List of castles in Spain
Castles in Spain were built mainly for defensive purposes. During the Middle Ages
Middle Ages
The Middle Ages is a periodization of European history from the 5th century to the 15th century. The Middle Ages follows the fall of the Western Roman Empire in 476 and precedes the Early Modern Era. It is the middle period of a three-period division of Western history: Classic, Medieval and Modern...

, northern Christian kingdoms had to secure their borders with their Muslim southern neighbours, thus forcing both Christian and Muslim kings to grant border fiefs to their liege
Liège is a municipality and a city of Belgium. The term Liège or Liege may also refer to:* Liege, a party to the oath of allegiance in feudalism .* Liège Island, in the Antarctic...

 noblemen so as to keep and maintain defensive fortresses. When the Reconquista
The Reconquista was a period of almost 800 years in the Middle Ages during which several Christian kingdoms succeeded in retaking the Muslim-controlled areas of the Iberian Peninsula broadly known as Al-Andalus...

 advanced, those border castles lost their initial purpose, and, as it happened in the rest of medieval Europe, they were used also as noble residences and fief-keeps. However, due to the forever-at-war context, they kept their military purposes, for enemy invasions were common. In some parts, such as the Basque Country
Basque Country (autonomous community)
The Basque Country is an autonomous community of northern Spain. It includes the Basque provinces of Álava, Biscay and Gipuzkoa, also called Historical Territories....

, fiefdoms did not exist as such, and noble families could not afford nor needed huge fortresses, thus appearing many tower houses. On the other hand, in Muslim Spain many castle-palaces were built: the petty taifa
In the history of the Iberian Peninsula, a taifa was an independent Muslim-ruled principality, usually an emirate or petty kingdom, though there was one oligarchy, of which a number formed in the Al-Andalus after the final collapse of the Umayyad Caliphate of Córdoba in 1031.-Rise:The origins of...

kingdoms that arose after the fall of the Caliphate of Córdoba
Caliphate of Córdoba
The Caliphate of Córdoba ruled the Iberian peninsula and part of North Africa, from the city of Córdoba, from 929 to 1031. This period was characterized by remarkable success in trade and culture; many of the masterpieces of Islamic Iberia were constructed in this period, including the famous...

 were militarily weak but culturally rich, and every emir or king liked those magnificent palaces of which the Alhambra
The Alhambra , the complete form of which was Calat Alhambra , is a palace and fortress complex located in the Granada, Andalusia, Spain...

 of Granada
Granada is a city and the capital of the province of Granada, in the autonomous community of Andalusia, Spain. Granada is located at the foot of the Sierra Nevada mountains, at the confluence of three rivers, the Beiro, the Darro and the Genil. It sits at an elevation of 738 metres above sea...

 is an example. During the late Middle Ages, Christian kingdoms had secured and enriched themselves well enough so as to support a more courtly lifestyle, thus some more residential castles being built: the Alcázar of Segovia
Alcázar of Segovia
The Alcázar of Segovia is a stone fortification, located in the old city of Segovia, Spain. Rising out on a rocky crag above the confluence of the rivers Eresma and Clamores near the Guadarrama mountains, it is one of the most distinctive castle-palaces in Spain by virtue of its shape - like the...

 was used as the main residence of the kings of Castile
Kingdom of Castile
Kingdom of Castile was one of the medieval kingdoms of the Iberian Peninsula. It emerged as a political autonomous entity in the 9th century. It was called County of Castile and was held in vassalage from the Kingdom of León. Its name comes from the host of castles constructed in the region...

, whereas the Castle of Olite
Palacio Real de Olite
The Palacio de los Reyes de Navarra de Olite or Castillo de Olite was built during the 13th and 14th centuries in the town of Olite...

, built in a luxurious gothic style was the seat of the Kingdom of Navarre
Kingdom of Navarre
The Kingdom of Navarre , originally the Kingdom of Pamplona, was a European kingdom which occupied lands on either side of the Pyrenees alongside the Atlantic Ocean....

's royal court.

After the Conquest of Granada in 1492, the Catholic Monarchs
Catholic Monarchs
The Catholic Monarchs is the collective title used in history for Queen Isabella I of Castile and King Ferdinand II of Aragon. They were both from the House of Trastámara and were second cousins, being both descended from John I of Castile; they were given a papal dispensation to deal with...

 ordered all the castles in their realms to be handed out to the Crown. Although the order was not very thoroughly carried out, the War of the Germanias
Germanía is the Spanish term for the argot used by criminals or in jails in Spain during 15th and 16th centuries. Its purpose is to keep outsiders out of the conversation...

, a rebellion against king Charles V
Charles V, Holy Roman Emperor
Charles V was ruler of the Holy Roman Empire from 1519 and, as Charles I, of the Spanish Empire from 1516 until his voluntary retirement and abdication in favor of his younger brother Ferdinand I and his son Philip II in 1556.As...

 in the early 16th century, forced the new Spanish Habsburg dynasty to develop it further, many castles being demolished. Thus, except for a few, most of castles in Spain were abandoned and dismantled, Spanish kings fearing noble and peasant revolts, especially in the newly conquered lands. Because of that, most of them stand nowadays in a state of decay, and although some restoration work has been done, the amount of former castles is so big that Spanish government lacks both the resources and the will to restore them all.

This is a list of castle
A castle is a type of fortified structure built in Europe and the Middle East during the Middle Ages by European nobility. Scholars debate the scope of the word castle, but usually consider it to be the private fortified residence of a lord or noble...

s in Spain


  • Castle of Arrés
  • Castle of Alquezra
  • Castle Palace of Argabieso
  • Castle of Benabarri
  • Castle of Boltanya
  • Castle of Fantova
  • Castle of Loarre
    Loarre castle
    Loarre Castle is a fortress in Loarre, Spain. The complex was built largely during the 11th and 12th centuries, when its position on the frontier between Christian and Muslim lands gave it strategic importance. The first of the two major building programs began ca. 1020, when Sancho el Mayor ...

  • Castle of Marcuello
  • Castle of Monzón
    Monzón Castle
    Monzón Castle is a fortress located in Monzón, Spain.Built during the tenth century by the Banu Hud dynasty of the Taifa of Zaragoza, Arogonese forces captured the castle in 1089 when it was conquered by Sancho Ramírez. In 1143 the castle passed to the Templars who added walls, towers, stables, a...

  • Castle of Montearagón
    Castle of Montearagón
    The Castle of Montearagón is a former fortress-monastery in Quicena, near Huesca, Aragon, Spain, built in the Romanesque style. It is presently in ruins....

  • Castle of Samitier
  • Castle of Torres-Secas
  • Citadel of Jaca
  • Tower of Fiscal
  • Walls of Antillón


  • Castle of Albarrazín
  • Castle of Alcalá de la Selva
  • Castle of Calanda
  • Castle of Alcanyiz
  • Castle of Mora de Rubielos
  • Castle of Uellos Negros
  • Castle of Peracens
    Castle of Peracense
    The Castle of Peracense is a castle in Peracense, Aragon, northern Spain.The location was occupied since the late Bronze Age, and was later reused during the Moorish domination of Spain, in the 10th and 11th centuries...

  • Castle of Puertomingalvo
  • Castle of Tornos
  • Castle of Vall de Roures
  • Castle of Villel


  • Castle of Aljafería
    The Aljafería Palace is a fortified medieval Islamic palace built during the second half of the 11th century in the Moorish taifa of Zaragoza of Al-Andalus, present day Zaragoza, Spain. It was the residence of the Banu Hud dynasty during the era of Abu Jaffar Al-Muqtadir after abolishing Banu...

  • Castle of Bichuesca
  • Castle of Arandiga
  • Castle of Grisel
  • Castle of Biel
  • Castle of Daroca
  • Castle of Exarc de Moncayo
  • Castle of Luesia
  • Castle of Mesones de Isuela
  • Castle of Sadaba
  • Castle of Sibirana
  • Castle of Trasmoz
  • Castle of Uncastiello
  • Castle of la Zuda (Borja)
  • Castle Mayor (Daroca)
  • Torreón of La Zuda
  • Walls of Zaragoza


  • Alcazaba of Almería
    Alcazaba of Almería
    The Alcazaba of Almería is a fortified complex in Almería, southern Spain. The word alcazaba, from the Arabic word al-qasbah, signifies a walled-fortification in a city.-History:...

  • Castle of San Pedro
  • Castle of Cuevas del Almanzora
  • Castle of Gérgal
  • Castle of Huebro
  • Castle of San Cristóbal (Almería)
  • Castle of San Juan de los Terreros
  • Castle of Tabernas
  • Castle of Vélez-Blanco
  • Castle of the Peñón de las Juntas, Abla
  • El Castillejo (Abrucena), Abrucena
  • Battery of Guardias Viejas
  • Battery of San Felipe
  • Battery of San Ramón
  • Battery of Santa Ana
  • Atalaya of San Miguel (Almería)
  • Atalaya of the Perdigal, Almería
  • Tower of Cárdenas
  • Tower García
  • Tower of la Garrofa (Almería)
  • Tower of Macenas
  • Tower of Medala (Tahal)
  • Tower of la Vela Blanca, Níjar
  • Houses Forts (Almería)
  • Walls of Adra
  • Caliphate Walls of Almería


  • Alcázar of Jerez de la Frontera
    Alcazar of Jerez de la Frontera
    thumb|250px|View of the Octagonal Tower.thumb|250px|Minaret of the mosque.The Alcazar of Jerez de la Frontera is a former Moorish fortress, now housing a park, in Jerez de la Frontera, Andalusia, Spain...

  • Caliphate Alcazaba of Tarifa
  • Castle of Aznalmara
    Castle of Aznalmara
    The Castle of Aznalmara is a castle located in Ubrique, Spain. It was declared Bien de Interés Cultural in 1993....

  • Castle of Berroquejo
  • Castle del Espíritu Santo
  • Castle of Gigonza
  • Castle of Melgarejo
  • Castle of Santa Catalina (Cádiz)
    Castle of Santa Catalina (Cádiz)
    The Castle of Santa Catalina is a castle located in Cádiz, Spain. It was declared Bien de Interés Cultural in 1993....

  • Castle of San Sebastián (Cádiz)
    Castle of San Sebastián (Cádiz)
    The Castle of San Sebastián is a castle located in Cádiz, Spain. It was declared Bien de Interés Cultural in 1993....

  • Castle of Sancti Petri
  • Castle of San Romualdo
  • Castle of San Marcos
    Castle of San Marcos
    Castle of San Marcos is a medieval castle located in El Puerto de Santa María, Cádiz, Spain. The castle was erected as a fortified church by King Alfonso X of Castile...

     (El Puerto de Santa María)
  • Castle of Guzmán el Bueno
  • Castle of Tarifa
  • Castle of Zahara de la Sierra
    Castle of Zahara de la Sierra
    The Castle of Zahara de la Sierra is a castle located in Zahara de la Sierra, Spain. It was declared Bien de Interés Cultural in 1993....

  • Castle of Zahara de los Atunes
  • Castle of Jimena de la Frontera
    Castle of Jimena de la Frontera
    The Castle of Jimena de la Frontera is a castle located in Jimena de la Frontera, Spain. It was declared Bien de Interés Cultural in 1931....

  • Castle of Alcalá de los Gazules
    Castle of Alcalá de los Gazules
    The Castle of Alcalá de los Gazules is a castle located in Alcalá de los Gazules, Spain. It was declared Bien de Interés Cultural in 1993....

  • Castle of Bornos
  • Castle of Olvera
  • Castle of Carastas
  • Castle of Setenil de las Bodegas
  • Castle of Arcos de la Frontera
    Castle of Arcos de la Frontera
    The Castle of Arcos de la Frontera is a castle located in Arcos de la Frontera, Spain. It was declared Bien de Interés Cultural in 1993....

  • Castle of Benaocaz
  • Castle of San Lorenzo del Puntal
  • Castle del Puntal
  • Castle of Conil de la Frontera
  • Castle of La Cortadura
  • Castle of Vejer de la Frontera
  • Castle of Ben Alud
  • Castle of Luna (Rota)
  • Castle of Torre-Alháquime
    Castle of Torre-Alháquime
    The Castle of Torre-Alháquime is a castle located in Torre Alhaquime, Spain. It was declared Bien de Interés Cultural in 1993....

  • Castle of Fátima (Ubrique)
  • Castle of Matrera (Villamartín)
  • Castle of Berroquejo (Jerez de la Frontera)
  • Castle of Torrestrella
  • Castle Fortress of Tempul (Algar)
  • Castle of Santiago (Sanlúcar de Barrameda)
  • Castle of Medina-Sidonia
  • Castle of Algeciras
  • Castle del Lirio (Chiclana de la Frontera)
  • Castle of Carteia (San Roque)
  • Castle of Fatetar
  • Castle of Doña Blanca
    Castle of Doña Blanca
    The Castle of Doña Blanca is a castle located in Puerto de Santa María, Spain. It was declared Bien de Interés Cultural in 1993....

  • Castle of Gibalbín
  • Castle of Jimena
  • Fort of San Luis
  • Battery of Aspiroz
  • Battery of San Genís
  • Battery of Urrutia
  • Battery of Zuazo
  • Tower del Almirante
  • Tower Alta
  • Walls of Jerez del Frontera


  • Alcázar de los Reyes Cristianos
    Alcázar de los Reyes Cristianos
    The Alcázar de los Reyes Cristianos , also known as the Alcázar of Córdoba, is a medieval Alcázar located in Córdoba, Spain next to the Guadalquivir River and near the Grand Mosque. The Alcázar takes its name from the Arabic word القصر...

     (Alcázar of the Christian Monarchs)
  • Alcazaba of Bujalance
  • Castle of Almodóvar del Río
  • Castle of los Sotomayor Zúñiga y Madroñiz (Belalcázar)
  • Castle of Belmez
  • Castle of Espejo
  • Castle of Torreparedones
  • Castle of Zuheros
  • Tower of Arias Cabrera
  • Tower albarrana


  • Alhambra
    The Alhambra , the complete form of which was Calat Alhambra , is a palace and fortress complex located in the Granada, Andalusia, Spain...

  • Alcázar Genil
  • Alcazaba of Loja
  • Alcazaba of Salobreña
  • Alcazaba of Guadix
  • Alcazaba of Baza
  • Castle of La Calahorra
  • Castle of Almuñécar
  • El Castillejo (Los Guájares)
  • Castle of Píñar
  • Castle of Láchar
  • Castle of Montefrío
  • Castle of Moclín
  • Castle of Iznalloz
  • Castle of Illora
  • Castle of Lanjarón
  • Castle of Chite
  • Castle of Dúrcal
  • Castle of Lojuela
  • Castle of Mondújar
  • Castle of Restábal
  • Fort of Juviles
  • Atalaya of la Sierra del Muerto
  • Atalaya of Sierra Bermeja
  • Atalaya of Sierra Encantada
  • Atalaya of the Campo-Botardo
  • Atalaya of la Mesa
  • Atalaya of la Porqueriza
  • Atalaya of La Solana
  • Atalaya of la Cantera de Valentín
  • Atalaya of Cónchar
  • Atalaya de Saleres
  • Torreón of Huétor
  • Towers Bermejas
  • Tower atalaya of Mingoandrés
  • Tower of la Gallina
  • Tower of Marchena
  • Tower del Tío Bayo
  • Tower atalaya del Cautor
  • Tower of la Rijana
  • Silla del Moro
  • Other castles into the municipality of Motril
    Motril is a town and municipality on the Mediterranean coast in the province of Granada, Spain.Motril is the second largest town in the province, with a population of 59,163 as of 2008...

     and Gualchos
    Gualchos is a town in the Spanish province of Granada. It has an area of 31 square kilometers and a population, in 2001, of 2,759, for a population density of 89 people per square kilometer....


