Los Angeles International Charter High School
Los Angeles International Charter High School is a charter school in Hermon, Los Angeles
Los Ángeles
Los Ángeles is the capital of the province of Biobío, in the commune of the same name, in Region VIII , in the center-south of Chile. It is located between the Laja and Biobío rivers. The population is 123,445 inhabitants...

, California
California is a state located on the West Coast of the United States. It is by far the most populous U.S. state, and the third-largest by land area...

, near Highland Park. It occupies the campus of the former Pacific Christian High School.


Clifford Moseley and Vaughn Bernandez, who taught and were coworkers at another charter school, established LA International. Moseley was raised partly in the Highland Park area of Los Angeles and partly in various other countries, and he wanted a high school with an international theme that would allow its students to connect to other countries.

Originally the school operated under a four year charter from the Los Angeles Unified School District
Los Angeles Unified School District
Los Angeles Unified School District is the largest public school system in California. It is the 2nd largest public school district in the United States. Only the New York City Department of Education has a larger student population...

 (LAUSD). It began with 80 students; Mitchell Landsberg of the Los Angeles Times
Los Angeles Times
The Los Angeles Times is a daily newspaper published in Los Angeles, California, since 1881. It was the second-largest metropolitan newspaper in circulation in the United States in 2008 and the fourth most widely distributed newspaper in the country....

said that the figure is what "most charter experts would say is too few to be financially sustainable." The school began in the basement of an American Legion
American Legion
The American Legion is a mutual-aid organization of veterans of the United States armed forces chartered by the United States Congress. It was founded to benefit those veterans who served during a wartime period as defined by Congress...

 hall. The school was denied usage of that site, and at the last minute, it had to move into a site in Sherman Oaks in the San Fernando Valley
San Fernando Valley
The San Fernando Valley is an urbanized valley located in the Los Angeles metropolitan area of southern California, United States, defined by the dramatic mountains of the Transverse Ranges circling it...

 for its second year. This led to a lot of students leaving the school, and the school's bus transportation costs became very high. The original LAUSD charter would later be renewed for one year.

In March 2009 LAUSD stated that it would not renew the charter because of fiscal issues and because LA International had an academic program that it called "unsound." The school filed an appeal to the Los Angeles County Office of Education. Even though some staff members and Darline Robles, the superintendent of the county school office, had objected to the renewal, the Office of Education approved the charter. In January 2010 most students at LA International wanted to attend universities and colleges. Landsberg said that in 2010 "Today, the school has a new principal, some new teachers and a new lease on life. Students and parents speak enthusiastically, saying it is safe, nurturing and academically challenging."

Mosley said that the school had received more support from the county education office than from LAUSD.

Landsberg said that "L.A. International is an example of a charter school that has struggled to get on its feet, a reflection of just how difficult it is to start a new school from scratch. It is also an example of the relatively lax oversight -- and scant support -- that charters have historically received from the Los Angeles Unified School District. Finally, its students' devotion demonstrates how even academically struggling charters can connect to pupils who don't fit in at large, traditional schools."

Academic performance

As of January 2010 its Academic Performance Index
Academic Performance Index
The Academic Performance Index is a measurement of academic performance and progress of individual schools in California, United States. It is one of the main components of the Public Schools Accountability Act passed by the California legislature in 1999...

 was 574, 57 points lower than its 2009 figure. The 2010 API was lower than that of Franklin High School
Franklin High School (Los Angeles)
Benjamin Franklin High School is a public high school in the Highland Park neighborhood, approximately seven miles northeast of downtown Los Angeles, California, United States...

, an LAUSD district high school which had a mostly Hispanic and Latino student body; while LA International also had a mostly Hispanic and Latino student body, Franklin's student body had a higher amount of low income students than the student body of Los Angeles International.

External links

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