has is special as it will allow the gum...



Title Year
Hans and Hair of Money
Hatsuyume Family
Head of cheerleaders of Kanoko
Hello! Chippo-kun
Higeoyaji, Dr. Ochanomizu
"Hikari" means "light" in Japanese. It may also refer to:Hikari may refer to:-Places:*Hikari Station, a station on Sanyō Main Line in Hikari, Yamaguchi*Hikari, Chiba, a former town in Sousa District, Chiba, Japan...

Himawari-san 1956
Horror Tales of Yotsuya
Human being in the Moon World
Human Metamorphosis 1970
Hungry Blues
Hurricane Z
Hyoroku and Gonroku
Hyotan Komako


Title Year
I am a Ninja
I am Sarutobi!
I.L 1969
Ikki Mandara
Infant development of ESP
Infant in Womb Starts Talking
Inochi no Mamejishaku
Insect Collector 1979
Instruction 7:00AM!
Invitation to the Grotesque
Iron Road, The
Irregularity Fencer
Isolated Island in City
It is Difficult Though Understands


  • Jet King
  • Jetter Mars
    Jetter Mars
    is an anime and manga series written and illustrated by Osamu Tezuka. Originally planned by Tezuka as a color remake of the original anime adaptation of his popular manga series Tetsuwan Atom, unfavorable circumstances during the pre-production phase of the project led him to abandon it temporarily...

  • Jungle Emperor (aka Kimba the White Lion)
    Kimba the White Lion
    , known in the United States as Kimba the White Lion, is an anime series from the 1960s. Created by Osamu Tezuka and based on his manga of the same title which began publication in 1950, it was the first color animated television series created in Japan. The manga was first published in serialized...

  • Jungle Kingdom, The
  • Jungle Taro


  • Lay of the Rhine
  • Lemon Kid
  • Leo-chan
  • Lion Books
    Lion Books (manga)
    was a 1950s Japanese manga series published by Shueisha into the Omoshiro Book as a supplement. The same company would publish Lion Books II into Weekly Shōnen Jump in the 1970s, which would commonly be referred to as "The New Lion Books"...

  • Lord Iechika Mogami
  • Lost World
    Lost World (manga)
    is a manga series written and illustrated by Osamu Tezuka.- Characters :Shunsaku BanKenichi ShikishimaMakeru ButamoSekken Kao-Publication:In Japan, Lost World was published in two books by Fuji Shobo...

  • Ludwig B
  • Lunatic Japan


  • Magic House, The
    The Magic House
    The Magic House is a children's animation puppet show created by Joe Austen and made for Scottish Television. The series was adapted from a series of children's books written and illustrated by Austen in the early 1980s. The show's 55 10-minute episodes were aired across the ITV Network between...

  • Mako, Rumi and Chii
  • Man From Mars, A
  • Man of a Tail
  • Manga Classroom
  • Manga College
  • Manga Seminar on Biology
  • Marvelous Melmo
    Marvelous Melmo
    is a magical girl manga and anime by Osamu Tezuka. This series centered around Melmo, a nine-year-old girl whose mother is killed in an auto accident and has to then take care of her two younger brothers . While in Heaven the children's mother is given one wish...

  • Melody of Iron
  • Merchant of Venice, The (Manga version of classic English literature)
  • Metamorphose
  • Meteor Prince
  • Metropolis
    Metropolis (manga)
    , also known as Osamu Tezuka's Metropolis or Robotic Angel is a Japanese manga by Osamu Tezuka published in 1949. It has been adapted into a feature length anime, released in 2001...

  • Microid S
  • Midnight
  • Miracle Forest, The
  • Monster of the 38th Parallel, The
  • Moon and Wolves, The
  • Moony Man, The
  • MW
    MW (manga)
    -External links:****...

  • Mysterious Underground Man, The


  • Neo Faust
  • New Treasure Island
  • Nextworld
  • Norman
  • Number 7


  • Paper Fortress
  • Peace Concert
  • Peacock Shell
  • Phoenix, The
    Phoenix (manga)
    is a manga series by Osamu Tezuka. Tezuka considered Phoenix his "life's work"; it consists of 12 books, each of which tells a separate, self-contained story and takes place in a different era. The plots go back and forth from the remote future to prehistoric times. The cycle remains unfinished...

  • Pippy-chan
  • Plain of Abusegahara, The
  • Prime Rose
  • Princess Knight
    Princess Knight
    is a Japanese manga that ran through four serializations from 1954 to 1968, as well as a 1967 Japanese children's animated series. It was dubbed into English and brought over to Western audiences in 1970, where it was called Choppy and the Princess. In 1973, this series was dubbed in Portuguese and...


