List of Presidents of Brazil by longevity
This is a list of Presidents of Brazil, in order of longevity. There are currently thirty-four Presidents on the list and five living Presidents. The list is in descending order and is correct as of . The oldest president is Venceslau Brás (1868 - 1966), who died at the age of 98 years, 78 days. The oldest living president is José Sarney
José Sarney
José Sarney de Araújo Costa is a Brazilian lawyer, writer and politician. He served as president of Brazil from 15 March 1985 to 15 March 1990....

 (born April 24, 1930).

To account for the different number of leap days within the life of each president, two measure of longevity are given. The first is the number of whole years the president lived, and the number of days past their last birthday. The second list the total number of days lived by the president, accounting for differing numbers of leap years within the lifespans of different presidents.


Date of Birth
Date of Death
(Years, Days)
1 days
2 days
3 days
4 days
5 days
6 Living days
7 days
8 Living days
9 days
10 days
11 days
12 days
13 days
14 days
15 days
16 days
17 days
18 days
19 days
20 days
21 days
22 days
23 days
24 Living days
25 days
26 days
27 Living days
28 Living days
29 days
30 days
31 days
32 days
33 days
34 days

Presidents 34
Living 5
Deceased 29
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