List of fish on stamps of Morocco
This is a list of fish that appear on postage stamps of Morocco
Postage stamps and postal history of Morocco
The first Moroccan postal stamps were produced in 1891 by companies which managed correspondence between two cities. The system was replaced after a reorganization in the end of 1911...


Year Date Type Species Species author Value Stamps catalogues Taxonomy Common name
Scott Yvert Mitchell Sta. & Gib. Order Family
2000  Scorpaena loppei  (Cantor, 1842) 6.50 Scorpaeniformes
Scorpaeniformes is an order of ray-finned fish, but it has also been called the Scleroparei.They are known as "mail-cheeked" fishes due to their distinguishing characteristic, the suborbital stay: a backwards extension of the third circumorbital bone across the cheek to the preoperculum, to which...

Scorpaenidae  Cadenat's rockfish

See also

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