  • Alfayat of la Peña
  • Castle of Almonaster la Real
  • Castle of Aracena
  • Castle of Aroche
  • Castle of Ayamonte
  • Castle of Cortegana
  • Castle of Cumbres Mayores
  • Castle fortress of Los Zúñiga (Cartaya)
  • Castle of Gibraleón
  • Castle of Moguer
  • Castle of los Guzmanes (Niebla)
  • Castle of Paymogo
  • Castle of San Pedro de Huelva
  • Castle of Sanlúcar de Guadiana
  • Castle of Santa Olalla del Cala
  • Tower del Catalán
  • Tower de Isla Canela


  • Castle of Abrehuí
  • Castle of Alcaudete
  • Castle of Aldehuela
  • Castle of Andújar
  • Castle of Arjona
  • Castle of Begíjar
  • Castle of Boabdil (Porcuna)
  • Castle of Bujaraiza
  • Castle of Burgalimar (Baños de la Encina
    Baños de la Encina
    Baños de la Encina is a city located in the province of Jaén, Spain. According to the 2006 census , the city has a population of 2715 inhabitants....

  • Castle of Canena
  • Castle of Cardete
  • Castle of Castro Ferral (Santa Elena)
  • Castle of Fuencubierta
  • Castle of Giribaile (Vilches)
  • Castle of Hornos
  • Old Castle of Jaén
  • Castle of Jamilena
  • Castle of Jódar
  • Castle of la Aragonesa (Marmolejo)
  • Castle of la Encomienda de Víboras
  • Castle of La Guardia de Jaén
  • Castle of la Iruela
  • Castle of la Muña
  • Castle of la Peña de Martos
  • Castle of la Tobaruela (Linares)
  • Castle of la Villa de Martos
  • Castle of la Yedra
  • Castle del Berrueco (Torredelcampo)
  • Castle of Linares
  • Castle of Lopera
  • Castle of Sabiote
  • Castle del Trovador Macías (Arjonilla)
  • Castle of las Navas de Tolosa
  • Castle of Otíñar
  • Castle of Peñaflor (Jaén)
  • Castle of Peñolite
  • Castle of the Peñón
  • Castle of Tíscar
  • Castle of Torredonjimeno
  • Castle of Torre Alcázar
  • Castle of Torre Venzala
  • Castle of Torres de Albanchez
  • Castle of Toya
  • Castle of Santa Catalina
    Saint Catalina's Castle
    Saint Catalina's Castle is a castle that sits on the Cerro de Santa Catalina overlooking the Spanish city of Jaén. It is now the site of a parador.-History:...

  • Castle of Santa Eufemia (Cástulo)
  • Castle of Segura de la Sierra
  • Castillejo de Zumel
  • Castle of la Torre de Martos
  • Castle of Vilches
  • Fortress of la Mota (Alcalá la Real)
  • Towers of Santa Catalina
  • Tower Olvidada
  • Tower of Santa Ana (Alcalá la Real)
  • Peñas de Castro
  • Walls of Jaén
  • Walls of Úbeda


  • Alcazaba of Antequera
    Alcazaba of Antequera
    The Alcazaba of Antequera is a fortess in Antequera, Spain. It was erected in the 14th century to counter the Christian advance from the north, over Roman ruins.The fortress is rectangular in shape, with two towers...

  • Alcazaba of Málaga
  • Alcazaba of Vélez-Málaga
  • Castle del Águila
  • Castle of Álora
  • Castle of Archidona
  • Castle of Bentomiz
  • Castle of Bezmiliana
  • Castle of Cártama
  • Castle of Gibralfaro (Málaga)
  • Castle of Hins-Canit
  • Castle of Jévar
  • Castle of Santa Catalina (Málaga)
  • Sohail Castle
    Sohail Castle
    Sohail Castle is a castle in Fuengirola, Spain.It was built in 956 by Abd-ar-Rahman III on the ruins of a Greco-Roman settlement to strengthen the coastal defenses.-External links:* *...

  • Castle of Zalia
  • Tower Battery of La Cala del Moral
  • Tower Bermeja (Benalmádena)
  • Tower of Calaburras
  • Torre Ladrones
    Torre Ladrones
    Torre Ladrones is a tower on the Puerto de Cabopino beach in Marbella, Spain. It was built as part of a defensive formation....

  • Torre Río Real
    Torre Río Real
    Torre Río Real is a tower in Marbella, southern Spain, built in 1575. It is a tower of 10.85 meters in height and 22 metres in circumference, located next to the Mediterranean Expressway....

  • Tower of Calaburras
  • Tower Molinos
  • Tower del Muelle
  • Tower Quebrada
  • Nasrid Walls and Port Walls (Málaga)
  • Phoenician Walls of Málaga
  • Urban Walls of Marbella
    Muralla urbana de Marbella
    The Muralla urbana is a fort in Marbella, southern Spain. It was built in the 11th century.-References:*...


  • Alcázar of the King Don Pedro
  • Alcázar Puerta de Sevilla, Carmona
  • Alcazar of Alcalá de Guadaíra
  • Alcázar of Seville
    Alcázar of Seville
    thumb|right|250px|Baths of Lady María de PadillaThe Alcázar of Seville is a royal palace in Seville, Spain, originally a Moorish fort....

  • Castle of Cote (Montellano
    Montellano is a city located in the province of Seville, Spain. According to the 2005 census , the city has a population of 6913 inhabitants....

  • Castle of El Coronil
  • Castle of El Real de la Jara
  • Castle of Estepa
  • Castle of las Aguzaderas (El Coronil)
  • Castle of Lebrija
  • Castle of Los Molares
  • Castle of Luna (Mairena del Alcor)
  • Castle of Marchenilla (Alcalá de Guadaíra
    Alcalá de Guadaira
    Alcalá de Guadaíra is a town located approximately 10 km southeast of Seville, Spain; in recent years the expansion of Seville has meant that Alcalá has become a suburb of that city. Alcalá used to be known as Alcalá de los Panaderos because it provided most of Seville's bread...

  • Castle of Morón de la Frontera
  • Castle of Setefilla
  • Castle of Utrera
  • Tower Abd el Aziz
  • Torre del Oro
    Torre del Oro
    The Torre del Oro is a dodecagonal military watchtower in Seville, southern Spain, built by the Almohad dynasty in order to control access to Seville via the Guadalquivir river....

  • Torre de la Plata
    Torre de la Plata
    The Torre de la Plata is a octagonal military tower of the Almohad dynasty in Al-Andalus, in present day Seville, southern Spain.-History:...

  • Tower of la Rijana
  • Tower of los Herberos

Principality of Asturias

  • Castle of Alba (Quirós)
  • Castle of Alba (Somiedo)
  • Castle of Alesga
  • Castle of Campogrande
  • Castle of Las Caldas
  • Castle of la Cabezada
  • Castle of Gauzón
  • Castle of Peña Manil
  • Castle of San Martín
  • Castle of Soto (Aller)
  • Castle of Soto (Ribera de Arriba)
  • Castle of Soto de los Infantes
  • Castle of Tudela
  • Castle of Villademoros
  • Castle of Villamorey
  • Palace Ferrera (Báscones)
  • El Torreón
  • Torreón of Llanes
  • Torreón of Lludeña
  • Torreón of Peñerudes
  • Tower del Valledor
  • Tower of the Castle of Yabio
  • Tower of los Valdés
  • Tower of Proaza
  • Tower of la Quintana
  • Tower of los Valdés
  • Tower of San Julián
  • Tower of Tronquedo
  • Walls of Oviedo

Basque Country
Basque Country (autonomous community)
The Basque Country is an autonomous community of northern Spain. It includes the Basque provinces of Álava, Biscay and Gipuzkoa, also called Historical Territories....

Álava is a province of Spain and a historical territory of the Basque Country, heir of the ancient Lord of Álava. Its capital city is Vitoria-Gasteiz which is also the capital of the autonomous community...


  • Castle of Zabala
  • Castle of Gebara
  • Castle of Eskibel
  • Castle of Ocio
  • Roman oppidum
    Oppidum is a Latin word meaning the main settlement in any administrative area of ancient Rome. The word is derived from the earlier Latin ob-pedum, "enclosed space," possibly from the Proto-Indo-European *pedóm-, "occupied space" or "footprint."Julius Caesar described the larger Celtic Iron Age...

     of Iruña-Veleia
    Veleia was a Roman town in Hispania, currently located in the Basque Country, Spain. The site is located in the municipality of Iruña de Oca, 10 kilometers west of Vitoria. The town was an important station on the Roman road ab Asturica Burdigalam that ran parallel to the coast of the Bay of Biscay...

  • Tower of Mendoza
    Tower of Mendoza
    The Tower of Mendoza is a tower located in Vitoria, Spain. It was declared Bien de Interés Cultural in 1984....

  • Tower of los Varona
  • Tower of Barrón
  • Tower of Doña Otxanda in Vitoria-Gasteiz
    Vitoria-Gasteiz is the capital city of the province of Álava and of the autonomous community of the Basque Country in northern Spain with a population of 235,661 people. It is the second largest Basque city...

  • Tower of Orgaz and Tower of Kondestable
  • Tower Negorta
  • Tower-House of Calderondar eta Salazatar
  • Tower-House of Galartza
  • Walls of Vitoria-Gasteiz
  • Old town of Vitoria-Gasteiz
  • Walled town of Labraza
    Labraza is a town located in the province of Álava , in the autonomous community of Basque Country, northern Spain. It is located in the municipality of Oyón-Oion.- External links :* * *...

  • Walled town of Antoñana
    Antoñana is a town located in the Campezo/Kanpezu municipality, Álava Province, in the Basque Country autonomous community, northern Spain.-External links:*...

  • Walled town of Laguardia
    Laguardia, Álava
    Laguardia is a town and municipality located in the province of Álava, in the Basque Country, northern Spain.The site of a 10th century castle, of which two towers remain, the present village has medieval walls dating back to the 15th century surrounding the houses and old cobblestoned streets.The...

  • Walled town of Gatzaga Buradon
  • Walled town of Urizaharra


  • Castle of Gaztelu Zahar
  • Castle of Charles V
  • Castle of la Mota in the Mount Urgull
    Urgull is a hill by the ocean sitting at the heart of the Basque city of San Sebastián, Gipuzkoa, Spain. The hill shapes along with Mount Ulia and Igeldo the city's coastline relief, standing at the northern end of a peninsula formerly linked to mainland by a spit of sand between the river Urumea...

     in San Sebastián
    San Sebastián
    Donostia-San Sebastián is a city and municipality located in the north of Spain, in the coast of the Bay of Biscay and 20 km away from the French border. The city is the capital of Gipuzkoa, in the autonomous community of the Basque Country. The municipality’s population is 186,122 , and its...

  • Castle of Atxorrotx
  • Fort of San Marcos
  • Tower Idiakez
  • Tower of Sasiola
  • Tower Zumeltzegi
  • Tower-House Enparan
  • Walled town of Hondarribia
    Hondarribia is a town situated on the west shore of Bidasoa river's mouth, in Gipuzkoa, Basque Country, Spain. The border town is sited on a little promontory facing Hendaye over the Txingudi bay. The town holds an ancient old quarter with walls and a castle...

  • Walled town of Leintz-Gatzaga
    Leintz-Gatzaga is a town located in the province of Gipuzkoa, in the Autonomous Community of Basque Country, northern Spain.-Etymology:...

Biscay is a province of Spain and a historical territory of the Basque Country, heir of the ancient Lord of Biscay. Its capital city is Bilbao...


  • Castle of Butrón
    Butrón is a castle located in Gatika, in the province of Biscay, in northern Spain.It dates originally from the Middle Ages, although it owes its present appearance to an almost complete rebuilding begun by Francisco de Cubas in 1878.The castle has a fairy-tale look about it inspired by Bavarian...

  • Castle of Empress Eugénie de Montijo
  • Castle of Muñatoizko San Martin
  • Castle of Malmasin
  • Complex of coastal fortresses of the Mount Serantes
  • Fort of la Galea
  • Tower of Lezama
  • Tower Malpika
  • Tower of Salazar
  • Tower of Zamudio
  • Tower Martiartu
  • Tower of Muntsaratz
  • Tower-House Likona
  • Tower-House of Urrutia
  • Walled town of Bermeo
    Bermeo is a town and municipality in the sub-region of Busturialdea and the wider province of Biscay, part of the autonomous region of the Basque Country, in Northern Spain. Bermeo has 17,026 inhabitants and is the most important fishing port of the Basque Country. The town was founded in 1236 and...

Balearic Islands
Balearic Islands
The Balearic Islands are an archipelago of Spain in the western Mediterranean Sea, near the eastern coast of the Iberian Peninsula.The four largest islands are: Majorca, Minorca, Ibiza and Formentera. The archipelago forms an autonomous community and a province of Spain with Palma as the capital...

  • Castle of Alaró
  • Castle of Bellver
    Bellver Castle
    Bellver Castle is a Gothic style castle on a hill 3 km northwest of Palma on the Island of Majorca, Balearic Islands, Spain. It was built in the 14th century for King James II of Majorca, and is one of the few circular castles in Europe...

  • Castle of Sant Felip
    St. Philip's Castle
    St. Philip's Castle was a fortress guarding the entrance to the port of Mahón...

     in Mahón
    Mahón is a municipality and the capital city of the Balearic Island of Minorca , located in the eastern part of the island. Mahon has the second deepest natural harbor in the world: 5 km long and up to 900m. wide...

  • Castle of Bendinat
  • Castle of Cabrera (Cabrera island)
  • Castle of Capdepera
  • Castle of Santa Àgueda
    Castle of Santa Àgueda
    The Castle of Santa Àgueda is found in the municipality of Ferreries, Minorca. It is situated over an elongated plateau, called Santa Àgueda, 264 m above sea level. It is the third highest point in the island behind Monte Toro and S'Esclusa . The castle is accessed by an ancient Roman road...

  • Castle of Santueri
  • Fortress of Sant Carles
  • Fortress of Isabella II

Canary Islands
Canary Islands
The Canary Islands , also known as the Canaries , is a Spanish archipelago located just off the northwest coast of mainland Africa, 100 km west of the border between Morocco and the Western Sahara. The Canaries are a Spanish autonomous community and an outermost region of the European Union...


  • Castle of la Luz
  • Castle of Mata
  • Castle of San Felipe (Puerto de la Cruz)
  • Castle of San Francisco (Las Palmas de Gran Canaria)
  • Castle of San Miguel (Garachico)
  • Castle of Guanapay
  • Castle of Paso Alto (Santa Cruz de Tenerife)
  • Castle of San Joaquín
  • Castle of San Cristóbal (Santa Cruz de Tenerife)
  • Castle of San Juan (Santa Cruz de Tenerife)
  • Castle of San Andrés
  • Fortress of Santa Catalina (Las Palmas de Gran Canaria)
  • Fort of Almeyda

Cantabria is a Spanish historical region and autonomous community with Santander as its capital city. It is bordered on the east by the Basque Autonomous Community , on the south by Castile and León , on the west by the Principality of Asturias, and on the north by the Cantabrian Sea.Cantabria...

