List of SNCF stations in Picardie
This page contains a list of current SNCF railway stations in the Picardy region of France.


  • Barenton-Bugny
  • Bazoches
  • Bohain
  • Bouteille


  • Château-Thierry
    Gare de Château-Thierry
    Château-Thierry railway station is a railway station serving Château-Thierry, Aisne department, northern France. It is situated on the Paris–Strasbourg railway between Paris-Est and Épernay.-References:*...

  • Chauny
    Gare de Chauny
    Gare de Chauny is a railway station serving the town Chauny, Aisne department, northern France. It is situated on the Creil–Jeumont railway.-Services:-References:*...

  • Chézy-sur-Marne
  • Clacy-Mons
  • Corcy
  • Coucy-les-Eppes
  • Crépy-Couvron
  • Crouy


  • La Fère
  • Fère-en-Tardenois
  • La Ferté-Milon
    Gare de La Ferté-Milon
    Gare de La Ferté-Milon is a railway station serving La Ferté-Milon, Aisne department, northern France. It is situated on the line from Paris-Est to Reims.-References:*...

  • Flavy-le-Martel
    Gare de Flavy-le-Martel
    The Gare de Flavy-le-Martel is a railway station located in the commune of Flavy-le-Martel in the Aisne department, France. The station is served by TER Picardie trains from Amiens to Reims and to Saint-Quentin.-References:*...

  • Fresnoy-le-Grand


  • Margival
  • Marle-sur-Serre
  • Mennessis
    Gare de Mennessis
    The Gare de Mennessis is a railway station located in the commune of Mennessis in the Aisne department, northern France. The station is served by TER Picardie and TER Nord-Pas-de-Calais trains, and is situated on the railway lines from Amiens to Reims via Tergnier and Laon, and from Paris-Nord to...

  • Montescourt-Lizerolles
  • Mont-Notre-Dame


  • Neuilly-Saint-Front
  • La Neuville-sous-Laon
  • Nogent-l'Artaud-Charly


  • Saint-Erme
  • Saint-Quentin
    Gare de Saint-Quentin
    Gare de Saint-Quentin is a railway station serving the town Saint-Quentin, Aisne department, northern France. It is situated on the Creil–Jeumont railway.-Services:-References:*...

  • Soissons


  • Vauxaillon
  • Verneuil-sur-Serre
  • Versigny
  • Vervins
  • Vierzy
  • Villers-Cotterêts
  • Viry-Noureuil
  • Voyenne


  • Abancourt
    Gare d'Abancourt
    The Gare d'Abancourt is a railway station located in the commune of Abancourt in the Oise department, in Picardy, France. It is primarily served by TER Picardie trains.-Lines:The station is located at the intersection of:...

  • Achy
  • Appilly
  • Avrechy


  • Balagny-Saint-Épin
    Gare de Balagny-Saint-Épin
    The Gare de Balagny-Saint-Épin is a railway station located in the commune of Balagny-sur-Thérain in the Oise department, France, it is also located near the settlement of Saint-Épin in the commune of Bury. The station is served by TER Picardie trains . The schedule is available on the SNCF TER...

  • Beauvais
    Gare de Beauvais
    Gare de Beauvais is a railway station located in Beauvais in the Oise department, France. TER Picardie trains connect the station to Le Tréport-Mers, Creil and Paris-Nord. The Neo-medieval station building was constructed by Compagnie du Nord in brick and concrete in 1860. The line to Paris is...

  • Boran-sur-Oise
  • Bornel-Belle-Église
    Gare de Bornel-Belle-Église
    Gare de Bornel-Belle-Église is a rail station located in Bornel , France and serves nearby Belle-Église. It is served by TER Picardie trains from Paris-Nord to Beauvais.-Gallery:...

  • Breteuil
  • Breteuil-Embranchemont


  • Chambly
    Gare de Chambly
    The Gare de Chambly is a railway station located 500 metres from the centre of the commune of Chambly , France...

  • Chantilly-Gouvieux
    Gare de Chantilly-Gouvieux
    Chantilly-Gouvieux is a railway station on the TER Picardie regional rail network in Chantilly, France.-Service:There is TER service at Chantilly-Gouvieux complemented by RER D service.-References:*...

  • Chaumont-au-Vexin
  • Chevrières
  • Choisy-au-Bac
  • Cires-lès-Mello
    Gare de Cires-lès-Mello
    The Gare de Cires-lès-Mello is a railway station located in the commune of Cires-lès-Mello in the Oise department, France. The station is served by TER Picardie trains . The schedule is available on the SNCF TER Picardie website....

  • Clermont-de-l'Oise
    Gare de Clermont-de-l'Oise
    The Gare de Clermont-de-l'Oise is a railway station located in the town of Clermont in the Oise department in northern France.-The station:It is served by TER Picardie trains on line 22 ....

