Los Hornos
Los Hornos is a distinct neighbourhood ("barrio") within the partido
Departments of Argentina
Departments form the second level of administrative division in the provinces of Argentina. There are no departments in the city of Buenos Aires, which has so far been divided into neighbourhoods as its administrative divisions, but is to be divided now into communes by a recently passed local act...

 of La Plata
La Plata Partido
La Plata is a partido in Buenos Aires Province, Argentina, located some 60 kilometers south-east of the city of Buenos Aires.It has an area of , and a population of 574,369 . Its capital is La Plata, which also serves as the capital of the province...

, Buenos Aires
Buenos Aires Province
The Province of Buenos Aires is the largest and most populous province of Argentina. It takes the name from the city of Buenos Aires, which used to be the provincial capital until it was federalized in 1880...

, Argentina
Argentina , officially the Argentine Republic , is the second largest country in South America by land area, after Brazil. It is constituted as a federation of 23 provinces and an autonomous city, Buenos Aires...


Formerly a detached population, it belongs now to the Greater La Plata
Greater La Plata
Gran La Plata is an urban agglomeration formed around the city of La Plata in the Buenos Aires Province of Argentina. It covers territory in the La Plata, Berisso and Ensenada partidos.-Location:...

urban conglomerate. Its name (Spanish
Spanish language
Spanish , also known as Castilian , is a Romance language in the Ibero-Romance group that evolved from several languages and dialects in central-northern Iberia around the 9th century and gradually spread with the expansion of the Kingdom of Castile into central and southern Iberia during the...

 for "The [Brick] Ovens" or "The Furnaces") refers to the several brick
A brick is a block of ceramic material used in masonry construction, usually laid using various kinds of mortar. It has been regarded as one of the longest lasting and strongest building materials used throughout history.-History:...

factories that were located in the area at the end of the 19th century, and which supplied the bricks for many of the buildings in the nascent city of La Plata. The area was heavily settled by Italian immigrants, and became renowned for its many family orchards. The "barrio" retains until today a distinct personality and atmosphere within the Greater La Plata.

Within its jurisdiction over the municipal cemetery, local landmark protection, and the Parish St. Benjamin.
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