  • Castle of Aldueso
  • Castle of Allendelagua
  • Castle of Agüero
  • Castle of Argüeso
  • Castle of Castro Urdiales
  • Castle of Cobejo
  • Castle of El Collado
  • Castle of El Haya
  • Castle of Montehano
  • Castle of Piñeres
  • Castle of Pedraja
  • Castle of San Felices de Buelna
  • Castle of San Vicente de la Barquera
  • Castle of Suances
  • Castle of Treceño
  • Castillo de Villamoñico
  • Castle of Villegas
  • Castle of Vispieres
  • Palace of Riva-Herrera
  • Fort del Mazo
  • Battery of San Martín
  • Battery of San Martín Alto
  • Battery of San Pedro del Mar
  • Low Battery of Galvanes
  • Torrejón of las Henestrosas
  • Torreón of Cartes
  • Fortified tower of Venero de Castillo
  • Tower of Cabanzón
  • Tower of Cadalso
  • Tower of Don Borja
  • Tower of la Vega (Comillas)
  • Tower of los Velasco
  • Tower del Merino
  • Tower of Orejón de La Lama
  • Tower of Mogrovejo and casona señorial.
  • Tower of the Infantado
  • Tower of Pero Niño
  • Tower of Proaño
  • Tower of Ruerrero
  • Tower of San Martín de Hoyos
  • Tower of San Telmo (Cantabria)
  • Tower of Venero
  • Tower-House of Alvarado
  • Tower-House of los Calderón de La Barca

Castile and León
Castile and León
Castile and León is an autonomous community in north-western Spain. It was so constituted in 1983 and it comprises the historical regions of León and Old Castile...


  • Castle of La Adrada
  • Castle of Don Álvaro de Luna (Arenas de San Pedro)
  • Castle of Arévalo
  • Castle of the Alcázar (Ávila)
  • Castle of El Barco de Ávila
  • Castle of Bonilla de la Sierra
  • Castle of Zurraquín (Cabezas del Villar)
  • Castle of El Mirón
  • Castle of Aunqueospese (Mironcillo)
  • Castle of Mombeltrán
  • Castle of the Duke of Montellano (Narros de Saldueña)
  • Castle Count of Rasura (Rasueros)
  • Castle of Castronuevo (Rivilla de Barajas)
  • Castle of Villaviciosa (Solosancho)
  • Castle of Villatoro (Villatoro)
  • Castle-Palace of Magalia (Las Navas del Marqués)
  • Walls of Ávila


  • Castle of Albillos (Villagonzalo-Pedernales)
  • Castle of Arenillas de Muñó (Estepar)
  • Castle of Belorado
  • Castle of Burgos
  • Castle of los Cartagena (Olmillos de Sasamón)
  • Castle of Castrojeriz
  • Castle of Coruña del Conde
  • Castle of the Dukes of Frías (Frías)
  • Castle of Espinosa de los Monteros (Espinosa de los Monteros
    Espinosa de los Monteros
    Espinosa de los Monteros is a municipality located in the province of Burgos, Castile and León, Spain, with a population of c. 2,100 inhabitants....

  • Castle of Frías
  • Castle of Haza
  • Castle of La Loja (Quintana de Valdivieso)
  • Castle of Malvecino (Población de Valdivieso)
  • Castle of Miranda de Ebro
    Castle of Miranda de Ebro
    The Castle of Miranda de Ebro is a medieval fortification located in Miranda de Ebro, Spain.-Location:The castle of Miranda de Ebro is located on the hill of the Picota, in the heart of the old helmet of the city...

  • Castle of Monastery of Rodilla
  • Castle of Olmillos de Sasamón
  • Castle of Pancorbo
  • Castle of Peñaranda de Duero
  • Castle of Picón de Lara (Lara de los Infantes)
  • Castle of Poza (Poza de la Sal)
  • Castle of Rebolledo (Rebolledo de la Torre)
  • Castle of Santa Gadea del Cid
  • Castle of Sotopalacios
  • Castle of Tedeja (Trespaderne)
  • Castle of Torregalindo
  • Castle of Torrepadierne (Pampliega)
  • Castle of Úrbel (Urbel del Castillo)
  • Castle of Villaúte
  • Castle of Virtus
  • Castle of Zumel
  • Fortress of Santa Engracia
  • Arco de Santa María
  • Tower of Bonifaz (Lomana)
  • Tower of Loja
  • Walls of Burgos


  • Castle of Alba (Llanos de Alba)
  • Castle of Alcuetas or Tower of Alcuetas (Villabraz
    Villabraz is a municipality located in the province of León, Castile and León, Spain. According to the 2004 census , the municipality has a population of 139 inhabitants....

  • Castle of Alija del Infantado or Castle of los Pimentel (Alija del Infantado
    Alija del Infantado
    Alija del Infantado is a municipality which is part of Tierra de La Bañeza comarca, autonomous community of Castile and León, Spain.-See also:*Tierra de La Bañeza...

  • Castle of los Álvarez Acebedo (Valdepiélago
    Valdepiélago is a municipality located in the province of León, Castile and León, Spain. According to the 2004 census , the municipality has a population of 422 inhabitants....

  • Castle of Arbolio (Valdepiélago
    Valdepiélago is a municipality located in the province of León, Castile and León, Spain. According to the 2004 census , the municipality has a population of 422 inhabitants....

  • Castle of Aviados (Valdepiélago
    Valdepiélago is a municipality located in the province of León, Castile and León, Spain. According to the 2004 census , the municipality has a population of 422 inhabitants....

  • Castle of Balboa (Balboa
    Balboa, León
    Balboa is a village and municipality located in the region of El Bierzo ....

  • Castle of Beñal (Riello
    Riello is a municipality located in the province of León, Castile and León, Spain. According to the 2004 census , the municipality has a population of 864 inhabitants....

  • Castle of Los Barrios de Gordón (La Pola de Gordón
    La Pola de Gordón
    La Pola de Gordón is a municipality located in the province of León, Castile and León, Spain. According to the 2004 census , the municipality has a population of 4,422 inhabitants....

  • Castle of Castrocalbón (Castrocalbón
    Castrocalbón is a municipality located in the province of León, Castile and León, Spain. According to the 2010 census , the municipality has a population of 1,081 inhabitants....

  • Castle of Cea (Cea
    Santa María del Monte de Cea
    Santa María del Monte de Cea, or simply Cea, is a municipality located in the province of León, Castile and León, Spain. According to the 2004 census , the municipality has a population of 331 inhabitants.-See also:*Tierra de Campos...

  • Castle of Cornatel or Castle of Ulver (Priaranza del Bierzo
    Priaranza del Bierzo
    Priaranza del Bierzo is a village and municipality located in the region of El Bierzo . According to the 2006 census , the municipality has a population of 918 inhabitants.- Towns :* Priaranza del Bierzo...

  • Castle of Corullón (Corullón
    Corullón is a village and municipality located in the region of El Bierzo . According to the 2010 census , the municipality has a population of 1,122 inhabitants....

  • Castle of Coyanza or Castle of Valencia de Don Juan (Valencia de Don Juan
    Valencia de Don Juan
    Valencia de Don Juan is a municipality located in the province of León, Castile and León, Spain. According to the 2004 census , the municipality has a population of 4,165 inhabitants.It's well known by its medieval castle....

  • Castle of Ferreras (Valderrueda
    Valderrueda is a municipality located in the province of León, Castile and León, Spain. According to the 2004 census , the municipality has a population of 1,138 inhabitants....

  • Castle of Grajal (Grajal de Campos
    Grajal de Campos
    Grajal de Campos , Grayal de Campos in Leonese language, is a municipality located in the province of León, Castile and León, Spain. According to the 2010 census , the municipality has a population of 246 inhabitants....

  • Castle of Laguna de Negrillos (Laguna de Negrillos
    Laguna de Negrillos
    Laguna de Negrillos is a municipality located in the province of León, Castile and León, Spain. According to the 2010 census , the municipality has a population of 1,164 inhabitants....

  • Castle of Luna (Los Barrios de Luna
    Los Barrios de Luna
    Los Barrios de Luna is a municipality located in the province of León, Castile and León, Spain. According to the 2010 census , the municipality has a population of 309 inhabitants....

  • Castle of Mansilla de las Mulas (Mansilla de las Mulas
    Mansilla de las Mulas
    Mansilla de las Mulas , Mansiella in Leonese language, is a municipality located in the province of León, Castile and León, Spain. According to the 2010 census , the municipality has a population of 1,913 inhabitants....

  • Castle of Nogarejas (Castrocontrigo
    Castrocontrigo is a municipality located in the province of León, Castile and León, Spain, 80 km far from the province capital. According to the 2010 census , the municipality has a population of 917 inhabitants....

  • Castle of Palacios de Valduerna or Castle of los Bazán (Palacios de la Valduerna
    Palacios de la Valduerna
    Palacios de la Valduerna is a municipality located in the province of León, Castile and León, Spain. According to the 2004 census , the municipality has a population of 497 inhabitants....

  • Castle of Peñarramiro (Truchas
    Truchas, León
    Truchas is a municipality in the Cabreira comarca, province of León, Spain.- See also :*Cabreira Comarca* Kingdom of León* Leonese language...

  • Castle of Ponferrada, Castle of the Templars or Castle del Temple (Ponferrada
    Ponferrada is a city in the province of León, Castile and León, Spain. It lies on the Sil River, a tributary of the river Miño, in the El Bierzo valley, completely surrounded by mountains. It is the last major town along the French route of the Way of St. James before it reaches its destination...

  • Castle of Portilla or Castle of the Queen Berenguela (Boca de Huérgano
    Boca de Huérgano
    Boca de Huérgano is a municipality located in the province of León, Castile and León, Spain. According to the 2010 census , the municipality has a population of 531 inhabitants....

  • Castle of los Quiñones (Quintana del Marco
    Quintana del Marco
    Quintana del Marco is a municipality located in the province of León, Castile and León, Spain. According to the 2004 census , the municipality has a population of 516 inhabitants....

  • Castle of Riaño (Riaño)
  • Castle of Santa María de Ordás or Tower of Ordás (Santa María de Ordás
    Santa María de Ordás
    Santa María de Ordás is a municipality located in the province of León, Castile and León, Spain. According to the 2004 census , the municipality has a population of 372 inhabitants....

  • Castle of Sarracín, Castle of Vega de Valcarce or Castrum Sarracenicum (Vega de Valcarce
    Vega de Valcarce
    Vega de Valcarce is a village and municipality located in the region of El Bierzo . According to the 2004 census , the municipality has a population of 805 inhabitants....

  • Castle of Siero (Siero de la Reina, Boca de Huérgano
    Boca de Huérgano
    Boca de Huérgano is a municipality located in the province of León, Castile and León, Spain. According to the 2010 census , the municipality has a population of 531 inhabitants....

  • Castle of Tapia or Tower of Tapia (Rioseco de Tapia
    Rioseco de Tapia
    Rioseco de Tapia is a municipality located in the province of León, Castile and León, Spain. According to the 2004 census , the municipality has a population of 504 inhabitants....

  • Castle of the Towers, Puerta Castillo or Arco de la Cárcel (León
    León, Spain
    León is the capital of the province of León in the autonomous community of Castile and León, situated in the northwest of Spain. Its city population of 136,985 makes it the largest municipality in the province, accounting for more than one quarter of the province's population...

  • Castle of Villalobos (Valderas
    Valderas is a municipality located in the province of León, Castile and León, Spain. According to the 2004 census , the municipality has a population of 2,049 inhabitants.-See also:* Leonese language...

  • Castle of Villanueva de Jamuz (Santa Elena de Jamuz
    Santa Elena de Jamuz
    Santa Elena de Jamuz is a municipality located in the province of León, Castile and León, Spain. According to the 2004 census , the municipality has a population of 1,315 inhabitants....

  • Castle of Villapadierna (Cubillas de Rueda
    Cubillas de Rueda
    Cubillas de Rueda is a municipality located in the province of León, Castile and León, Spain. According to the 2010 census , the municipality has a population of 501 inhabitants....

  • Castle of Turienzo or Tower of los Osorio (Turienzo de los Caballeros)
  • Castle-Palace de los Quiñones (San Emiliano
    San Emiliano
    San Emiliano is a municipality located in the province of León, Castile and León, Spain. According to the 2004 census , the municipality has a population of 786 inhabitants....

  • Castle-Palace of los Marqueses de Villafranca (Villafranca del Bierzo
    Villafranca del Bierzo
    thumb|250px|Castle of Villafranca.Vilafranca del Bierzo is a village and municipality located in the comarca of El Bierzo, in the province of León, Castile and León, Spain.It is one of Galician speaking councils of Castilla y León....

  • Castle-Palace of Renedo de Valdetuéjar (Renedo de Valdetuéjar)
  • Castle-Palace of Almanza (Almanza
    Almanza is a municipality located in the province of León, Castile and León, Spain. According to the 2009 census , the municipality has a population of 609 inhabitants.-Villages:*Almanza*Cabrera de Almanza* Calaveras de Abajo...

  • Castle-Palace of los Guzmanes (Toral de los Guzmanes
    Toral de los Guzmanes
    Toral of the Guzmanes is a municipality located in the south of the province of León, Spain. It belongs to the autonomous community of Castile and León in the northwest of Spain, in the so denominated region of Esla-Oteros. Its surface is of about 21 km²...

  • Castle-Palace of los Tovar or Torreón of los Tovar (Boca de Huérgano
    Boca de Huérgano
    Boca de Huérgano is a municipality located in the province of León, Castile and León, Spain. According to the 2010 census , the municipality has a population of 531 inhabitants....

  • Tower of Babia (Babia)
  • Tower of Canseco (Canseco, Cármenes
    Cármenes is a municipality located in the province of León, Castile and León, Spain. According to the 2010 census , the municipality has a population of 397 inhabitants....

  • Tower of Fresno de la Valduerna (Villamontán de la Valduerna
    Villamontán de la Valduerna
    Villamontán de la Valduerna is a municipality located in the province of León, Castile and León, Spain. According to the 2004 census , the municipality has a population of 1,001 inhabitants....

  • Tower of Laguna de Somoza (Val de San Lorenzo
    Val de San Lorenzo
    Val de San Lorenzo is a municipality located in the province of León, Castile and León, Spain. According to the 2004 census , the municipality has a population of 674 inhabitants and a density of 12,89 hab/km²....

  • Tower of Puebla de Lillo (Puebla de Lillo
    Puebla de Lillo
    Puebla de Lillo is a municipality located in the province of León, Castile and León, Spain. According to the 2004 census , the municipality has a population of 696 inhabitants....

  • Tower of La Vecilla (La Vecilla de Curueño)
  • Tower of La Vid (La Pola de Gordón
    La Pola de Gordón
    La Pola de Gordón is a municipality located in the province of León, Castile and León, Spain. According to the 2004 census , the municipality has a population of 4,422 inhabitants....


Walled towns

  • Walls of Almanza (Almanza
    Almanza is a municipality located in the province of León, Castile and León, Spain. According to the 2009 census , the municipality has a population of 609 inhabitants.-Villages:*Almanza*Cabrera de Almanza* Calaveras de Abajo...

  • Walls of Astorga (Astorga)
  • Walls of Laguna de Negrillos (Laguna de Negrillos
    Laguna de Negrillos
    Laguna de Negrillos is a municipality located in the province of León, Castile and León, Spain. According to the 2010 census , the municipality has a population of 1,164 inhabitants....

  • Walls of León (León
    León, Spain
    León is the capital of the province of León in the autonomous community of Castile and León, situated in the northwest of Spain. Its city population of 136,985 makes it the largest municipality in the province, accounting for more than one quarter of the province's population...

  • Walls of Mansilla de las Mulas (Mansilla de las Mulas
    Mansilla de las Mulas
    Mansilla de las Mulas , Mansiella in Leonese language, is a municipality located in the province of León, Castile and León, Spain. According to the 2010 census , the municipality has a population of 1,913 inhabitants....

