List of radio stations in the Czech Republic
The following is a partial list of radio stations in the Czech Republic.


  • Český rozhlas
    Ceský rozhlas
    Český rozhlas is the Czech Republic's publicly funded radio broadcasting organization.It offers the following radio channels:*ČRo 1 – Radiožurnál: news and information*ČRo 2 – Praha: talk and family programmes...

    • ČRo 7 – Radio Praha
      Radio Prague
      Radio Prague is the official international broadcasting station of the Czech Republic.Radio Prague broadcasts in six languages: English, German, French, Spanish, Czech and Russian. It broadcasts programmes about the Czech Republic on shortwave, satellite and on the Internet...

  • Evropa 2
    Evropa 2
    Evropa 2 is a privately owned, commercial radio station in the Czech Republic. It was the first private station since 1989, beginning broadcasting on 21 March 1990....

  • Frekvence 1
  • Radio Impuls
  • Radio Proglas
  • Radio Kiss DELTA - (Mladá Boleslav, Liberec, Kolín, Hradec Králové)

List of radio stations:


  • Classic FM
    Classic FM (Czech Republic)
    Classic FM is a classical music radio station in the Czech Republic.-External links:*...

  • Radio 1
    Radio 1 (Czech Republic)
    Czech Radio 1 is an alternative radio broadcasting company based in Prague, Czech Republic. It can be tuned at 91.9 MHz in and around the city. Its musical style is unique for Czech radio stations.It was the first private radio station in the country...

  • Radio Beat
    Radio Beat
    Radio Beat is a Czech radio station, broadcasting from Prague. It plays classic rock. There is thematic program every weekend. There is a program after 7:00 pm Every day...

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