List of Renaissance humanists

Renaissance humanists

The careers of individual humanists throw light on the movement as a whole.
  • Petrarch
    Francesco Petrarca , known in English as Petrarch, was an Italian scholar, poet and one of the earliest humanists. Petrarch is often called the "Father of Humanism"...

     (1304-1374) (Italian
    Italian people
    The Italian people are an ethnic group that share a common Italian culture, ancestry and speak the Italian language as a mother tongue. Within Italy, Italians are defined by citizenship, regardless of ancestry or country of residence , and are distinguished from people...

  • Simon Atumano
    Simon Atumano
    Simon Atumano was the Bishop of Gerace in Calabria from 23 June 1348 until 1366 and the Latin Archbishop of Thebes thereafter until 1380. Born in Constantinople, Atumano was of Greco-Turkish stock, his surname deriving from the word "Ottoman." He was a famous humanist and an influential Greek...

     (?-c.1380) (Greco-Turkish
    Turkish people
    Turkish people, also known as the "Turks" , are an ethnic group primarily living in Turkey and in the former lands of the Ottoman Empire where Turkish minorities had been established in Bulgaria, Cyprus, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Georgia, Greece, Kosovo, Macedonia, and Romania...

  • Giovanni Boccaccio
    Giovanni Boccaccio
    Giovanni Boccaccio was an Italian author and poet, a friend, student, and correspondent of Petrarch, an important Renaissance humanist and the author of a number of notable works including the Decameron, On Famous Women, and his poetry in the Italian vernacular...

     (1313-1375) (Italian)
  • Coluccio Salutati
    Coluccio Salutati
    Coluccio Salutati was an Italian Humanist and man of letters, and one of the most important political and cultural leaders of Renaissance Florence.-Birth and Early Career:...

     (1331-1406) (Italian)
  • Geert Groote
    Geert Groote
    Gerard Groote , otherwise Gerrit or Gerhard Groet, in Latin Gerardus Magnus, was a Dutch preacher and founder of the Brethren of the Common Life and a key figure in the Devotio Moderna movement....

     (1340-1384) (Dutch
    Dutch people
    The Dutch people are an ethnic group native to the Netherlands. They share a common culture and speak the Dutch language. Dutch people and their descendants are found in migrant communities worldwide, notably in Suriname, Chile, Brazil, Canada, Australia, South Africa, New Zealand, and the United...

  • Bernat Metge
    Bernat Metge
    Bernat Metge was a Catalan humanist, best known as the author of Lo Somni .He held a position at the court of Joan I of Aragon, and, following some troubles, once more served Martí of Aragon....

     (c.1340-1413) (Catalan
    Catalan people
    The Catalans or Catalonians are the people from, or with origins in, Catalonia that form a historical nationality in Spain. The inhabitants of the adjacent portion of southern France are sometimes included in this definition...

  • Manuel Chrysoloras
    Manuel Chrysoloras
    Manuel Chrysoloras was a pioneer in the introduction of Greek literature to Western Europe during the late middle ages....

     (c.1355-1415) (Greek)
  • George Gemistos Plethon (c.1355-1452/1454) (Greek)
  • Niccolò de' Niccoli
    Niccolò de' Niccoli
    Niccolò de' Niccoli was an Italian Renaissance humanist.He was born and died in Florence, and was one of the chief figures in the company of learned men which gathered around the patronage of Cosimo de' Medici...

     (1364-1437) (Italian)
  • Leonardo Bruni
    Leonardo Bruni
    Leonardo Bruni was an Italian humanist, historian and statesman. He has been called the first modern historian.-Biography:...

     (c.1369-1444) (Italian)
  • Guarino da Verona
    Guarino da Verona
    Guarino da Verona was an early figure in the Italian Renaissance.He was born in Verona, Italy and later studied Greek at Constantinople, where for five years he was the pupil of Manuel Chrysoloras. When he set out to return home, he had with him two cases of precious Greek manuscripts which he had...

     (1370-1460) (Italian)
  • Vittorino da Feltre
    Vittorino da Feltre
    Vittorino da Feltre was an Italian humanist and teacher. He was born in Feltre, Belluno, Republic of Venice and died in Mantua. His real name was Vittorino Ramboldini....

     (1378 - 1446) (Italian)
  • Poggio Bracciolini (1380-1459) (Italian)
  • Cosimo de Medici (1389-1464) (Italian)
  • Peter, Duke of Coimbra (1392-1449) (Portuguese
    Portuguese people
    The Portuguese are a nation and ethnic group native to the country of Portugal, in the west of the Iberian peninsula of south-west Europe. Their language is Portuguese, and Roman Catholicism is the predominant religion....

