List of Serb Orthodox monasteries

This is a list of Serbian Orthodox Christian monasteries.


Central Serbia

English Serbian Cyrillic Founded
Saint Achillius Church
Saint Achillius Church (Serbia)
Saint Achillius Church, is a church in Arilje, Serbia. It is dedicated to the Saint Achillius from Larissa , fighter against Arianism and participants of the First Council of Nicaea in 325. God made him celebrate victory over Arianism, making a miracle to Achillius confession of the truth water...

Свети Ахилије 1296
Bradača Monastery Брадача end of 14th century
Brezovac Monastery Манастир Светог Архангела Михаила - Брезовац 1444
Blagoveštanje Monastery Благовештање before 1602
Bukovo monastery
Bukovo monastery
Bukovo monastery is a late 13th- or early 14th century Serbian Orthodox monastery on the slopes of Bratujevac in Negotin, Serbia, founded by Serbian king Stefan Milutin of the House of Nemanjić. It is surrounded by woods at the hill of Bratujevac, the frescoes in the monastery includes the Holy...

Буково 1282–1321
Crna Reka Monastery
Crna Reka Monastery
The Crna Reka Monastery is a 13th century Serbian Orthodox monastery situated at the gorges of Ibarski Kolasin, on the Crna Reka with the cave-church of Archangel Michael with 16th century frescoes and relics of Saint Peter of Koriša...

Црна Река 13th century
Ćelije Monastery
Ćelije Monastery
The Ćelije Monastery is a Serbian Orthodox monastery. It is located by the Gradac river, on the 6th km from the town of Valjevo, Serbia. It was founded in the late 13th century...

Ћелије late 13th century
Čokešina Monastery Чокешина 14th century
Davidovica Monastery Давидовица 1281
Dokmir Monastery Докмир 15th century
Drača Monastery Драча before 1389
Đunis Monastery Ђунис 1898
Đurđevi Stupovi Ђурђеви Ступови 1171
Gornjak Monastery Горњак 1376
Gradac Monastery Градац 1189
Gradac Monastery
Gradac Monastery
Gradac Monastery is a monastery in the Republic of Serbia. It lies on the elevated plateau above the river Gradačka, at the edge of the forested slopes Golija. It is 21 km northwest of Raška and 12.5 km west of Brvenik and Ibar highway...

Градац 1270
Ilinje Monastery Илиње 1938
Ježevica Monastery Јежевица late 16th century
Saint John Glavosek Свети Јован Главосек 1370s
Saint John Hrisistom Monastery Манастир Светог Јована Златоустог Ottoman
Ottoman Empire
The Ottoman EmpireIt was usually referred to as the "Ottoman Empire", the "Turkish Empire", the "Ottoman Caliphate" or more commonly "Turkey" by its contemporaries...

Jovanje Monastery Јовање late 15th century
Kalenić Monastery
Kalenic monastery
Kalenić monastery is an important Serb Orthodox monastery near Rekovac in central Serbia. It was built by protodaviar Bogdan in the early 15th century...

Каленић 1407
Kaona Monastery Kaoнa 14th century
Kastaljan Monastery Кастаљан 13th century
Klisura Monastery
Klisura Monastery
Klisura Monastery or Klisurski manastir may refer to the following monasteries:*Klisurski Monastery in Bulgaria, Orthodox monastery founded in 1869*Klisura Monastery in Serbia, Orthodox monastery founded in early 13th century...

Клисура early 13th century
Koporin Monastery
Koporin Monastery
Koporin Monastery is a monastery at the outskirts of the town of Velika Plana, Serbia, just off the road to Smederevska Palanka. The monastery church, dedicated to the St. Stephen, was built during the reign of Despot Stefan Lazarević which portrait is preserved inside the church, together with...

Копорин 1402
Koroglaš monastery
Koroglaš monastery
Koroglaš monastery is an abandoned 14th century Serbian Orthodox monastery in the village of Miloševo, Negotin, Serbia, thought to have been founded by Serbian king Stefan Milutin of the House of Nemanjić, legend says that King Marko Kraljević was buried here after returning from the Battle of...

Корoглаш 14th century
Kovilje Monastery
Kovilje Monastery
Kovilje Monastery , dedicated to Archangel Gabriel, is a monastery of the Serbian Orthodox Church, located in the village of Kovilje, in the municipality of Ivanjica, in south-west Serbia belonging to the Žiča Diocese. It is sited between Golija and Javor mountains, in the Nošnica river valley...

Ковиље 13th century
Kumanica Monastery Куманица 14th century
Lelić Monastery Лелић 20th century
Lipovac Monastery Липовац 1399
Ljubostinja Monastery
Ljubostinja is a Serbian Orthodox monastery near Trstenik, Serbia. Located in the small mountain valley of the Ljubostinja river. Monastery is dedicated to the Holy Virgin. The monastery was built from the 1388 to 1405...

