Lumbar spinal nerve 5
The lumbar spinal nerve 5 (L5) is a spinal nerve
Spinal nerve
The term spinal nerve generally refers to a mixed spinal nerve, which carries motor, sensory, and autonomic signals between the spinal cord and the body...

 of the lumbar segment..

It originates from the spinal column from below the lumbar vertebra 5 (L5).


L5 supplies many muscles, either directly or through nerves originating from L5. They are not innervated with L5 as single origin, but partly by L5 and partly by other spinal nerves. The muscles are:
  • gluteus maximus muscle
    Gluteus maximus muscle
    The gluteus maximus is the largest and most superficial of the three gluteal muscles...

     mainly S1
  • gluteus medius muscle
    Gluteus medius muscle
    The gluteus medius , one of the three gluteal muscles, is a broad, thick, radiating muscle, situated on the outer surface of the pelvis....

  • gluteus minimus muscle
    Gluteus minimus muscle
    The gluteus minimus , the smallest of the three gluteal muscles, is situated immediately beneath the gluteus medius.-Origin and insertion:...

  • tensor fasciae latae
    Tensor fasciae latae
    The tensor fasciae latae or tensor fasciæ latæ is a muscle of the thigh. The English name for this muscle is the muscle that stretches the band on the side...

  • tibialis anterior
  • tibialis posterior
  • extensor digitorum brevis
  • extensor hallucis longus
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