  • Compiègne
    Gare de Compiègne
    Gare de Compiègne is a railway station serving the town Compiègne, Oise department, northern France. It is situated on the Creil–Jeumont railway.-Services:-References:*...

  • Cramoisy
    Gare de Cramoisy
    The Gare de Cramoisy is a railway station located in the commune of Cramoisy in the Oise department, France. The station is served by TER Picardie trains . The schedule is available on the SNCF TER Picardie website....

  • Creil
    Gare de Creil
    Gare de Creil is the railway station serving the northern French city of Creil. It is an important railway junction, situated on the Paris–Lille railway and the branch lines to Saint-Quentin, Beauvais and Pontoise....

  • Crépy-en-Valois
    Gare de Crépy-en-Valois
    Crépy-en-Valois is a railway station serving Crépy-en-Valois, Oise department, northern France. It is situated on the line from the Gare du Nord to Soissons and Laon.-References:*...


  • Feuquières-Broquiers
    Gare de Feuquières-Broquiers
    Gare de Feuquières-Broquiers is a railway station located between Broquiers and Feuquières in the Oise department, France. It is situated on the Beauvais-Abancourt section of the Épinay-Villetaneuse–Le Tréport-Mers railway...

  • Fontaine-Lavaganne
  • Formerie
    Gare de Formerie
    The gare de Formerie is a railway station located in the commune of Formerie in the Oise department, France. The station is served by TER Picardie and TER Haute-Normandie trains from Amiens to Rouen....

  • Fouilloy
    Gare de Fouilloy
    The Gare de Fouilloy is a railway station located in the commune of Fouilloy in the Oise department, France. The station is served by TER Haute-Normandie and TER Picardie trains from Amiens to Rouen....


  • Gannes
    Gare de Gannes
    The Gannes station is a railway station on the Paris-Nord - Lille line located in the commune of Gannes in the Oise department, France.The station is served by TER Picardie trains....

  • Grandvilliers
    Gare de Grandvilliers
    The Gare de Grandvilliers is a railway station in Grandvilliers in the Oise department, France. It is served by TER Picardie trains from Beauvais to Le Tréport-Mers...

  • Grez-Gaudechart


  • Heilles-Mouchy
    Gare d'Heilles-Mouchy
    The Gare d'Heilles-Mouchy is a railway station located in the commune of Heilles in the Oise department, France. The station is served by TER Picardie trains from Creil to Beauvais.-References:*...

  • Herchies
  • Hermes-Berthecourt
    Gare d'Hermes-Berthecourt
    The Gare d'Hermes-Berthecourt is a railway station located in the communes of Hermes and Berthecourt in the Oise department, France...


  • Laboissière-Le Déluge
    Gare de Laboissière-Le Déluge
    The Gare de Laboissière-Le Déluge is a railway station located in Laboissière-en-Thelle near Le Déluge in the Oise department, France. It is served by TER Picardie trains from Paris-Nord to Beauvais.-References:*...

  • Laigneville
  • Liancourt-Saint-Pierre
  • Liancourt-Rantigny
  • Longueil-Annel
  • Longueil-Sainte-Marie


  • Mareuil-sur-Ourcq
  • Marseille-en-Beauvaisis
    Gare de Marseille-en-Beauvaisis
    Gare de Marseille-en-Beauvaisis is a railway station located in the commune of Marseille-en-Beauvaisis in the Oise department, France. It is served by TER Picardie trains from Beauvais to Le Tréport-Mers. The station serves about 20,000 passengers a year...

  • Méru
    Gare de Méru
    The Gare de Méru is a railway station located in Méru , France. It is served by TER Picardie trains from Paris Nord to Beauvais. The Persan–Méru line opened on 1 July 1875...

  • Meux
  • Milly-sur-Thérain
    Gare de Milly-sur-Thérain
    The Gare de Milly-sur-Thérain is a railway station located in the commune of Milly-sur-Thérain in the Oise department, France...

  • Moliens
  • Montataire
    Gare de Montataire
    The station of Montataire is a railway station located in the French municipality of Montataire, . The station is served by TER Picardie .-References:*...

  • Montreuil-sur-Thérain
    Gare de Montreuil-sur-Thérain
    The Gare de Montreuil-sur-Thérain is a railway station located in the commune of Montreuil-sur-Thérain in the Oise department, France. The station is served by TER Picardie trains from Creil to Beauvais.-References:*...

  • Mouy-Bury
    Gare de Mouy-Bury
    The Gare de Mouy-Bury is a railway station located in the communes of Angy and Mouy near Bury in the Oise department, France. The station is served by TER Picardie trains from Creil to Beauvais.-References:*...


