List of Spurge of Montana
There are at least 16 members of the Spurge order: Euphorbiales
Euphorbiales is the botanical name of an order of flowering plants. Such an order has been recognized by relatively few taxonomists.In the APG II system the plants involved are placed in order Malpighiales...

found in Montana
Montana is a state in the Western United States. The western third of Montana contains numerous mountain ranges. Smaller, "island ranges" are found in the central third of the state, for a total of 77 named ranges of the Rocky Mountains. This geographical fact is reflected in the state's name,...

. Some of these species are exotics
Introduced species
An introduced species — or neozoon, alien, exotic, non-indigenous, or non-native species, or simply an introduction, is a species living outside its indigenous or native distributional range, and has arrived in an ecosystem or plant community by human activity, either deliberate or accidental...

 (not native to Montana).
  • Corrugate-seed Broomspurge, Euphorbia glyptosperma
  • Cypress Spurge, Euphorbia cyparissias
  • Eggleaf Spurge
    Euphorbia oblongata
    Euphorbia oblongata is a species of spurge known by the common names eggleaf spurge and oblong spurge. It is native to Eurasia but can be found elsewhere as a weedy introduced species. This is a hairy perennial herb growing to maximum heights of just over half a meter. It has oval-shaped or narrow...

    , Euphorbia oblongata
  • Geyer's Spurge, Euphorbia geyeri
  • Horned Spurge, Euphorbia brachycera
  • Leafy Spurge, Euphorbia esula
  • Matted Broomspurge
    Euphorbia serpens
    Euphorbia serpens is a species of euphorb known by the common name matted sandmat. It is native to South America but it can be found on most continents as an introduced species and often a weed. This is an annual herb forming a mat of prostrate stems which root at nodes where the stem comes in...

    , Euphorbia serpens
  • Petty Spurge
    Euphorbia peplus
    Euphorbia peplus is a species of Euphorbia, native to most of Europe, northern Africa, and western Asia, where it typically grows in cultivated arable land, gardens, and other disturbed land.Outside of its native range it is very widely naturalised and often invasive, including in Australia, New...

    , Euphorbia peplus
  • Prairie Broomspurge, Euphorbia missurica
  • Reticulate-seeded Spurge
    Euphorbia spathulata
    Euphorbia spathulata is a species of spurge known by the common names warty spurge and roughpod spurge. It is native to the Americas, where it is widespread. This is an annual herb not exceeding half a meter in height with oval-shaped leaves one to three centimeters long. The upper stem may be...

    , Euphorbia spathulata
  • Six-angle Spurge, Euphorbia hexagona
  • Snow-on-the-mountain
    Euphorbia marginata
    Euphorbia marginata, snow-on-the-mountain, smoke-on-the-prairie, variegated spurge,whitemargined spurge, is a small shrub in the Euphorbiaceae or spurge family native to parts of temperate North America...

    , Euphorbia marginata
  • Spotted Spurge, Euphorbia supina
  • Summer Spurge, Euphorbia helioscopia
  • Thyme-leaf Broomspurge
    Euphorbia serpyllifolia
    Euphorbia serpyllifolia is a species of euphorb known by the common name thymeleaf sandmat, or thyme-leafed spurge. It is native to a large part of North America from Canada to Mexico, where it is a common member of the flora in many types of habitat. This is an annual herb growing as a prostrate...

    , Euphorbia serpyllifolia
  • Urban Spurge, Euphorbia agraria
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