MTV Senseless
Senseless is a British television dating game show
Dating game show
Dating game shows are television game shows, some say reality game shows, that incorporate a dating system in the form of a game with clear rules. Human matchmaking is involved only in selecting the game's contestants - usually for amusement value as opposed to any concern for their happiness or...

 hosted by Tom Price
Tom Price
- People :* Tom Price , British actor* Tom Price , former ice hockey player* Tom Price , American composer, arranger and conductor* Tom Price , Olympic gold medalist in rowing 1952...

 which first aired on MTV UK on June 12, 2006. It is aired each weekday at 11pm.

On each episode a male or female contestant chooses a date from six potential candidates, ranging from the handsome to the foul. However s/he can only do this by touching and smelling them inside a dark room; the contestant does not see any of the dates until s/he eliminates the last one at the end of the show. At the end the contestant wins a date with somebody that could either be his/her dream partner or his/her worst nightmare.


The contestant goes into a dark room where the six potential dates are waiting. By touching, smelling and tasting the six potential dates, the contestant eliminates each date one by one until one date remains. The viewers get to see the action via infra-red cameras in the dark room.

Challenges in selecting the least favourite date ranges from licking food off each of the date's bodies, sniffing various parts of the date's bodies e.g. belly button, toes, bum crack, being spanked or kissed by each date and deciding which date has the best nipple
In its most general form, a nipple is a structure from which a fluid emanates. More specifically, it is the projection on the breasts or udder of a mammal by which breast milk is delivered to a mother's young. In this sense, it is often called a teat, especially when referring to non-humans, and...

s or penis
The penis is a biological feature of male animals including both vertebrates and invertebrates...


The contestant must, in each round, eliminate one potential date until only one is left at the end. The catch (of which the contestant is unaware) is that the date that the contestant chooses at the end of the show wins £1000. Because of this, some of the dates are competing for the cash and not for the contestant's heart.

The six potential dates are sorted into three groups of two. These groups are:
  • Two studs, or hotties, attractive players who are genuinely trying to win the heart of the contestant
  • Two duds, or notties, usually ex-partners intent on getting revenge, who are playing only for the money
  • Two cruds, or grotties, resident dates who are generally unattractive and repulsive players chosen from the show's in-house selection, some cruds range from transsexuals to the morbidly obese

Furthermore, the winning date does not have to go out with the contestant, and can choose anybody else from the dark room. The result is that if the contestant fails to choose one of the two studs, she will be left with a date with one of the cruds.


  • Grace Adams-Short, famous for appearing in Big Brother 7
    Big Brother (UK series 7)
    Big Brother 7 in 2006 was the seventh series of the United Kingdom reality television series Big Brother. It aired on Channel 4 in the United Kingdom, from 18 May 2006 to 18 August 2006, a total of 93 days; fifteen days longer than the previous series....

    , was the first contestant on this show. In this episode, her ex-boyfriend fools her into choosing him and sent her on a date with a cross-dresser.
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