  • Walls of Palacios de la Valduerna (Palacios de la Valduerna
    Palacios de la Valduerna
    Palacios de la Valduerna is a municipality located in the province of León, Castile and León, Spain. According to the 2004 census , the municipality has a population of 497 inhabitants....

  • Walls of Ponferrada (Ponferrada
    Ponferrada is a city in the province of León, Castile and León, Spain. It lies on the Sil River, a tributary of the river Miño, in the El Bierzo valley, completely surrounded by mountains. It is the last major town along the French route of the Way of St. James before it reaches its destination...

  • Walls of Villafranca del Bierzo (Villafranca del Bierzo
    Villafranca del Bierzo
    thumb|250px|Castle of Villafranca.Vilafranca del Bierzo is a village and municipality located in the comarca of El Bierzo, in the province of León, Castile and León, Spain.It is one of Galician speaking councils of Castilla y León....

  • Walls of Villalobos (Valderas
    Valderas is a municipality located in the province of León, Castile and León, Spain. According to the 2004 census , the municipality has a population of 2,049 inhabitants.-See also:* Leonese language...



  • Castle of Abia de las Torres
  • Castle of Aguilar de Campoo
  • Castle of Ampudia
  • Castle of Amusco
  • Castle of Antigüedad
  • Castle of Astudillo
  • Castle of Autilla del Pino
  • Castle of Autillo de Campos
  • Castle of Belmonte (Belmonte de Campos)
  • Castle of Agüero (Buenavista de Valdavia
    Buenavista de Valdavia
    Buenavista de Valdavia is a municipality located in the province of Palencia, Castile and León, Spain. According to the 2004 census , the municipality has a population of 416 inhabitants....

  • Castle of Castrillo de Villavega
  • Castle of las Cabañas de Castilla
  • Castle of Sarmiento (Fuentes de Valdepero)
  • Castle of Monzón de Campos
  • Castle of Gama
  • Castle of Hornillos de Cerrato
  • Castle of Palenzuela
  • Castle of the Counts of Saldaña
  • Castle of la Estrella de Campos (Torremormojón
    Torremormojón is a municipality located in the province of Palencia, Castile and León, Spain. According to the 2004 census , the municipality has a population of 78 inhabitants.-Geography:...

  • Castle of Valderrábano
  • Castle of Villanueva de la Torre (Barruelo de Santullán
    Barruelo de Santullán
    Barruelo de Santullán is a municipality located in the province of Palencia, Castile and León, Spain. According to the 2004 census , the municipality has a population of 1,592 inhabitants....



  • Alcázar of Salamanca
  • Castle of Ledesma
  • Castle of Alba de Tormes
  • Castle of Ciudad Rodrigo or Castle of Henry II of Castile
  • Castle of Ledesma
  • Castle of Sobradillo
  • Castle of Béjar
  • Castle of Miranda del Castañar
  • Castle of Monleón
  • Castle of Montemayor del Río
  • Castle of Puente del Congosto
  • Castle of San Felices de los Gallegos
  • Castle del Buen Amor or Castle of Villanueva de Cañedo
  • Castle of San Martín del Castañar
  • Real Fuerte de la Concepción or Castillo de Aldea del Obispo


  • Alcázar of Segovia
    Alcázar of Segovia
    The Alcázar of Segovia is a stone fortification, located in the old city of Segovia, Spain. Rising out on a rocky crag above the confluence of the rivers Eresma and Clamores near the Guadarrama mountains, it is one of the most distinctive castle-palaces in Spain by virtue of its shape - like the...

  • Castle of Castilnovo
  • Castle of Coca
  • Castle of Cuéllar
    Cuéllar Castle
    Cuéllar Castle or The Castle of the Dukes of Alburquerque is the most emblematic monument in the town of Cuéllar, located in the province of Segovia, autonomous community of Castile and León, in Spain...

  • Castle of Pedraza
  • Castle of Turégano
    Castle of Turégano
    The Castle of Turégano is an ancient fortress located in the town of Turégano in the province of Segovia, Spain. The castle was founded on the site of a pre-existing fortress. Its structure is integrated into the adjacent church of San Miguel....


  • Castle of Almenar (Almenar de Soria)
  • Castle of Berlanga (Berlanga de Duero)
  • Castle of Osma (El Burgo de Osma)
  • Castle of Calatañazor
  • Castle of Caracena
  • Castle of Gormaz
  • Castle of Hinojosa de la Sierra
  • Castle of Magaña
  • Castle of Medinaceli
  • Castle of Monteagudo de las Vicarías
  • Castle of Montuenga
  • Castle of Peñalcázar
  • Castle of la Raya (Monteagudo de la Vicarías)
  • Castle of Rello
  • Castle of San Leonardo (San Leonardo de Yagüe)
  • Castle of San Pedro Manrique
  • Castle of Somaén
  • Castle of Soria
  • Castle of Ucero
    Castle of Ucero
    The castle of Ucero is a medieval defensive construction located in Ucero, in the province of Soria .- History :The place dominated by the castle has been inhabitated since Prehistory...

  • Castle of Yanguas
  • Fortress of Serón de Nágima
  • Arab Walls of Ágreda


  • Castle of Alaejos
  • Castle of Barcial de la Loma
  • Castle of Canillas de Esgueva
  • Castle of Castromembibre
  • Castle of Castroverde de Cerrato
  • Castle of Curiel de Duero
  • Castle of Encinas de Esgueva
  • Castle of Foncastín
  • Castle of Fuensaldaña
  • Castle of Fuente el Sol
  • Castle of Íscar
  • Castle of La Mota
    Castle of La Mota
    thumb|250px|Side view.The Castle of the La Mota or Castillo de La Mota is a reconstructed medieval fortress, located in the town of Medina del Campo, province of Valladolid, Spain. It is so named because of its location on an elevated hill, a mota, from where it dominates the town and surrounding...

  • Castle of Montealegre de Campos
  • Castle of Mucientes
  • Castle of Peñafiel
    Peñafiel Castle
    Peñafiel Castle is located in Valladolid Province, Spain.- See also :* Peñafiel, Spain...

  • Castle of Portillo
    Castillo de Portillo
    The Castillo de Portillo is a medieval castle in Portillo, in the province of Valladolid, Castilla y León, Spain; the earliest elements of its present construction date to the fifteenth century....

  • Castle of San Pedro de Latarce
  • Castle of Simancas
  • Castle of Tiedra
  • Castle of Tordehumos
  • Castle of the Comuneros (Torrelobatón
    Torrelobatón is a municipality located in the province of Valladolid, Castile and León, Spain. According to the 2004 census , the municipality has a population of 577 inhabitants....

  • Castle of Trigueros del Valle
  • Castle of Urueña
  • Castle of Villafuerte de Esgueva
  • Castle of Villagarcia de Campos
  • Castle of Villalba de los Alcores
  • Castle of Villavellid
  • Castle-Palace of Curiel de Duero or Castle-Palace of los Zúñiga
  • Walls of Villalba de los Alcores


  • Álcazar of Toro
  • Castle of Asmesnal or Castle of Alfaraz
  • Castle of Alcañices
  • Castle of Alba (Losacino)
  • Castle of the Counts of Benavente
  • Castle of Castrotorafe
  • Castle of Fermoselle
  • Castle of Granucillo
  • Castle of Peñausende
  • Castle of Puebla de Sanabria
  • Castle of Villalonso
  • Castle of Villalpando
  • Castle of Villa Ceide
  • Castle of Zamora
    Castle of Zamora, Spain
    The Castle of Zamora is a Middle Ages fortress in Zamora, Spain. It stands northwest of the city's Cathedral.It features Pre-Roman foundations and a Romanesque general structure. It was built between the 10th and 12th centuries. It stands northwest of the Cathedral, with magnificent views of the...

  • Torreón of Ayoó de Vidriales
  • Tower del Caracol
  • Walls of Zamora

Castile-La Mancha
Castile-La Mancha
Castile-La Mancha is an autonomous community of Spain. Castile-La Mancha is bordered by Castile and León, Madrid, Aragon, Valencia, Murcia, Andalusia, and Extremadura. It is one of the most sparsely populated of Spain's autonomous communities...


  • Castle of Caudete
  • Castle of Chinchilla de Montearagón
  • Castle of Almansa
    Castle of Almansa
    The Castle of Almansa is a castle located in Almansa, Spain. It was declared Bien de Interés Cultural in 1921....

  • Castle of Sierra
  • Castle of Montealegre del Castillo
  • Castle of Peñas de San Pedro
  • Castle of Munera
  • Castle of Alcaraz
  • Castle of Alcalá del Júcar
  • Castle of La Encomienda
  • Castle of Tobarra
  • Castle of Yeste
  • Castle of Cotillas
  • Castle of Ves
  • Castle of Llano de la Torre
  • Castle of Taibilla
  • Castle of Bienservida
  • Castle of Rochafrida
  • Castle of Vegallera
  • Old castle of Carcelén

Ciudad Real 

  • Castle of Alarcos
  • Castle of Alhambra (Ciudad Real)
  • Castle of Calatrava la Vieja
    Calatrava la Vieja
    Calatrava la Vieja is a medieval site and original nucleus of the Order of Calatrava. It is now part of the Archaeological Parks of the Community of Castile-La Mancha. Situated at Carrión de Calatrava, Calatrava during the High Middle Ages was the only important city in the Guadiana River valley...

  • Castle-Convent of Calatrava la Nueva
    Calatrava la Nueva
    Calatrava la Nueva is a medieval castle and convent found on the peak of Alacranejo, within the municipality of Aldea del Rey, near Almagro, in the province of Ciudad Real, Spain....

  • Castle of Caracuel
  • Castle of Doña Berenguela
  • Castle of la Estrella
  • Castle of Miraflores (Piedrabuena)
  • Castle of Montizón
  • Castle of Pilas Bonas
  • Castle of Peñarroya
  • Castle of Salvatierra (Ciudad Real)
  • Tower of Terrinches or Castle of Terrinches


  • Castle of Cuenca, (Cuenca
    Cuenca, Spain
    -History:When the Iberian peninsula was part of the Roman Empire there were several important settlements in the province, such as Segóbriga, Ercávica and Gran Valeria...

  • Castle of Alarcón
  • Castle of Belmonte
  • Castle of Garcimuñoz
    Castillo de Garcimuñoz
    Castillo de Garcimuñoz is a municipality in Cuenca, Castile-La Mancha, Spain. It has a population of 209....

  • Castle of Huete, Alcazaba of Wabda or Castle of Luna
  • Castle of Puebla de Almenara - (Puebla de Almenara
    Puebla de Almenara
    Puebla de Almenara is a municipality located in the province of Cuenca, Castile-La Mancha, Spain. According to the 2009 census , the municipality has a population of 474 inhabitants....

  • Castle of Haro (Villaescusa de Haro
    Villaescusa de Haro
    Villaescusa de Haro is a municipality located in the province of Cuenca, Castile-La Mancha, Spain. According to the 2004 census , the municipality has a population of 585 inhabitants....

  • Castle of Moya (Moya
    Moya, Cuenca
    Moya is a municipality in Cuenca, Castile-La Mancha, Spain. It has a population of 194 ....

  • Castle of Rochafrida Beteta
    Beteta is a municipality in Cuenca, Castile-La Mancha, Spain. It has a population of 444....

  • Castle del Cañavate, (El Cañavate
    El Cañavate
    El Cañavate is a municipality in Cuenca, Castile-La Mancha, Spain. It has a population of 238....

  • Castle of Santiago de la Torre, (San Clemente)
  • Castle of Paracuellos, (Paracuellos)
  • Castle of Uclés, (Uclés
    Uclés is a municipality located in the province of Cuenca, Castile-La Mancha, Spain. According to the 2004 census , the municipality has a population of 287 inhabitants....

  • Castle of Montalbo, (Montalbo)
  • Castle of La Hinojosa, (La Hinojosa
    La Hinojosa
    La Hinojosa is a municipality in Cuenca, Castile-La Mancha, Spain. It has a population of 318....

  • Castle of Rus, (San Clemente)
  • Castle of Minglanilla, (Minglanilla
    Minglanilla, Spain
    Minglanilla is a municipality located in the province of Cuenca, Castile-La Mancha, Spain. According to the 2006 census , the municipality has a population of 2,532 inhabitants....

  • Castle of Iniesta, (Iniesta
    Iniesta, Cuenca
    Iniesta is a municipality located in the province of Cuenca, Castile-La Mancha, Spain. According to the 2009 census , the municipality has a population of 4,685 inhabitants.-External links:*...

  • Castle of Zafra de Záncara, (Zafra de Záncara
    Zafra de Záncara
    Zafra de Záncara is a municipality in Cuenca, Castile-La Mancha, Spain. It has a population of 190....

  • Castle of Huélamo, (Huélamo
    Huélamo is a municipality in Cuenca, Castile-La Mancha, Spain. It has a population of 124....

  • Castle of Cañete, (Cañete
    Cañete, Cuenca
    Cañete is a municipality in the Cuenca Province, Castile-La Mancha, Spain. It has a population of 947.It is home to a Moorish-origin castle, and of a line of walls with a gate from the same age....

  • Tower Mangana, (Cuenca
    Cuenca, Spain
    -History:When the Iberian peninsula was part of the Roman Empire there were several important settlements in the province, such as Segóbriga, Ercávica and Gran Valeria...

  • Tower of the Moor, (Honrubia
    Honrubia is a municipality in Cuenca, Castile-La Mancha, Spain. It has a population of 2,000....

  • Old Tower, (San Clemente)
  • Tower of Ranera, (Talayuelas
    Talayuelas is a municipality located in the province of Cuenca, Castile-La Mancha, Spain. According to the 2004 census , the municipality has a population of 1,144 inhabitants....



  • Alcázar Real de Guadalajara
  • Alcazaba of Zorita, in Zorita de los Canes
    Zorita de los Canes
    Zorita de los Canes is a municipality located in the province of Guadalajara, Castile-La Mancha, Spain. According to the 2004 census , the municipality has a population of 98 inhabitants....

  • Castle of Albalate de Tajuña, in the municipality of Luzaga
    Luzaga is a village and municipality in the province of Guadalajara, Spain, part of the autonomous community of Castile-La Mancha. Luzaga's Bronze, the most significant known example of Celtiberian script, was found here.-External links:*...

  • Castle of Albaráñez, near to Salmerón
    Salmerón is a municipality located in the province of Guadalajara, Castile-La Mancha, Spain. According to the 2004 census , the municipality has a population of 220 inhabitants....

  • Castle of Alcocer
  • Castle of Alcorlo, Castle del Corlo or Castle del Congosto, in San Andrés del Congosto
    San Andrés del Congosto
    San Andrés del Congosto is a municipality located in the province of Guadalajara, Castile-La Mancha, Spain. According to the 2004 census , the municipality has a population of 79 inhabitants....

  • Castle of Algar de Mesa
  • Castle of Alhóndiga
  • Castle of Almalaff, near to Hortezuela de Océn
    Hortezuela de Océn
    Hortezuela de Océn is a municipality located in the province of Guadalajara, Castile-La Mancha, Spain. According to the 2004 census , the municipality has a population of 78 inhabitants....

  • Castle of Almoguera
  • Castle of Alpetea, in the municipality of Villar de Cobeta
  • Castle of Anguix
  • Castle of Aragosa
  • Castle of Arbeteta
  • Castle of Atienza
  • Castle of Baides
  • Castle of Bembibre, in Castilmimbre
  • Castle of Berninches
  • Castle of Canales del Ducado
  • Castle of Casasana
  • Castle of Castejón de Henares
  • Castle of Castilforte
  • Castle of Castilnuevo
  • Castle of Cobeta
  • Castle of Codes
  • Castle of the Count Don Julián, in the municipality of Taravilla
    Taravilla is a municipality located in the province of Guadalajara, Castile-La Mancha, Spain. According to the 2004 census , the municipality has a population of 65 inhabitants....