Љубостиња 1388
Saint Mother of Christ Monastery Манастир Свете Богородице 1159
Manasija Monastery
Manasija monastery
Manasija , also known as Resava , is a Serb Orthodox monastery near Despotovac, Serbia, founded by Despot Stefan Lazarević between 1406 and 1418. The church is dedicated to the Holy Trinity. It is one of the most significant monuments of medieval Serbian culture and it belongs to the "Morava...

Манасија 1407
Marija Petruška Манастир Марије Петрушке 15th century
Mažić (Orahovica) Мажић - Ораховица 12th century
Mileševa Monastery
Mileševa monastery
Mileševa is a Serbian Orthodox monastery located near Prijepolje, in southwest Serbia. It was founded by King Vladislav, in the years between 1234 and 1236...

Милешава 1234
Miljko's Monastery Миљков манастир 1374
Naupare Monastery Наупаре 1380
Saint Nicholas Monastery Манастир Светог Николе second half of 12th century
Nikolje Monastery Никоље 1425
Nimnik Monastery Нимник 1389
New Pavlica Monastery Нова Павлица 1381
Pavlovac Monastery Павловац early 15th century
Paraskeva Monastery Параскева Ottoman
Ottoman Empire
The Ottoman EmpireIt was usually referred to as the "Ottoman Empire", the "Turkish Empire", the "Ottoman Caliphate" or more commonly "Turkey" by its contemporaries...

Radovašnica Monastery Радовашница 1541
Transfiguration Monastery
Transfiguration Monastery
The Transfiguration Monastery or the Monastery of the Holy Transfiguration of God is an Eastern Orthodox monastery located in the Dervent gorge of the Yantra River. It lies near the village of Samovodene, seven kilometres north of Veliko Tarnovo, in central northern Bulgaria...

Преображење 1528
Pribojska Banja Monastery Прибојска Бања 12th century
Poganovo Monastery
Poganovo Monastery
The Monastery of St. Jovan Bogoslov or Poganovo monastery is a Serbian Orthodox monastery situated in the gorges of the river Jerma, near the village Poganovo, Dimitrovgrad, Serbia....

Поганово before 1499
Pokajnica Monastery
Pokajnica Monastery
Pokajnica Monastery is a monastery complex in Velika Plana, Serbia.- History :Wooden church dedicated to the transfer of the relics of St. Nicholas near Velika Plana, a cultural monument of great importance, build in 1818 by Knez of Smederevo Nahiya, Vujica Vulićević. This is attested by the name...

Покајница 1818
Saint Prohor Pčinjski Monastery
Prohor Pcinjski
Prohor Pčinjski is an 11th-century Serbian Orthodox monastery in the deep south of Serbia, located in village Klenike, Pčinja District near the border with Macedonia...

Свети Прохор Пчињски 1067-1071
Pustinja Monastery Пустиња 13th century
Rača Monastery
Raca monastery
The Rača monastery is a Serbian Orthodox monastery 7 km south of Bajina Bašta, Serbia. The monastery was built by Stefan Dragutin . In 1826 it was reconstructed due to being burned down several times while Serbia was under the rule of the Ottoman Empire....

Рача 1273
Rakovica Monastery Раковица 14th century
Ravanica Monastery
Ravanica Monastery
Ravanica is a Serbian Orthodox monastery on Kučaj mountains near Ćuprija in Central Serbia. It was built in 1375–1377 as an endowment of prince Lazar of Serbia, who is buried there....

Раваница 1375
Saint Roman Monastery Свети Роман before 1020
Stara Pavlica Monastery Стара Павлица late 12th century
Rudenica Monastery Руденица 1410
Rukumija Monastery Рукумија second half of the 14th century
Sisojevac Monastery Сисојевац 1389
Saint Nicholas monastery (Falcon) Манастир Светог Николе (Соко) 1467
Sopoćani Monastery Сопоћани 1260
Sretenje Monastery Сретење late 16th century
Stjenik Monastery Стјеник late 14th century
Studenica Monastery
Studenica monastery
The Studenica monastery is a 12th-century Serbian Orthodox monastery situated 39 km southwest of Kraljevo, in central Serbia. It is one of the largest and richest Serb Orthodox monasteries....

Студеница 1190
Tresije Monastery Тресије late 13th century
Tronoša Monastery Троноша 1276
Holy Trinity Monastery Манастир Свете Тројице 13th century
Tuman monastery Туман beginning of 14th century
Uspenje monastery Успење 14th century
Vavedenje monastery Ваведење late 13th century
Vavedenje of Holy Mother of Christ Манастир Ваведења Пресвете Богородице 1936
Vaznesenje monastery Ваведење 16th century
Veluće monastery Велуће 1377
Vitovnica monastery Витовница 1289
Vojlovica monastery
Vojlovica monastery
The Vojlovica Monastery is a Serb Orthodox monastery situated in the Banat region, in the northern Serbian province of Vojvodina. It is in the Pančevo municipality...