  • Flavio Biondo
    Flavio Biondo
    Flavio Biondo was an Italian Renaissance humanist historian. He was one of the first historians to used a three-period division of history and is known as one of the first archaeologists.Born in the capital city of Forlì, in the Romagna region, Flavio was well schooled from an early age,...

     (1392-1463) (Italian)
  • George of Trebizond
    George of Trebizond
    George of Trebizond was a Greek philosopher and scholar, one of the pioneers of the Renaissance.-Life:He was born on the island of Crete, and derived his surname Trapezuntius from the fact that his ancestors were from Trebizond.At what period he came to Italy is not certain; according to some...

     (1395-1486) (Greek)
  • Francesco Filelfo
    Francesco Filelfo
    Francesco Filelfo was an Italian Renaissance humanist.-Biography:Filelfo was born at Tolentino, in the March of Ancona. He is believed to be a third cousin of Leonardo Da Vinci. At the time of his birth, Petrarch and the students of Florence had already brought the first act in the recovery of...

     (1398-1481) (Italian)
  • Íñigo López de Mendoza, marqués de Santillana
    Íñigo López de Mendoza, marqués de Santillana
    Don Íñigo López de Mendoza y de la Vega, Marquis of Santillana was a Castilian politician and poet who held an important position in society and Literature during the reign of John II of Castile....

     (1398-1458) (Spanish
    Spanish people
    The Spanish are citizens of the Kingdom of Spain. Within Spain, there are also a number of vigorous nationalisms and regionalisms, reflecting the country's complex history....

  • Theodorus Gaza
    Theodorus Gaza
    Theodorus Gaza or Theodore Gazis also called by the epithet Thessalonicensis and Thessalonikeus was a Greek humanist and translator of Aristotle, one of the Greek scholars who were the leaders of the...

     (c.1400-1475) (Greek)
  • Bessarion (1403-1472) (Greek)
  • Niccolò Perotti
    Niccolò Perotti
    Niccolò Perotti, also Perotto or Nicolaus Perottus was an Italian humanist and author of one of the first modern Latin school grammars.-Biography:...

     (1429-1480) (Italian)
  • Marsilio Ficino
    Marsilio Ficino
    Marsilio Ficino was one of the most influential humanist philosophers of the early Italian Renaissance, an astrologer, a reviver of Neoplatonism who was in touch with every major academic thinker and writer of his day, and the first translator of Plato's complete extant works into Latin...

     (1433-1499) (Italian)
  • John Doget
    John Doget
    John Doget was an English diplomat, scholar and humanist. He was the nephew of Cardinal Thomas Bourchier, Archbishop of Canterbury. He was born in Sherborne, Dorset, and was probably educated in Bourchier's household before being admitted to Eton College as a king's scholar about 1447...

     (c.1434-1501) (English)
  • Stefano Infessura
    Stefano Infessura
    Stefano Infessura was an Italian humanist historian and lawyer. He is remembered through his municipalist Diary of the City of Rome, a partisan chronicle of events at Rome by the Colonna family's point of view. He was in a position to hear everything that circulated in informed Roman circles, for...

     (c.1435-c.1500) (Italian)
  • Francisco Ximénez de Cisneros (1436-1517) (Spanish)
  • Giovanni Michele Alberto da Carrara
    Giovanni Michele Alberto da Carrara
    Giovanni Michele Alberto da Carrara was a Bergamasque Renaissance humanist and medical doctor. He wrote about philosophy, history, science, and medicine. He was also a Latin poet and orator...

     (1438–1490) (Italian)
  • Antonio de Nebrija
    Antonio de Nebrija
    Antonio de Lebrija , also known as Antonio de Nebrija, Elio Antonio de Lebrija, Antonius Nebrissensis, and Antonio of Lebrixa, was a Spanish scholar, known for writing a grammar of the Castilian language, credited as one of the first published grammars of a Romance language...

     (1441-1522) (Spanish)
  • Rodolphus Agricola
    Rodolphus Agricola
    Rodolphus Agricola was a pre-Erasmian humanist of the northern Low Countries, famous for his supple Latin and one of the first north of the Alps to know Greek well...

     (1443-1485) (Frisian)
  • Lucio Marineo Siculo (1444-1533) (Italian)
  • Janus Lascaris
    Janus Lascaris
    Janus Lascaris , also called John Rhyndacenus , was a noted Greek scholar in the Renaissance.After the fall of Constantinople he was taken to the Peloponnese and to Crete...