  • Castle of Cogolludo
  • Castle del Cuadrón or Castle of Santa Ana, in Auñón
    Auñón is a municipality located in the province of Guadalajara, Castile-La Mancha, Spain. According to the 2004 census , the municipality has a population of 254 inhabitants....

  • Castle of Cuevas Minadas
  • Castle of Diempures, in Cantalojas
    Cantalojas is a municipality located in the province of Guadalajara, Castile-La Mancha, Spain. According to the 2004 census , the municipality has a population of 144 inhabitants....

  • Castle of Don Juan Manuel, in Cifuentes
    Cifuentes, Guadalajara
    Cifuentes is a municipality located in the province of Guadalajara, Spain. According to the 2007 census , the municipality has a population of 2,044 inhabitants....

  • Castle of Doña Urraca or Castle of Molinán, in Beleña de Sorbe
  • Castle of Durón
  • Castle of Embid
  • Castle of Escamilla
  • Castle of Escopete
  • Castle of Espinosa de Henares or El Palacio
  • Castle of Establés or Castle of the Bad Shadow
  • Castle of Fuentelencina and Tower of the Moor Cantana
  • Castle of la Fandiña, in the municipality of Taravilla
    Taravilla is a municipality located in the province of Guadalajara, Castile-La Mancha, Spain. According to the 2004 census , the municipality has a population of 65 inhabitants....

  • Castle of Fuentelsaz
  • Castle of Fuentelviejo
  • Castle of Fuentes, in Fuentes de la Alcarria
  • Castle of los Funes, in Villel de Mesa
    Villel de Mesa
    Villel de Mesa is a municipality in the province of Guadalajara, in the autonomous community of Castile-La Mancha, Spain.With a permanent population of 249, Villel de Mesa is the main village of the Mesa Valley in the province of Guadalajara. The other villages belonging to Guadalajara in the...

  • Castle of Galve de Sorbe or Castle of the Zúñiga
  • Castle of Guijosa
  • Old castle of Guijosa
  • Castle of Guisema, in the municipality of Tortuera
    Tortuera is a municipality located in the province of Guadalajara, Castile-La Mancha, Spain. According to the 2004 census , the municipality has a population of 226 inhabitants....

  • Castle of Hita
  • Castle of Hueva
  • Castle of Inesque, between Angón
    Angón is a municipality located in the province of Guadalajara, Castile-La Mancha, Spain. According to the 2004 census , the municipality has a population of 35 inhabitants....

     and Pálmaces de Jadraque
    Pálmaces de Jadraque
    Pálmaces de Jadraque is a municipality located in the province of Guadalajara, Castile-La Mancha, Spain. According to the 2004 census , the municipality has a population of 65 inhabitants....

    , in the municipality of Atienza
    Atienza is a municipality located in the province of Guadalajara, Spain. According to the 2006 census , the municipality has a population of 437 inhabitants.There were ancient Celtiberian settlements in the Cerro del Padrastro.- Geology :...

  • Castle of Jadraque
    Castle of Jadraque
    The Castle of Jadraque is a castle in the municipality of Jadraque, Castile-La Mancha, Spain. It sits on a hill commanding the plain of the Henares river. It is sometimes called "Castle of Cid" as it is mentioned in the poem Cantar del Mio Cid.Built in ashlar stone, it has a rectangular shape with...

     or Castle of the Cid
    Castle of Jadraque
    The Castle of Jadraque is a castle in the municipality of Jadraque, Castile-La Mancha, Spain. It sits on a hill commanding the plain of the Henares river. It is sometimes called "Castle of Cid" as it is mentioned in the poem Cantar del Mio Cid.Built in ashlar stone, it has a rectangular shape with...

  • Castle of Labros
  • Castle of La Yunta
  • Castle of Loranca de Tajuña
  • Castle of Mandayona
  • Castle of Mayrena, in Horche
    Horche is a municipality located in the province of Guadalajara, Castile-La Mancha, Spain. According to the 2004 census , the municipality has a population of 1,775 inhabitants....

  • Castle of Mesa, in the municipality of Villel de Mesa
    Villel de Mesa
    Villel de Mesa is a municipality in the province of Guadalajara, in the autonomous community of Castile-La Mancha, Spain.With a permanent population of 249, Villel de Mesa is the main village of the Mesa Valley in the province of Guadalajara. The other villages belonging to Guadalajara in the...

  • Castle of Miedes de Atienza
  • Castle of Milmarcos
  • Castle of Mochales
  • Castle of Molina de Aragón
    Castle of Molina de Aragón
    The Castle of Molina de Aragón is a fortification in Molina de Aragón, Castile-La Mancha, Spain.It is located on a hill commanding the surrounding valley, and is formed by an external line of walls with four gates and numerous towers, which defends the internal fortress. The latter has six...

     or Fortress of Molina de los Caballeros
    Castle of Molina de Aragón
    The Castle of Molina de Aragón is a fortification in Molina de Aragón, Castile-La Mancha, Spain.It is located on a hill commanding the surrounding valley, and is formed by an external line of walls with four gates and numerous towers, which defends the internal fortress. The latter has six...

  • Castle of Mondéjar
  • Castle of Montarrón
  • Castle of the Moor, en Terzaga
    Terzaga is a municipality located in the province of Guadalajara, Castile-La Mancha, Spain. According to the 2004 census , the municipality has a population of 28 inhabitants....

  • Castle of the Moors (Luzón), near to Luzón
    Luzon is the largest island in the Philippines. It is located in the northernmost region of the archipelago, and is also the name for one of the three primary island groups in the country centered on the Island of Luzon...

  • Castle of the Moors (Tierzo), in Tierzo
    Tierzo is a municipality located in the province of Guadalajara, Castile-La Mancha, Spain. According to the 2004 census , the municipality has a population of 52 inhabitants....

  • Castle of Motos
  • Castle of Muduex
  • Castle of Murel de Tajo or Castle of Santa María de Murel, between Morillejo and Carrascosa de Tajo
  • Castle of Ocentejo
  • Castle of Orea
  • Castle of Palazuelos
  • Castle of Pareja
  • Castle of Pelegrina
  • Castle of Peña Bermeja, in Brihuega
    Brihuega is a municipality located in the province of Guadalajara, Spain. According to the 2007 census , the municipality has a population of 2,835 inhabitants....

  • Castle of Peñahora, near to Humanes
    Humanes is a municipality of Spain in the province of Guadalajara, an autonomous community of Castilla-La Mancha, with an area of 48.98 km² , population of 1,272 , and a density of 26.51 people/km² ....

  • Castle of Peñalén
  • Castle of Peñalver
  • Castle of las Peñas Alkalathem or Castle of las Peñas Alcalatenas, between Trillo
    Trillo, Guadalajara
    Trillo is a municipality located in the province of Guadalajara, Spain. According to the 2007 census , the municipality has a population of 1,371 inhabitants....

     and Viana de Mondéjar, on one of the Tetas de Viana
  • Pesebrico del Cid, Castle of Álvaro Yáñez or Castle of Barafáñez, near to Romanones
    Romanones is a municipality located in the province of Guadalajara, Castile-La Mancha, Spain. According to the 2004 census , the municipality has a population of 127 inhabitants....

  • Castle of Pioz
  • Castle of Rocha Frida, in the municipality of Atanzón
    Atanzón is a municipality located in the province of Guadalajara, Castile-La Mancha, Spain. According to the 2004 census , the municipality has a population of 105 inhabitants....

  • Castle of Rueda de la Sierra
  • Castle of Saceda, near to Peralejos de las Truchas
    Peralejos de las Truchas
    Peralejos de las Truchas is a municipality located in the province of Guadalajara, Castile-La Mancha, Spain. According to the 2004 census , the municipality has a population of 169 inhabitants....

  • Castle of Salmerón
  • Castle of Santiuste, near to Corduente
    Corduente is a municipality located in the province of Guadalajara, Castile-La Mancha, Spain. According to the 2004 census , the municipality has a population of 430 inhabitants....

  • Castle of Sigüenza
  • Castle of Riba de Santiuste
  • Castle of Tamajón
  • Castle of Tendilla
  • Castle of Trillo
  • Castle of Torija
  • Castle of Torresaviñán, Castle of San Juan (La Torresaviñán) or Castle of la Luna, in La Torresaviñán
  • Castle of Trijueque
  • Castle of Uceda
  • Castle of Valfermoso de Tajuña
  • Castle of Valtablado del Río
  • Castle of Vállaga, in the municipality of Illana
    Illana is a town and municipality in the province of Guadalajara, Spain, part of the autonomous community of Castile-La Mancha. It belongs to the natural region of La Alcarria.-External links :* *...

  • Castle of Viana de Mondéjar
  • Castle of Yunquera de Henares
  • Castle of Zafra (Guadalajara), near to Campillo de Dueñas
    Campillo de Dueñas
    Campillo de Dueñas is a municipality located in the province of Guadalajara, Castile-La Mancha, Spain, near the source of the river Piedra. According to the 2004 census , the municipality has a population of 111 inhabitants....

  • Fortress of Alcolea de Torote, between Torrejón del Rey
    Torrejón del Rey
    Torrejón del Rey is a municipality located in the province of Guadalajara, Castile-La Mancha, Spain. According to the 2004 census , the municipality has a population of 2,341 inhabitants....

     and Galápagos
    Galápagos, Guadalajara
    Galápagos is a municipality located in the province of Guadalajara, Spain. Its Postal Code is 19174.-External links:*...

  • Fortress of Las Inviernas
  • Fortress of Otilla
  • Fortress of Torrecuadrada de los Valles
  • Fortress of Torrecuadrada de Molina
  • Fort fusilier of San Francisco, in Guadalajara
    Guadalajara, Spain
    Guadalajara is a city and municipality in the autonomous community of Castile-La Mancha, Spain, and in the natural region of La Alcarria. It is the capital of the province of Guadalajara. It is located roughly 60 km northeast of Madrid on the Henares River, and has a population of 83,789...

  • Atalaya of los Casares, in the municipality of Riba de Saelices
    Riba de Saelices
    Riba de Saelices is a municipality located in the province of Guadalajara, Castile-La Mancha, Spain. According to the 2004 census , the municipality has a population of 168 inhabitants....

  • Atalaya of San Marcos (Centenera de Suso), in the municipality of Atanzón
    Atanzón is a municipality located in the province of Guadalajara, Castile-La Mancha, Spain. According to the 2004 census , the municipality has a population of 105 inhabitants....

  • Tower of Séñigo, near to Sigüenza
    Sigüenza is a city in the province of Guadalajara in Spain.-History:The site of the ancient Segontia of the Celtiberian Arevaci, now called Villavieja , is half a league distant from the present Sigüenza...

  • Tower of Aragón, in Molina de Aragón
    Molina de Aragón
    Molina de Aragón is a municipality located in the province of Guadalajara, Castile-La Mancha, Spain. According to the 2009 census , the municipality has a population of 3,671 inhabitants...

  • Tower of Chilluentes, in the municipality of Tartanedo
    Tartanedo is a municipality located in the province of Guadalajara, Castile-La Mancha, Spain. According to the 2004 census , the municipality has a population of 174 inhabitants....

  • Tower of Doña Blanca (Taravilla), in the municipality of Taravilla
    Taravilla is a municipality located in the province of Guadalajara, Castile-La Mancha, Spain. According to the 2004 census , the municipality has a population of 65 inhabitants....

  • Tower of la Almofala
  • Fort-House of La Bujeda, between Traíd
    Traíd is a municipality located in the province of Guadalajara, Castile-La Mancha, Spain. According to the 2004 census , the municipality has a population of 62 inhabitants....

     and Otilla
  • Fort-House of Setiles
  • Fort-House of la Vega de Arias, near to Tierzo
    Tierzo is a municipality located in the province of Guadalajara, Castile-La Mancha, Spain. According to the 2004 census , the municipality has a population of 52 inhabitants....

  • Casilla de los Moros, in Membrillera
    Membrillera is a municipality located in the province of Guadalajara, Castile-La Mancha, Spain. According to the 2004 census , the municipality has a population of 113 inhabitants....


  • Alcázar of Toledo
    Alcázar of Toledo
    The Alcázar of Toledo is a stone fortification located in the highest part of Toledo, Spain. Once used as a Roman palace in the 3rd century, it was restored under Charles I and Philip II of Spain in the 1540's...

  • Castle of Alamín
  • Castle of Consuegra
  • Castle of Villalba
  • Castle of San Servando
    Castillo de San Servando
    The Castillo de San Servando is a medieval castle in Toledo, Spain, next the Tagus River. It was begun as a monastery in 1088, three years after the city was conquered by the Christian army of Alfonso VI of Castile. Later it was converted into a fortress to protect the puente de Alcántara against...

  • Castle of Montalbán
  • Castle of Olmos
  • Castle of Guadamur
  • Castle of Oropesa
  • Castle of Malpica de Tajo
  • Castle of Mascaraque
  • Castle of la Vela
  • Castle of Almonacid
  • Castle of Peñas Negras
  • Castle of Cuerva
  • Castle of Barcience
  • Castle of Malamoneda
  • Castle of Orgaz
  • Castle of Dos Hermanas
  • Castle of Oreja
  • Castle of Guadalerzas
  • Castle of Peñaflor
  • Castle of San Silvestre
  • Castle of Casarrubios del Monte
  • Castle of San Vicente
  • Castle of Monreal
  • Castle of Gálvez
  • Castle-palace of Escalona
  • Walls and towers albarranas (Talavera de la Reina)


  • Castle of Burriac
  • Castle of Cardona
    Castle of Cardona
    The Castle of Cardona is arguably the most important medieval fortress in the Principality of Catalonia. It is situated on a hill overlooking the river valley of the Cardener and the town of Cardona....

  • Castle of Claramunt
  • Castle of Dosrius
    Dosrius Castle
    The Dosrius Castle is a castle situated atop a hill, some 246 m above sea level, to the north of Dosrius, in Maresme. Now only ruins, it was first documented in 1114, and is a contemporary of other castles in the area, notably Burriac Castle. Until the beginning of the 15th century it belonged to...

  • Castle of Montjuic
  • Castle of Orís
  • Castle of Santa Florentina
  • Castle of Tagamanent
  • Castle charterhouse of Vallparadís
  • Castle of Castellbell
  • Castellciuró
  • Castle of Centelles
  • Castle of Cervelló
  • Castle of Cornellà
  • Castle d'Eramprunyà
  • Castle of Gallifa
    Castle of Gallifa
    The Castle of Gallifa is found on the plain that accommodates Gallifa, a small village of Catalonia. It is a small fortification that was the historical and jurisdictional center of the village in the Middle Ages.-Description:...

  • Castle of la Roca del Vallès
  • Castle of Mogoda
  • Castle of Palafolls
  • Castle of Pallejà
  • Castle of Plegamans
  • Castle of la Pobla de Lillet
  • Castle of Castellcir
  • Castle of Rajadell
  • Castle of Rubí
  • Castle of Taradell
  • Castle of Bell-lloc
  • Castle of Montesquiu
  • Castle of Montpalau
  • Castle of Montbui (Bigues)
  • Castle of Vilassar
  • Castle of Granera
  • Castle of Penya del Moro
  • Tower Vermella
  • Castle of the Camp de la Bota


  • Castle of Miravet
  • Castle of the Count Sicart
  • Castle of Tamarit
  • Castle of Montclar (Pontils)
  • Castle of Torredembarra
  • Castle of Castellet
  • Castle of Rocamora
  • Monastery of Sant Miquel d'Escornalbou
  • Torre Vella de Salou
  • Tower d'en Dolça
  • Walls of Montblanc
  • Walls of Tarragona


  • Vila Vella enceinte of Tossa de Mar
    Tossa de Mar
    Tossa de Mar is a municipality in Catalonia, Spain, located on the Costa Brava, about 103 kilometres north of Barcelona and 100 kilometres south of the French border...

