unity and empowerment through political action. The acronym of the organization's name is the Spanish word mecha, which means "fuse". The motto of MEChA is 'La Union Hace La Fuerza' (Unity makes strength).
MEChA began during the 1960s, empowered through the political movements of the time, especially the civil rights and Chicano Movement
We are a bronze people with a bronze culture. Before the world, before all of North America, before all our brothers in the bronze continent.
Economic control of our lives and our communities can only come about by driving the exploiter out of our communities, our pueblos, and our lands and by controlling and developing our own talents, sweat, and resources.
Economic ties of responsibility must be secured by nationalism and the Chicano defense units.
For the very young there will no longer be acts of juvenile delinquency, but revolutionary acts.
September 16, on the birthdate of Mexican Independence, a national walk-out by all Chicanos of all colleges and schools to be sustained until the complete revision of the educational system: its policy makers, administration, its curriculum, and its personnel to meet the needs of our community.