Maghella is an Italian comic book
Italian comics
Italian comics are comics made in Italy. They are locally known as fumetto – plural form fumetti – although this latter term is often used in English to describe a specific comic genre . The most popular Italian comics have been translated into many languages...

 erotic character. She is a young woman with magic powers. She is a witch. She was created by Dino Leonetti, the famous comic artist with text by Furio Arrasich.

The 'Maghella' comic book was published in 1974. She made her first appearance as lead character in Erotic comic, which was named Menelik published in 1974 by Publistrip. and there were 140 issues published by Publistrip from January 1974 to March 1981. Later on, 7 issues were published by Ediperiodici from June 1987 to December 1987. The comic books were published also in France
The French Republic , The French Republic , The French Republic , (commonly known as France , is a unitary semi-presidential republic in Western Europe with several overseas territories and islands located on other continents and in the Indian, Pacific, and Atlantic oceans. Metropolitan France...


The girl is identified by two braids of black hair and giant breasts with unspecified powers and magic, hence is also known as little witch. Her most typical exclamation is Holy Shit, repeated in every adventure and evidently these are also the first words, she speaks in the first appearance in comic book Menelik.
Maghella is one of many such characters from the Italian 'fumetti
Fumetti is an Italian word which refers to all comics. In English, the term refers specifically to photonovels or photographic comics, a genre of comics illustrated with photographs rather than drawings. Italians call these fotoromanzi...

' tradition. Other figures from the same era, and with similarly violent or erotic preoccupations, include Zora la Vampira
Zora (vampire)
Zora, the vampire, better known as Zora la Vampira is an Italian comic book erotic character. The first comic book was published in 1972.Her physical appearance is partly inspired by Catherine Deneuve, which is evident from the cover of the first issue bearing the same name as protagonist Zora la...

, Lucifera
Lucifera is the eponymous anti-heroine of an Italian comic book popular in the seventies.The 'Lucifera' character is a demoness/succubus dedicated to fighting the forces of Goodness. A frequent visitor to Hell, she also enjoys sending others there to be tormented...

 , Biancaneve
Biancaneve is an Italian erotic comic book, created in 1972 by Renzo Barbieri and Rubino Ventura and illustrated by Leone Frollo. Fairlie Wayne is the real name of the main character.-Overview:...

, Vartan
Vartan (comics)
Vartan is an Italian comic book created and drawn by Sandro Angiolini , and published in 200 issues between 1969 and 1977 by Furio Viano. Its genre was 'Western' and its main concern was the erotic adventures of its heroine....

, Jacula
Jacula (fumetti)
Jacula was the eponymous vampire in an Italian fumetti title. In common with Zora and Sukia, the series contained strong sexual imagery: together with her vampire husband Carlo Verdier, the predatory Jacula seduced the unwary and corrupted the innocent...

, Jolanda de Almaviva, Sukia
For the Californian band, see Sukia .Sukia was a vampire-themed Italian comics series by Renzo Barbieri and Fulvio Bosttoli published by Edifumetto from 1978 to 1986, for a total of 153 albums and 6 extra albums. In the series Sukia faces people or creatures who are trying to do some form of harm...

, Yra
Yra (vampire)
Yra, the vampire is an Italian comic book erotic character. She was drawn by Leone Frollo and Rubino Ventura. Yra is a 12-episodes fumetti series published from 1980 to 1981 by Edifumetto....

 and Dylan Dog
Dylan Dog
Dylan Dog is an Italian horror comics series featuring an eponymous character created by Tiziano Sclavi for the publishing house Sergio Bonelli Editore...

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