     (c.1445-1535) (Greek)
  • William Grocyn
    William Grocyn
    William Grocyn was an English scholar, a friend of Erasmus.He was born at Colerne, Wiltshire. Intended by his parents for the church, he was sent to Winchester College, and in 1465 was elected to a scholarship at New College, Oxford. In 1467 he became a fellow, and among his pupils was William...

     (c.1446-1519) (English
    English people
    The English are a nation and ethnic group native to England, who speak English. The English identity is of early mediaeval origin, when they were known in Old English as the Anglecynn. England is now a country of the United Kingdom, and the majority of English people in England are British Citizens...

  • Johannes Stöffler
    Johannes Stöffler
    Johannes Stöffler was a German mathematician, astronomer, astrologer, priest, maker of astronomical instruments and professor at the University of Tübingen.-Life:...

     (1452-1531) (German)
  • Johann Reuchlin
    Johann Reuchlin
    Johann Reuchlin was a German humanist and a scholar of Greek and Hebrew. For much of his life, he was the real centre of all Greek and Hebrew teaching in Germany.-Early life:...

     (1455-1522) (German)
  • Peter Martyr D'Anghiera
    Peter Martyr d'Anghiera
    Peter Martyr d'Anghiera was an Italian-born historian of Spain and its discoveries during the Age of Exploration...

     (1457-1526) (Italian)
  • Jacopo Sannazaro
    Jacopo Sannazaro
    Jacopo Sannazaro was an Italian poet, humanist and epigrammist from Naples.He wrote easily in Latin, in Italian and in Neapolitan, but is best remembered for his humanist classic Arcadia, a masterwork that illustrated the possibilities of poetical prose in Italian, and instituted the theme of...

     (1458-1530) (Italian)
  • Johannes Trithemius
    Johannes Trithemius
    Johannes Trithemius , born Johann Heidenberg, was a German abbot, lexicographer, historian, cryptographer, polymath and occultist who had an influence on later occultism. The name by which he is more commonly known is derived from his native town of Trittenheim on the Mosel in Germany.-Life:He...

     (1462-1516) (German)
  • Giovanni Pico della Mirandola
    Giovanni Pico della Mirandola
    Count Giovanni Pico della Mirandola was an Italian Renaissance philosopher. He is famed for the events of 1486, when at the age of 23, he proposed to defend 900 theses on religion, philosophy, natural philosophy and magic against all comers, for which he wrote the famous Oration on the Dignity of...

     (1463-1494) (Italian)
  • Desiderius Erasmus
    Desiderius Erasmus
    Desiderius Erasmus Roterodamus , known as Erasmus of Rotterdam, was a Dutch Renaissance humanist, Catholic priest, and a theologian....

     (c.1466-1536) (Dutch)
  • Niccolò Machiavelli
    Niccolò Machiavelli
    Niccolò di Bernardo dei Machiavelli was an Italian historian, philosopher, humanist, and writer based in Florence during the Renaissance. He is one of the main founders of modern political science. He was a diplomat, political philosopher, playwright, and a civil servant of the Florentine Republic...

     (1469-1527) (Italian)
  • Henrique Caiado (1470-1509) (Portuguese
    Portuguese people
    The Portuguese are a nation and ethnic group native to the country of Portugal, in the west of the Iberian peninsula of south-west Europe. Their language is Portuguese, and Roman Catholicism is the predominant religion....

  • Aires de Figueiredo Barbosa (1470-1540) (Portuguese
    Portuguese people
    The Portuguese are a nation and ethnic group native to the country of Portugal, in the west of the Iberian peninsula of south-west Europe. Their language is Portuguese, and Roman Catholicism is the predominant religion....

  • Pietro Bembo
    Pietro Bembo
    Pietro Bembo was an Italian scholar, poet, literary theorist, and cardinal. He was an influential figure in the development of the Italian language, specifically Tuscan, as a literary medium, and his writings assisted in the 16th-century revival of interest in the works of Petrarch...

     (1470-1547) (Italian)
  • Ludovico Ariosto
    Ludovico Ariosto
    Ludovico Ariosto was an Italian poet. He is best known as the author of the romance epic Orlando Furioso . The poem, a continuation of Matteo Maria Boiardo's Orlando Innamorato, describes the adventures of Charlemagne, Orlando, and the Franks as they battle against the Saracens with diversions...

     (1474-1533) (Italian)
  • Thomas More
    Thomas More
    Sir Thomas More , also known by Catholics as Saint Thomas More, was an English lawyer, social philosopher, author, statesman and noted Renaissance humanist. He was an important councillor to Henry VIII of England and, for three years toward the end of his life, Lord Chancellor...

