List of Roman Catholic dioceses in East Timor
The Roman Catholic Church in East Timor
East Timor
The Democratic Republic of Timor-Leste, commonly known as East Timor , is a state in Southeast Asia. It comprises the eastern half of the island of Timor, the nearby islands of Atauro and Jaco, and Oecusse, an exclave on the northwestern side of the island, within Indonesian West Timor...

comprises three diocese
A diocese is the district or see under the supervision of a bishop. It is divided into parishes.An archdiocese is more significant than a diocese. An archdiocese is presided over by an archbishop whose see may have or had importance due to size or historical significance...

s immediately subject to the Holy See
Holy See
The Holy See is the episcopal jurisdiction of the Catholic Church in Rome, in which its Bishop is commonly known as the Pope. It is the preeminent episcopal see of the Catholic Church, forming the central government of the Church. As such, diplomatically, and in other spheres the Holy See acts and...

 (although they are eligible to form his own episcopal conference
Episcopal Conference
In the Roman Catholic Church, an Episcopal Conference, Conference of Bishops, or National Conference of Bishops is an official assembly of all the bishops of a given territory...


List of Dioceses

  • Diocese of Díli (erected 1940 from the Roman Catholic Diocese of Macau
    Roman Catholic Diocese of Macau
    The Roman Catholic Diocese of Macau was established on January 23, 1576 by the edict of Pope Gregory XIII. It originally covered China, Japan, Vietnam and the Malay archipelago, with the exception of the Philippines...

  • Diocese of San Miguel (erected 1996 from Roman Catholic Diocese of Díli)
  • Diocese of Maliana
    Roman Catholic Diocese of Maliana
    The Roman Catholic Diocese of Maliana is a Diocese of the Roman Catholic Church in East Timor. The new diocese includes the administrative region of Maliana in districts of Liquica, Bobonaro, and Cova–Lima and 16 sub–districts....

     (erected 2010 from Roman Catholic Diocese of Díli)
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