List of snakes in Missouri

Non-venomous snakes

Western Worm Snake
Carphophis vermis

Northern Scarlet Snake
Cemophora coccinea copei

Eastern Yellowbelly Racer
Coluber constrictor flaviventris

Prairie Ring-necked Snake
Diadophis punctatus arnyi

Great Plains Rat Snake
Great Plains Rat Snake
The Great Plains Rat Snake is a species of non-venomous rat snake native to the eastern two thirds of the United States, from New Jersey to Nebraska, to Colorado, south to Texas, and into northern Mexico. It is sometimes considered a subspecies of the corn snake, which is commonly kept as a pet...

Elaphe guttata

Black Rat Snake
Black Rat Snake
The Western ratsnake — also called black rat snake, pilot black snake, or simply black snake — is a nonvenomous colubrid species found in North America. No subspecies are currently recognized....

Elaphe obsoleta

Western Fox Snake
Fox Snake
Fox snake is the common name given to two species of North American rat snakes. Neither is any threat to humans. Unfortunately, due to the striking resemblance to the Massasauga rattlesnake , it is killed by many people who mistake it for the Massasauga.The eastern fox snake is...

Elaphe vulpina

Western Mud Snake
Farancia abacura reinwardtii

Plains Hog-nosed Snake
Heterodon nasicus nasicus

Eastern Hog-nosed Snake
Heterodon platirhinos

Prairie Kingsnake
Lampropeltis calligaster calligaster

Speckled Kingsnake
Lampropeltis getula holbrooki

Red Milk Snake
Lampropeltis triangulum syspila

Eastern Coachwhip
Masticophis flagellum flagellum

Mississippi Green Water Snake
Nerodia cyclopion

Yellow-bellied Water Snake
Nerodia erythrogaster flavigaster

Broad-banded Water Snake
Nerodia fasciata confluens

Diamond-backed Water Snake
Nerodia rhombifer rhombifer

Northern Water Snake
Northern Water Snake
The Northern water snake is a large, nonvenomous, well-known snake in the Colubridae family that is native to North America.-Behavior:...

Nerodia sipedon sipedon

Rough Green Snake
Opheodrys aestivus aestivus

Smooth Green Snake
Smooth Green Snake
The smooth green snake is a non-venomous North American colubrid. It is also referred to as the grass snake.-Description:...

Opheodrys (Liochlorophis) vernalis

The bullsnake ' is a large non-venomous colubrid snake, widespread in the central part of the United States, northern Mexico, and southwestern Saskatchewan and Alberta Canada. It is currently considered a subspecies of the gopher snake '...

Pituophis catenifer sayi

Graham's Crayfish Snake
Regina grahamii

Ground Snake
Ground Snake
Ground Snake can refer to two distinct genera of snakes:*Genus Atractus, South American Ground Snakes.*Genus Sonora, North American Ground Snakes....

Sonora semiannulata

Midland Brown Snake
Storeria dekayi wrightorum

Northern Red-bellied Snake
Storeria occipitomaculata occipitomaculata

Flat-headed Snake
Tantilla gracilus

Western Ribbon Snake
Thamnophis proximus proximus

Plains Garter Snake
Plains Garter Snake
The Plains Garter Snake is a species of Garter snake native to most of the Central United States stretching as far north as Canada and as far south as Texas. It has a distinctive orange or yellow stripe that goes from its head to tail, the rest of its body is mainly a gray-green color...

Thamnophis radix

Eastern Garter Snake
Thamnophis sirtalis sirtalis

Lined Snake
Tropidoclonian lineatum

Rough Earth Snake
Virginia striatula

Western Earth Snake
Virginia valeriae elegans

Venomous snakes

Osage Copperhead
Agkistrodon contortrix phaeogaster

Western Cottonmouth
Agkistrodon piscivorus leucostoma

Timber Rattlesnake Crotalus horridus

Western Pygmy Rattlesnake
Sistrurus miliarius streckeri

Eastern Massasauga Rattlesnake
Sistrurus catenatus catenatus
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