Војловица 1383
Voljavča monastery Вољавча 1050
Vratna monastery
Vratna monastery
Vratna monastery, now Vratna nunnery is a 14th century Serbian Orthodox monastery in the village of Vratna in Negotin, Serbia, founded by Serbian king Stefan Milutin of the House of Nemanjić and Saint Nikodim I...

Вратна 14th century
Vraćevšnica monastery
Vraćevšnica monastery
Vraćevšnica monastery is a Serbian Orthodox monastery in Vraćevšnica, Gornji Milanovac, Serbia, built in 1428-1429 on the orders of Radič Postupović, a captain under Đurađ Branković and Stefan Lazarević. It is built with the Resava school and is dedicated to Saint George....

Враћевшница 1428
Vrelo monastery Врело - Трнавско Благовештење before 15th century
Vujan monastery Вујан 13th century
Zaova monastery Заова before 1467
Zemun monastery
Zemun monastery
The Zemun Monastery is a Serb Orthodox monastery located in the Zemun municipality of Belgrade, Serbia. It was founded in 1786.-External links:*...

Земун 1786
Zlatenac monastery Златенац 1410s
Žiča Monastery
Žiča is an early 13th century Serb Orthodox monastery near Kraljevo, Serbia. The monastery, together with the Church of the Holy Dormition, was built by the first King of Serbia, Stefan the First-Crowned and the first Head of the Serbian Church, Saint Sava....

Жича 1205


Fruška Gora
Fruška Gora
Fruška Gora is a mountain in north Syrmia. Most part of the territory is located within Vojvodina, Serbia, but a smaller part on its western side overlaps the territory of Croatia...


English Serbian Cyrillic Founded
Beočin Monastery
Beocin monastery
The Beočin monastery is a Serb Orthodox monastery just outside of Beočin, on the Fruška Gora mountain in the northern Serbian province of Vojvodina. The date of its founding is unknown...

Беочин before 1566
Bešenovo Monastery
Bešenovo monastery
The Bešenovo Monastery was a Serb Orthodox monastery on the Fruška Gora mountain in the northern Serbian province of Vojvodina...

Бешеново late 13th century
Divša Monastery
Divša monastery
The Divša Monastery is a Serb Orthodox monastery on the Fruška Gora mountain in the northern Serbian province of Vojvodina. It is believed to have been founded by Despot Jovan Branković in the late 15th century...

Дивша late 15th century
Fenek Monastery
Fenek monastery
The Fenek Monastery is a Serb Orthodox monastery in the Srem region, near Belgrade. The monastery is near the village of Jakovo, in the Surčin municipality. According to tradition, the founders of Monastery were Stefan and Angelina Branković, in the second half of the 15th century...

Фенек late 15th century
Grgeteg Monastery
Grgeteg monastery
The Grgeteg Monastery is a Serb Orthodox monastery on the Fruška Gora mountain in the northern Serbia, in the province of Vojvodina. According to tradition, the monastery was founded by Zmaj Ognjeni Vuk in 1471...

Гргетег 1471
New Hopovo Monastery Ново Хопово before 1451
Old Hopovo Monastery Старо Хопово 1496
Jazak Monastery
Jazak monastery
The Jazak Monastery is a Serb Orthodox monastery on the Fruška Gora mountain in the northern Serbia, in the province of Vojvodina...

Јазак early 16th century
Krušedol Monastery
Krušedol monastery
The Krušedol monastery is a Serb Orthodox monastery on the Fruška Gora mountain in the northern Serbia, in the province of Vojvodina. The monastery is the legacy of the last Serbian despot family of Srem - Branković. It was built between 1509 and 1514...

Крушедол 1509
Kuveždin Monastery
Kuveždin monastery
The Kuveždin monastery is a Serb Orthodox monastery on the Fruška Gora mountain in the northern Serbian province of Vojvodina. Traditionally, its foundation is ascribed to Stefan Štiljanović. The first reliable record of its existence are dated in 1566/1569...

Кувеждин 1520
Petkovica Monastery
Petkovica monastery
The Petkovica Monastery is a Serbian Orthodox monastery located on the Fruška Gora mountain in the northern Serbia, in the province of Vojvodina. According to tradition, it was founded by the widow of Stefan Štiljanović, Despotess Jelena...

Петковица early 16th century
Privina Glava Monastery
Privina Glava monastery
The Privina Glava Monastery is a Serb Orthodox monastery on the Fruška Gora mountain in the northern Serbia, in the province of Vojvodina. According to legend, Privina Glava was founded by a man named Priva, in the 12th century...

Привина Глава 12th century
Rakovac Monastery
Rakovac monastery
The Rakovac Monastery is a Serb Orthodox monastery on the Fruška Gora mountain in the northern Serbian province of Vojvodina. According to a legend written in 1704, Rakovac Monastery was founded by a certain man, Raka, courtier of Despot Jovan Branković. The legend states that Raka erected the...

