Louise Mauger
Louise Mauger was one of the pioneers in Montreal
Montreal is a city in Canada. It is the largest city in the province of Quebec, the second-largest city in Canada and the seventh largest in North America...


Mauger was born abt 1598 in St-Martin d'Igé, ev. Sees, Perche
Perche is a former province of northern France extending over the départements of Orne, Eure, Eure-et-Loir and Sarthe, which were created from Perche during the French Revolution.-Geography:...

, France
The French Republic , The French Republic , The French Republic , (commonly known as France , is a unitary semi-presidential republic in Western Europe with several overseas territories and islands located on other continents and in the Indian, Pacific, and Atlantic oceans. Metropolitan France...

 and married to Pierre Gadoys
Pierre Gadoys
Pierre Gadoys is recognized as the first farmer at Montreal.Gadoys first came to New France as part of a settlement initiative by Robert Giffard de Moncel who was heavily involved in the colonization of the emerging colonies at the time...

 (1594–1667) before September 15, 1628 in France. Three of their children are known to us: Roberte (1621–1716) who in 1650 married the pioneer Louis Prud’homme: Pierre
Pierre Gadois
Pierre Gadois came to New France with his parents, Pierre Gadoys and Louise Mauger. He was a farmer as part of his fathers holdings and also a gunsmith.Pierre's son, Jacques Gadois became a notable figure in Canadian history....

 (1632–1714), born in France, died at Montreal; and Jean-Baptiste (1641–1728) born at Quebec City
Quebec City
Quebec , also Québec, Quebec City or Québec City is the capital of the Canadian province of Quebec and is located within the Capitale-Nationale region. It is the second most populous city in Quebec after Montreal, which is about to the southwest...

, died at Montreal; both the sons were gunsmiths. Their descendants have survived to the present day. Louise Mauger was buried on March 18, 1690 in Montreal.

Without naming her, the Fermière Monument (Montreal)
Fermière Monument (Montreal)
- Overview :The fountain monument of Marius Dufresne is composed of a statue by Alfred Laliberté which depicts a market gardener of the 17th century. Alfred Laliberté knows the history and heroes of French colonization...

is an homage to Louise Mauger. She is depicted as a market gardener of the 17th century.
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