Lumiere TV
Lumiere TV is a premium television service available in Cyprus
, that broadcasts movies and series. It is owned by LTV Group Ltd. Repeaters have been set up across the country that enable more than 80% of the population to receive these services. Lumiere TV was originally available on the NOVA Cyprus
platform but following a financial dispute, it moved over to rival Athina Sat. It is also available through IPTV providers CytaVision & PrimeTel
As of March 3, 2008, LTV is once again available through NOVA Cyprus
following a new agreement that was signed between the two companies. The channel is no longer available through Athina Sat, which has ceased operations.
and Supernatural
. It boadcasts over 15 premieres each month with new release films being added continuously.
Cyprus , officially the Republic of Cyprus , is a Eurasian island country, member of the European Union, in the Eastern Mediterranean, east of Greece, south of Turkey, west of Syria and north of Egypt. It is the third largest island in the Mediterranean Sea.The earliest known human activity on the...
, that broadcasts movies and series. It is owned by LTV Group Ltd. Repeaters have been set up across the country that enable more than 80% of the population to receive these services. Lumiere TV was originally available on the NOVA Cyprus
NOVA Cyprus
NOVA Cyprus is a Cypriot digital satellite pay television service owned by Multichoice Cyprus. NOVA launched in July 2004 and was the first DTH satellite provider to launch in Cyprus...
platform but following a financial dispute, it moved over to rival Athina Sat. It is also available through IPTV providers CytaVision & PrimeTel
PrimeTel is a private Cypriot telecommunications carrier. Through their partnership with Electricity Authority of Cyprus , they have built their own fiber-optic network and ADSL2+ platform...
As of March 3, 2008, LTV is once again available through NOVA Cyprus
NOVA Cyprus
NOVA Cyprus is a Cypriot digital satellite pay television service owned by Multichoice Cyprus. NOVA launched in July 2004 and was the first DTH satellite provider to launch in Cyprus...
following a new agreement that was signed between the two companies. The channel is no longer available through Athina Sat, which has ceased operations.
Channels and content
Lumiere TV operates nine multiplexMultiplexing
The multiplexed signal is transmitted over a communication channel, which may be a physical transmission medium. The multiplexing divides the capacity of the low-level communication channel into several higher-level logical channels, one for each message signal or data stream to be transferred...
- : It is a 24-hour channel and it broadcasts entertainment, news and sports programming, as well as live football matches of the Cypriot Champions League. Also it broadcasts blockbuster movies, feature films, top-rated television series, lifestyle programmes, reality shows and talk-shows. The sports section includes live football matches and sports programmes.
- It is a 24-hour channel and it focuses on live transmission of sports events and sports-related programmes. The entertainment content involves Nickelodeon’s children’s programmes and a vast range of animation movies which are broadcasted daily.
- It is a 24-hour channel and includes prime TV series and mini-series from the biggest American studios. Movies and programs of general interest are also included.
- It is a 24-hour channel and it broadcasts premieres of blockbuster films and TV-movies, but also old favourite movies. The channel also includes a daily adult zone.
- : It is a 24-hour channel and it broadcasts live transmissions, highlights and sports shows for big football events, such as the Marfin Laiki Championship, the Coca-Cola Cup, the Barclays Premier League, the German Bundesliga and the Spanish Primera Division. Also it broadcasts basketball and tennis games, golf, motor sports events and as well as the NBA.
- : The sports channel LTV SPORTS 2 aims to complement the LTV SPORTS 1 channel in cases of simultaneous or multiple event transmissions, such as the Barclays Premier League, the Spanish Primera Division, the Greek Superleague, and others. It also broadcasts live tennis events and weekly football highlights.
- : It broadcasts football games and many sports in HD.
- : Premier League’s High Definition channel with 380 LIVE exciting football matches and 400 derbies of the past that remained in history. Highlights, commentaries, season review, live transmissions, sports shows, and the latest updates.
- : The first Cyprus horse racing channel, with a 5-hour daily programme. It broadcasts the Nicosia Race Club’s meetings, as well as specialised talk-shows and programmes, including statistics, analyses and everything that interests the fans of horse racing.