Раковац 1498
Little Remeta Monastery Мала Ремета before 1546
Big Remeta Monastery Велика Ремета late 13th century
Šišatovac Monastery
Šišatovac monastery
The Šišatovac Monastery is a Serb Orthodox monastery situated on the Fruška Gora mountain in the northern Serbia, in the province of Vojvodina. The foundation of the monastery is ascribed to the refugee monks from the Serbian monastery of Žiča...

Шишатовац 1520
Vrdnik-Ravanica Monastery
Vrdnik-Ravanica monastery
The Vrdnik-Ravanica Monastery is a Serb Orthodox monastery in Vrdnik in the Fruška Gora mountains in the northern Serbia, in the province of Vojvodina. The exact date of its founding is unknown...

Врдник-Сремска Раваница 1521


English Serbian Cyrillic Founded
Bavanište monastery
Bavanište monastery
The Bavanište Monastery is a 15th century Serb Orthodox monastery located in Bavanište, Kovin in northern Serbia .It was founded in the 15th century and eventually deserted when the Ottoman Turks advanced, subsequently conquering most Balkan states. It was destroyed in 1716. It was rebuilt in...

Баваниште 15th century
Bođani Monastery Бођани 1478
Hajdučica monastery
Hajducica monastery
The Hajdučica Monastery is a Serb Orthodox monastery located in the Banat region, in the northern Serbian province of Vojvodina. The monastery is situated in the municipality of Plandište. It was founded in 1939.-External links:*...

Хајдучица 1939
Holy Trinity monastery
Holy Trinity monastery (Kikinda)
The Holy Trinity Monastery is a Serb Orthodox monastery located in the Banat region, in the northern Serbian province of Vojvodina. The monastery is situated in the town of Kikinda. It was built in 1885-87 as a foundation of Melanija Nikolić-Gajčić.-External links:**...

Манастир Свете Тројице 19th century
Kovilj Monastery
Kovilj monastery
The Kovilj Monastery is a 13th century Serb Orthodox monastery in the Bačka region, in the northern Serbian province of Vojvodina. It is near the village of Kovilj, in the Novi Sad municipality. The monastery was renovated in 1705-1707...

Ковиљ early 13th century
Mesić Monastery
Mesic monastery
The Mesić Monastery is a Serb Orthodox monastery situated in the Banat region, in the northern Serbian province of Vojvodina. The monastery is situated near the village of Mesić, in the Vršac municipality...

Месић 1225
Saint Melanie monastery Манастир Свете Меланије 1935
Obed Monastery Обед 1446
Sombor Monastery
Sombor monastery
The Sombor Monastery is a Serb Orthodox monastery situated in the Bačka region, in the northern Serbian province of Vojvodina. It is in the Sombor municipality. It was founded in 1928-1933.-External links:*...

Сомбор 1928
Središte monastery
Središte monastery
The Središte Monastery is a Serb Orthodox monastery located in the Banat region, in the northern Serbian province of Vojvodina. The monastery is situated near the villages of Malo Središte and Veliko Središte, in the Vršac municipality. It was built in the late 15th century by Despot Jovan...

Vojlovica Monastery
Vojlovica monastery
The Vojlovica Monastery is a Serb Orthodox monastery situated in the Banat region, in the northern Serbian province of Vojvodina. It is in the Pančevo municipality...

Војловица 14th century


At least 8 monasteries have been destroyed during the Kosovo War
Kosovo War
The term Kosovo War or Kosovo conflict was two sequential, and at times parallel, armed conflicts in Kosovo province, then part of FR Yugoslav Republic of Serbia; from early 1998 to 1999, there was an armed conflict initiated by the ethnic Albanian "Kosovo Liberation Army" , who sought independence...

 by ethnic Albanians.
English Serbian Cyrillic Founded
Saint Archangels Monastery
Saint Archangels Monastery
The Saint Archangels Monastery is a Serbian Orthodox monastery located in Prizren, in southern Kosovo. It was founded by the Serbian emperor Stefan Uroš IV Dušan of Serbia, and built between 1343 and 1352, on the site of the earlier church, part of the Višegrad fortress complex...

Манастир Свети Арханђели 1343
Banjska Monastery
Banjska monastery
Banjska Monastery , , is a Serb Orthodox monastery in the Banjska village near Zvečan in the north of Kosovo.- History :The monastery, along with St...

Бањска 1312
Binač (Buzovik) Monastery Бинач/Бузовик 14th century
Our Lady of Ljeviš
Our Lady of Ljeviš
Our Lady of Ljeviš is a 12th-century Serbian Orthodox Church in the town of Prizren, located in southern Serbia - Kosovo and Metohija. It was converted to a mosque during the Ottoman Empire and then back into an Orthodox Church in the early 20th century....

