List of Solanales of Montana
There are at least 94 members of the Solanales order: Solanales
The Solanales are an order of flowering plants, included in the asterid group of dicotyledons. Some older sources used the name Polemoniales for this order....

found in Montana
Montana is a state in the Western United States. The western third of Montana contains numerous mountain ranges. Smaller, "island ranges" are found in the central third of the state, for a total of 77 named ranges of the Rocky Mountains. This geographical fact is reflected in the state's name,...

. Some of these species are exotics
Introduced species
An introduced species — or neozoon, alien, exotic, non-indigenous, or non-native species, or simply an introduction, is a species living outside its indigenous or native distributional range, and has arrived in an ecosystem or plant community by human activity, either deliberate or accidental...

 (not native to Montana) and some species have been designated as Species of Concern.


Family: Menyanthaceae
Menyanthaceae are a family of aquatic and wetland plants in the order Asterales. There are approximately 60-70 species in five genera distributed worldwide. The simple or compound leaves arise alternately from a creeping rhizome. In the submersed aquatic genus Nymphoides, leaves are floating and...

  • Bog Buckbean, Menyanthes trifoliate


Family: Cuscutaceae
  • Big-fruit Dodder, Cuscuta megalocarpa
  • Clover Dodder
    Cuscuta epithymum
    Cuscuta epithymum L., is a parasitic plant assigned to the Cuscutaceae or Convolvulaceae family, depending on the taxonomy. It is red-pigmented, not being photosynthetically active. It has a filiform habit, like a group of yarns...

    , Cuscuta epithymum
  • Field Dodder
    Cuscuta pentagona
    Cuscuta pentagona is a parasitic plant which is placed in the family Convolvulaceae, but was formerly classified in the family Cuscutaceae. It is a parasite of a wide range of herbaceous plants but is most important as a pest of lucerne and other legumes....

    , Cuscuta pentagona
  • Gronovius Dodder, Cuscuta gronovii
  • Hazel Dodder, Cuscuta coryli
  • Pretty Dodder, Cuscuta indecora
  • Small-seed Alfalfa Dodder
    Cuscuta approximata
    Cuscuta approximata is a species of dodder known by the common name alfalfa dodder. It is native to Eurasia and Africa, but it is also found in North America, where it is an introduced species and uncommon noxious weed. It is a parasitic vine which climbs other plants and takes nutrition directly...

    , Cuscuta approximata


Family: Convolvulaceae
Convolvulaceae, known commonly as the bindweed or morning glory family, are a group of about 60 genera and more than 1,650 species of mostly herbaceous vines, but also trees, shrubs and herbs.- Description :...

  • Bush morning-glory
    Ipomoea leptophylla
    Ipomoea leptophylla, the Bush Morning Glory or Bush Moonflower, is a flowering plant species in the bindweed family, Convolvulaceae....

    , Ipomoea leptophylla
  • Field Bindweed
    Convolvulus arvensis
    Convolvulus arvensis is a species of bindweed, native to Europe and Asia. It is a climbing or creeping herbaceous perennial plant growing to 0.5–2 m high. The leaves are spirally arranged, linear to arrowhead-shaped, 2–5 cm long and alternate, with a 1–3 cm petiole...

    , Convolvulus arvensis
  • Hedge False Bindweed
    Calystegia sepium
    Calystegia sepium is a species of bindweed, with a subcosmopolitan distribution throughout temperate Northern Hemisphere in Europe, Asia, northwestern Africa, and North America, and in the temperate Southern Hemisphere in Australia, and...

    , Calystegia sepium
  • Macoun's Bindweed, Calystegia macounii
  • Shaggy Dwarf Morning-glory, Evolvulus nuttallianus


Family: Polemoniaceae
Polemoniaceae are a family of about 25 genera with 270-400 species of annual and perennial plants, native to the Northern Hemisphere and South America, with the center of diversity in western North America, especially in California.Only one genus is found in Europe, and two in Asia, where they...

  • Alpine Collomia, Collomia debilis
  • Alpine Collomia, Collomia debilis var. camporum
  • Alpine Collomia, Collomia debilis var. debilis
  • Alyssum-leaf Phlox
    Phlox alyssifolia
    Phlox alyssifolia, or alyssum-leaved phlox, is a flowering plant in the genus Phlox. It is native to central North America.-Range and habitat:...

    , Phlox alyssifolia
  • Annual Polemonium
    Polemonium micranthum
    Polemonium micranthum is a species of flowering plant in the phlox family known by the common name annual Jacob's-ladder. It is native to western North America from British Columbia to North Dakota to California, where it can be found in many types of shrubby habitat, such as sagebrush and foothill...

