Low Birth Weight
Low Birth Weight is the third album by Piano Magic
Piano Magic
Piano Magic is a musical collective formed in the summer of 1996 by Glen Johnson, Dominic Chennell, and Dick Rance in London, England. Their sound has been described as ambient pop, post-rock, indietronica, coldwave, dark wave and ghostrock...


Track listing

  1. Snowfall Soon 5:01
  2. Crown Estate 4:33
  3. Bad Patient 4:59
  4. The Fun of the Century 5:01
  5. Birdymachine 1:25
  6. Not Fair 4:12
  7. Dark Secrets Look for Light 4:52
  8. Snow Drums 4:59
  9. Shepherds Are Needed 5:20
  10. I Am the Sub-Librarian 4:25
  11. Waking Up 5:49
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