Богородица Љевишка 1307
Budisavci Monastery Будисавци 14th century
Devič Monastery Девич 1434
Dobra Voda Monastery Добра вода 14th century
Dolac Monastery Долац 14th century
Draganac Monastery Драганац 1381
Duboki Potok Monastery Дубоки Поток 14th century
Globarica Monastery Глобарица 16th century
Gorioč Monastery Гориоч early 14th century
Grabovac Monastery Грабовац 14th century
Gračanica Monastery
Gracanica monastery
Gračanica is a Serbian Orthodox monastery located in Kosovo. It was founded by the Serbian king Stefan Milutin in 1321. Gračanica Monastery was declared Monument of Culture of Exceptional Importance in 1990, and it is protected by Republic of Serbia, and on 13 July 2006 it was placed on UNESCO's...

Грачаница 1310
Kmetovce Monastery Кметовце early 14th century
Mušutište Monastery Мушутиште 1315
Patriarchate of Peć
Patriarchate of Pec
The Patriarchate of Peć is a Serbian Orthodox monastery located near Peć. The complex of churches is the spiritual seat and mausoleum of the Serbian archbishops and patriarchs....

Пећка патријаршија >1235
Saint Barbara Monastery
Saint Marko Koriški Свети Марко Коришки 1467
Saint Uroš Monastery Свети Урош >1371
Sokolica Monastery Соколица 14th century
Studenica Hvostanska Студеница Хвостанска early 13th century
Tamnica Monastery Тамница 14th century
Ubožac Monastery Убожац late 13th century
Visoki Dečani Monastery
Visoki Decani monastery
Visoki Dečani is a major Serbian Orthodox Christian monastery located in Kosovo, south of the town of Peć. The monastic katholikon is the largest medieval church in the Balkans containing the most extensive preserved fresco decoration.- History :The monastery was established in a chestnut grove...

Високи Дечани 1327
Vračevo Monastery Врачево 1316
Zočište Monastery
Zočište Monastery
Zočište Monastery or formally St. Cosmas and Damian's Monastery is a Serbian Orthodox monastery belonging to the Eparchy of Raška and Prizren, situated in the village of Zočište, about 3 miles southeast of Orahovac, Kosovo. The church originally of the 13th century, inferred as dedicated to St...

Зочиште before 1327


Monks' monasteries

English Serbian Cyrillic Founded
Archangel Michael Monastery Манастир Архангел Михаило 14th century
Bijela Monastery Бијела early 11th century
Lower Brčele monastery Доње Брчеле early 15th century
Cetinje Monastery
Cetinje Monastery
The Cetinje Monastery is the most famous Serb Orthodox monastery in Montenegro. It is located in Cetinje and is the seat of the Metropolitanate of Montenegro and the Littoral and its name derives from Saint Peter of Cetinje...

Цетињски Манастир 1484
Ćelije Monastery Ћелије 15th century
Dajbabe Monastery
Dajbabe Monastery
Dajbabe or Dajbaba Monastery is a Serb Orthodox Christian Monastery below Dajbaba hill, which raises above Zeta valley, founded in 1897....

Дајбабе 1897
Dovolja Monastery Довоља mid 13th century
Dubočica Monastery Дубочица before 1565
Duljevo Monastery Дуљево early 14th century
Donji Monastery Доњи 1824
Đurđevi Stupovi Ђурђеви Ступови 1218
Saint George Monastery Манастир Светог Ђорђа 16th century
Gradište Monastery Градиште 1116
Kaludra Monastery Калудра 14th century
Kom Monastery
Kom Monastery
Kom Monastery is a Serbian Orthodox monastery in Montenegro. It is located on the small island of Odrinska gora, close to Žabljak Crnojevića, where the Crnojević River flows into the western section of Lake Skadar. The Kom Monastery was built between 1415 and 1427, during the rule of the Crnojevići...

Ком 1427
Kosijerevo Monastery Косијеревео early 14th century
Miholjska Prevlaka monastery Михољска Превлака - Царска лавра 1219
Morača Monastery
Moraca monastery
Morača is a Serbian Orthodox monastery located in the valley of the Morača River in central Montenegro. It is one of the best known medieval monuments of Montenegro. It was founded in 1252 by Stefan, son of Vukan Nemanjić, the Grand Prince of Zeta, the grandson of Stefan Nemanja...

Морача 1252
Moračnik Monastery Морачник 1417
Monastery of Saint Nicholas (Obod) Манастир Светог Николе - Обод 13th century
Nikoljac Monastery Никољац 16th century
Ostrog Monastery
Ostrog monastery
The Monastery of Ostrog is a monastery of the Serbian Orthodox Church placed against an almost vertical background, high up in the large rock of Ostroška Greda, in Montenegro. It is dedicated to Saint Basil of Ostrog . From the monastery, a superb view of the Bjelopavlići plain can be seen...

Острог 1665
Saint Peter of Cetinje House Дом "Свети Петар Цетињски" modern
Piva Monastery
Piva Monastery
Piva Monastery is located in Piva, Montenegro near the source of the Piva River in northern Montenegro. Built between 1573 and 1586, it was rebuilt in another location in 1982...