    , Polemonium micranthum
  • Ball-head Standing-cypress
    Ipomopsis congesta
    Ipomopsis congesta is a species of flowering plant in the phlox family known by the common name ballhead ipomopsis. It is native to much of western North America where it grows in many habitats from alpine peaks to low-elevation scrub. This is a perennial herb which varies in appearance, especially...

    , Ipomopsis congesta
  • Ball-head Standing-cypress, Ipomopsis congesta ssp. congesta
  • Ballhead Gilia, Ipomopsis congesta ssp. crebrifolia
  • Carpet Phlox
    Phlox caespitosa
    Phlox caespitosa is a species of phlox known by the common name tufted phlox. It is native to western North America from British Columbia through the Great Basin to New Mexico, where it grows in scrub, woodland, and other open plateau habitat. It is a mat-forming perennial] [Herbaceous plant|herb...

    , Phlox caespitosa
  • Cushion Phlox
    Phlox pulvinata
    Phlox pulvinata is a species of phlox known by the common name cushion phlox. It is native to the western United States where it grows in mountain and plateau habitat, in rocky subalpine and alpine climates, including exposed tundra habitat. It is a perennial herb taking a flat, dense, cushionlike...

    , Phlox pulvinata
  • Delicate Gilia, Gilia tenerrima
  • Desert mountain phlox
    Phlox austromontana
    Phlox austromontana is a species of phlox known by the common name mountain phlox. It is native to the southwestern United States and Baja California, where it grows in forested and wooded mountain habitat, scrub, and open areas. It is a mat-forming perennial herb growing in patches of very short...

    , Phlox austromontana
  • Dwarf Ipomopsis, Ipomopsis pumila
  • Granite Prickly-phlox, Leptodactylon pungens
  • Great Basin Gilia, Gilia leptomeria
  • Hood's Phlox, Phlox hoodii
  • Kelsey's Phlox, Phlox kelseyi
  • Kelsey's Phlox, Phlox kelseyi ssp. kelseyi
  • Large-flower Collomia
    Collomia grandiflora
    Collomia grandiflora is a species of flowering plant in the phlox family known by the common names grand collomia and large-flowered mountain trumpet. This annual herb is native to western North America. It is also cultivated as an ornamental. The plant produces an erect, hairy or fuzzy stem which...

    , Collomia grandiflora
  • Leptodactylon, Leptodactylon caespitosum
  • Longleaf Phlox, Phlox longifolia
  • Many-flowered Phlox, Phlox multiflora
  • Missoula Phlox, Phlox kelseyi var. missoulensis
  • Moss phlox, Phlox muscoides
  • Mountain Navarretia
    Navarretia divaricata
    Navarretia divaricata is a species of flowering plant in the phlox family known by the common name mountain navarretia, or divaricate navarretia...

    , Navarretia divaricata
  • Mountain Phlox, Phlox albomarginata
  • Narrow-leaved Collomia
    Collomia linearis
    Collomia linearis is a species of flowering plant in the phlox family known by the common names tiny trumpet and slenderleaf collomia. This tiny wildflower is native to North America where it is fairly widespread across the north and west. It is an annual herb with a velvety erect stem bearing...

    , Collomia linearis
  • Near Navarretia, Navarretia intertexta ssp. propinqua
  • Needle-leaf Navarretia
    Navarretia intertexta
    Navarretia intertexta is a species of flowering plant in the phlox family known by the common name needleleaf pincushionplant.It is native to western North America, including most of the western United States and extending into the Midwest...

    , Navarretia intertexta
  • Northern Desert-gold, Linanthus septentrionalis
  • Nuttall's Linanthus, Linanthus nuttallii
  • Orchid Ipomopsis, Ipomopsis spicata ssp. orchidacea
  • Plains Phlox, Phlox andicola
  • Scarlet Skyrocket, Ipomopsis aggregata
  • Showy Jacob's-ladder
    Polemonium pulcherrimum
    Polemonium pulcherrimum is a species of flowering plant in the phlox family known by several common names, including beautiful Jacob's-ladder, showy Jacob's-ladder, and skunk-leaved polemonium...

    , Polemonium pulcherrimum
  • Showy Phlox
    Phlox speciosa
    Phlox speciosa is a species of phlox known by the common name showy phlox. It is native to western North America from British Columbia to Arizona and New Mexico, where it occurs in sagebrush, pine woodlands, and mountain forests. It is an erect perennial herb with a shrubby base growing up to about...

