Madagascar, a Journey Diary
Madagascar, a Journey Diary is a 2010 French animated short film
Animated cartoon
An animated cartoon is a short, hand-drawn film for the cinema, television or computer screen, featuring some kind of story or plot...

, written and directed by Bastien Dubois. The film was originally titled Madagascar, carnet de voyage.


A young man travels to Madagascar
The Republic of Madagascar is an island country located in the Indian Ocean off the southeastern coast of Africa...

 and scenes of everyday life on the world's fourth largest island are documented in scrapbook
Scrapbooking is a method for preserving personal and family history in the form of a scrapbook. Typical memorabilia include photographs, printed media, and artwork. Scrapbook albums are often decorated and frequently contain extensive journaling...

 format accompanied by the sounds and music of the countryside.


In January of 2011, Madagascar, a Journey Diary was nominated for an Oscar for Best Animated Short. It selected at Sundance
Sundance Resort is a ski resort located northeast of Provo, Utah, spanning over on the slopes of Mount Timpanogos in Utah's Wasatch Range. Snow skiing began on the site in 1944...

 and Dawn Breakers International Film Festival
Dawn Breakers International Film Festival
Dawn Breakers International Film Festival is an international film festival that is held in various cities throughout the world. The festival originated in 2007 and debuted in Phoenix, Arizona on December 2008. It was held in Zurich, Switzerland in 2009, San Diego in 2010 and Houston in 2011...

in 2009.
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