Пива 1573
Podmaine Monastery Подмаине 15th century
Podmalinsko Monastery Подмалинско 1252
Podostrog Monastery Подострог 15th century
Praskvica Monastery Праскавица 1050
Reževići Monastery Режевићи 1223
Savina Monastery
Savina monastery
Savina Monastery is a Serb Orthodox monastery near the city Herceg Novi in Boka Kotorska, and is made of thick Mediterranean vegetation in one of the most beautiful parts of the northern Montenegrin coast. It was built by the Duke of Saint Sava, Stjepan Vukčić Kosača of Herzegovina...

Савина 1030
Somina Monastery Сомина 1996
Stanjevići Monastery Стањевићи 13th century
Starčeva Gorica Monastery Старчева Горица 1376
Holy Trinity Monastery Манастир Свете Тројице late 12th century
Vranjina Monastery Врањина early 13th century


English Serbian Cyrillic Founded
Banja Monastery Бања 13th century
Upper Brčele monastery Горње Брчеле late 14th century
Dobrska Ćelija monastery Добрска Ћелија 15th century
Ćelija Piperska Ћелија Пиперска 1637
Dobrilovina Monastery Добриловина late 16th century
Long Moračka Monastery Дуга Морачка 1755
Podlastva Monastery Подластва 1350
Ždrebaonik Monastery Ждребаоник 1818
Župa Monastery Жупа early 13th century

Monasteries under re-establishment/construction

English Serbian Cyrillic Founded
Beška Monastery Бешка 1438
Bliškova Monastery Блишкова 13th century
Brezojevica Monastery Брезојевица 13th century
Saint John the Baptist monastery Манастир Светог Јована Крститеља mid 15th century
Saint Luke Манастир Свети Лука 15th century
Majstorovina Monastery Мајсторовина beginning of 13th century
Saint Nicholas monastery Манастир Светог Николе Грабовац-Обреновац 13th century
Orahovo Monastery Орахово early 15th century
Ostros Monastery Острос early 11th century
Podvrh Monastery Подврх Ottoman
Ottoman Empire
The Ottoman EmpireIt was usually referred to as the "Ottoman Empire", the "Turkish Empire", the "Ottoman Caliphate" or more commonly "Turkey" by its contemporaries...

Holy Transfiguration Monastery Манастир Светог Преображења late 15th century
Šudikova Monastery Шудикова 13th century
Uroševica Monastery Урошевица 14th century
Vojnići Monastery Војнићи 15th century
Voljavac Monastery Вољовац early 13th century
Žanjica Monastery Жањица 12th century
Saint Archangel Michael Monastery Манастир Светог Арханђела 1996
Saint Cyril and Methodius Monastery Манастир Светог Кирила и Методија 1993
Holy Transfiguration Monastery Манастир Светог Преображења 1996

Republika Srpska
Republika Srpska
Republika Srpska is one of two main political entities of Bosnia and Herzegovina, the other being the Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina...


English Serbian Cyrillic Founded
Bišnja Monastery Бишња
Dobrićevo Monastery Добрићево 15th century
Dobrun Monastery Добрун 1219 (9th century)
Duži Monastery Дужи 18th century
Glogovac Monastery
Glogovac monastery
Monastery Glogovac is dedicated to Saint George. It is located near the village of Babići, municipality of Šipovo in Bosnia and Herzegovina. It is the only monastery of the Serbian Orthodox Church built in this area...

Глоговац mid 15th century
Gomionica Monastery Гомионица before 1536
Hercegovačka Gračanica Monastery Херцеговачка Грачаница 1999
Klisina Monastery Клисина mid 15th century
Knežina Monastery Кнежина 14th century
Krupa Monastery Крупа 1317
Liplje Monastery Липље 15th century
Lomnica Monastery Ломница 15th century
Lovnica Monastery Ловница 16th century
Moštanica Monastery Моштаница 12th century
Ozren Monastery Озрен 13th century
Papraća Monastery Папраћа before 1550
Petropavlov Monastery Петропавлов before 15th century
Sase Monastery Сасе 13th century
Stuplje Monastery Ступље destroyed 1690
St Archangel Gabriel Monastery Манастир Светог архангела Гаврила
St Nicholas Monastery Манастир Светог Николе
St Basil of Ostrog Monastery Манастир Светог Василија Острошког
Tavna Monastery
Tavna Monastery
Monastery Tavna is located in the southern part of the Bijeljina municipality. The date of foundation is hidden somewhere in the shadows of the far past. The cronichles of monasteries Tronosha and Pech say it was built by Dragutin's sons Vladislav i Urosic. Stefan Dragutin was the King of Serbia...

Тавна late 13th century
Tvrdoš Monastery Тврдош 1509
Monastery of the Dormition of the Theotokos Манастир Успења Богородичиног

Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina

English Serbian Cyrillic Founded
Rmanj Monastery Рмањ 1443
Veselinje Monastery Веселиње
Vozuća Monastery Возућа
Zavala Monastery Завала
Žitomislić Monastery
Žitomislic Monastery
Žitomislić is а monastery of the Serb Orthodox Church located near Mostar, Bosnia and Herzegovina. Its church is dedicated to the Annunciation of the Mother of God....