    , Phlox speciosa
  • Skunk Polemonium
    Polemonium viscosum
    Polemonium viscosum is a flowering plant in the genus Polemonium native to western North America from southern British Columbia east to Montana and south to Arizona and New Mexico, where it grows at high altitudes on dry, rocky sites.It is a perennial herbaceous plant growing 10-30 cm tall,...

    , Polemonium viscosum
  • Slender Phlox, Microsteris gracilis
  • Small-flower Gymnosteris
    Gymnosteris parvula
    Gymnosteris parvula is a flowering plant in the phlox family known by the common name smallflower gymnosteris. It is native to the western United States from California to Montana. This is a small annual herb growing a thin green to red-colored stem only a few centimeters tall. There are no leaves;...

    , Gymnosteris parvula
  • Small-flower Standing-cypress, Ipomopsis minutiflora
  • Spiked Ipomopsis, Ipomopsis spicata ssp. spicata
  • Spiked Standing-cypress, Ipomopsis spicata
  • Spreading Phlox
    Phlox diffusa
    Phlox diffusa is a species of phlox known by the common name spreading phlox. It is native to western North America from British Columbia to the southwestern United States to the Dakotas, where it grows in many types of habitat, including rocky, high elevation mountain slopes...

    , Phlox diffusa
  • Tweedy's Gilia, Gilia tweedyi
  • Western Polemonium|Gilia sinuata var. tweedyi]], Western Polemonium]]
  • White-flower Navarretia
    Navarretia leucocephala
    Navarretia leucocephala is a species of flowering plant in the phlox family known by the common name whitehead pincushionplant, or whitehead navarretia. It is native to North America, including much of the western United States and central Canada...

    , Navarretia leucocephala
  • Wyoming Ipomopsis, Ipomopsis congesta ssp. pseudotypica
  • Yellow-staining Collomia
    Collomia tinctoria
    Collomia tinctoria is a species of flowering plant in the phlox family known by the common name staining collomia. It is native to the western United States from Washington to Montana to California, where it grows in open, rocky habitat in mountains. It is an annual herb producing a slender,...

    , Collomia tinctoria


Family: Solanaceae
Solanaceae are a family of flowering plants that include a number of important agricultural crops as well as many toxic plants. The name of the family comes from the Latin Solanum "the nightshade plant", but the further etymology of that word is unclear...

  • Black Henbane, Hyoscyamus niger
  • Black Nightshade
    Solanum nigrum
    Solanum nigrum is a species in the Solanum genus, native to Eurasia and introduced in the Americas, Australasia and South Africa.-Description:Black...

    , Solanum nigrum
  • Buffalo Bur
    Solanum rostratum
    Solanum rostratum is a species of nightshade that is native to the United States and northern and central Mexico. Common names include buffalo bur, spiny nightshade, and Texas thistle....

    , Solanum rostratum
  • Clammy Ground-cherry
    Physalis heterophylla
    Physalis heterophylla, colloquial name "Clammy Ground Cherry", is a herbaceous plant that is a member of the Solanaceae family. It is native to North America, occurring primarily in the eastern United States and Canada. It is known to occur in all contiguous states except for Nevada and California...

    , Physalis heterophylla
  • Climbing Nightshade
    Solanum dulcamara
    Solanum dulcamara, also known as bittersweet, bittersweet nightshade, bitter nightshade, blue bindweed, Amara Dulcis, climbing nightshade, fellenwort, felonwood, poisonberry, poisonflower, scarlet berry, snakeberry, trailing bittersweet, trailing nightshade, violet bloom, or woody...

    , Solanum dulcamara
  • Common Matrimony Vine, Lycium barbarum
  • Coyote Tobacco
    Nicotiana attenuata
    Nicotiana attenuata is a species of wild tobacco known by the common name coyote tobacco. It is native to western North America from British Columbia to Texas and northern Mexico, where it grows in many types of habitat. It is a glandular and sparsely hairy annual herb exceeding a meter in maximum...

    , Nicotiana attenuata
  • Cut-leaf Nightshade
    Solanum triflorum
    Solanum triflorum is a species of nightshade known by the common name cutleaf nightshade and small nightshade. It is native to Argentina, but it is known on other continents, including Europe and Australia, as an introduced species and sometimes a weed. It is present throughout much of North...

    , Solanum triflorum
  • Ground-cherry Nightshade, Solanum physalifolium
  • Ivyleaf Ground-cherry
    Physalis hederifolia
    Physalis hederifolia is a species of flowering plant in the nightshade family known by the common name ivyleaf groundcherry. It is native to the southwestern United States and northern Mexico, where it can be found in rocky, dry desert and mountain habitat. This is a rhizomatous perennial herb...