     (1478-1535) (English)
  • Baldassare Castiglione
    Baldassare Castiglione
    Baldassare Castiglione, count of was an Italian courtier, diplomat, soldier and a prominent Renaissance author.-Biography:Castiglione was born into an illustrious Lombard family at Casatico, near Mantua, where his family had constructed an impressive palazzo...

     (1478-1529) (Italian)
  • Raphael Sanzio (1483-1520) (Italian)
  • Alphonsus Ciacconius
    Alphonsus Ciacconius
    Don Alphonsus [Francisco] Ciacconius was a Spanish Dominican scholar in Rome. His name is also spelt as Alfonso Chacón and Ciacono. Chacón is known mainly for two of his works: Historia utriusque belli dacici a Traiano Caesaregesti , and Vitae, et res gestae pontificum romanorum et S.R.E....

     (1540-1599) (Spanish)
  • Pieter Gillis
    Pieter Gillis
    Pieter Gillis , known by his anglicised name Peter Giles and sometimes the Latinised Petrus Ægidius, was a humanist, printer, and registrar for the city of Antwerp in the early sixteenth century...

     (1486-1533) (Flemish
    Flemish people
    The Flemings or Flemish are the Dutch-speaking inhabitants of Belgium, where they are mostly found in the northern region of Flanders. They are one of two principal cultural-linguistic groups in Belgium, the other being the French-speaking Walloons...

  • Sigismund von Herberstein
    Sigismund von Herberstein
    Siegmund Freiherr von Herberstein, , was an Carniolan diplomat, writer, historian and member of the Holy Roman Empire Imperial Council...

     (1486-1566) (Austrian
    Austrians are a nation and ethnic group, consisting of the population of the Republic of Austria and its historical predecessor states who share a common Austrian culture and Austrian descent....

  • Macropedius
    Georgius Macropedius , also known as Joris van Lanckvelt, was a Dutch humanist, schoolmaster and 'the greatest Latin playwright of the 16th century'.-Biography:...

     (1487-1558) (Dutch)
  • Pietro Alcionio
    Pietro Alcionio
    Pietro Alcionio , the Venetian humanist, was a classical scholar under the patronage of Pope Clement VII, a translator of Aristotle who was hurt in the Sack of Rome in May 1527, and died later that year....

     (c.1487-1527) (Italian)
  • Juan Boscán Almogáver
    Juan Boscán Almogáver
    Joan Boscà i Almogàver , was a Catalan poet born about the end of the 15th century.The exact date of birth for Boscà is unclear, but there is a consensus that he was born anywhere between 1487 and 1492. Boscà was born in Barcelona and was one of three children...

     (c.1490?-1542) (Spanish)
  • Pietro Aretino
    Pietro Aretino
    Pietro Aretino was an Italian author, playwright, poet and satirist who wielded immense influence on contemporary art and politics and invented modern literate pornography.- Life :...

     (1492-1556) (Italian)
  • Juan Luis Vives
    Juan Luís Vives
    Juan Luis Vives , also Joan Lluís Vives i March , was a Valencian Spanish scholar and humanist.-Biography:Vives was born in Valencia...

     (1492-1540) (Spanish)
  • François Rabelais
    François Rabelais
    François Rabelais was a major French Renaissance writer, doctor, Renaissance humanist, monk and Greek scholar. He has historically been regarded as a writer of fantasy, satire, the grotesque, bawdy jokes and songs...

     (c.1494-1553) (French
    French people
    The French are a nation that share a common French culture and speak the French language as a mother tongue. Historically, the French population are descended from peoples of Celtic, Latin and Germanic origin, and are today a mixture of several ethnic groups...

  • Philip Melanchthon (1497-1560) (German)
  • Pier Paolo Vergerio
    Pier Paolo Vergerio
    Pier Paolo Vergerio was an Italian religious reformer.-Life:He was born at Capodistria , then part of the Venetian Republic and studied jurisprudence in Padua, where he delivered lectures in 1522. He also practiced law in Verona, Padua, and Venice...

     (1498-1565) (Italian)
  • Andre de Resende
    Andre de Resende
    André de Resende , the father of archaeology in Portugal, a Dominican friar.He spent many years traveling in Spain, France and Belgium, where he corresponded with Erasmus and other learned men. He was also intimate with King John III and his sons, and acted as tutor to the Infante D...

     (1498-1573) (Portuguese
    Portuguese people
    The Portuguese are a nation and ethnic group native to the country of Portugal, in the west of the Iberian peninsula of south-west Europe. Their language is Portuguese, and Roman Catholicism is the predominant religion....