Lumiere TV features hit movies from Greece and abroad, including Hollywood blockbusters. It also airs hit TV series from the US such as Grey's AnatomyGrey's Anatomy
Grey's Anatomy is an American medical drama television series created by Shonda Rhimes. The series premiered on March 27, 2005 on ABC; since then, seven seasons have aired. The series follows the lives of interns, residents and their mentors in the fictional Seattle Grace Mercy West Hospital in...
and Supernatural
Supernatural (TV series)
Supernatural is an American supernatural and horror television series created by Eric Kripke, which debuted on September 13, 2005 on The WB, and is now part of The CW's lineup. Starring Jared Padalecki as Sam Winchester and Jensen Ackles as Dean Winchester, the series follows the brothers as they...
. It boadcasts over 15 premieres each month with new release films being added continuously.
- Desperate HousewivesDesperate HousewivesDesperate Housewives is an American television comedy-drama series created by Marc Cherry and produced by ABC Studios and Cherry Productions. Executive producer Cherry serves as Showrunner. Other executive producers since the fourth season include Marc Cherry, Bob Daily, George W...
- Grey's AnatomyGrey's AnatomyGrey's Anatomy is an American medical drama television series created by Shonda Rhimes. The series premiered on March 27, 2005 on ABC; since then, seven seasons have aired. The series follows the lives of interns, residents and their mentors in the fictional Seattle Grace Mercy West Hospital in...
- It's Always Sunny in PhiladelphiaIt's Always Sunny in PhiladelphiaIt's Always Sunny in Philadelphia is an American television sitcom that premiered on FX on August 4, 2005. New episodes continue to air on FX, with reruns playing on Comedy Central, general broadcast syndication, and WGN America—the first-ever cable-to-cable syndication deal for a sitcom...
- HungHung (TV series)Hung is a comedy-drama series, which premiered on HBO on June 28, 2009. The series was created by Dmitry Lipkin and Colette Burson and stars Thomas Jane as Ray Drecker, a struggling suburban Detroit high school baseball coach who resorts to male prostitution. The second season premiered on June 27,...
- The Big Bang TheoryThe Big Bang TheoryThe Big Bang Theory is an American sitcom created by Chuck Lorre and Bill Prady, both of whom serve as executive producers on the show, along with Steven Molaro. All three also serve as head writers...
- Criminal MindsCriminal MindsCriminal Minds is an American police procedural drama that premiered September 22, 2005, on CBS. The series follows a team of profilers from the FBI's Behavioral Analysis Unit based in Quantico, Virginia. The BAU is part of the FBI National Center for the Analysis of Violent Crime...
- Cougar TownCougar TownCougar Town is an American television sitcom that premiered on ABC on September 23, 2009. The series focuses on a recently divorced woman in her forties facing the often humorous challenges, pitfalls and rewards of life's next chapter, along with her son, ex-husband, and friends who together make...
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- Miami Medical
- Hawaii Five-0
- CSI: NYCSI: NYCSI: NY is an American police procedural television series that premiered on September 22, 2004, on CBS. The show follows the investigations of a team of NYPD forensic scientists and police officers as they unveil the circumstances behind mysterious and unusual deaths as well as other crimes...
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- Human Target
- SupernaturalSupernatural (TV series)Supernatural is an American supernatural and horror television series created by Eric Kripke, which debuted on September 13, 2005 on The WB, and is now part of The CW's lineup. Starring Jared Padalecki as Sam Winchester and Jensen Ackles as Dean Winchester, the series follows the brothers as they...
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- VV (2009 TV series)V is an American science fiction television series that ran for two seasons on ABC, from November 3, 2009 to March 15, 2011. A remake of the 1983 miniseries created by Kenneth Johnson, the new series chronicles the arrival on Earth of a technologically advanced alien species which ostensibly comes...
- The Office (U.S. TV series)
- EntourageEntourage (TV series)Entourage is an American comedy-drama television series that premiered on HBO on July 18, 2004 and concluded on September 11, 2011, after eight seasons...
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