  • Castle of Montsoriu
  • Castle of Peralada
    Peralada Castle
    thumb|250px|Peralada CastlePeralada Castle is a castle in Peralada, Catalonia, Spain.A first castle was the seat of the medieval dynasty of the viscounts of Peralada, started by Berenguer, son of Ponce I, count of Empúries...

  • Castle of la Tallada (Ampurdán)
  • Castle of Sant Joan de Blanes
  • Castle of Requesens
    Requesens Castle
    Requesens Castle is a historical building in the municipality of la Jonquera, Catalonia, Spain.The edifice is characterized by a triple line of walls, with square and rounded towers, portals and merlons...

  • Castle of Palau-sator
  • Castle of Bufalaranya
  • Castell de Cabrera (Alt Empordà)
  • Castle d'Espolla
  • Castle of Llagostera
  • Castle of Púbol
    Castle of Púbol
    The Castle of Púbol is located in Púbol, in the comarca of Baix Empordà, Girona, Catalonia. It was the home to surrealist painter Salvador Dalí and his wife Gala .Dalí bought the castle in 1969...

  • Castle of Quermançó
    Quermançó Castle
    The Quermançó Castle is located about 2km north of Vilajuïga situated on top of a remote hill and directly accessible only on foot from a small road that turns off from the N-260....

  • Castle of Rocabertí
  • Castle of Rupià
  • Castle of Sant Ferran
  • Castle of Verdera
  • Castle of Vulpellac
  • Castle d'Albons
  • Castle of Llívia
  • Castle of the Montgrí
    Montgrí Castle
    The Montgrí Castle is a historical edifice in Torroella de Montgrí, Catalonia, Spain, built between 1294 and 1301. Its reason to be was the existing conflict between the counts of Empúries - who ruled over most of the area around the town - and the counts of Barcelona, the most powerful of...

  • Castle of Farners
  • Castle of Verges
  • Castle-palace of la Bisbal


  • Castle and village of Talarn
  • Alcazaba of Lleida (Suda de Lleida)
  • Castle of Maldà
  • Castle of Besora
    Besora Castle
    Besora Castle is a castle located in the Vall de Lord, in the municipality of Santa Maria de Besora, between Navès and the Serra de Busa, in the comarca of Solsonès in the province of Lleida, Catalonia, Spain....

  • Castle of Gardeny
  • Castle of Montsonis
  • Castle of la Tallada (Segarra)
  • Castle d'Albatàrrec
  • Castle of Basturs
  • Castle of Benavent de la Conca
  • Castle of Biscarri
  • Castle of Castellnou d'Ossó
  • Castle of Castelló de Farfanya
  • Castle d'Abella de la Conca
  • Castle d'Escarlà
  • Castell d'Espills
  • Castle of Llordá
  • Castle of Sant Miquel de la Vall
  • Castle of Sarroca de Bellera
  • Castle of Serradell
  • Castle of Toralla
  • Castle of Ciutadilla
  • Castle of Concabella
  • Castle d'Enfesta
  • Castle of Gurp
  • Castle of Llimiana
  • Castle of Madrona
  • Castle of Sant Marçal
  • Castle of Mur
  • Castle de la Pedra
  • Castle of Sallent (Pinell de Solsonès)
  • Castle of Sanaüja
  • Castle of Sapeira
  • Castle of les Sitges
  • Castle of Toló
  • Castle of Pallars
  • Castle of Verdú
  • Castle d'Eroles
  • Castle of Miralles
  • Castle d'Orrit
  • Castle of Ratera
  • Castle of Ciutat
  • Castle of Puigcercós
  • Castle of the Remei
  • Castle of Santa Engràcia
  • Castle of Vilamitjana
  • Castle of Viuet
  • Atalaya of the Castle of Guimerà


  • Alcázar of Alcántara
  • Alcázar of Galisteo
  • Alcázar of Plasencia
  • Castle of Floripes
  • Castle of Almaraz
  • Castle of las Arguijuelas de Abajo
  • Castle of las Arguijuelas de Arriba
  • Castle of Arroyo de la Luz
  • Castle of Belvís de Monroy
  • Castle of Bernardo
  • Castle of Brozas
  • Castle of Cabañas del Castillo
  • Castle of Cañamero
  • Castle of Coria
  • Castle of Eljas
  • Castle of Granadilla
  • Castle of Grimaldo
  • Castle of Mayoralgo
  • Castle of los Mogollones
  • Castle of Mohedanos
  • Castle of Monfragüe
  • Castle of Monroy
  • Castle of Montánchez
  • Castle of la Peña del Acero
  • Castle of Peñafiel (Zarza la Mayor)
  • Castle of los Pizarro (Segura de la Sierra)
  • Castle of Portezuelo
  • Castle of Salor
  • Castle of Salvaleón
  • Castle of Santibáñez el Alto
  • Castle of las Seguras
  • Castle of Torremenga
  • Castle of Trevejo
  • Castle of Trujillo
  • Castle of Valverde de la Vera
  • Castle of Viandar de la Vera
  • Castle Palace of the Counts of Oropesa or Castle of Jarandilla
  • Palace of Sotofermoso
  • Fortress of Aldea del Cano
  • Tower of Bujaco
  • Almenara of Gata
  • Walls of Plasencia


  • Alcazaba of Badajoz
    Alcazaba of Badajoz
    The Alcazaba of Badajoz is an ancient Moorish citadel in Badajoz, Extremadura, western Spain. The alcazaba as it now appears was built by the Almohads in the 12th century, although it probably existed from the 9th century, when Badajoz was founded...

  • Alcazaba of Mérida
  • Alcazaba of Reina
  • Castle of Alange
  • Castle of Alburquerque
  • Castle of Alconchel
  • Castle of Fregenal de la Sierra
  • Castle of Almorchón
  • Castle of Azuaga
  • Castle of Benquerencia de la Serena
  • Castle of Burguillos del Cerro
  • Castle of Capilla
  • Castle of La Codosera
  • Castle of la Encomienda
  • Castle of Feria
  • Castle of Fuente del Maestre
  • Templar Castle of Fregenal de la Sierra
  • Castle of Herrera del Duque
  • Castle of Higuera de Vargas
  • Castle of Hornachos
  • Castle of Jerez de los Caballeros
  • Castle of Luna
  • Castle of Magacela
  • Castle of Mayorga
  • Castle of Medellín
  • Castle of Montemolín
  • Castle of Olivença
  • Castle of Puebla de Alcocer
  • Castle of Nogales
  • Castle of Piedrabuenap
  • Castle of Salvaleón
  • Castle of Salvatierra de los Barros
  • Castle of Segura de León
  • Castle of the Towers
  • Castle of Villagarcía de la Torre
  • Castle of la Vaguada
  • Castle of Zafra (Badajoz)
  • Castle of Zalamea de la Serena


A Coruña 

  • Castle of Naraío, (San Sadurniño
    San Sadurniño
    San Sadurniño is a municipality in the province of A Coruña, Galicia, north-western Spain. It is located in the valley of the Rio Grande de Xuvia. Sights include the ruins of the Naraío Castle and the Palaces of the marquises of San Sadurniño.-External links:...

  • Castle of Andrade or Fortress da Nogueirosa, (Pontedeume
    Pontedeume is a municipality in the province of A Coruña, Galicia, north-western Spain.- Industry :Farming and services are the main economic activities, though from the late 1950s and particularly from the mid 1970s Pontedeume has developed into a coastal resort.- Parishes :Pontedeume is divided...

  • Castle da Lúa, (Rianxo
    Rianxo is a port town in Galicia, Spain, in the Province of A Coruña. It has a population of a little over 11,000 and its two main industries are fishing and tourism. The town's yearly celebration of Our Lady of Guadalupe is popular with tourists. Rianxo was the birthplace of several influential...

  • Castle da Rocha Forte, (Santiago de Compostela
    Santiago de Compostela
    Santiago de Compostela is the capital of the autonomous community of Galicia, Spain.The city's Cathedral is the destination today, as it has been throughout history, of the important 9th century medieval pilgrimage route, the Way of St. James...

  • Castle da Rocha Branca, (Padrón
    Padrón is a concello in the Province of A Coruña, in Galicia within the comarca of O Sar. It covers an area of 48.4 km², is 95 km from A Coruña and, , had a population of 8968 according to the INE....

  • Castle of Fruzo, (Arzúa
    Arzúa is a municipality of Spain in the Province of A Coruña, in the autonomous community of Galicia. It has an area of 155.89 km², a population of 6,632 , and a population density of 42.54 people/km²-Demographics:...

  • Castle of Mesía, (Mesía
    Mesía is a municipality in the Spanish province of A Coruña. It has a population of 3296 and an area of 107 km²....

  • Castle of San Carlos (Finisterre)
  • Castle da Palma
  • Castle of Moeche
  • Castle of Vimianzo, (Vimianzo
    Vimianzo is a municipality of Spain in the Province of A Coruña, in the autonomous community of Galicia....

  • Castle of Cardenal, (Corcubión
    Corcubión or Corcubiom in the AGAL ortógraphy of galician language, is a municipality of Spain in the Province of A Coruña, in the autonomous community of Galicia.The local government of this municipality was the first public institution to officially use the AGAL norm of the galician language...

  • Castle of Casón, (Ortigueira
    Ortigueira is a seaport and municipality in the Province of A Coruña, Galicia, Spain; it is located on the northern slope of the Serra da Faladoira, the river Mera and on the eastern shore of the Ria de Santa Marta—a winding, rock-bound and much indented inlet of the Bay of Biscay, between Capes...

  • Castle do Pico Sacro, (Boqueixón
    Boqueixón is a municipality of Spain in the Province of A Coruña, in the autonomous community of Galicia....

  • Castle do Príncipe, (Cee
    Cee, Galicia
    Cee is a municipality of Spain in the Province of A Coruña, in the autonomous community of Galicia.-External links:*...

  • Castle do Soberano, (Camariñas
    Camariñas is a municipality in the province of A Coruña, autonomous community of Galicia, Spain. An important fishing center, it is renowned all over Spain by the bobbin lace work of its women ....

  • Castle of Santo Antón
  • Castle of San Felipe (Ferrol)
  • Fortress da Mota de Ois, (Coirós
    Coirós is a municipality of Spain in the Province of A Coruña, in the autonomous community of Galicia....

  • Fort of Santa Cruz, (Oleiros)
  • Torreón dos Andrade, (Pontedeume
    Pontedeume is a municipality in the province of A Coruña, Galicia, north-western Spain.- Industry :Farming and services are the main economic activities, though from the late 1950s and particularly from the mid 1970s Pontedeume has developed into a coastal resort.- Parishes :Pontedeume is divided...

  • Towers of Altamira, (Brión
    Brión is a municipality of Spain in the Province of A Coruña, in the autonomous community of Galicia. It has an area of , and a population of 7,347 inhabitants .-References:...

  • Towers of Mens, (Malpica de Bergantiños
    Malpica de Bergantiños
    Malpica de Bergantiños is a municipality of Spain in the Province of A Coruña, in the autonomous community of Galicia....

  • Towers do Allo, (Zas
    Zas is a municipality of Spain in the Province of A Coruña, in the autonomous community of Galicia.-ZAS Trademark:ZAS is the registered trademark of Zen Automotive Suppliers Pty Ltd, Australia. Registered trademark number 1308358.-External links:**...

  • Tower of Penela, (Cabana de Bergantiños
    Cabana de Bergantiños
    Cabana de Bergantiños is a municipality of Spain in the Province of A Coruña, in the autonomous community of Galicia....

  • Tower of Celas de Peiro, (Culleredo
    Culleredo is a municipality of Spain in the Province of A Coruña, in the autonomous community of Galicia.Culleredo is placed in the outskirts of A Coruña and its population in mainly formed of commuters....

  • Tower of Cillobre, (A Laracha
    A Laracha
    A Laracha is a municipality of Spain in the Province of A Coruña, in the autonomous community of Galicia.-External links:*...

  • Tower of Figueroa, (Abegondo
    Abegondo is a municipality of Spain in the Province of A Coruña, in the autonomous community of Galicia. It has an area of 83.72 km² , a population of 5,732 and a population density of 68.47 people/km² ....

  • Tower of Hércules
    Tower of Hercules
    The Tower of Hercules is an ancient Roman lighthouse on a peninsula about from the centre of A Coruña, Galicia, in north-western Spain. Until the 20th century, the tower itself was known as the "Farum Brigantium". The Latin word farum is derived from the Greek pharos for the Lighthouse of...

    , (A Coruña)
  • Tower of Lama, (Mañón
    Mañón, also registered in the past as Maañón , is a city council of Ferrolterra in North-western Spain in the Province of A Coruña, in the autonomous community of Galicia...

  • Tower of Nogueira, (Coristanco
    Coristanco is a municipality of Spain in the Province of A Coruña, in the autonomous community of Galicia....

  • Tower of Orseño, (Porto do Son
    Porto do Son
    Porto do Son is a municipality of Spain in the Province of A Coruña, in the autonomous community of Galicia. Porto do Son is in fact a collection of coastal towns and villages in the “ria de Muros e Noia” and as such is not just a town itself, but a municipality encompassing other towns including...

  • Tower of Xunqueiras, (A Pobra do Caramiñal
    A Pobra do Caramiñal
    A Pobra do Caramiñal is a town at the entrance of one of the lower bays of the Galician coastline known as the "Ria de Arousa" in the Province of A Coruña. It is the next stop out of the ria after Boiro and is famous for its unusual festival procession in September...

  • Tower do Concello, (Betanzos
    Betanzos is a municipality in Galicia, Spain, in the Province of A Coruña. In Roman times Betanzos was called Carunium or Brigantium. During the Medieval period the settlement was known as Carunio....

  • Tower pazo de Vilardefrancos, (Carballo
    Carballo is a municipality of Spain in the Province of A Coruña, in the autonomous community of Galicia.The seafood company Calvo is headquartered here....

  • Tower of Goiáns, (Boiro
    Boiro is a municipality of Spain in the Province of A Coruña, in the autonomous community of Galicia.It is perhaps best known as the small town where famous quadriplegic Ramón Sampedro received euthanasia...

  • Walls of Santiago de Compostela


  • Castle da Frouseira, (Foz)
  • Castle da Mota (Guntín), (Guntín
    Guntin is a municipality in Lugo province in Galicia in north-west Spain....

  • Castle da Pobra de Parga, (Guitiriz
    Guitiriz is a City Council famous for its first class Spa of Mineral Water in the Terra Chá Region, Province of Lugo in North-western Spain.- Parishes :# Becín# Buriz# Labrada# Lagostelle# Mariz# As Negradas# Parga...

  • Castle of Amarante, (Antas de Ulla
    Antas de Ulla
    Antas de Ulla , is a municipality in the province of Lugo, Galicia, Spain....

  • Castle of Arcos, (Chantada
    Chantada, is a municipality in the province of Lugo, Galicia, Spain....

  • Castle of Burón, (A Fonsagrada
    A Fonsagrada
    A Fonsagrada is a town and municipality in the province of Lugo in the autonomous community of Galicia in north-west Spain which is 25 miles east-north-east of Lugo by road. Its population in 2004 was 5,007. A Fonsagrada is situated 3166 feet above sea-level on the watershed between the rivers...