    , Physalis hederifolia
  • Jimsonweed
    Datura stramonium
    Datura stramonium, known by the common names Jimson weed, devil's trumpet, devil's weed, thorn apple, tolguacha, Jamestown weed, stinkweed, locoweed, datura, pricklyburr, devil's cucumber, Hell's Bells, moonflower and, in South Africa, malpitte and mad seeds, is a common weed in the...

    , Datura stramonium
  • Longleaf Ground-cherry
    Physalis longifolia
    Physalis longifolia is a species of ground cherry. It is a small shrub native to central and eastern United States and in some parts of Canada. It flowers from May to September. Its fruits resemble those of the tomatillo. The fruits must be cooked before they become edible...

    , Physalis longifolia
  • Prairie Ground-cherry, Physalis pumila ssp. hispida


Family: Hydrophyllaceae
Hydrophylloideae is a subfamily of the Boraginaceae family of flowering plants. Their taxonomic position is somewhat uncertain. Traditionally, and under the Cronquist system, they were given family rank under the name Hydrophyllaceae, and treated as part of the order Solanales...

  • Baker's Phacelia, Phacelia bakeri
  • California Hesperochiron, Hesperochiron californicus
  • Dwarf Hesperochiron, Hesperochiron pumilus
  • Dwarf Phacelia, Phacelia scopulina
  • Dwarf Waterleaf
    Hydrophyllum capitatum
    Hydrophyllum capitatum Douglas ex Benth., is a species of waterleaf known by the common name Ballhead Waterleaf. It is a member of the Hydrophyllaceae family, which is also home to the Whispering Bells , Baby Blue Eyes , and Scorpionweed...

    , Hydrophyllum capitatum
  • Franklin's Phacelia, Phacelia franklinii
  • Glandular Scorpionweed, Phacelia glandulosa
  • Great Basin Nemophila
    Nemophila breviflora
    Nemophila breviflora is a species of flowering plant in the borage family known by the common names basin nemophila and Great Basin baby blue-eyes...

    , Nemophila breviflora
  • Hoary Phacelia, Phacelia incana
  • Hot Spring Phacelia
    Phacelia thermalis
    Phacelia thermalis is a species of phacelia known by the common names heated phacelia and hot spring phacelia. It is native to the western United States from northeastern California to Idaho, with a disjunct population in Montana....

    , Phacelia thermalis
  • Ive's Phacelia
    Phacelia ivesiana
    Phacelia ivesiana is a species of phacelia known by the common name Ives' phacelia. It is native to California and the Western United States, except for Oregon and Washington. It grows in many types of open, sandy habitat.-Description:...

    , Phacelia ivesiana
  • Linearleaf Phacelia
    Phacelia linearis
    Phacelia linearis, with the common name Threadleaf phacelia, is a species of phacelia. It is native to western North America from western Canada to Wyoming to northern California, where it grows in forest, woodland, open scrub, and other habitat....

    , Phacelia linearis
  • Lyall Phacelia, Phacelia lyallii
  • Nama
    Nama densum
    Nama densum is a species of flowering plant in the borage family known by the common name leafy fiddleleaf, or leafy nama.-Distribution:...

    , Nama densum
  • Nyctelea, Ellisia nyctelea
  • Silky Scorpion-weed
    Phacelia sericea
    Phacelia sericea, the Silky Phacelia, Blue Alpine Phacelia, or Sky-pilot, is a showy perennial species of Phacelia endemic to western North America. Uncommon, it grows mainly at subalpine to alpine elevations in forest openings or above treeline among rocks and sand...

    , Phacelia sericea
  • Silverleaf Scorpion-weed
    Phacelia hastata
    Phacelia hastata is a species of phacelia known by the common name silverleaf phacelia. It is native to western North America from British Columbia to California to Nebraska, where it can be found in many habitat types, including flat scrublands, mountain forests, and alpine...

    , Phacelia hastata
  • Sitka Mistmaid
    Romanzoffia sitchensis
    Romanzoffia sitchensis is a species of flowering plant in the borage family known by the common name Sitka mistmaiden. It is native to western North America from Alaska through British Columbia and Alberta to far northern California and Montana....

    , Romanzoffia sitchensis
  • Sticky Scorpion-weed, Phacelia ivesiana var. glandulifera
  • Virgate Scorpion-weed, Phacelia heterophylla
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