  • Janus Cornarius
    Janus Cornarius
    Janus Cornarius was a Saxon humanist and friend of Erasmus. A gifted philologist, Cornarius specialized in editing and translating Greek and Latin medical writers with "prodigious industry," taking a particular interest in botanical pharmacology and the effects of environment on illness and the body...

     (1500-1558) (German)
  • Damião de Góis
    Damião de Góis
    Damiao de Góis , born in Alenquer, Portugal, was an important Portuguese humanist philosopher. He was a friend and student of Erasmus. He was appointed secretary to the Portuguese factory in Antwerp in 1523 by King John III of Portugal...

     (1502-1574) (Portuguese
    Portuguese people
    The Portuguese are a nation and ethnic group native to the country of Portugal, in the west of the Iberian peninsula of south-west Europe. Their language is Portuguese, and Roman Catholicism is the predominant religion....

  • Giovanni della Casa
    Giovanni della Casa
    Giovanni della Casa was an Italian poet and cleric.-Biography:He was born at Florence, in Tuscany. He studied at Bologna, Padua, Florence and Rome, and by his learning attracted the patronage of Alexander Farnese, who, as Pope Paul III, made him archbishop of Benevento and later nuncio to Venice,...

     (1503-1556) (Italian)
  • Arnoldus Arlenius
    Arnoldus Arlenius
    Arnoldus Arlenius Peraxylus, , born Arndt or Arnout van Eyndhouts or van Eynthouts, also known as Arnoud de Lens, was a Dutch humanist philosopher and poet....

     (c.1510-1582) (Dutch)
  • Michael Servetus
    Michael Servetus
    Michael Servetus was a Spanish theologian, physician, cartographer, and humanist. He was the first European to correctly describe the function of pulmonary circulation...

     (1511-1553) (Spanish)
  • Francis Robortello
    Francis Robortello
    Francesco Robortello was a Renaissance humanist, nicknamed Canis grammaticus for his confrontational and demanding manner.-As scholar:...

     (1516-1567) (Italian)
  • Johannes Goropius Becanus
    Johannes Goropius Becanus
    Johannes Goropius Becanus was a Dutch physician, linguist, and humanist.-Life:He was born Jan Gerartsen van Gorp in the town of Gorp, situated in the municipality of Hilvarenbeek...

     (1519-1572) (Dutch)
  • Étienne de La Boétie
    Étienne de La Boétie
    Étienne de La Boétie was a French judge, writer, anarchist, and "a founder of modern political philosophy in France." He "has been best remembered as the great and close friend of the eminent essayist Michel de Montaigne, in one of history's most notable friendships."-Life:"La Boétie was born in...

     (1530–1563) (French)
  • Michel de Montaigne
    Michel de Montaigne
    Lord Michel Eyquem de Montaigne , February 28, 1533 – September 13, 1592, was one of the most influential writers of the French Renaissance, known for popularising the essay as a literary genre and is popularly thought of as the father of Modern Skepticism...

     (1533–1592) (French)
  • Justus Lipsius
    Justus Lipsius
    Justus Lipsius was a Southern-Netherlandish philologist and humanist. Lipsius wrote a series of works designed to revive ancient Stoicism in a form that would be compatible with Christianity. The most famous of these is De Constantia...

     (1547-1606) (Flemish)
  • Giordano Bruno
    Giordano Bruno
    Giordano Bruno , born Filippo Bruno, was an Italian Dominican friar, philosopher, mathematician and astronomer. His cosmological theories went beyond the Copernican model in proposing that the Sun was essentially a star, and moreover, that the universe contained an infinite number of inhabited...

     (1548–1600) (Italian)
  • Ignazio Cardini
    Ignazio Cardini
    Ignazio Cardini was a Corsican doctor, naturalist and humanist of Italian descent, born in Bastia, Corsica. He wrote a scientific work called “Istoriae Naturales Corsice Insulae”, in which he records the mineralogy and flora on Corsica. An outspoken critic of the Corsican clergy, most of the...

     (1566-1602) (Corsican/Italian)
  • Gian Vittorio Rossi
    Gian Vittorio Rossi
    Gian Vittorio Rossi, also known as Giano Nicio Eritreo, was an Italian poet, philologist, and historian.- Biography :Rossi was born in Rome to a well-to-do family and lived his entire life in the city of his birth. He was educated by the Jesuits at the Collegio Romano distinguishing himself by...

     (1577 – 1647) Italian poet, philologist, and historian.

See also

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