Lithosphere (album)
Lithosphere is a collaborative album by electronic
Electronic music
Electronic music is music that employs electronic musical instruments and electronic music technology in its production. In general a distinction can be made between sound produced using electromechanical means and that produced using electronic technology. Examples of electromechanical sound...

 musicians Robert Rich
Robert Rich (musician)
Robert Rich is an ambient musician and composer based in California, United States. With a discography spanning over 30 years, he is widely regarded as a figure whose sound has greatly influenced today's ambient, New Age, and even IDM music.-Early life:At an early age he thought he disliked music...

 and Ian Boddy
Ian Boddy
Ian Boddy is a British electronic musician and composer. In the early 1980s Boddy began experimenting at an Arts Council funded studio in Newcastle. This period resulted in 3 cassette releases on the Mirage label, which showcased Boddy's work with analogue synthesis and tape manipulation. "Images"...

. Like their previous collaboration Outpost, this album was released as a limited edition of 2000 copies.

Track listing

  1. ”Threshold” – 2:07
  2. ”Vent” – 5:20
  3. ”Chamber” – 6:29
  4. ”Glass” – 3:40
  5. Subduction
    In geology, subduction is the process that takes place at convergent boundaries by which one tectonic plate moves under another tectonic plate, sinking into the Earth's mantle, as the plates converge. These 3D regions of mantle downwellings are known as "Subduction Zones"...

    ” – 5:34
  6. Geode
    Geodes are geological secondary sedimentary structures which occur in sedimentary and certain volcanic rocks. Geodes are essentially spherical masses of mineral matter that were deposited sygenetically within the rock formations they are found in. Geodes have a Chalcedony shell containing...

    ” – 6:32
  7. ”Stone” – 3:51
  8. ”Metamorphic” – 7:25
  9. ”Lithosphere” – 6:29
  10. ”Melt” – 5:15


  • Robert Rich – MOTM modular synthesizer
    Modular synthesizer
    The modular synthesizer is a type of synthesizer consisting of separate specialized modules connected by wires to create a so-called patch. Every output generates a signal – an electric voltage of variable strength...

    , TimewARP2600, samples
    Sampler (musical instrument)
    A sampler is an electronic musical instrument similar in some respects to a synthesizer but, instead of generating sounds, it uses recordings of sounds that are loaded or recorded into it by the user and then played back by means of a keyboard, sequencer or other triggering device to perform or...

     and scrapes, lap steel guitar
    Lap steel guitar
    The lap steel guitar is a type of steel guitar, an instrument derived from and similar to the guitar. The player changes pitch by pressing a metal or glass bar against the strings instead of by pressing strings against the fingerboard....

  • Ian Boddy – NI Reaktor, Logic Pro
    Logic Pro
    Logic Pro is a hybrid 32 / 64 bit digital audio workstation and MIDI sequencer software application for the Mac OS X platform. Originally created by German software developer Emagic, Logic Pro became an Apple product when Apple bought Emagic in 2002...

    Ultrabeat, EXS24, EVB3, VSL Glass, Stones, strings and woodwind samples, rocks

External links

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