  • Ormoy-Villers
  • Orry-la-Ville-Coye
    Gare d'Orry-la-Ville-Coye
    Orry-la-Ville-Coye is a railway station serving Orry-la-Ville and Coye-la-Forêt to the North of Paris, France. It is situated on the Paris–Lille railway...

  • Ourscamps


  • Le Plessis-Belleville
  • Pont-l'Évêque-sur-Oise
  • Pont-Sainte-Maxence
    Gare de Pont-Sainte-Maxence
    Gare de Pont-Sainte-Maxence is a railway station serving the town Pont-Sainte-Maxence, Oise department, northern France. It is situated on the Creil–Jeumont railway.-Services:-References:*...

  • Précy-sur-Oise


  • Remy
  • Ribécourt-Dreslincourt
  • Rieux
  • Rochy-Condé
    Gare de Rochy-Condé
    The Gare de Rochy-Condé is a railway station located in the commune of Rochy-Condé in the Oise department, France. The station is located at kilometre point 80.259 on the Creil - Beauvais line and is served by TER Picardie trains...


  • Saint-Just-en-Chaussée
    Gare de Saint-Just-en-Chaussée
    Gare de Saint-Just-en-Chaussée is a railway station serving the town Saint-Just-en-Chaussée, Oise department, northern France. It is situated on the Paris–Lille railway.-Services:-References:*...

  • Saint-Leu-d'Esserent
  • Saint-Omer-en-Chaussée
    Gare de Saint-Omer-en-Chaussée
    Gare de Saint-Omer-en-Chaussée is a rail station located in the commune of Saint-Omer-en-Chaussée in the Oise department, France. It is served by TER Picardie trains from Beauvais to Le Tréport-Mers. The station was first opened on July 1, 1875. The station is accessible for disabled persons...

  • Saint-Rémy-en-l'Eau
  • Saint-Sulpice-Auteuil
    Gare de Saint-Sulpice-Auteuil
    Gare de Saint-Sulpice-Auteuil is a rail station located in Saint-Sulpice near Auteuil in the Oise department, France. It is served by TER Picardie trains from Paris-Nord to Beauvais.-References:*...


  • Thourotte
  • Tricot
    Gare de Tricot
    The Gare de Tricot is a railway station located in the commune of Tricot in the Oise department, northern France. The station is situated at 105.293 km of the Ormoy-Villiers–Boves railway , between Estrées-Saint-Denis and Montdidier. Its elevation is 101 m above sea level...

  • Trie-Château


  • Vaumoise
  • Villers-Saint-Paul
  • Villers-Saint-Sépulcre
    Gare de Villers-Saint-Sépulcre
    The Gare de Villers-Saint-Sépulcre is a railway station located in the commune of Villers-Saint-Sépulcre in the Oise department, France. The station is served by TER Picardie trains from Creil to Beauvais.-References:*...

  • Villers-sur-Thère
    Gare de Villers-sur-Thère
    Gare de Villers-sur-Thère is a rail station located in the village Villers-sur-Thère near Allonne in the Oise department, France. It is served by TER Picardie trains from Paris-Nord to Beauvais.-References:*...

  • La Villetertre


  • Abbeville
    Gare d'Abbeville
    The Gare d'Abbeville is a railway station serving the town of Abbeville, Somme department, in Picardy, northern France. It is on the Longueau–Boulogne railway and is the terminus of the Abbeville–Eu railway...

  • Ailly-sur-Noye
    Gare d'Ailly-sur-Noye
    The Gare d'Ailly-sur-Noye is a railway station located in the commune of Ailly-sur-Noye in the Somme department, France. The station is served by TER Picardie trains from Paris-Nord to Amiens....

  • Ailly-sur-Somme
    Gare d'Ailly-sur-Somme
    The Gare d'Ailly-sur-Somme is a railway station located in the commune of Ailly-sur-Somme in the Somme department, France. The station is served by TER Picardie and Nord-Pas-de-Calais trains ....

  • Albert
  • Amiens
    Gare d'Amiens
    Gare d'Amiens is the main station for the Northern French city of Amiens.The station opened on 15 March 1847 when the line to Abbeville opened to passengers. The station building was subsequently replaced by the present structure following the allied bombardment and was built in 1955 by Auguste...

  • Acheux-Franleu
    Gare d'Acheux-Franleu
    Acheux-Franleu is a railway station in Chépy and near Acheux-en-Vimeu and Franleu, Picardy, France. The station opened in 1873 and is located on the Abbeville-Eu railway. The station is served by TER services operated by SNCF.-Train Services:...


  • Bouillancourt
  • Boves
    Gare de Boves
    Boves is a railway station located in Boves, France. It is situated on the Paris–Lille railway.-Service:-References:*...

  • Braches
  • Buire-sur-l'Ancre


  • Le Catelet
  • Chaulnes
    Gare de Chaulnes
    The Gare de Chaulnes is a railway station located in the commune of Chaulnes in the Somme department, France. The station is served by TER Picardie trains from Amiens to Reims and to Saint-Quentin...

