List of South Korean films of 1954
This is a list of films produced in South Korea
South Korea
The Republic of Korea , , is a sovereign state in East Asia, located on the southern portion of the Korean Peninsula. It is neighbored by the People's Republic of China to the west, Japan to the east, North Korea to the north, and the East China Sea and Republic of China to the south...

 in 1954.
Released English title Korean title Director Cast Genre Notes
1954 in film
The year 1954 in film involved some significant events and memorable ones.-Events:*May 12 - The Marx Brothers' Zeppo Marx divorces wife Marion Benda...

10 February Glorious Construction 빛나는 건설 Yu Jang-san Documentary
6 April A Turbid Water 탁류 Lee Man-heung Gangster
1 May Korea 코리아 Shin Sang-ok  Documentary
15 May Viva Chang-Su! 창수만세 Eo Yak-seon Enlightenment
11 June Arirang 아리랑 Lee Kang-cheon Drama, Anticommunism
15 June The Bloody Road 혈로 Shin Kyeong-gyun Anticommunism, War
1 September 41 Degrees North latitude 북위 41도 Kim Seong-min Action, Military
16 September Assail Order 출격명령 Hong Seong-ki Military
5 December Land of Love 애원의 향토 Kim Seong-min Melodrama
14 December The Hand of Destiny 운명의 손 Han Hyung-mo Noir, Anticommunism
? A Street of Temptation 유혹의 거리 Lee Yong-min Gangster, Enlightenment
? A Woman Soldier 여군 Jo Jeong-ho Documentary
? Chungnam Tour Account 충남만유기 Yim Woon-hak Cultural film
? Song of Hometown 고향의 노래 Yun Bong-chun Melodrama, Enlightenment
? The Star of Million 백만의 별 Lee Yong-min Military
? The Ten Years of Country Foundation 건국십년 Lee Chang-chun Documentary

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