  • Rag and the Jewel
  • Rain Boy
  • Rainbow Fortress
  • Rainbow Parakeet
    Rainbow Parakeet
    is a manga series created by Osamu Tezuka dealing with the adventures of the eponymous phantom thief. Collected in seven volumes, it has been published in France by Asuka.- Plot :...

  • Rainbow Prelude
    Rainbow Prelude
    is a manga by Osamu Tezuka, and also the name of one of his books in Kodansha's line of "Osamu Tezuka Manga Complete Works" books containing a collection of Tezuka's short stories...

  • Rally Up, Mankind!
  • Record of the Glass Castle
  • Record of Peter Kyultan
  • Road to Utopian Lurue, The
  • Rock on Volcano Island
  • Roppu-kun
  • Runaway Tanker


  • Saboten-kun
  • Say Hello to Bookila!
  • Secret of Piron
  • Sensation Z
  • Sensual Nights
  • Serenade of a Pig's Navel
  • SF Fancy Free
  • SF Mix
  • Shinsengumi
  • Short Arabesque
  • Shumari
  • Song of the White Peacock
  • Son-goku the Monkey (a.k.a. "My Monkey King")
  • Son of Godfather
    Son of Godfather
    is a manga by Osamu Tezuka, and also the name of one of his books in Kodansha's line of "Osamu Tezuka Manga Complete Works" books containing a collection of Tezuka's short stories. The stories included in the book are "Son of Godfather", "Spaceship Ringel Rock", "Serenade of a Pig's Navel", "Boy...

  • Soyokaze-san
    is a manga by Osamu Tezuka, and also the name of one of his books in Kodansha's line of "Osamu Tezuka Manga Complete Works" books containing a collection of Tezuka's short stories. The stories included in the book are "Soyokaze-san", "Himawari-san", "Akebono-san", and "Yokko-chan ga Kita...

  • Spaceship Ringel Rock
  • Stories of Three Adolfs, The
    Adolf (manga)
    Adolf, known in Japan as is a manga series made by Dr. Osamu Tezuka.Adolf was published in English by Cadence Books and VIZ Media. The English manga is flipped to read left to right to conform to Western practice....

  • Strange Boy, The
  • Super Taiheiki
  • Suspicion
    Suspicion (manga)
    is a manga by Osamu Tezuka, and also the name of one of his books in Kodansha's line of "Osamu Tezuka Manga Complete Works" books containing a collection of Tezuka's short stories...

  • Swallowing the Earth
    Swallowing the Earth
    is a manga by Osamu Tezuka serialized in Big Comic and licensed by Digital Manga.-Further reading: -External links:* at


  • Tales of Astro Boy
  • Tales of Turtle
  • Tange Sazen
    Tange Sazen
    is a fictional character of a swordsman from Japanese literature and from cinema of Japan. The character is the loyal Sōma clan samurai Tange Samanosuke who is attacked and mutilated as a result of betrayal, losing his right eye and right arm...

  • Tezuka's Ancestor, Dr. Ryoan
  • Thief Akikazu Inoue, The
    The Thief Akikazu Inoue
    is a manga by Osamu Tezuka, and also the name of one of his books in Kodansha's line of "Osamu Tezuka Manga Complete Works" books containing a collection of Tezuka's short stories. The stories included in this book are "The Record of Peter Kyulten", "Sensual Nights", "Lord Iechika Mogami", "Lay of...

  • Three-eyed One, The
    The Three-Eyed One
    is a romance SF manga by Osamu Tezuka. It was originally serialized in Weekly Shōnen Magazine from 7 July 1974 through 19 March 1978 and was later published into thirteen tankoubon by Kodansha....

  • Thunder Mask
  • Tiger Books
  • Tonkara Valley Story
  • Triton of the Sea
    Triton of the Sea
    is a manga series created by Osamu Tezuka, and an anime directed by Yoshiyuki Tomino based on the manga. The series, which had 27 episodes, was broadcast from April 1 to September 30, 1972.-Plot:...

  • Tuberculoses
  • Twenty First Century Adventure
  • Twin Knight (Sequel to Princess Knight)


  • Wansa-kun
  • White Pilot, The
  • Wonderful Journey, The
The source of this article is wikipedia, the free encyclopedia.  The text of this article is licensed under the GFDL.