Житомислић 15th century


Several monasteries were destroyed during the World War II by the Ustashi and again, during the Yugoslav wars
Yugoslav wars
The Yugoslav Wars were a series of wars, fought throughout the former Yugoslavia between 1991 and 1995. The wars were complex: characterized by bitter ethnic conflicts among the peoples of the former Yugoslavia, mostly between Serbs on the one side and Croats and Bosniaks on the other; but also...

English Serbian Cyrillic Founded
Dragović Monastery
Dragovic Monastery
Monastery Dragović is a Serbian Orthodox monastery situated on a hill downstream the Cetina River not far from Vrlika in Croatia. Unfortunately, when the artificial Peruća Lake was created, the original monastery sank due to land movement...

Драговић 1395
Gomirje Monastery
Gomirje Monastery
Gomirje is Serbian Orthodox monastery in Croatia. It is the westernmost Serb Orthodox monastery, located in the western part of Croatia near the village of Gomirje, near the town of Ogulin.The monastery is thought to have been founded in the year 1600...

Гомирје 15th century
Komogovina Monastery Комоговина 15th century
Krka Monastery
Krka monastery
Krka Monastery is a Serbian Orthodox monastery dedicated to the Archangel Michael, located near the river Krka, 3 km east of Kistanje, in central Dalmatia, Croatia...

Крка 1350
Krupa Monastery
Krupa monastery
Krupa monastery is a Serb Orthodox monastery on Krupa River in Dalmatia, Croatia.The Monastery was built in 1317 by monks from Bosnia. It is located at the southern slopes of the Velebit mountain, halfway between the towns of Obrovac and Knin. It is the oldest Orthodox monastery in Croatia.The...

Крупа 1317
Lepavina Monastery
Lepavina Monastery
Lepavina is a monastery of the Serbian Orthodox Church in the village of Lepavina, near the town of Koprivnica in the Republic of Croatia...

Лепавина 1550
Orahovica Monastery
Orahovica Monastery
The Orahovica Monastery is a Serbian Orthodox monastery in Orahovica, Croatia. It is mentioned in 1583 when it was a seat of the Požega metropolitanate and an important culuro-religious center, located in the then Virovitica County. It is thought to have been built before the end of the 15th...

Holy Lazarica Monastery Света Лазарица 1874
Saint Cyriaca Monastery Манастир Свете Недјеље medieval
Oćestovo Monastery Оћестово 1928
Saint Parasceva Monastery Манастир Свете Петке medieval
Saint Basil of Ostrog Monastery Манастир Светог Василија Острошког 17th century
Pakra Monastery Манастир Пакра 1556

Republic of Macedonia

The Macedonian Orthodox church declared autocephaly
Autocephaly , in hierarchical Christian churches and especially Eastern Orthodox and Oriental Orthodox churches, is the status of a hierarchical church whose head bishop does not report to any higher-ranking bishop...

 on July 19, 1967, from the Serbian church, a move which is not recognised by any of the churches of the Eastern Orthodox Communion, and since then, the Macedonian Orthodox Church
Macedonian Orthodox Church
The Macedonian Orthodox Church – Ohrid Archbishopric or just Macedonian Orthodox Church is the body of Christians who are united under the Archbishop of Ohrid and Macedonia, exercising jurisdiction over Macedonian Orthodox Christians in the Republic of Macedonia and in exarchates in the Macedonian...

 is not in communion with any Orthodox Church. Several Serbian monasteries are thus in control of the non-recognized MOC, in reality part of the Orthodox Ohrid Archbishopric
Orthodox Ohrid Archbishopric
The Orthodox Ohrid Archbishopric is an autonomous Eastern Orthodox archdiocese in the Republic of Macedonia...

. The following are founded by Serbs or in the control of the SOC:
English Serbian Cyrillic Founded
Saint Nikita Monastery Манастир светог Никите 1307
Kakovo Monastery Манастир Каково
Saint George Monastery Манастир светог Ђорђа 1071


English Serbian Cyrillic Founded
Sveti Đorđe monastery Манастир светог Ђорђа 1485
Šemljug monastery Манастир Шемљуг 15th century
Sveti Simeon monastery Манастир светог Симеона
Bazjaš monastery
Bazjaš monastery
The Bazjaš or Baziaş monastery is a Serbian Orthodox monastery established in 1225 and located in Baziaş village, Socol Commune, Caraş-Severin County, Romania....

Манастир Базјаш 1225
Bezdin monastery Манастир Бездин 1539
Zlatica monastery Манастир Златица
Kusić monastery Манастир Кусић 14th century
Sveti Đurađ monastery Манастир свети Ђурађ


English Serbian Cyrillic Country Founded
Hilandar Monastery Хиландар Greece
Greece , officially the Hellenic Republic , and historically Hellas or the Republic of Greece in English, is a country in southeastern Europe....