  • Chépy-Valines
    Gare de Chépy-Valines
    The Gare de Chépy-Valines is a railway station located in the commune of Chépy, and near Valines, both in the Somme department, France. The station is served by TER Picardie trains from Tréport-Mers to Abbeville.-References:*...

  • Corbie
  • Curchy


  • Daours
    Gare de Daours
    Gare de Daours is a railway station serving the French towns of Daours and Aubigny in the Somme department. It is situated on the Paris–Lille railway. The station is served by local TER Picardie and TER Nord-Pas-de-Calais services between Lille and Amiens....

  • Dommartin-Remiencourt
    Gare de Dommartin-Remiencourt
    The Gare de Dommartin-Remiencourt is a railway station located in the commune of Dommartin near Remiencourt in the Somme department, France. The station is served by TER Picardie trains from Paris-Nord to Amiens...

  • Dreuil-les-Amiens
    Gare de Dreuil-lès-Amiens
    The Gare de Dreuil-lès-Amiens is a railway station located in the commune of Dreuil-lès-Amiens in the Somme department, France. The station is served by TER Picardie and TER Nord-Pas-de-Calais trains ....


  • La Faloise
    Gare de La Faloise
    The Gare de La Faloise is a railway station located in the commune of La Faloise in the Somme department, France. It is served by TER Picardie trains from Paris-Nord to Amiens...

  • Famechon
    Gare de Famechon
    The Gare de Famechon is a railway station located in the commune of Famechon in the Somme department, France. The station is served by TER Haute-Normandie and TER Picardie trains between Amiens and Rouen....

  • Feuquerolles
    Gare de Feuquerolles
    The Gare de Feuquerolles is a railway station located in the commune of Feuquières-en-Vimeu in the Somme department, France...

  • Feuquières-Fressenneville
    Gare de Feuquières-Fressenneville
    The Gare de Feuquières-Fressenneville is a railway station located in the commune of Feuquières-en-Vimeu in the Somme department, France, near the village of Fressenneville. The station is served by TER Picardie trains from Le Tréport-Mers to Abbeville. It is a free-access unmanned...

  • Fontaine-sur-Somme


  • Ham
  • Hangest
    Gare d'Hangest
    The Gare d'Hangest is a railway station located in the commune of Hangest-sur-Somme in the Somme department, France. The station is served by TER Picardie and Nord-Pas-de-Calais trains ....

  • Hargicourt-Pierrepont
    Gare d'Hargicourt-Pierrepont
    The Gare d'Hargicourt-Pierrepont is a railway station located in the commune of Hargicourt near Pierrepont-sur-Avre in the Somme department, France. The station is served by TER Picardie trains ....

  • Haute-Picardie
    Gare TGV Haute-Picardie
    TGV Haute-Picardie is a railway station on the LGV Nord-Europe between Lille and Paris. Geographically, it is located about ten kilometers west of Péronne, between the towns of Saint Quentin and Amiens. When built, it was criticised by the press for being too far from any of the towns to be useful...

  • Heilly


  • Lamotte-Brebière
    Gare de Lamotte-Brebière
    Gare de Lamotte-Brebière is a railway station serving the French town of Lamotte-Brebière in the Somme department. It is situated on the Paris–Lille railway. The station is unmanned and served by local TER Picardie services between Lille and Amiens....

  • Liercourt
  • Longpré
  • Longueau
    Gare de Longueau
    Longueau station is a railway station in Longueau near Amiens, France. It is situated on the Paris–Lille railway. Longueau is served by trains of the TER Picardie and Intercités networks...


  • Marcelcave
    Gare de Marcelcave
    The Gare de Marcelcave is a railway station located in the commune of Marcelcave in the Somme department, France. The station is served by TER Picardie trains .-See also:*List of SNCF stations in Picardie...

  • Méricourt-Ribémont
  • Miraumont
  • Montdidier
    Gare de Montdidier
    The Gare de Montdidier is a railway station located in the commune of Montdidier in the Somme department, France.-The station:...

  • Moreuil
    Gare de Moreuil
    The Gare de Moreuil is a railway station located in the commune of Moreuil in the Somme department, France. The station is served by TER Picardie trains .-The station:...


  • Namps-Quevauvillers
    Gare de Namps-Quevauvillers
    The Gare de Namps-Quevauvillers is a railway station located in the commune of Namps-Maisnil and near Quevauvillers, in the Somme department, France. The station is served by TER Haute-Normandie and TER Picardie trains from Amiens to Rouen. The station is one of several low importance stations...

  • Nesle
  • Noyelles
    Gare de Noyelles
    Gare de Noyelles is a railway station serving the town Noyelles-sur-Mer, Somme department, northern France.-Services:-References:*...

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