  • Castle of Caldaloba, (Cospeito
    Cospeito is a municipality of the Province of Lugo in Galicia. It is situated on the plain of Terra Chá.It is made up by the following villages:*Arcillá *Bestar *Bexán ou Rubiños *Cospeito *Goá...

  • Castle of Carbedo, (O Courel)
  • Castle do Castrodouro, (Alfoz
    Alfoz, is a municipality in the Spanish province of Lugo.- External links :...

  • Castle of Castroverde, (Castroverde
    Castroverde is a municipality in Lugo province, Spain.Castroverde is located in the mid-northeast of the autonomous community of Galicia.Castroverde is very rural area; the main economic activity is milk and meat production. There are also a few rabbit and poultry farms. Rural tourism has some...

  • Castle of Doiras, (Cervantes
    Cervantes, Lugo
    Cervantes is a municipality in the comarca of Os Ancares, in the province of Lugo, Galicia .It had a population of 1,973 in 2005, and has an area of 277 square kilometres. Its highest point is Mustellar , in the Ancares mountains....

  • Castle of Maside, (Pantón
    Pantón is a municipality of northwestern Spain, in the province of Lugo; in a mountainous district, watered by the rivers Miño , Cabe and Sil River. Its population in 2002 was 3,377. Livestock is extensively reared, and large quantities of wheat, wine, oats, and potatoes are produced. The other...

  • Castle of Miraz, (Friol
    Friol is a municipality in Lugo province in Galicia in north-west Spain....

  • Castle of Monforte de Lemos, (Monforte de Lemos
    Monforte de Lemos
    Monforte de Lemos is a city and municipality in northwestern Spain, in the province of Lugo, Galicia. It covers an area of 200 km² and lies 62 km from Lugo. As of 2005 it had a population of 19,472. It is located in a valley between the shores of Sil River and Miño River, in the area...

  • Castle of Navia, (Navia de Suarna
    Navia de Suarna
    Navia de Suarna is a municipality in Lugo province in Galicia in north-west Spain....

  • Castle of Pambre, (Palas de Rei
    Palas de Rei
    Palas de Rei is a town in the province of Lugo, Galicia, north-western Spain.- External links :**...

  • Castle of Penas, (Monterroso
    Monterroso is a municipality in Lugo province in Galicia in north-west Spain.-History:Monterroso was the seat of an important tenencia in medieval Galicia...

  • Castle of Peñaflor, (Riotorto
    - External links :****...

  • Castle of Saavedra, (Begonte
    Begonte, is a municipality in the Spanish province of Lugo....

  • Castle of Sarria, (Sarria
    Sarria is a municipality in the province of Lugo, northwestern Spain, in the autonomous community of Galicia. Sarria is the most densely populate town on the French Way in Galicia, with 13 700 inhabitants...

  • Castle of Sequeiros, (Quiroga
    Quiroga, Galicia
    Quiroga is a municipality in the province of Lugo, part of the autonomous community of Galicia, northwestern Spain....

  • Castle of Torés, (As Nogais
    As Nogais
    - External links :***...

  • Castle of Tovar, (Lourenzá
    Lourenzá is a municipality in Lugo province in Galicia in northwest Spain....

  • Castle of Vilalba, (Vilalba
    Vilalba, is a municipality in Galicia , specifically in the province of Lugo.- Journalistic Tradition :Villalba had during the 20th century a rich journalistic tradition that began in 1902 with the Ideal Villalbés, a newspaper handwritten by the poet and journalist Antonio García Hermida...

  • Castle Tower of Novaes, (Quiroga
    Quiroga, Galicia
    Quiroga is a municipality in the province of Lugo, part of the autonomous community of Galicia, northwestern Spain....

  • Fortress of San Paio de Narla, (Friol
    Friol is a municipality in Lugo province in Galicia in north-west Spain....

  • Fort of San Damián, (Ribadeo
    Ribadeo is a municipality in the Spanish province of Lugo in Galicia. It has a population of 9619 and an area of 106.2 km². It is the capital of the A Mariña Oriental region .- External links:*....

  • Tower Fortress of Friol, (Friol
    Friol is a municipality in Lugo province in Galicia in north-west Spain....

  • Tower da Bastida, (Pantón
    Pantón is a municipality of northwestern Spain, in the province of Lugo; in a mountainous district, watered by the rivers Miño , Cabe and Sil River. Its population in 2002 was 3,377. Livestock is extensively reared, and large quantities of wheat, wine, oats, and potatoes are produced. The other...

  • Tower da Candaira, (O Saviñao
    O Saviñao
    Saviñao is a Concello in the province of Lugo, Galicia belonging to the district of Terra de Lemos...

  • Tower of Doncos, (As Nogais
    As Nogais
    - External links :***...

  • Tower of Gorrete, (Mondoñedo
    Mondoñedo is a small town and municipality in the Galician province of Lugo, Spain. , the town has a population of 4,508. Mondoñedo occupies a sheltered valley among the northern outliers of the Cantabrian Mountains.-History:...

  • Tower of Hospital, (O Incio
    O Incio
    O Incio is a municipality in the province of Lugo in Galicia in north-west Spain.The main attraction is the small church of Hospital, surrounded by oak and chestnut forest in a western orientated narrow valley. It is a very well preserved Romanesque church from the 12th century, in of grey marble...

  • Tower of Marce, (Pantón
    Pantón is a municipality of northwestern Spain, in the province of Lugo; in a mountainous district, watered by the rivers Miño , Cabe and Sil River. Its population in 2002 was 3,377. Livestock is extensively reared, and large quantities of wheat, wine, oats, and potatoes are produced. The other...

  • Tower of Moreda, (Monforte de Lemos
    Monforte de Lemos
    Monforte de Lemos is a city and municipality in northwestern Spain, in the province of Lugo, Galicia. It covers an area of 200 km² and lies 62 km from Lugo. As of 2005 it had a population of 19,472. It is located in a valley between the shores of Sil River and Miño River, in the area...

  • Tower of Quindimil, (Palas de Rei
    Palas de Rei
    Palas de Rei is a town in the province of Lugo, Galicia, north-western Spain.- External links :**...

  • Tower of Sobrada, (Outeiro de Rei
    Outeiro de Rei
    - External links :**Outeiro de Rei page in Portuguese Wikipedia...

  • Tower of Taboada, (Taboada
    Taboada, is a municipality in the Spanish province of Lugo.Located on the southwest of the Council of Lugo, right in the centre of Galicia, Taboada offers a natural entry to the Sacred Riverside...

  • Tower of Taboi, (Outeiro de Rei
    Outeiro de Rei
    - External links :**Outeiro de Rei page in Portuguese Wikipedia...

  • Tower of Támoga, (Cospeito
    Cospeito is a municipality of the Province of Lugo in Galicia. It is situated on the plain of Terra Chá.It is made up by the following villages:*Arcillá *Bestar *Bexán ou Rubiños *Cospeito *Goá...

  • Tower do Mouro, (Riotorto
    - External links :****...

  • Fort-House of Lusio, (Samos
    Samoš is a village in Serbia. It is situated in the Kovačica municipality, in the South Banat District, Vojvodina province. The village has a Serb ethnic majority and its population numbering 1,247 people .-See also:...

  • Tower-House of Friol, (Friol
    Friol is a municipality in Lugo province in Galicia in north-west Spain....

  • Tower-House of Güimil, (O Saviñao
    O Saviñao
    Saviñao is a Concello in the province of Lugo, Galicia belonging to the district of Terra de Lemos...

  • Walls of Lugo
    Roman Walls of Lugo
    The Roman Walls of Lugo were constructed in the 3rd Century and are still largely intact today, stretching over 2 kilometers around the historic centre of Lugo in Galicia...


  • Alcázar of Milmanda, (Celanova
    Celanova is a village and municipality located in the province of Orense, Galicia, Northern Spain. Situated near the border with Portugal, the village is bordered by Ramirás, Cartelle, A Merca, A Bola, Verea and Quintela de Leirado....

  • Castle da Peroxa, (A Peroxa
    A Peroxa
    A Peroxa is a municipality in Ourense in the Galicia region of north-west Spain. It is located to the very north of the province....

  • Castle of Allariz, (Allariz
    The town of Allariz is in the province of Ourense, Autonomous Community of Galicia, Spain. It occupies the center of the western half of the province, connecting with the towns of Taboadela, Paderne, Sandiás, Vilar de Santos, Rairiz de Veiga, Xunqueira de Ambía, A Merca and A Bola...

  • Castle of Castro Caldelas, (Castro Caldelas
    Castro Caldelas
    Castro Caldelas is a municipality in Ourense , in the Galicia region of northwestern Spain. It is located to the very north of the province....

  • Castle of Cinconogueiras, (A Peroxa
    A Peroxa
    A Peroxa is a municipality in Ourense in the Galicia region of north-west Spain. It is located to the very north of the province....

  • Castle of Fontearcada, (A Peroxa
    A Peroxa
    A Peroxa is a municipality in Ourense in the Galicia region of north-west Spain. It is located to the very north of the province....

  • Castle of Maceda, (Maceda)
  • Castle of Monterrei, (Monterrei)
  • Castle da Piconha, (Calvos de Randín
    Calvos de Randín
    Calvos de Randím is a municipality in Ourense in the Galicia region of the north-west Iberian Peninsula. It is located to the very south of the province....

  • Castle of Ribadavia, (Ribadavia
    The town of Ribadavia is located in the southwest of the province of Ourense, Autonomous Community of Galicia, Spain. The urban area lies on the right bank of the Miño and the last course of the Avia. It is considered to be the capital of the comarca of the Ribeiro...

  • Castle of Roucos, (Cenlle
    Cenlle is a municipality in Ourense in the Galicia region of north-west Spain....

  • Castle of Sandiás, (Sandiás
    Sandiás is a municipality of Galicia, Spain, next to Xinzo de Limia in the province of Ourense. Its estimated population is 1,585, distributed among 3 parishes . Its area is 53 km², a great part of which is drained fields from the Antela lagoon. This is an agricultural area. Potatoes and...

  • Castle of Vilamarín, (Vilamarín
    Vilamarín is a municipality in the Spanish province of Ourense. It has a population of 2194 and an area of 56 km²....

  • Castle do Castro, (O Barco de Valdeorras
    O Barco de Valdeorras
    O Barco de Valdeorras is a municipality in Ourense in the Galicia region of north-west Spain. It lies towards the very north-east of Ourense province.It is famous for its wines....

  • Fortress of Sande, (Cartelle
    Cartelle is a municipality in Ourense in the Galicia region of north-west Spain....

  • Pazo da Torre de Soutopenelo, (San Cibrao das Viñas
    San Cibrao das Viñas
    San Cibrao das Viñas is a municipality in Ourense province in the Galicia region of north-west Spain. It located in the north-west of the province....

  • Tower da Forxa, (Porqueira
    Porqueira is a municipality in Ourense in the Galicia region of north-west Spain....

  • Tower da Pena da Portela, (Xinzo de Limia
    Xinzo de Limia
    Xinzo de Limia , is a town in the province of Ourense, Autonomous Community of Galicia, Spain. It lies on the important Autovia das Rias Baixas in the fertile valley of Antela, approximately 33 km from Verín and 43 km from Ourense...

  • Tower of Torán, (Taboadela
    Taboadela is a small municipality in Ourense in the Galicia region of north-west Spain....

  • Tower of Viana, (Viana do Bolo
    Viana do Bolo
    Viana do Bolo is a large municipality in Ourense in the Galicia region of north-west Spain. It's located in the south-east of the province.-External links:**...

  • Tower of Vilanova dos Infantes, (Celanova
    Celanova is a village and municipality located in the province of Orense, Galicia, Northern Spain. Situated near the border with Portugal, the village is bordered by Ramirás, Cartelle, A Merca, A Bola, Verea and Quintela de Leirado....

  • Tower do Bolo, (O Bolo
    O Bolo
    O Bolo is a municipality in Ourense in the Galicia region of north-west Spain. It is located towards the north-east of the province.-External links:*, en español.*, en gallego....



  • Castle of Alemparte, (Fornelos de Montes
    Fornelos de Montes
    Fornelos de Montes is a municipality in Galicia, Spain in the province of Pontevedra....

  • Castle of Cira, (Silleda
    Silleda is a municipality in the Spanish province of Galicia in Pontevedra and capital of the same.- Usage :The villa is located in the N-525 road that connects Ourense with Santiago de Compostela, and 40 km from the capital of Santiago...

  • Castle of Fornelos, (Crecente
    Crecente is a municipality in Galicia, Spain in the province of Pontevedra....

  • Castle of Lobeira, (Vilanova de Arousa
    Vilanova de Arousa
    Vilanova de Arousa is a municipality in Galicia, Spain in the province of Pontevedra....

  • Castle of Monterreal
    Monterreal Castle
    Monterreal Castle is a castle in Ría de Vigo and the valley of Miño, Galicia, Spain.Monterreal Castle was constructed in the 16th century, and now serves as a tourist attraction...

    , (Baiona
    Baiona, Pontevedra
    Baiona is a municipality in Galicia, Spain, in the province of Pontevedra.Baiona is a tourist town with a medieval historical center situated by the outlet of the Vigo Bay. Its population of just over 11,000 rises to around 45,000 in the summer, if one includes tourists...

  • Castle of Salvaterra, (Salvaterra de Miño
    Salvaterra de Miño
    Salvaterra de Miño is a municipality in Galicia, Spain in the province of Pontevedra. The Municipality is located on the southern border of the province of Pontevedra, at the confluence of the valleys of the rivers Tea and Miño, and by the natural limits of the Sierra de Cañiza...

  • Castle of Sobroso, (Mondariz
    Mondariz is a town and municipality in the province of Pontevedra in Galicia, Spain.-Parishes:The municipality of Mondariz is formed by 12 parroquias...

  • Castle of Soutomaior
    Castle of Soutomaior
    Castle of Soutomaior or Castelo de Soutomaior is a medieval castle built in the 12th century is located in Galicia, Spain. It situated about 119 metres above sea level on the top of Mount Viso....

    , (Soutomaior
    Soutomaior is a municipality in Galicia, Spain in the province of Pontevedra....

  • Castle of Tebra, (Tomiño
    Tomiño is a municipality in Galicia, Spain in the province of Pontevedra. It is located on the Minho River....

  • Castle of Ubeiras, (Vilaboa
    Vilaboa is a municipality in Galicia, Spain, in the province of Pontevedra. The town is located on the Atlantic Ocean, on San Simon's Cove , part of Ria de Vigo....

  • Castle do Penzo, (Vigo
    Vigo is a city and municipality in north-west Spain, in Galicia, situated on the ria of the same name on the Atlantic Ocean.-Population:...

  • Fortress of Borraxeiros, (Agolada
    Agolada is a municipality in Galicia, Spain in the province of Pontevedra....

  • Fortress of Gondomar, (Gondomar
    Gondomar, Pontevedra
    Gondomar is a municipality in Galicia, Spain in the province of Pontevedra. Home of Don Diego Sarmiento de Acuña, conde de Gondomar, one of the most renowned diplomats of Spanish imperial times, the main instigator of the "Spanish Match" that would have joined Charles I of England and the Infanta...

  • Fortress of Rodeiro, (Rodeiro
    Rodeiro is a municipality in Galicia, Spain in the province of Pontevedra....

  • Fortress of San Lourenzo, (Tomiño
    Tomiño is a municipality in Galicia, Spain in the province of Pontevedra. It is located on the Minho River....