(Mount Athos monastic autonomous region
Mount Athos
Mount Athos is a mountain and peninsula in Macedonia, Greece. A World Heritage Site, it is home to 20 Eastern Orthodox monasteries and forms a self-governed monastic state within the sovereignty of the Hellenic Republic. Spiritually, Mount Athos comes under the direct jurisdiction of the...

Serbian Kovin Monastery
Serbian Kovin Monastery
The Serbian Kovin monastery is the oldest monastery in Hungary and one of the two monasteries in the Diocese of Buda of the Serbian Orthodox Church...

Манастир Српски Ковин Hungary
Hungary , officially the Republic of Hungary , is a landlocked country in Central Europe. It is situated in the Carpathian Basin and is bordered by Slovakia to the north, Ukraine and Romania to the east, Serbia and Croatia to the south, Slovenia to the southwest and Austria to the west. The...

(Ráckeve/ Srpski Kovin
Ráckeve Ráckeve Ráckeve (Ráckeve (Ráckeve ([[Serbian language|Serbian: Српски Ковин) is a town on [[Csepel Island]] in [[Hungary]]. It is situated in [[]].-History:...

15th century
Grabovac Monastery Грабовац Hungary
Hungary , officially the Republic of Hungary , is a landlocked country in Central Europe. It is situated in the Carpathian Basin and is bordered by Slovakia to the north, Ukraine and Romania to the east, Serbia and Croatia to the south, Slovenia to the southwest and Austria to the west. The...

(Grábóc/ Grabovac)
14th century
St Sava Monastery Манастир Светог Саве USA
(Libertyville, Illinois)
New Gračanica Monastery
New Gracanica Monastery
New Gračanica is a Serbian Orthodox monastery complex is located in Third Lake, Illinois, USA, a suburb of Chicago. The complex houses a scaled up replica of the Gračanica monastery in Kosovo...

Нова Грачаница USA
(Third Lake, Illinois)
St. Paisius Monastery Манастир Светог Пајсија USA
(Safford, Arizona)
St Herman of Alaska Monastery Манастир преп. Германа Аљаскинског USA
(Platina, California)
Monastery of the Nativity of the Most Holy Theotokos Манастир Рождества Пресвете Богородице USA
(Springboro, Pennsylvania)
St Mark Monastery Манастир Светог Марка USA
(Sheffield Village, Ohio)
St Pachomius Monastery Манастир Светог Пахомија USA
(Grienfield, Missouri)
Marča Monastery Марча USA
(Richfield, Ohio)
Monastery of the Nativity of the Most Holy Theotokos Манастир Рождества Пресвете Богородице USA
(Carlisle, Indiana)

Cave monasteries

In Serbia:
  • Blagoveštenje
  • Crna Reka
    Crna Reka Monastery
    The Crna Reka Monastery is a 13th century Serbian Orthodox monastery situated at the gorges of Ibarski Kolasin, on the Crna Reka with the cave-church of Archangel Michael with 16th century frescoes and relics of Saint Peter of Koriša...

  • Pećinska
    Pećinska church
    The Pećinska church is a 14th century Serbian Orthodox cave-church dedicated to St.Peter and Paul in heights of Kalik on the right gorges of Stara planina near Lukovska Banja. It has a unique fresco of Jesus called the Bald Jesus . It is part of the Monastery of Saint Gabriel .-External...

  • Gornjak
  • Kađenica
    The Smoke Cave or Kađenica is a cave-church located in the village of Dljina near Čačak on the right bank of the Zapadna Morava, one kilometre upstream from Ovčar Banja, Serbia....

  • Savina
    Savina monastery (Serbia)
    The cave monastery of Savina or Gornja Savina Isposnica is located in 15 km from the monastery of Studenica.It is located in the Raška District....

  • Hermitage of St. Peter Koriški
    Hermitage of St. Peter Koriški
    Hermitage and Monastery of Saint Peter Koriški is a ruin of the hermitage and monastery located in Koriša, Prizren municipality, Kosovo. The monastery and hermitage are on the same location.- History :...

  • Churches of Kovilje Monastery
    Kovilje Monastery
    Kovilje Monastery , dedicated to Archangel Gabriel, is a monastery of the Serbian Orthodox Church, located in the village of Kovilje, in the municipality of Ivanjica, in south-west Serbia belonging to the Žiča Diocese. It is sited between Golija and Javor mountains, in the Nošnica river valley...

In Montenegro:
  • Ostrog monastery
    Ostrog monastery
    The Monastery of Ostrog is a monastery of the Serbian Orthodox Church placed against an almost vertical background, high up in the large rock of Ostroška Greda, in Montenegro. It is dedicated to Saint Basil of Ostrog . From the monastery, a superb view of the Bjelopavlići plain can be seen...

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