  • Tower-Fortress of Castro de Montes, (Forcarei
    Forcarei is a municipality in Galicia, Spain in the province of Pontevedra....

  • Towers of Miadelo, (Vilagarcía de Arousa
    Vilagarcía de Arousa
    Vilagarcía de Arousa is a port town situated on the firth of Arousa in Galicia, 45km south of Santiago de Compostela. Vilagarcía has a population of almost 37,000 inhabitants, so it is the eighth largest town in Galicia....

  • Torres do Oeste, (Catoira
    Catoira is a municipality in Galicia , in the province of Pontevedra. Catoira is also known because of Torres do Oeste ruins.-Local festivals:The most important celebrations include...

  • Tower da Barreira, (A Estrada
    A Estrada
    A Estrada is a municipality of the Pontevedra province in Galicia in northwestern Spain. It is located some 15 miles southeast of Santiago de Compostela. A Estrada is the chief town of a densely-populated mountainous district; its industries are agriculture, stockbreeding, and the manufacture of...

  • Tower of A Lanzada, (O Grove
    O Grove
    O Grove , Ogrobe is a municipality belonging to the province of Pontevedra, in Galicia, Spain.A peninsula that faces the Atlantic Ocean and the shores of O Salnés valley, enclosed by the southern Galician estuaries, the so-called "Rías Baixas"....

  • Tower of Camba, (Rodeiro
    Rodeiro is a municipality in Galicia, Spain in the province of Pontevedra....

  • Tower of Fafián, (Rodeiro
    Rodeiro is a municipality in Galicia, Spain in the province of Pontevedra....

  • Tower of Guimarei, (A Estrada
    A Estrada
    A Estrada is a municipality of the Pontevedra province in Galicia in northwestern Spain. It is located some 15 miles southeast of Santiago de Compostela. A Estrada is the chief town of a densely-populated mountainous district; its industries are agriculture, stockbreeding, and the manufacture of...

  • Tower of San Sadurniño, (Vilagarcía de Arousa
    Vilagarcía de Arousa
    Vilagarcía de Arousa is a port town situated on the firth of Arousa in Galicia, 45km south of Santiago de Compostela. Vilagarcía has a population of almost 37,000 inhabitants, so it is the eighth largest town in Galicia....


Community of Madrid

  • Castle of La Alameda (Madrid)
  • Castle of Alcalá la Vieja (Alcalá de Henares)
  • Castle of Aulencia
  • Castle of Batres
  • Castle of Buitrago del Lozoya
    Castle of Buitrago del Lozoya
    The Castle of Buitrago del Lozoya is a castle located inside the walls of Buitrago del Lozoya, Spain....

  • Castle of Casasola (Chinchón)
  • Castle of Chinchón
  • Castle of la Coracera (San Martín de Valdeiglesias)
  • Castle of Fuentidueña de Tajo
  • New Castle of Manzanares el Real
    New Castle of Manzanares el Real
    The New Castle of Manzanares el Real, also known as Castle of los Mendoza, is a palace-fortress erected in the 15th century in the town of Manzanares el Real , next to the reservoir of Santillana at the foot of Sierra de Guadarrama.Its construction began in 1475 on a Romanesque-Mudéjar hermitage...

  • Old Castle of Manzanares el Real
  • Castle of Torrejón de Velasco
  • Castle of Torremocha (Santorcaz)
  • Castle of Villarejo de Salvanés
  • Castle of Villaviciosa de Odón
    Castle of Villaviciosa de Odón
    The Castle of Villaviciosa de Odón is a palace-fortress complex found in the small town of the same name near Madrid, Spain. It is located on Madrid Avenue ....

  • Castle of Viñuelas
  • Atalaya of Arrebatacapas
  • Atalaya of El Berrueco
  • Atalaya of El Vellón
  • Atalaya of Venturada
  • Atalaya of Torrelodones
  • Torreón of Arroyomolinos
  • Torreón of Fuentelámparas (Robledo de Chavela)
  • Torreón of Pinto
  • Tower of los Huesos (Madrid)
  • Tower of Mirabel
  • Walls of Buitrago del Lozoya
  • Christian Walls of Madrid
  • Muslim Walls of Madrid
  • Royal Alcázar of Madrid
    Royal Alcazar of Madrid
    The Royal Alcázar of Madrid was a Muslim fortress built in the second half of the 9th century, at the site of today's Royal Palace of Madrid, Madrid, Spain. The structure was extended and enlarged over the centuries, particularly after the 16th century...

Region of Murcia
Region of Murcia
The Region of Murcia is an autonomous community of Spain located in the southeast of the country, between Andalusia and Valencian Community, on the Mediterranean coast....

  • Castle of Aledo
  • Castle of San Juan de las Águilas
  • Castle of Lorca
    Lorca Castle
    Lorca Castle in Lorca, Murcia, Spain, is a fortress of medieval origin constructed between the 9th and 15th centuries. It consists of a series of defensive structures that, during the Middle Ages, made the town and the fortress an impregnable point in the southeast part of the Iberian Peninsula...

  • Castle of Xiquena in Lorca
    Lorca is a municipality and town in the autonomous community of Murcia in southeastern Spain, 36 miles southwest of the city of Murcia. It had a population of 92,694 in 2010, up from the 2001 census total of 77,477. Lorca is the municipality with the second-largest surface area in Spain with...

  • Castle of Tirieza in Lorca
    Lorca is a municipality and town in the autonomous community of Murcia in southeastern Spain, 36 miles southwest of the city of Murcia. It had a population of 92,694 in 2010, up from the 2001 census total of 77,477. Lorca is the municipality with the second-largest surface area in Spain with...

  • Castle of Felí in Lorca
    Lorca is a municipality and town in the autonomous community of Murcia in southeastern Spain, 36 miles southwest of the city of Murcia. It had a population of 92,694 in 2010, up from the 2001 census total of 77,477. Lorca is the municipality with the second-largest surface area in Spain with...

  • Castle of la Concepción of Cartagena
  • Castle of la Atalaya (Cartagena)
  • Castle of Galeras of Cartagena
    Cartagena, Spain
    Cartagena is a Spanish city and a major naval station located in the Region of Murcia, by the Mediterranean coast, south-eastern Spain. As of January 2011, it has a population of 218,210 inhabitants being the Region’s second largest municipality and the country’s 6th non-Province capital...

  • Castle of San Julián (Cartagena)
  • Castle of los moros of Cartagena
    Cartagena, Spain
    Cartagena is a Spanish city and a major naval station located in the Region of Murcia, by the Mediterranean coast, south-eastern Spain. As of January 2011, it has a population of 218,210 inhabitants being the Region’s second largest municipality and the country’s 6th non-Province capital...

  • Castle of Jumilla
  • Castle of Monteagudo
  • Castle of los Vélez in Mula
    Mula, Spain
    Mula is a municipality in the center of the autonomous community of Region of Murcia in southeastern Spain, with nearly 17,076 inhabitants . It is best-known for the tamboradas held during the Holy Week...

  • Castle of Moratalla
  • Tower fortress of Alguazas.
  • Tower of Santa Elena
  • Tower of Cope
  • Hişn Mulīna
  • Walls of Charles III

Navarre , officially the Chartered Community of Navarre is an autonomous community in northern Spain, bordering the Basque Country, La Rioja, and Aragon in Spain and Aquitaine in France...

  • Alcazaba and Castle of Tudela
  • Castle of Xabier
    Castle of Xabier
    The Castle of Xabier is located on a hill in the town of Javier , to 52 km east of Pamplona and 7 km east of Sangüesa. Built in the 10th century...

  • Castle of Olite
    Palacio Real de Olite
    The Palacio de los Reyes de Navarra de Olite or Castillo de Olite was built during the 13th and 14th centuries in the town of Olite...

  • Castle of Santakara
  • Castle of Amaiur
  • Castle of Garaño
  • Castle of Orzorrotz
  • Castle of Peña (Navarre)
  • Castle of Deio
  • Castle of Zalatambor
  • Castle palace of Martzilla
  • Citadel of Pamplona
  • Tower Monreal
  • Walls of Tudela
  • Cerco de Artajona
  • Old town of Pamplona

La Rioja
La Rioja (Spain)
La Rioja is an autonomous community and a province of northern Spain. Its capital is Logroño. Other cities and towns in the province include Calahorra, Arnedo, Alfaro, Haro, Santo Domingo de la Calzada, and Nájera.-History:...

  • Castle of Aguas Mansas in Agoncillo
    Agoncillo, La Rioja
    Agoncillo is a town and municipality in La Rioja province in northern Spain.Club Deportivo Agoncillo is a football team based in Agoncillo.-History:...

    , restored and converted in the town hall.
  • Castle of Aguilar del Río Alhama, there are only a few ruins.
  • Castle of Arnedo
  • Castle of Autol
  • Castle of Castañares de las Cuevas
  • Castle of Clavijo
    Castle of Clavijo
    The Castle of Clavijo, one of the most famous in the area of La Rioja, Spain, is located on top of an imposing rock, dominating the surrounding land in the municipality of the same name in La Rioja, 15 km from the capital , Logroño.-External links:...

  • Castle of Cornago
  • Castle of Davalillo
  • Castle of Herce
  • Castle of Jubera
  • Castle of Leiva
  • Castle of Quel
  • Castle of Sajazarra
  • Castle of San Vicente de la Sonsierra
  • Castle of Cuzcurrita de Río Tirón
  • Tower fort of Anguciana
  • Walls of the Revellín (Logroño)


  • Castle of les Atzahares
  • Castle of Agost
  • Castle of Agres
  • Castle of Aigües
  • Castle of Aixa
  • Castle of de Alfofra
  • Castle of Ambra
  • Castle of Banyeres de Mariola
  • Castle of Barxell
  • Castle of Bernia
  • Castle of Biar
    Castle of Biar
    The Castle of Biar stands on a hillock overlooking the town of Biar, in the comarca of Alt Vinalopó .- History :...

  • Castle of Castalla
  • Castle of Cocentaina
  • Castle of Coix
  • Castle of Dénia
  • Castle of Elda
  • Castle of Forna
  • Castle of Guardamar
  • Castle of la Costurera
  • Castle of la Mola
  • Castle of la Murta
  • Castle del Mascarat
  • Castle of Monforte del Cid
  • Castle of Monòver
  • Castle of Montemar
  • Castle of Moraira
  • Castle of Orihuela
  • Castle of Penàguila
  • Castle of Penella
  • Castle of Perputxent
  • Castle of Petrer
  • Castle of Polop
  • Castle del Riu
  • Castle of Salvatierra (Villena)
  • Castle of Santa Bàrbara
    Castle of Santa Bárbara
    The Castle of Santa Bárbara is a fortification in the center of Alicante, Spain. It stands on the Mount Benacantil .-History:Bronze Age, Iberian, and Roman artifacts have been found on the slopes of the mountain, but the origins of the castle date to the 9th century at the time of Muslim control...

  • Castle of Sant Ferran (Alicante)
  • Castle of Santa Pola
  • Castle of Saix
  • Castle of Villena
    Atalaya Castle (Spain)
    The Atalaya Castle is a castle in Villena, province of Alicante, southern Spain...

     or Castle of la Talaia
    Atalaya Castle (Spain)
    The Atalaya Castle is a castle in Villena, province of Alicante, southern Spain...

  • Castle of Tàrbena
  • Castle of Tibi
  • Palace of Altamira
  • Tower Águilas
  • Tower del Aguiló
  • Tower of Alcalalí
  • Tower del Barranc d'Aïgues
  • Tower of Beneixama
  • Tower of Cap Roig
  • Tower del Cap d'Or
  • Tower del Carabassí (Santa Pola)
  • Tower of Embergonyes
  • Tower of Escaletes or Tower del Pep
  • Tower of la Calaforra
  • Tower of la Casota
  • Tower of la Font Bona
  • Tower of la Horadada
  • Tower of la Talaiola (Santa Pola)
  • Towers of Monserrate (Orihuela)
  • Tower del Gerro
  • Tower del Moro (Torrevieja)
  • Tower del Negret
  • Tower of Tamarit
  • Torreta de Canor
  • Walls of Orihuela
  • Walls of Tabarca


  • Castle of Abenromà
  • Castle of Adzeneta
  • Castle of Albocàsser
  • Castle of Alcalatén
  • Castle of Alcudia de Veo
  • Castle of Almenara
  • Castle of Almonacid
  • Castle of Artana
  • Castle of Ayódar
  • Castle of Azuébar
  • Castle of Benalí
  • Castle of Borriol
  • Castle del Bou Negre
  • Castle of Castellnovo
  • Castle of Castro
  • Castle of Cervera del Maestre
  • Castle of El Toro
  • Castle of Eslida
  • Castle of Fadrell
  • Castle of Fanzara
  • Castle of Ganalur
  • Castle of Herbers
  • Castle of La Todolella
  • Castle of les Torrocelles
  • Castle of Mauz
  • Castle of Mirabet (Cabanes)
  • Castle of Montornés
  • Castle of Morella
  • Castle of Olocau
  • Castle of Onda
  • Castle of Peñíscola
  • Castle of Tales
  • Castle of Toga
  • Castle of Vialeva
  • Castle of Villafamés
  • Castle of Villamalur
  • Castle of Xinquer
  • Castle of Xivert
  • Castle-palace of the Ximénez d'Urrea or Castle of Urrea
  • Palace-castle of Betxí
  • Tower of Càlig
  • Tower of Cap i Corb
  • Tower del Marqués or Tower of Na Blanca
  • Tower Ebrí
  • Tower of L'Oró
  • Tower del Mal Paso
  • Tower dels Moros (Cinctorres)
  • Tower del Pilón
  • Tower of Anníbal
  • Tower Quadrada de Argelita
  • Tower Redonda (Argelita)
  • Tower of Sant Vicent (Benicàssim)
  • Tower of Torrechiva
  • Fortified town of Torralba del Pinar


  • Castle of Ademús
  • Castle of Aledua
  • Castle of Bairén
  • Castle of Benissanó
  • Castle of Bolbaite
  • Castle of Castielfabib
  • Castle of Corbera
  • Castle of El Puig
  • Castle of Jalance
  • Castle of Jarafuel
  • Castle of Macastre
  • Castle of Marinyén
  • Castle of Millares
  • Castle of Moixent
  • Castle of Montesa
  • Castle of Montroy
  • Castle of Navarrés
  • Castle del Piló
  • Castle of Quesa
  • Castle of Rugat
  • Castle of Sagunto
  • Castle of Segart
  • Castle of Serra
  • Castle of Sot de Chera
  • Castle of Sumacàrcer
  • Castle of Torres Torres
  • Castle of Turís
  • Castle of Vallada
  • Castle of Villalonga
  • Castle of Xàtiva
  • Castle of Xera
  • Castle of Xio
  • Castle of Xiva
  • Castle of Xulilla
  • Castle palace of Bicorp
  • Palace - Castle of Alaquàs
  • Palace - Castle of Albalat dels Sorells
  • Palace Castle of Aielo de Malferit
  • Fortress of Requena
  • Tower of the Castle of Torrent
  • Torre de la Plaça (Benifaió)
  • Tower del Marenyet
  • Tower Mussa or Tower of L'Horta
  • Towers of Quart
  • Towers of Serrans
  • La Torrecilla (Chelva)
  • Tower of Paterna
    Tower of Paterna
    Historical monument of the city of Paterna, in the province of Valencia, Spain.It is the most emblematic monument of this valencian town. The origin of its construction is unknown, but is thinks that it was constructed during the Arab age, as defense system of the population.It is located in the...

  • Tower of Santa Anna
  • Walls of Alzira

External links

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